Delay in while loop and its precision - c#

I am writing C# code to make data acquire system from FPGA with USB communication and not that familiar with C#.
The system received data continuously at regular intervals through USB.
Data is continuously received only when DOPPLER_NUM = 1, and while (DOPPLER_NUM == 1) is that process.
And there are two problems in operation.
When I operate code without Delay(1) in while loop, the program is completely stopped and none of the buttons in the program works.
I used Delay function to solve the problem, and it works.
But, the delay I want is 1ms and it actually varies from 1-15ms when I measured it with Stopwatch function.
public void Delay(int MS)
DateTime ThisMoment = DateTime.Now;
TimeSpan Duration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, MS);
DateTime AfterWards = DateTime.Now.Add(Duration);
while (AfterWards >= ThisMoment)
ThisMoment = DateTime.Now;
int DOPPLER_NUM = 0;
private void Doppler_Start_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int transmit_mode = 1;
if (DOPPLER_NUM == 0)
transmit_mode = 1;
transmit_mode = 0;
cnt4GS = 0;
CyBulkEndPoint Inednpt1;
Inednpt1 = MyDevice.EndPointOf(0x86) as CyBulkEndPoint;
int bytes1 = Convert.ToInt32(256);
int bytes2 = bytes1 * 2;
bool bXferCompleted = false;
bool IsPkt = false;
byte[] buffer4GS = new byte[400 * 256];
byte[] buffer1 = new byte[bytes2];
byte[] Data_buf = new byte[bytes1];
while (DOPPLER_NUM == 1)
Stopwatch clk1 = new Stopwatch();
opertime.Text = (clk1.ElapsedTicks * 100 / 1000).ToString() + " us";
if (MyDevice != null)
if (Inednpt1 != null)
bXferCompleted = Inednpt1.XferData(ref buffer1, ref bytes2, IsPkt); // Data receiving from USB
Data_buf = Doppler_Processing(buffer1, bytes2);
if (cnt4GS >= 0 && cnt4GS <= 399)
Buffer.BlockCopy(Data_buf, 0, buffer4GS, cnt4GS * 256, 256);
else if (cnt4GS >= 400)
Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer4GS, 256, buffer4GS, 0, 102144);
Buffer.BlockCopy(Data_buf, 0, buffer4GS, 102144, 256);
else if (MyDevice == null)
MessageBox.Show("ERROR. NODEVICE.", "Error Message");

Your Delay method gives the UI thread to handle events, by calling System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents();
If you have an intensive operation bound to your UI thread (which explains the behaviour) you'll end up with a blocked UI. The usage of System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents(); can resolve this, but it would be better to just execute your DOPPLER_NUM loop in another thread - not bothering the UI thread with it and keeping your program responsive.
Alternatively, you can just call System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents(); from your loop itself and it would work just as good, maybe increasing performance a bit.
Alternatives like Task.Delay and Thread.Sleep will not have a better accuracy as about 5ms. This is by design - because measuring the exact time will cost CPU power, same as the stopwatch does.


Parsing data from serial port thread-safe

I read data from the serial port and parse it in a separate class. However data is incorrectly parsed and some samples are repeated while others are missing.
Here is an example of the parsed packet. It starts with the packetIndex (shoudl start from 1 and incrementing). You can see how the packetIdx repeats and some of the other values repeat as well. I think that's due to multithreading but I'm not sure how to fix it.
2 -124558.985180734 -67934.4168823262 -164223.049786454 -163322.386243628
2 -124619.580759952 -67962.535376851 -164191.757344217 -163305.68949052
3 -124685.719571795 -67995.8394760894 -164191.042088394 -163303.119039907
5 -124801.747477263 -68045.7062179692 -164195.288919841 -163299.140429394
6 -124801.747477263 -68045.7062179692 -164221.105184687 -163297.46404856
6 -124832.8387538 -68041.9287731563 -164214.936103217 -163294.983004926
This is what I should receive:
1 -124558.985180734 -67934.4168823262 -164223.049786454 -163322.386243628
2 -124619.580759952 -67962.535376851 -164191.757344217 -163305.68949052
3 -124685.719571795 -67995.8394760894 -164191.042088394 -163303.119039907
4 -124801.747477263 -68045.7062179692 -164195.288919841 -163299.140429394
This is the SerialPort_DataReceived
public void serialPort1_DataReceived(object sender, System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
lock (_lock)
byte[] buffer = new byte[_serialPort1.BytesToRead];
_serialPort1.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++)
//Parse data
double[] samplesAtTimeT = DataParserObj.interpretBinaryStream(buffer[i]);
//Add data to BlockingCollection when parsed
if (samplesAtTimeT != null)
And the class that parses the data:
public class DataParser
private int packetSampleCounter = 0;
private int localByteCounter = 0;
private int packetState = 0;
private byte[] tmpBuffer = new byte[3];
private double[] ParsedData = new double[5]; //[0] packetIdx (0-255), [1-4] signal
public double[] interpretBinaryStream(byte actbyte)
bool returnDataFlag = false;
switch (packetState)
case 0: // end packet indicator
if (actbyte == 0xC0)
case 1: // start packet indicator
if (actbyte == 0xA0)
packetState = 0;
case 2: // packet Index
packetSampleCounter = 0;
ParsedData[packetSampleCounter] = actbyte;
localByteCounter = 0;
case 3: //channel data (4 channels x 3byte/channel)
// 3 bytes
tmpBuffer[localByteCounter] = actbyte;
if (localByteCounter == 3)
ParsedData[packetSampleCounter] = Bit24ToInt32(tmpBuffer);
if (packetSampleCounter == 5)
packetState++; //move to next state, end of packet
localByteCounter = 0;
case 4: // end packet
if (actbyte == 0xC0)
returnDataFlag = true;
packetState = 1;
packetState = 0;
packetState = 0;
if (returnDataFlag)
return ParsedData;
return null;
Get rid of the DataReceived event and instead use await serialPort.BaseStream.ReadAsync(....) to get notified when data comes in. async/await is much cleaner and doesn't force you into multithreaded data processing. For high speed networking, parallel processing is great. But serial ports are slow, so extra threads have no benefit.
Also, BytesToRead is buggy (it does return the number of queued bytes, but it destroys other state) and you should never call it.
Finally, do NOT ignore the return value from Read (or BaseStream.ReadAsync). You need to know how bytes were actually placed into your buffer, because it is not guaranteed to be the same number you asked for.
private async void ReadTheSerialData()
var buffer = new byte[200];
while (serialPort.IsOpen) {
var valid = await serialPort.BaseStream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < valid; ++i)
//Parse data
double[] samplesAtTimeT = DataParserObj.interpretBinaryStream(buffer[i]);
//Add data to BlockingCollection when parsed
if (samplesAtTimeT != null)
Just call this function after opening the port and setting your flow control, timeouts, etc. You may find that you no longer need the blocking queue, but can just handle the contents of samplesAtTimeT directly.

Using Audio Graph, learn environment noise and filter in a UWP App

This is an extended question from here Using UWP monitor live audio and detect gun-fire/clap sound
Thanks to Dernis I finally got the code working to monitor live audio and trigger events when decibel count is above a certain range.
This works perfectly when we run it in office/closed/silent area.
But when I take the app to open road, there will be traffic sound, wind sound, people talk sound and other noises and BLOW events are not identified correctly.
I would like to implement something like Lean Environment button. Before app starts monitoring, the user clicks on "Lean Environment" that recognize the sensitivity levels and set filtering to my live audio and then I start monitoring blows.
If it doesn't add too much load, I would like to record the audio to a file.
Any help on where to start would be appreciated.
protected override async void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
//other logic
await CreateInputDeviceNodeAsync(_deviceId);
public async Task<bool> CreateInputDeviceNodeAsync(string deviceId)
Console.WriteLine("Creating AudioGraphs");
// Create an AudioGraph with default settings
AudioGraphSettings graphSettings = new AudioGraphSettings(AudioRenderCategory.Media)
EncodingProperties = new AudioEncodingProperties
Subtype = "Float",
SampleRate = 48000,
ChannelCount = 2,
BitsPerSample = 32,
Bitrate = 3072000
CreateAudioGraphResult audioGraphResult = await AudioGraph.CreateAsync(graphSettings);
if (audioGraphResult.Status != AudioGraphCreationStatus.Success)
_rootPage.NotifyUser("Cannot create graph", NotifyType.ErrorMessage);
return false;
_audioGraph = audioGraphResult.Graph;
AudioGraphSettings audioGraphSettings =
new AudioGraphSettings(AudioRenderCategory.GameChat)
EncodingProperties = AudioEncodingProperties.CreatePcm(48000, 2, 32),
DesiredSamplesPerQuantum = 990,
QuantumSizeSelectionMode = QuantumSizeSelectionMode.ClosestToDesired
_frameOutputNode = _audioGraph.CreateFrameOutputNode(_audioGraph.EncodingProperties);
_quantum = 0;
_audioGraph.QuantumStarted += Graph_QuantumStarted;
LoudNoise += BlowDetected;
DeviceInformation selectedDevice = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_deviceId))
selectedDevice = await DeviceInformation.CreateFromIdAsync(_deviceId);
if (selectedDevice == null)
string device = Windows.Media.Devices.MediaDevice.GetDefaultAudioCaptureId(
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(device))
selectedDevice = await DeviceInformation.CreateFromIdAsync(device);
_rootPage.NotifyUser($"Could not select Audio Device {device}", NotifyType.ErrorMessage);
return false;
CreateAudioDeviceInputNodeResult result =
await _audioGraph.CreateDeviceInputNodeAsync(MediaCategory.Media, audioGraphSettings.EncodingProperties,
if (result.Status != AudioDeviceNodeCreationStatus.Success)
_rootPage.NotifyUser("Cannot create device output node", NotifyType.ErrorMessage);
return false;
_selectedMicrophone = selectedDevice.Name;
_deviceInputNode = result.DeviceInputNode;
return true;
private void Graph_QuantumStarted(AudioGraph sender, object args)
if (++_quantum % 2 != 0) return;
AudioFrame frame = _frameOutputNode.GetFrame();
float[] dataInFloats;
using (AudioBuffer buffer = frame.LockBuffer(AudioBufferAccessMode.Write))
using (IMemoryBufferReference reference = buffer.CreateReference())
// Get the buffer from the AudioFrame
// ReSharper disable once SuspiciousTypeConversion.Global
((IMemoryBufferByteAccess) reference).GetBuffer(out byte* dataInBytes,
out var capacityInBytes);
var dataInFloat = (float*) dataInBytes;
dataInFloats = new float[capacityInBytes / sizeof(float)];
for (var i = 0; i < capacityInBytes / sizeof(float); i++)
dataInFloats[i] = dataInFloat[i];
double decibels = dataInFloats.Aggregate<float, double>(0f, (current, sample) => current + Math.Abs(sample));
decibels = 20 * Math.Log10(decibels / dataInFloats.Length);
if (double.IsInfinity(decibels) || decibels < _threshold) return;//-45
if (_watch != null && _watch.Elapsed <= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)) return;
LoudNoise?.Invoke(this, decibels);
_watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
This is just statistics. You'll want to collect probably at least 50 frames (1 second) of data before actually having it function (maybe let the user decide by holding and releasing a button). Then you'll probably want to determine where the decibel level is usually around. I can think of 3 ways to do that.
private void Graph_QuantumStarted(AudioGraph sender, object args)
double decibels = dataInFloats.Aggregate<float, double>(0f, (current, sample) => current + Math.Abs(sample)); // I dislike the fact that the decibels variable is initially inaccurate, but it's your codebase.
decibels = 20 * Math.Log10(decibels / dataInFloats.Length);
if (scanning) // class variable (bool), you can set it from the UI thread like this
_decibelList.Add(decibels); // I assume you made this a class variable
else if (decibels == Double.NaN)
// Code by case below
else if (decibels > _sensitivity) //_sensitivity is a class variable(double), initialized to Double.NaN
LoudNoise?.Invoke(this, true); // Calling events is a wee bit expensive, you probably want to handle the sensitivity before Invoking it, I'm also going to do it like that to make this demo simpler
If you can control make sure there's no spike loud enough you want it to go off you can just take the max value of all those frames and say if it's over the sensitivity is maxDecibels + Math.Abs(maxDecibels* 0.2) (the decibels could be negative, hence Abs).
double maxDecibels = _decibelList.OrderByDescending(x => x)[0];
_sensitivity = maxDecibels + Math.Abs(maxDecibels* 0.2);
If you can't control when there's a spike, then you could collect those frames, sort, and have it take item [24] (of your 100 item list) and say that's the sensitivity.
sensitivity = _decibelList.OrderByDescending(x => x)[24]; // If you do a variable time you can just take Count/4 - 1 as the index
(I think it's the best but I really don't know statistics) Walk the list of frame's decibels and track the average difference in value and the what index changed it most. Afterwards, find the max value from after that index and say 75% of the change to there is the sensitivty. (Don't use a LinkedList on this)
int greatestChange, changeIndex = 0;
double p = Double.NaN; // Previous
for (int i = 0; i < _decibelList.Count(); i++)
if (p != Double.Nan)
change = Math.Abs(_decibelList[i] - p);
if (Math.Abs(change > greatestChange)
greatestChange = change;
changeIndex = i;
p = _decibelList[i];
int i = changeIndex;
p = Double.NaN; // reused
double c= Double.NaN; // Current
p = c != Double.NaN ? c : _decibelList[i];
c = _decibelList[++i];
} while (c < p);
_sensitivity = ((3 * c) + _decibelList[changeIndex]) / 4;
Note: You can (kind of) remove the need to sort by having a LinkedList and inserting in the appropiate place

How to add a pause between executing tasks in C#

I am currently writing a program which requires me to have a pause between executing tasks.
So I have 4 things.
Read Limit
Delay Between Each Read
Total Reads
Global delay (pause the program for 'x' seconds after a task is finished)
Basically, one task is considered the "Read Limit". So, for example, if I have these settings:
Read Limit (10)
Delay Between Each Read (20)
Total Reads (100)
Global Delay (30)
The program has to read 10 lines from the file based on "Read Limit" and between reading each line, there is a delay of 20 seconds based on "Delay Between Each Read". After it reads 10 lines, it is paused for 30 seconds based on "Global Delay". When the global delay is over, it starts again where it stopped and continues doing this until the limit of 100 is reached based on "Total Reads".
I have tried using System.Threading.Thread.Sleep() but I couldn't make it work. How can I achieve this with C#?
Thanks in advance.
//update with some of my code.
I load the file like this:
private void btnLoadFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(ofd.FileName);
I have 4 global variables:
public int readLimit = 0;
public int delayBetweenRead = 0;
public int totalReads = 0;
public int globalDelay = 0;
public int linesRead = 0;
And I want to make the function like this:
private void doTask()
while (linesRead <= readLimit)
readLine(); // read one line
doDelay(); // delay between each line
readLine(); // read another line and so on, until readLimit or totalReads is reached
globalDelay(); // after readLimit is reached, call globalDelay to wait
This might be of interest - here's the way to do this with Microsoft's Reactive Framework (NuGet "Rx-Main").
int readLimit = 10;
int delayBetweenRead = 20;
int globalDelay = 30;
int linesRead = 100;
var subscription =
.Generate(0, n => n < linesRead, n => n + 1, n => n,
n => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(n % readLimit == 0 ? globalDelay : delayBetweenRead))
.Zip(System.IO.File.ReadLines(ofd.FileName), (n, line) => line)
.Subscribe(line =>
/* do something with each line */
If you need to stop the reading before it finishes naturally just call subscription.Dispose();.
What you do you mean by
I have tried using System.Threading.Thread.Sleep() but I couldn't make it work
Here is an example of achieving what you described with Thread.Sleep:
using (var fs = new FileStream("C:\\test.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
using (var sr = new StreamReader(fs))
int nRead = 0;
while (nRead < settings.Total)
for (int i = 0; i < settings.ReadLimit && nRead < settings.Total; ++i, nRead++)
if (i + 1 < settings.ReadLimit)
Thread.Sleep(settings.Delay * 1000);
if (nRead < settings.Total)
Thread.Sleep(settings.GlobalDelay * 1000);

Calculate pending time to finish processing threaded code C#

I have a code with threads and I want to show the pending time to finish processing. The button1 calls the
function "Function1()" that reads a file in chunks of 1024 bytes controlled in a while loop until get end
of file. Within the "While loop" there is a "foreach loop" where is called the "Function2()". I'm starting
the timer at the beginning of "while loop" and stopping it at the end of "while loop". After that I'm trying
to calculate aprox the Pending time knowing first the number of iterations that will be processed by "while loop".
Then I save the "elapsed time for the first iteration" (lets say T1) and then I multiply it by number of iterations.
This would be
PendingTime = T1*Iterations.
Then I do
PendingTime = PendingTime - Ti, where Ti is the ElapsedTime of the ith iteration.
The issue is when I try with the real code, the multiplation of T1*Iterations gives me 402s and actually
the processing takes 12s.
Maybe some expert could see what I'm doing wrong. Thanks in advance.
The code looks like this:
async void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Some code
await Task.Run(() => Function1(inputfile, cts.Token), cts.Token);
//Some code
public void Function2()
//Some code
public void Function1(string inputfile, CancellationToken token)
int buffer = 1024;
int IterationCounter = 0;
decimal Iterations = 1;
int PendingTime = 0;
using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(File.Open(inputfile, FileMode.Open)))
FileLength = (int)reader.BaseStream.Length;
Iterations = (int)FileLength/buffer;
while (chunk.Length > 0)
Stopwatch sw1 = Stopwatch.StartNew(); //Start time counter
//some code
chunk = reader.ReadBytes(buffer);
foreach (byte data in chunk)
//Some code
Function2(); //Call to Function2
//Checking if it is the first iteration to save the pending time
//Pending time would be the elapsed time for the first iteration
//multiplied by the number of iterations (FileLength/1024).
sw1.Stop(); //Stop time counter
if (IterationCounter == 1)
PendingTime = (int)((decimal)Math.Round(sw1.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000, 4)*Iterations);
//Show in TexBox1 the pending time
PendingTime = PendingTime - (int)Math.Round(sw1.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / 1000, 4);
TextBox1.Text = PendingTime + " s";
I'm testing with the following code based on the example of Peter Duniho.
It can be tested with any file(i.e. txt file). I've tested with a txt file of 5MB and execution time was 3 seconds, but the pending time appear always as zero in TextBox1. Where I'm wrong?
Note: I changed this:
double timePerIteration = sw1.Elapsed / ++IterationCounter;
to this
double timePerIteration = sw1.ElapsedMilliseconds/1000/ ++IterationCounter;
Since I was getting the error:
Operator '/' cannot be applied to operands of type 'System.TimeSpan' and 'int' (CS0019)
The code so far is. Thanks for help.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace TestTimer
public partial class MainForm : Form
CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
string filename = "";
long FileLength;
FileInfo fInfo;
Stopwatch sw1 = new Stopwatch();
public MainForm()
void BtnSelectFileClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
ofd.Title = "Select file";
DialogResult dr = ofd.ShowDialog();
if (dr == DialogResult.OK)
filename = ofd.FileName;
fInfo = new FileInfo(filename);
MessageBox.Show("File not found");
async void BtnRunProcessClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
await Task.Run(() => Function1(filename, cts.Token), cts.Token);
public void Function1(string inputfile, CancellationToken token)
int buffer = 1024;
int IterationCounter = 0;
int Iterations = 0;
double pendingTime = 0;
using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(File.Open(inputfile, FileMode.Open)))
FileLength = (int)reader.BaseStream.Length;
Iterations = (int)FileLength/buffer;
byte[] chunk;
sw1 = Stopwatch.StartNew(); //Start time counter
while (true)
chunk = reader.ReadBytes(buffer);
if (chunk.Length == 0) {break;}
foreach (byte data in chunk)
// pendingTime is the current average time-per-iteration,
// times the number of iterations left
double timePerIteration = sw1.ElapsedMilliseconds/1000/ ++IterationCounter;
pendingTime = timePerIteration * (Iterations - IterationCounter);
// Let string.Format() take care of rounding for you
TextBox1.Text = string.Format("{0:0} s", pendingTime / 1000);
MessageBox.Show("Execution time: " + string.Format("{0:0} s", sw1.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000) );
I don't see how the code you posted ever actually compiled, never mind worked. The FileLength variable does not appear to be declared, and you never increment the IterationCounter variable, giving you a negative PendingTime value with each iteration. Even if you had incremented the counter, your PendingTime variable's actual meaning changes from the block that executes when the counter is 1 and a little later when you subtract your elapsed time from the current PendingTime variable.
That suggests the code you posted isn't really the code you're using, since the displayed time remaining would always have been negative (even assuming the declaration of FileLength just got accidently dropped from your post for some reason). For the sake of argument, I'll add a statement that does the increment…
As commenter Chris says, when each iteration's actual duration can vary, as it seems to be the case here, the best you're going to do is average all of the iterations up to the current one. Even that may lead to an erroneous time-remaining display, with a fair amount of variation from iteration to iteration (especially if the number of iterations is small), but at least it's more likely to be close.
Something like this would likely work better for you:
public void Function1(string inputfile, CancellationToken token)
int buffer = 1024;
int IterationCounter = 0;
int Iterations;
using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(File.Open(inputfile, FileMode.Open)))
if (reader.BaseStream.Length == 0)
// nothing to do
// NOTE: this won't work for files with length > int.MaxValue!
// Your original code has the same limitation, and I have not
// bothered to change that.
// Now that we know for sure the length is > 0, we can
// do the following to ensure a correct iteration count
Iterations = ((int)reader.BaseStream.Length - 1) / buffer + 1;
Stopwatch sw1 = Stopwatch.StartNew();
while (chunk.Length > 0)
//some code
chunk = reader.ReadBytes(buffer);
foreach (byte data in chunk)
//Some code
Function2(); //Call to Function2
// pendingTime is the current average time-per-iteration,
// times the number of iterations left
double timePerIteration = sw1.ElapsedMilliseconds / ++IterationCounter,
pendingTime = timePerIteration *
(Iterations - IterationCounter);
//Show in TexBox1 the pending time
// Let string.Format() take care of rounding for you
TextBox1.Text = string.Format("{0:0} s", pendingTime / 1000);
Unless you are guaranteed that your input file is always exactly a multiple of 1024 bytes in length, you also had a bug in your calculation of the total iteration count. I fixed that in the above as well.

Thread program, 1st and last loop never has a ThreadedState other than 'Running'

I have a programming that is looping x times (10), and using a specified number of threads (2). I'm using a thread array:
Thread[] myThreadArray = new Thread[2];
My loop counter, I believe, starts the first 2 threads just fine, but when it gets to loop 3, which goes back to thread 0 (zero-based), it hangs. The weird thing is, if I throw a MessageBox.Show() in their to check the ThreadState (which shows thread 0 is still running), it will continue on through 9 of the 10 loops. But if no MessageBox.Show() is there, it hangs when starting the 3rd loop.
I'm using .NET 3.5 Framework (I noticed that .NET 4.0 utilizes something called continuations...)
Here's some code examples:
Thread[] threads = new Thread[2];
int threadCounter = 0;
for (int counter = 0; counter < 10; counter++)
if (chkUseThreading.Checked)
TestRunResult runResult = new TestRunResult(counter + 1);
TestInfo tInfo = new TestInfo(conn, comm, runResult);
if (threads[threadCounter] != null)
// If this is here, then it will continue looping....otherwise, it hangs on the 3rd loop
while (threads[threadCounter].IsAlive || threads[threadCounter].ThreadState == ThreadState.Running)
threads[threadCounter] = null;
// ExecuteTest is a non-static method
threads[threadCounter] = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate { ExecuteTest(tInfo); }));
threads[threadCounter].Name = "PerformanceTest" + (counter + 1);
if ((threadCounter + 1) == threadCount)
threadCounter = 0;
catch (Exception ex)
while (true)
int threadsFinished = 0;
for (int counter = 0; counter < threadCount; counter++)
if (!threads[counter].IsAlive || threads[counter].ThreadState == ThreadState.Stopped)
if (threadsFinished == threadCount)
Obviously the problem is something about how I'm checking to see if thread #1 or #2 is done. The IsAlive always says true, and the ThreadState always has "running" for threads loops 1 and 10.
Where am I going wrong with this?
Update, here's the ExecuteTask() method:
private void ExecuteTest(object tInfo)
TestInfo testInfo = tInfo as TestInfo;
Exception error = null;
DateTime endTime;
TimeSpan duration;
DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
if (testInfo.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Open)
testInfo.Connection.ConnectionString = connString;
catch (Exception ex)
error = ex;
//if (chkCancelOnError.Checked)
// break;
endTime = DateTime.Now;
duration = endTime - startTime;
testInfo.Result.StartTime = startTime;
testInfo.Result.EndTime = endTime;
testInfo.Result.Duration = duration;
testInfo.Result.Error = error;
// This part must be threadsafe...
if (lvResults.InvokeRequired)
SetTextCallback d = new SetTextCallback(ExecuteTest);
this.Invoke(d, new object[] { tInfo });
#region Update Results - This wouldn't work in it's own method in the threaded version
const string msPrefix = "ms";
// ShortestRun
TimeSpan shortest = GetShortestRun(RunTimes);
tbShortestRun.Text = shortest.TotalMilliseconds + msPrefix;
// AverageRun
TimeSpan average = GetAverageRun(RunTimes);
tbAverageRun.Text = average.TotalMilliseconds + msPrefix;
// MeanRun
TimeSpan mean = GetMeanRun(RunTimes);
tbMeanRun.Text = mean.TotalMilliseconds + msPrefix;
// LongestRun
TimeSpan longest = GetLongestRun(RunTimes);
tbLongestRun.Text = longest.TotalMilliseconds + msPrefix;
// ErrorCount
int errorCount = GetErrorCount(TestResults);
tbErrorCount.Text = errorCount.ToString();
Can you post a snippet of run ()? Doesn't Thread.currentThread().notifyAll() help? May be each thread is waiting for other thread to do something resulting in a deadlock?
