I am new to Unity as I am new to C#. I'm making a 2D endless runner, but I ran into some problems when I try to destroy the instantiated prefabs(level parts). I tried a few ways that I found online, but these methods destroyed the prefab that was instantiated latest(for example if I instantiated 10 level parts, only the 10th was destroyed). I'm looking for something that destroys the earliest instantiated prefabs.
Thanks for your help! Have a good one :)
The code I have:
public class LevelGenerator : MonoBehaviour{
private const float distance_to_spawn = 100f;
[SerializeField]private List<Transform> LevelPartList;
[SerializeField]private Transform LevelPart0;
[SerializeField]private GameObject player;
private Vector3 lastEndingBlock;
private Vector3 distance = new Vector3(5,3,0);
private Transform lastLevelPartTransform;
// the starting point of the spawning process
private void Awake()
lastEndingBlock = LevelPart0.Find("ending_block").position;
// calling the spawning function, so it's infinite
private void Update()
if(Vector3.Distance(player.transform.position,lastEndingBlock) < distance_to_spawn)
// choose randomly out of the prefabs(level parts)
private void SpawnLevelPart()
Transform chosenLevelPart = LevelPartList[Random.Range(0,LevelPartList.Count)];
lastLevelPartTransform= SpawnLevelPart(chosenLevelPart,lastEndingBlock - distance);
lastEndingBlock = lastLevelPartTransform.Find("ending_block").position;
// the function used to spawn new level parts
private Transform SpawnLevelPart(Transform LevelPart,Vector3 spawnPosition)
Transform levelPartTransform = Instantiate(LevelPart,spawnPosition,Quaternion.identity);
return levelPartTransform;
Intead of keeping the spare private Transform lastLevelPartTransform; I would keep the, in a Queue like so:
private Queue<Transform> transformsToDestroy = new Queue<Transform>();
// choose randomly out of the prefabs(level parts)
private void SpawnLevelPart()
Transform chosenLevelPart = LevelPartList[Random.Range(0,LevelPartList.Count)];
gosToDestroy.Enqueue(SpawnLevelPart(chosenLevelPart,lastEndingBlock - distance));
lastEndingBlock = lastLevelPartTransform.Find("ending_block").position;
So that wherever you need, you can Destroy(transformsToDestroy.Dequeue().gameObject)
Hello Gergő Starosta! If you want to delete objects that you instantiating before, you can basically collect all instantiated objects under one parent object.
private Transform SpawnLevelPart(Transform LevelPart,Vector3 spawnPosition)
Transform levelPartTransform = Instantiate(LevelPart,spawnPosition,Quaternion.identity);
levelPartTransform.parent = parentObject.transform;
return levelPartTransform;
After that, you can use this:
I am trying to learn how does Unity work and I now struggle with problem that I cannot access script from another script. I was searching on Interner for couple hours, I have tried many options but nothing helped.
I have 2 scripts.
CoinSpawn.cs - attached to Player (I would change it to other object but I dont know yet to which one, because its something that runs in background so it really dont need to be on player)
CollectingCoin.cs - attached to Coin (Coin is object, that its not on game scene on the start, it spawns randomly)
CoinSpawn is script that randomly spawn Instantiate of object Coin. I want to change value of CoinSpawn.currentCoinOnScreen from CollectingCoin. I ve tried
CoinSpawn test = GameObject.Find("CoinSpawn").GetComponent<CoinSpawn>();
and it doesnt work. I also have my both scripts in the same asset folder. What am I doing wrong? Thank you
public class CoinSpawn : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject coin;
public int maximumCoinPerScreen = 10;
public int currentCoinOnScreen = 0;
private int randomNumber;
private Vector2 spawnPosition;
private void Update()
randomNumber = Random.Range(1, 1000);
if(randomNumber >= 0 && randomNumber <= 1 && currentCoinOnScreen != maximumCoinPerScreen)
float spawnY = Random.Range
(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector2(0, 0)).y, Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector2(0, Screen.height)).y);
float spawnX = Random.Range
(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector2(0, 0)).x, Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector2(Screen.width, 0)).x);
spawnPosition = new Vector2(spawnX, spawnY);
GameObject coinObject = Instantiate(coin, spawnPosition, Quaternion.identity);
public class CollectingCoin : MonoBehaviour
UnityEngine.UI.Text Coins;
public static int totalCoins = 0;
private void Start()
Coins = GameObject.Find("Score").GetComponent<UnityEngine.UI.Text>();
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D c2d)
if (c2d.CompareTag("Player"))
Coins.text = "COINS: " + totalCoins.ToString();
CoinSpawn test = GameObject.Find("CoinSpawn").GetComponent<CoinSpawn>();
CoinSpawn test2 = GetComponent<CoinSpawn>();
Searches for a GameObject with the name CoinSpawn. Since you told us this component is rather attached to the player object it makes sense that it isn't found.
searches for a CoinSpawn component on the very same object your CollectingCoin is attached to. From your description this clearly also isn't the case.
Since you say the CoinSpawn is attached to the player then you probably rather want to get the component from
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D c2d)
if (c2d.CompareTag("Player"))
// rather get the component on the player object you collided with
CoinSpawn test = c2d.GetComponent<CoinSpawn>();
Alternatively assuming there is only one single instance of CoinSpawn in your scene anyway and not necessarily on your player you could use FindObjectOfType
CoinSpawn test = FindObjectOfType<CoinSpawn>();
First of all, Do not ever use GameObject.Find(), its very expensive as it will go through all game objects in your scene to find the object. and this not a performance wise.
There are many ways to do so.
Easyest one:
Add both script to same gameobject as component.
Make a global variable CoinSpawn inside CollectingCoin script and then use [serializedFiled] tag on top of it, by this way, you can drag and drop the reference in the editor before you start play. and you can access it the way you want.
2nd way:
Is same as first one, but instead of serializedFiled, just cache it at the beginning by using GetComponent.
Just make sure you have both scripts attached to the same gameobject.
public class CollectingCoin : MonoBehaviour
UnityEngine.UI.Text Coins;
public static int totalCoins = 0;
CoinSpawn coinSpawn;
private void Start()
coinSpawn = GetComponent<CoinSpawn>();
Coins = GameObject.Find("Score").GetComponent<UnityEngine.UI.Text>();
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D c2d)
if (c2d.CompareTag("Player"))
Coins.text = "COINS: " + totalCoins.ToString();
// DO Whaterver you want with coinSpawn here
I use the following script to copy the transform of a gameObject.
public Transform alignment;
void Update()
transform.position = new Vector3(alignment.position.x, alignment.position.y, alignment.position.z);
float y = alignment.transform.localRotation.eulerAngles.y;
float x = alignment.transform.localRotation.eulerAngles.x;
float z = alignment.transform.localRotation.eulerAngles.z;
transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(x, y, z);
I want to acces this transform in other scenes (apply it to gameObjects).
How can I reach the transforms, that are in DontDestroyOnLoad?
First of all, don't use DontDestroyOnLoad in your update function. Use it in your Start or Awake funciton.
Secondly you can access your Non-Destroyed object like you would any other object.
Only differences between the two is that the Non-Destroyed stays in the scene when changing scenes.
Here are some ways to access it:
var obj = GameObject.Find("My Non Destroyed Object Name");
Or my personal favorite, if the object is used for scoring or settings I'll create a new gameobject and add the following script to it:
public class GameManager : MonoDevelop {
/* These are all script on the same gameobject that is not being destroyed */
public static Settings settings;
public static PlayerMananger playerMananger;
public static UIManager uiManager;
void Start() {
// Get the components
settings = GetComponent<Settings>();
playerMananger = GetComponent<PlayerMananger>();
uiManager = GetComponent<UIManager>();
Now I can create a script from anywhere and I can access all these Manager and setting files simply using:
var settings = GameManager.settings;
You need to give alignment as parameter to the DontDestroyOnLoad method, not transform.gameObject.
Also, you don't need to call this method inside Update(). Just calling it once it enough. You can call it inside Start(), like this:
void Start()
Now your alignment gameobject will still be accessible when you change scenes. If you want to access it from other gameobjects in the new scene, you might want to give it a tag or make it a singleton.
In my game I have a game object called ExclamationMark which I want to spawn above enemies heads when the player gets into range and they become "Alerted".
I've made this simple script to do that, but for some reason it will only work on one game object.
My enemy script:
void CheckForPlayer()
// Define player and get position
var player = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player");
var playerPos = (int)player.transform.position.x;
if (transform.Find("Graphics"))
// Define gameobject position
var enemyPos = transform.Find("Graphics").gameObject.transform.position.x;
// Define range to spawn tiles in
var range = 5;
var rangeInfront = enemyPos + range;
var rangeBehind = enemyPos - range;
if (playerPos >= rangeBehind && playerPos <= rangeInfront)
enemyIsActive = true;
if (transform.Find("ExclamationMark"))
var exMark = transform.Find("ExclamationMark").gameObject.GetComponent<ExclamationMarkSpawn>();
enemyIsActive = false;
My ! script:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class ExclamationMarkSpawn : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject spawnPos;
public GameObject exclamationMark;
public GameObject exclamationMarkAudio;
public void SpawnExclamationMark()
StartCoroutine(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera").GetComponent<CameraShake>().Shake(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f));
Instantiate(exclamationMark, spawnPos.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
if (exclamationMarkAudio)
Instantiate(exclamationMarkAudio, spawnPos.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
IEnumerator DestroyExclamationMark()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
var children = new List<GameObject>();
foreach (Transform child in transform) children.Add(child.gameObject);
children.ForEach(child => Destroy(child));
Just to be sure: I assume every player has its own instance of both of your scripts attached (some maybe nested further in their own hierarchy).
I assume that since you are using transform.Find which looks for the object by name within it's own children.
In general using Find and GetComponent over and over again is very inefficient! You should in both classes rather store them to fields and re-use them. Best would be if you can actually already reference them via the Inspector and not use Find and GetComponent at all.
In general finding something by name is always error prone. Are you sure they are all called correctly? Or are others maybe further nested?
Note: Find does not perform a recursive descend down a Transform hierarchy.
I would prefer to go by the attached components. You say it has e.g. a RigidBody. If this is the only Rigidbody component in the hierarchy below your objects (usually this should be the case) then you could instead rather simply use
// pass in true to also get disabled or inactive children
Rigidbody graphics = GetComponentInChildren<Rigidbody>(true);
the same for the ExclamationMarkSpawn
// Would be even beter if you already reference these in the Inspector
[SerializeField] private Rigidbody graphics;
[SerializeField] private ExclamationMarkSpawn exclamationMark;
[SerializeField] private Transform player;
private void Awake()
if(!player) player = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player");
if(!graphics) graphics = GetComponentInChildren<Rigidbody>(true);
if(!exclamationMark) exclamationMark = GetComponentInChildren<ExclamationMarkSpawn>(true);
private void CheckForPlayer()
// If really needed you can also after Awake still use a lazy initialization
// this adds a few later maybe unnecessary if checks but is still
// cheaper then using Find over and over again
if(!player) player = FindWithTag("Player");
if(!graphics) graphics = GetComponentInChildren<Rigidbody>(true);
if(!exclamationMark) exclamationMark = GetComponentInChildren<ExclamationMarkSpawn>(true);
var playerPos = (int)player.position.x;
// always if making such a check also give a hint that something might be missing
if (!graphics)
// by adding "this" you can now simply click on the message
// in the console and it highlights the object where this is happening in the hierarchy
Debug.LogWarning("graphics is missing here :'( ", this);
// Define gameobject position
var enemyPos = graphics.transform.position.x;
// Define range to spawn tiles in
// this entire block can be shrinked down to
if (Mathf.Abs(playerPos - enemyPos) <= 5)
enemyIsActive = true;
if (exclamationMark) exclamationMark.SpawnExclamationMark();
enemyIsActive = false;
The same also in ExclamationMarkSpawn.cs.
I would additionally only allow 1 exclamation mark being visible at the same time. For example when a player jitters in the distance especially assuming both, the player and the enemy, I would move the entire instantiation to the routine and use a flag. Especially since this is called every frame in Update while the player stays in the range!
Also re-check and make sure your enemies are not maybe referencing the same spawnPos and thus all instantiating their exclamation marks on top of each other.
public class ExclamationMarkSpawn : MonoBehaviour
public Transform spawnPos;
public GameObject exclamationMark;
public GameObject exclamationMarkAudio;
[SerializeField] private CameraShake cameraShake;
// only serialized for debug
[SerializeField] private bool isShowingExclamation;
private void Awake()
if(!cameraShake) cameraShake = Camera.main.GetComponent<CameraShake>();
// or assuming this component exists only once in the entire scene anyway
if(!cameraShake) cameraShake = FindObjectOfType<CameraShake>();
public void SpawnExclamationMark()
private IEnumerator ShowExclamationMark()
// block concurrent routine call
if(isShowingExclamation) yield brake;
// set flag blocking concurrent routines
isShowingExclamation = true;
// NOTE: Also for this one you might want to rather have a flag
// multiple enemy instances might call this so you get concurrent coroutines also here
StartCoroutine(cameraShake.Shake(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f));
Instantiate(exclamationMark, spawnPos.position, Quaternion.identity);
if (exclamationMarkAudio) Instantiate(exclamationMarkAudio, spawnPos.position, Quaternion.identity);
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
var children = new List<GameObject>();
foreach (var child in transform.ToList()) children.Add(child.gameObject);
children.ForEach(child => Destroy(child));
// give the flag free
isShowingExclamation = false;
Try this;
if (transform.Find("ExclamationMark"))
var exMark = transform.Find("ExclamationMark").gameObject.GetComponent<ExclamationMarkSpawn>();
exMark.SpawnExclamationMark(transform.position); //Add transform.position here
public void SpawnExclamationMark(Vector3 EnemyPos)
StartCoroutine(GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera").GetComponent<CameraShake>().Shake(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f));
Instantiate(exclamationMark, EnemyPos, Quaternion.identity);
if (exclamationMarkAudio)
Instantiate(exclamationMarkAudio, EnemyPos, Quaternion.identity);
New to unity.
So I created a simple a simple muzzle flash particle animation that is supposed to be displayed on enemies gun when the player gets close to him, simulating a shot without the actual bullet. However I get a null reference exception in this part muzzleFlash.Play(); I believe it's because I am not actually getting the muzzle flash component in the start function with the code I have, actually I know that is it after going to in to debug mode I found out. I am having a really hard time figuring out how to access that component. Below is my code and I'm also posting a picture of my hierarchy. Thanks in advance.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class StaticShootingEnemy : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private float _range = 12f;
private Transform _player;
private bool _alive;
private float _distance;
private ParticleSystem muzzleFlash;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
_player = GameObject.Find("Player").transform;
_alive = true;
muzzleFlash = (ParticleSystem)this.gameObject.GetComponent("muzzleFLash");
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
_distance = Vector3.Distance(this.transform.position, _player.transform.position);
if (_alive && _distance < _range)
private void AttackPlayer()
//Turning enemy to look at player
Ray ray = new Ray(transform.position, transform.forward);
RaycastHit hit;
if (Physics.SphereCast(ray, 0.75f, out hit))
//TODO: Fix enemy shooting fast when gettting close to him.
GameObject hitObject = hit.transform.gameObject;
if (hitObject.GetComponent<PlayerController>())
Debug.Log("Player Hit!");
public void SetAlive(bool alive)
_alive = alive;
You probably have an object "muzzleFlash" as child to object your script attached to. So, in this case you'd better have a reference to your ParticleSystem object that is called muzzleFlash.
[SerializeField] private ParticleSystem muzzleFlash; // drag and drop your ParticleSystem muzzleFlash in inspector
or at least you could find that muzzleFlash like this
GameObject muzzleFlashObj = GameObject.Find("muzzleFlash");
ParticleSystem muzzleFlash = muzzleFlashObj.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();
In your case it's null because there is probably no component that is called MuzzleFlash on that object. The component you want to get is ParticleSystem.
What component is the staticshootingenemy script on? if it is not on the same component as the particle system then its not finding it because this.gameObject.GetComponent("muzzleFLash") does not exist on that component. You can use GameObject.Find("muzzleFLash") to search for the particle system.
So back to your comment, you could implement something like a pool for your muzzle flashes.
public class MuzzleFlashEffect : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private ParticleSystem particleEffect;
private Queue<MuzzleFlashEffect> poolQueue;
public void SetPoolQueue(Queue<MuzzleFlashEffect> queue)
poolQueue = queue;
public void Play()
private IEnumerator Playing()
while (particleEffect.isPlaying)
yield return null; // wait until particle animation is done, then recycle effect
poolQueue.Enqueue(this); // recycle this effect
// you can do the same thing for Animation as well, or even write some abstract PoolableVFX class that would be usefull for Animation , ParticleSystems etc..
//assume you have some game controller that manage what is going on in the scene
public class GameController : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private MuzzleFlashEffect muzzleFlashPrefab;
private Queue<MuzzleFlashEffect> poolQueue = new Queue<MuzzleFlashEffect>(10); // 10 is enough i guess and it's good to set it at instantiation to avoid memory fragmentation
private MuzzleFlashEffect GetMuzzleFlash(Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot)
MuzzleFlashEffect muzzleFlash;
// if we already have some effects, then play them, otherwise make a new one and recycle it then
if (poolQueue.Count > 0)
muzzleFlash = poolQueue.Dequeue();
muzzleFlash = Instantiate(muzzleFlashPrefab);
muzzleFlash.transform.position = pos;
muzzleFlash.transform.rotation = rot;
return muzzleFlash;
void Update()
// your fancy logic ...
GameObject mutantGunEnd = new GameObject("mutant");
//assume that here you want your muzzle flash effect, so you do:
var muzzleFlash = GetMuzzleFlash(mutantGunEnd.transform.position, mutantGunEnd.transform.rotation); // or you might want to pass mutantGunEnd.transform.forward instead, it depends...
// your fancy logic ...
So, in this case you have only as many instance of ParticleEffect as you need and saving some resources. You could also create a universal generic pool for any type of object you want to recycle. (you want to recycle instead of instantiation, cuz Instantiation is cpu expensive).
M.b this is a bit overkill here, but i just wanted to share how would i think about this here
I have a spawner object. Every time a gameobject is spawned, I want that object to move randomly (wandering). The problem in my script is that the gameobject movement is very random (jittery). How can I solve this?
void Start ()
InvokeRepeating("SpawnNPC", Spawntime, Spawntime);
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
population = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("NPCobject");
for (int i = 0; i < population.Length; i++)
if (population[i].transform.position != pos)
population[i].transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(population[i].transform.position, pos, .1f);
void getNewPosition()
float x = Random.Range(-22, 22);
float z= Random.Range(-22, 22);
pos = new Vector3(x, 0, z);
I made the New randomize vector in different method, because I plan to change it with pathfinder function and make it in different thread/task.
You are choosing a new direction every single frame. That will always be very jittery. You wan't to only change direction after, at least, a small interval. Here is a link to one way to do that from Unity's website. https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/MonoBehaviour.InvokeRepeating.html
What about using Navigation? As you said wandering, I thought it would give you a nice result and also make your code simple.
The following screenshot is a sample with Navigation. The moving game objects are also changing their direction nicely, although it cannot be seen in the sample because the game object is capsule...
Ground game object in the sample program has NavMesh. See here to build NavMesh.
Agent game object has NavMeshAgent Component. See here to set it up.
Th Behaviour class below is for Agent game object.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AI;
public class NavAgentBehaviour : MonoBehaviour {
public Transform[] Destinations { get; set; }
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
InvokeRepeating("changeDestination", 0f, 3f);
void changeDestination()
var agent = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();
agent.destination = Destinations[Random.Range(0, Destinations.Length)].position;
The next Behaviour class is just for spawning the Agent and setting up the destinations. On Unity, set it to whatever game object in the scene, and allocate game objects to the fields.
using UnityEngine;
public class GameBehaviour : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject Agent;
public Transform SpawnPoint;
public Transform Destination1;
public Transform Destination2;
public Transform Destination3;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
InvokeRepeating("Spawn", 0f, 2f);
void Spawn() {
var newAgent = Instantiate(Agent);
newAgent.GetComponent<NavAgentBehaviour>().Destinations = new[] { Destination1, Destination2, Destination3 };
newAgent.transform.position = SpawnPoint.position;
Increase the number of destination, to make the moves look more random. By the way, the destinations do not need to be specified by game objects, which is only for making it easy to see the sample program's behaviour.
The source of the jitteriness comes from the fact that you are updating the position to move every frame so your objects never have a consistent location to move to. I would instead suggest attaching a new script to each of your objects that individually handles their movement. In that script you could do something like the following, which has a delay to keep the target position for more than 1 frame.
float delaytimer;
Vector3 pos;
void Start () {
getNewPosition(); // get initial targetpos
void Update () {
delaytimer += Time.deltaTime;
if (delaytimer > 1) // time to wait
getNewPosition(); //get new position every 1 second
delaytimer = 0f; // reset timer
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, pos, .1f);
void getNewPosition()
float x = Random.Range(-22, 22);
float z= Random.Range(-22, 22);
pos = new Vector3(x, 0, z);
You are changing the direction they are moving in every frame, thats what is causing the jitter.
You could wait a few moments before you change the direction, perhaps something like this.
// Outside update
float betweenChanges = 2;
float lastChange = 0;
// Inside update
if(Time.realtimeSinceStartup > lastChange)
// Change directions
// ...
lastChange = Time.realTimeSinceStart + betweenChanges;
You could also solve this by using InvokeRepeating or a Coroutine.
If you dont want all the NPC's to change direction at the same time and still plan on controlling every NPC from the same class like in your example, you should perhaps add a timer for each NPC instance instead and use that to decide when to change its direction.
A better idea would be to let each NPC have its own Movement-script.