Parallel Pinging Hosts And Displaying Live Results - c#

I stumble on the following problems:
When trying to use the Parallel Function. I need to synchronously wait until the all the information is gathered.
When I put the foreach loop inside the try there are duplicate values.
How can I fix this? I want when I scan a subnet (254 hosts) that I get live results back.
//Network Information Parallel.ForEach Example
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
using System.Text;
namespace AsteRScanneR
public class Program1
public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Enter IP Adresses seperated by a comma!");
Console.Write("Enter IP Adresses: ");
List<string> ipAdresses = new List<string>();
ipAdresses = Console.ReadLine().Split(',').ToList();
var firstOrDefault = ipAdresses.FirstOrDefault();
string[] octets = firstOrDefault.Split('.');
if (octets[3] == string.Empty)
ipAdresses = new List<String>();
for (int i = 1; i < 255; i++)
var result = String.Concat(firstOrDefault, i.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Multiple IP's Found!");
//In case you want to scan a whole subnet, user needs to input only the ABC of the IP adres and leave the D empty. It will scan 255 hosts
PingOptions pingOptions = new PingOptions(128, true);
int timeout = 1000;
string data = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa";
byte[] buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data);
List<PingReply> pingRepliesList = new();
Parallel.ForEach(ipAdresses, ip =>
new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount, CancellationToken = CancellationToken.None };
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
Ping p = new();
lock (pingRepliesList) {
pingRepliesList.Add(p.Send(ip, timeout, buffer, pingOptions));
//Console.WriteLine("Pinging: "+ip+" took: "+sw.Elapsed.Milliseconds+"ms on Thread:"+ Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId);
}catch (Exception)
Console.WriteLine("An Error Occured...");
foreach (var pingvalue in pingRepliesList)
if (pingvalue.Status == IPStatus.Success)
Console.WriteLine("Pinging " + pingvalue.Address.ToString() + " with " + pingvalue.Buffer.Length + " bytes of data:");
Console.WriteLine("Reply from " + pingvalue.Address.ToString() + ": bytes=" + pingvalue.Buffer.Length + " time" + pingvalue.RoundtripTime + "ms TTL=" + pingvalue.Options.Ttl);
Console.WriteLine("Pinging " + pingvalue.Address.ToString() + " with " + pingvalue.Buffer.Length + " bytes of data:");
Console.WriteLine("General failure.");

I found the solution to the problem. This is what I did:
Used the example code from:
Replacing the hard-coded list with for now the user-input. (This will be changed to args user input afterwards.)
Included the piece of code I wrote down below
Console.WriteLine("Enter IP Adresses seperated by a comma!");
Console.Write("Enter IP Adresses: ");
List<string> ipAdresses = new List<string>();
ipAdresses = Console.ReadLine().Split(',').ToList();
var firstOrDefault = ipAdresses.FirstOrDefault();
string[] octets = firstOrDefault.Split('.');
if (octets[3] == string.Empty)
ipAdresses = new List<String>();
for (int i = 1; i < 255; i++)
var result = String.Concat(firstOrDefault, i.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Multiple IP's Found!");
Changed Parallel.For loop to .Count, because I am using a List
Changed some output result.Address.ToString() to ipAdresses[i] because it was creating bugs and displaying the same output over and over again.
Formatted everything in 1 string to not stumble upon problems.
I did format in 1 string on purpose, because when I formatted two strings I to get output mixed.


mysql timed expried after 100 runs?

I'm ruunig a code that take 10 ip in one time - check ping
and if there is ping ,
he is writing the rime to the MySQL
but on every run - he get stuck after 100 runs
MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException (0x80004005): error connecting: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool.GetConnection()
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection.Open()
at PIng_Parallel.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\Computer\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\PIng_Parallel\PIng_Parallel\Program.cs:line 48
this is the code I'm running (I'm sure i can make it better , will ty latter)
I was ask here and someone told me how to make the code run in a better why - to put the Ip in a magazine and "shoot" 10 IP every time .
if someone want to show me what I need to do - you are most welcome
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
using System.IO;
namespace PIng_Parallel
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
List<string> Online = new List<string>();//save the IP that were Online
List<string> Top3 = new List<string>(); //save just 10 IP every time
List<string> ListIPs = new List<string>();//save the IP from the sql
string[] RouterData = new string[14]; //save the data from the router
List<string> Answer = new List<string>();//save the IP from the sql
int running = 0;
string IP;
string time;
MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection("Server=;UserID=Home;password=1234567890;database=sample;SslMode=none");
string sql = "Select IP From sample.table1 where LastOnline <='20/05/2018' OR LastOnLine='none' ";
MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, con);
catch (Exception e)
MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read())
IP = reader["IP"].ToString();
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("We have - " + ListIPs.Count + " router to check ");
int Size = 10; //how may sessions in 1 time
int num = (ListIPs.Count / Size);
int part = (ListIPs.Count % Size);
int RunTime = 0;
MySqlConnection conn2 = new MySqlConnection("Server=;UserID=Home;password=1234567890;database=sample;SslMode=none");
for (int i = 0; i < ListIPs.Count; i++)//want to run the command for only 3 in each time
Top3 = ListIPs.GetRange(i, Size-1);
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.ForEach(Top3, site =>
Ping p = new Ping();
string data = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa";
byte[] buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data);
int timeout = 200;
PingReply reply = p.Send(site, timeout, buffer);
if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success)
time = DateTime.Now.ToString();
// Online.Add(site + "," + reply.Status.ToString() + " , " + reply.RoundtripTime.ToString()+ " - " + time);
Online.Add("Update table1 SET LastOnline='" + time + "'" + "Where IP='" + site + "'");
// RouterData = GetData(site);
// foreach (string h in RouterData)
// {
// Answer.Add(h);
// }
catch (Exception e)
{ }
});///end of Threading
// string sql2 = ("Update table1 SET LastOnline='" + time + "'" + "Where IP='" + site + "'");
foreach (string sql2 in Online)
MySqlCommand write = new MySqlCommand(sql2, conn2);
write.ExecuteNonQuery(); //something like "send command";
catch (Exception e)
{ }
if (RunTime == num)//the last call
i = i + part;
i = i +(Size-1);
} //end of cutting the list to 10 each time
foreach (var t in Online) //print just the Online IP
Console.WriteLine("the program run for " + running + "times");
goto again;
// Console.ReadKey();

Unable to change port or host/server, c#

I am currently making a client and server. The server will store people and their location using a dictionary. The client can then lookup a location or update/add a person and their location. For example, I could type 'Lucy', 'School', and the server will add that to the dictionary. If I then type 'Lucy' it should reply with 'School' and if I type in 'Lucy' 'Home' it should up date that to the dictionary.
However, in the arguments, the user may put /h followed by a host name and /p followed by a port number. I'm currently trying to implement this feature in the client, however it doesn't seem to be working at all.
The following is my code. I made a list for the arguments so that if it does have /h or /p followed by the appropriate information, I can reduce the number of arguments so it doesn't effect the other parts of the program.
static void Main(string[] args)
String server = "";
int port = 43;
List<string> list = new List<string>(args);
for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
if (args[i].Trim() == "/h")
string serverString = args[i + 1].Trim();
server = args[i + 1];
//remove h from the list
//remove server name from the lst
args = list.ToArray();
//update args array
i = i - 1;
Console.WriteLine("Server changed to " + serverString);
else if (args[i].Trim() == "/p")
string portString = args[i + 1];
port = Convert.ToInt32(args[i + 1].Trim());
//remove p from the list
//remover port number from list
args = list.ToArray();
//update args array
i = i - 1;
Console.WriteLine("Port changed to " + portString);
TcpClient client = new TcpClient();
client.Connect(server, port);
client.ReceiveTimeout = 1000;
client.SendTimeout = 1000;
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(client.GetStream());
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(client.GetStream());
sw.AutoFlush = true;
if (args.Length == 1)
if (args[0] == "514872")
Console.WriteLine("514872 is being tested\r\n");
Console.WriteLine("ERROR: no entries found\r\n");
else if (args.Length == 2)
Console.WriteLine(args[0] + " location changed to be is being tested\r\n");
Console.WriteLine("Connection failure.");
Any help would be massively appreciated!
Thank you

Serializing a manually written code

I am having a problem receiving files from the client. Someone suggested that I should use binary serialization to send and receive messages in stream. Can you give me ideas on how I should serialize this? I just learned about serialization not long ago so I am quite confused on how I should associate it with my program.
This is the client that 'should' be serialize
public void sendthedata()
if (!_timer.Enabled) // If timer is not running send data and start refresh interval
_timer.Enabled = true;
else // Stop timer to prevent further refreshing
_timer.Enabled = false;
private List<int> listedProcesses = new List<int>();
private void SendData()
String processID = "";
String processName = "";
String processPath = "";
String processFileName = "";
String processMachinename = "";
piis = GetAllProcessInfos();
for (int i = 0; i < piis.Count; i++)
if (!listedProcesses.Contains(piis[i].Id)) //placed this on a list to avoid redundancy
processID = piis[i].Id.ToString();
processName = piis[i].Name.ToString();
processPath = piis[i].Path.ToString();
processFileName = piis[i].FileName.ToString();
processMachinename = piis[i].Machinename.ToString();
output.Text += "\n\nSENT DATA : \n\t" + processFileName + "\n\t" + processMachinename + "\n\t" + processID + "\n\t" + processName + "\n\t" + processPath + "\n";
catch (Exception ex)
output.Text += "Error..... " + ex.StackTrace;
NetworkStream ns = tcpclnt.GetStream();
String data = "";
data = "--++" + processFileName + " " + processMachinename + " " + processID + " " + processPath;
if (ns.CanWrite)
byte[] bf = new ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes(data);
ns.Write(bf, 0, bf.Length);
And deserializing in the server
private void recieveData()
NetworkStream nStream = tcpClient.GetStream();
ASCIIEncoding ascii = null;
while (!stopRecieving)
if (nStream.CanRead)
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
nStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
ascii = new ASCIIEncoding();
recvDt = ascii.GetString(buffer);
/*Received message checks if it has +##+ then the ip is disconnected*/
bool f = false;
f = recvDt.Contains("+##+");
if (f)
string d = "+##+";
recvDt = recvDt.TrimStart(d.ToCharArray());
stopRecieving = true;
//else if (recvDt.Contains("^^"))
// new Transmit_File().transfer_file(file, ipselected);
/* ++-- shutsdown/restrt/logoff/abort*/
else if (recvDt.Contains("++--"))
string d = "++--";
recvDt = recvDt.TrimStart(d.ToCharArray());
this.Invoke(new rcvData(addToOutput));
/*--++ Normal msg*/
else if (recvDt.Contains("--++"))
string d = "--++";
recvDt = recvDt.TrimStart(d.ToCharArray());
this.Invoke(new rcvData(addToOutput));
public void addToOutput()
if (recvDt != null && recvDt != "")
output.Text += "\n Received Data : " + recvDt;
recvDt = null;
Thank you.
There are a couple of rules to follow when serialising a piece of data.
It's easy to convert data to bytes, but consider how to reconstruct the data on the other side. Assume that the server can't have any knowledge on what you sended.
In your serialiser you just convert a couple of strings into a byte[] and send it over. Example:
string x = "abcdef";
string y = "ghijk";
var bytes = Encoding.Ascii.GetBytes(x + y);
the server receives: "abcdefghijk";
Is it possible for the server to determine and reconstruct strings x and y?
Since the server has no knowledge of the length of either x and y: no.
There are ways to solve this:
Use fixed length fields. In my example x should always be 6 chars and y should always be 5 chars in length. decoding on the server then becomes as trivial as
string x = data.Substring(0, 6)
string y = data.Substring(6, 5)
Use delimiters between the fields. If you are familiar with cvs, the ',' splits the fields. This however has it drawbacks, how to handle a ',' somewhere in a string? The data send over would be like "abcdef,ghijk"
Send the size of each field before the content of the field.
A naive approach just to clarify: string x would be send as '6abcdef' and y as '5ghijk'
Doing all this things by hand can get really hairy and is something that I would consider only if really needed.
I would resort to existing frameworks that do an excellent job on this subject:
protobuf ported by Jon skeet
In this case I would first create a class to define the data send to the server instead of a bunch of strings:
class ProcessInfo{
public string ProcessID {get;set;}
public string ProcessName {get;set;}
public string ProcessPath {get;set;}
public string ProcessFileName {get;set;}
public string ProcessMachinename {get;set;}
the using Json to serialise this:
var procinfo = new ProcessInfo{
ProcessId = "1",
var serialised = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(procinfo);
var bytes = Encoding.Utf8.GetBytes(serialised);
ns.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
And restore it on the server just by:
var procInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ProcessInfo>(json);

FileWatcher issue

OK, so this time I created a service with a file watcher to process file once created.
it seems that my service crashes when the files being processed reaches 1000 (I'm receiving loads of messages).
here is my logic: files comes in, file watcher read the text send it to email, insert into DB, move original message to a folders.
on the service start, I'm processing pending messages first before start to watch (I'm talking about over 1000 of text file pending) and my service needs about a second to work on each file.
All goes OK, but when the total incoming files reaches 1000, it simply crash.
sometimes the service stops processing pending and only start looking for new files only.
I have the "InternalBufferSize = 64000" the max recommended.
Please help me with my code (I know it should be multi-threaded for better handling, but I'm not that expert):
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
using(TREEEntities TEX = new TREEEntities())
var mp= TEX.TREE_settings.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.SET_key =="MSGDump");
MsgsPath = mp.SET_value;
var dc = TEX.TREE_settings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SET_key == "DupCash");
DupCash = Convert.ToInt16(dc.SET_value);
if (Directory.Exists(MsgsPath))
if (!Directory.Exists(MsgsPath+"\\Archive"))
if (!Directory.Exists(MsgsPath + "\\Duplicates"))
Directory.CreateDirectory(MsgsPath + "\\Duplicates");
if (!Directory.Exists(MsgsPath + "\\Unsent"))
Directory.CreateDirectory(MsgsPath + "\\Unsent");
Directory.CreateDirectory(MsgsPath + "\\Archive");
Directory.CreateDirectory(MsgsPath + "\\Duplicates");
Directory.CreateDirectory(MsgsPath + "\\Unsent");
processPending();//<--- process pending files after last service stop
fileSystemWatcher1.Path = MsgsPath;//<--- path to be watched
fileSystemWatcher1.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
fileSystemWatcher1.InternalBufferSize = 64000;
addToLog(DateTime.Now, "Service Started", 0, "Service", "Info");
addToLog(DateTime.Now, "File Watcher Started", 0, "Service", "Info");
//dupList.Clear();//<--- clear duplicates validation list
protected override void OnStop()
fileSystemWatcher1.EnableRaisingEvents = false;
addToLog(DateTime.Now, "File Watcher Stopped", 0, "Service", "Alert");
addToLog(DateTime.Now, "Service Stopped", 0, "Service", "Alert");
private void fileSystemWatcher1_Created(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
//---------read from file------------
Thread.Sleep(200);//<---give the file some time to get released
string block;
using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(MsgsPath + "\\" + e.Name))
block = sr.ReadToEnd();
PRT = block.Substring(block.Length - 6, 6);//<--- get the printer name
seq = Convert.ToInt16(block.Substring(block.Length - 20, 20).Substring(0, 4));//<--- get the sequence number
switch (PRT)//<----track sequence number from the 3 printers
case "64261B"://<---prt1
int seqPlus1=0;
if(seqPrt1 == 9999)//<---ignore sequence change from 9999 to 1
{ seqPlus1 = 1; }
else { seqPlus1 = seqPrt1 + 1; }
if (seq != seqPlus1 && seqPrt1 != 0)//<---"0" to avoid first service start
int x = seq - seqPrt1 - 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= x; i++)
addToMissing(PRT, seqPlus1);
addToLog(DateTime.Now, "Missing Sequence Number On Printer: " + PRT + " - " + seqPlus1, seqPlus1, "Service", "Missing");
seqPrt1 = seq;
else { seqPrt1 = seq; }
case "24E9AA"://<---prt2
int seqPlus2=0;
if(seqPrt2 == 9999)
{ seqPlus2 = 1; }
if (seq != seqPlus2 && seqPrt2 != 0)
int x = seq - seqPrt2 - 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= x; i++)
addToMissing(PRT, seqPlus2);
addToLog(DateTime.Now, "Missing Sequence Number On Printer: " + PRT + " - " + seqPlus2, seqPlus2, "Service", "Missing");
seqPrt2 = seq;
else { seqPrt2 = seq; }
case "642602"://<---prt3
int seqPlus3=0;
if(seqPrt3 == 9999)
{ seqPlus3 = 1; }
if (seq != seqPlus3 && seqPrt3 != 0)
int x = seq - seqPrt3 - 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= x; i++)
addToMissing(PRT, seqPlus3);
addToLog(DateTime.Now, "Missing Sequence Number On Printer: " + PRT + " - " + seqPlus3, seqPlus3, "Service", "Missing");
seqPrt3 = seq;
else { seqPrt3 = seq; }
block = block.Remove(block.Length - 52);//<--- trim the sequence number and unwanted info
string[] Alladd;
List<string> sent = new List<string>();
if (!dupList.Contains(block)) //<--- if msg not found in duplicates validation list
//--------extract values--------------
if (block.Substring(0, 3) == "\r\nQ") //<--- if the msg. contains a priority code
Alladd = block.Substring(0, block.IndexOf(".")).Replace("\r\n", " ").Substring(4).Split(' ').Distinct().Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray(); ;
else//<--- if no priority code
Alladd = block.Substring(0, block.IndexOf(".")).Replace("\r\n", " ").Substring(1).Split(' ').Distinct().Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray(); ;
string From = block.Substring(block.IndexOf('.') + 1).Substring(0, 7);
string Msg = block.Substring(block.IndexOf('.') + 1);
Msg = Msg.Substring(Msg.IndexOf('\n') + 1);
//--------add msg content to the DB group table--------
using (TREEEntities TE1 = new TREEEntities())
TREE_group tg = new TREE_group()
GROUP_original = block,
GROUP_sent = Msg,
GROUP_dateTime = DateTime.Now,
GROUP_from = From,
GROUP_seq = seq,
GROUP_prt = PRT,
//--------validate addresses---------------
foreach (string TB in Alladd)
string email = "";
string typeB = "";
TREEEntities TE = new TREEEntities();
var q1 = from x in TE.TREE_users where x.USR_TypeB == TB && x.USR_flag == "act" select new { x.USR_email, x.USR_TypeB };
foreach (var itm in q1)
email = itm.USR_email;
typeB = itm.USR_TypeB;
//-------send mail if the user exist----
if (TB == typeB)
if (typeB == "BAHMVGF")
sendMail SM = new sendMail();
SM.SendMail(Msg, "Message from: " + From, email);
//---save record in DB----
addToMsg(typeB, email,"sent","act",1,GID,seq);
catch (Exception x)
addToMsg(typeB, email, "Failed", "act", 1, GID, seq);
addToLog(DateTime.Now, "Send message failed: " + x.Message, GID, "Service", "Warning");
//-------if no user exist----
if (TB == "BAHMVGF")
addToMsg(TB, "No email", "Failed", "act", 1, GID, seq);
addToLog(DateTime.Now, "Send message failed, unknown Type-B address: " + TB, GID, "Service", "Warning");
if (sent.Count < Alladd.Count())//<--- if there is unsent addresses
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(block);
foreach (string add in sent)
b.Replace(add, "");//<--- remove address that has been sent from the original message and write new msg. to unsent folder
if (!Directory.Exists(MsgsPath + "\\Unsent"))
Directory.CreateDirectory(MsgsPath + "\\Unsent");
using (StreamWriter w = File.AppendText(MsgsPath + "\\Unsent\\" + e.Name))
//---add to dupList to validate the next messages-------------
if (dupList.Count > DupCash)
//---move msg to archive folder-----------------
if (!Directory.Exists(MsgsPath + "\\Archive"))
Directory.CreateDirectory(MsgsPath + "\\Archive");
File.Move(MsgsPath + "\\" + e.Name, MsgsPath + "\\Archive\\" + e.Name);
else //<--- if message is a duplicate
addToLog(DateTime.Now, "Duplicated message, message not sent", seq, "Service", "Info");
//---move msg to duplicates folder-----------------
if (!Directory.Exists(MsgsPath + "\\Duplicates"))
Directory.CreateDirectory(MsgsPath + "\\Duplicates");
File.Move(MsgsPath + "\\" + e.Name, MsgsPath + "\\Duplicates\\" + e.Name);
catch (Exception x)
addToLog(DateTime.Now, "Error: " + x.Message, seq, "Service", "Alert");
if (!Directory.Exists(MsgsPath + "\\Unsent"))
Directory.CreateDirectory(MsgsPath + "\\Unsent");
//---move msg to Unsent folder-----------------
File.Move(MsgsPath + "\\" + e.Name, MsgsPath + "\\Unsent\\" + e.Name);
I wanted to add this as a comment but it exceeded the allowed number of characters so here goes.
First thing I noticed in your code that you are doing all the file handling inside the Created event handler. This is not a good practice, you should always let your FileSystemWatcher event handlers do minimum work as it might result an overflow which is probably what you are facing.
Instead it is better to delegate the work on a separate thread. You can add the events to a queue and let a background thread worry handling them. You can filter the files in the event handler so that your queue does not get filled with garbage.
Using Sleep inside the event handler is also considered a bad practice as you'll be blocking the FileSystemWatcher event.
The maximum buffer size allowed is 64K, it is not a recommended buffer size unless you are dealing with long paths. Increasing buffer size is expensive, because it comes from non-paged memory that cannot be swapped out to disk, so keep the buffer as small as possible. To avoid a buffer overflow, use the NotifyFilter and IncludeSubdirectories properties to filter out unwanted change notifications.
And finally I would suggest reading the FileSystemWatcher MSDN article and looking at several examples online before attempting to write code as the Windows watcher is somewhat delicate and prone to errors

Oracle Connection and TCP Client/Server Connection at same time

I am writing a program that will live on a "Super PC" in my lab at work. Its job is to constantly query our customers databases proactively looking for common errors that we encounter.
It accomplishes this by using an adjustable timer and simply running down the list of queries and databases and interpreting the results.(Queries and Database connections are added using a Configuration UI)
This program has a TCP client/server connection with another app that I have written that lives on my team members personal machines. Messages get sent from the Server(Query) program to the client program alerting my team of errors found in the Databases.
The problem I keep encountering is occasionally a message gets sent through the socket at the exact same time a DB connection is made or a query is run and it causes the server program to crash with no explanation.
The methods that run the queries is always called in its own thread as well as the server connection is made in its own thread.
In addition I have placed all of the DB methods and Client Server methods in Try/Catch blocks that are setup to catch all exceptions and display the stack trace, but for some reason when it crashes its not hitting any of the catch.
The runQueries Methods is called off a C# .Net System.Timers.Timer which is supposed to launch a new thread on every tick.
Below are my Client/Server Methods and Query Methods
private void serverMeth()
/*conbox.Text = conbox.Text + "The server is running at port 8001..." + Environment.NewLine;
conbox.Text = conbox.Text + "The local End point is :" + myList.LocalEndpoint + Environment.NewLine;
conbox.Text = conbox.Text + "Waiting for a connection....." + Environment.NewLine;*/
msglist.Add("The server is running at port 8001...");
msglist.Add("The local end point is: " + myList.LocalEndpoint);
msglist.Add("Waiting for a connection...");
writeToLog("Listening for connection at "+myList.LocalEndpoint);
/* Start Listeneting at the specified port */
while (true)
//Socket s = myList.AcceptSocket();
s = myList.AcceptSocket();
//conbox.Text = conbox.Text + "Connection accepted from " + s.RemoteEndPoint + Environment.NewLine;
msglist.Add("Connection accepted from " + s.RemoteEndPoint);
writeToLog("Connection Established #" + myList.LocalEndpoint);
byte[] b = new byte[20000];
int k = s.Receive(b);
//conbox.Text = conbox.Text + "Recieved..." + Environment.NewLine;
writeToLog("Message Recieved from Command Center");
//for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
//{ conbox.Text = conbox.Text + Convert.ToChar(b[i]); }
string message = ""; //allows it to store the entire message in one line
string dt = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss");
string eid = "TEST ID";
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
{ message = message + Convert.ToChar(b[i]); }
if (message.Contains(uniquekey))
writeToLog("Message contains correct passcode");
message = message.Replace(uniquekey, "");
String[] splits = message.Split(',');
message = message.Replace("," + splits[1], "");
writeToLog("Connection from " + splits[1]);
msglist.Add(message); //this takes the completed message and adds it.
if (!message.Equals(""))
//Message contains error key
Error erro = null;
for (int i = 0; i < errorss.Count; i++)
if (errorss[i].getKey().Equals(message)) {
erro = errorss[i];
Stage st = null;
if (erro != null)
for (int i = 0; i < stages.Count; i++)
if (stages[i].errContainCheck(erro))
st = stages[i];
if (st != null)
writeToLog("Error: " + erro.getKey() + "ignored");
//conbox.Text = conbox.Text + Environment.NewLine;
msglist.Add(" ");
string msg = "";
string log = "Error(s): ";
for (int i = 0; i < errorss.Count; i++)
msg += errorss[i].getTime() + "|"+errorss[i].getMsg()+"|" + errorss[i].getSite()+"|"+errorss[i].getKey();
msg += ",";
log += errorss[i].getKey()+",";
log+= "sent to Command Center";
ASCIIEncoding asen = new ASCIIEncoding();
//conbox.Text = conbox.Text + "\nSent Acknowledgement" + Environment.NewLine;
msglist.Add("\nSent Acknowledgement");
message = "Unauthorized access detected. Disregarding message.";
//.Add(message); //this takes the completed message and adds it.
//conbox.Text = conbox.Text + Environment.NewLine;
msglist.Add(" ");
writeToLog("Passcode mismatch");
ASCIIEncoding asen = new ASCIIEncoding();
s.Send(asen.GetBytes("Access Denied. Unique key mismatch."));
//conbox.Text = conbox.Text + "\nSent Acknowledgement" + Environment.NewLine;
msglist.Add("\nSent Denial Acknowledgement");
/* clean up */
if (quit == true)
catch (Exception err)
//conbox.Text = conbox.Text + "Error..... " + err.StackTrace + Environment.NewLine;
msglist.Add("Error..... " + err.StackTrace);
writeToLog("ERROR: "+err.StackTrace);
private void sasDownload()
int selItemList;
selItemList = saerrlist.SelectedIndex;
saerrlist.Items.Clear(); //clears the list before redownload
TcpClient tcpclnt = new TcpClient();
//clibox.Text = clibox.Text + "Connecting....." + Environment.NewLine;
tcpclnt.Connect(staralertip.Text, 8001);
// use the ipaddress as in the server program
//clibox.Text = clibox.Text + "Connected" + Environment.NewLine;
//clibox.Text = clibox.Text + "Enter the string to be transmitted : " + Environment.NewLine;
String str = "982jsdf293jsadd02jkdas20dka2";
Stream stm = tcpclnt.GetStream();
if (ackClick)
str += ackKey;
ackClick = false;
String name = "User not found";
for (int i = 0; i < users.Count(); i++)
name = users[i].name;
str += "," + name;
ASCIIEncoding asen = new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] ba = asen.GetBytes(str);
//clibox.Text = clibox.Text + "Transmitting....." + Environment.NewLine;
stm.Write(ba, 0, ba.Length);
byte[] bb = new byte[20000];
int k = stm.Read(bb, 0, 20000);
string incmsg = "";
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
incmsg = incmsg + Convert.ToChar(bb[i]);
string tempmsg = "";
foreach (char c in incmsg)
if (c != ',')
tempmsg = tempmsg + c;
else if (c == ',')
saerrgrid.Rows.Add(tempmsg.Split('|')[0], tempmsg.Split('|')[1], tempmsg.Split('|')[2], tempmsg.Split('|')[3]);
tempmsg = "";
//saerrgrid.Rows.Add(tempmsg.Split('|')[0], tempmsg.Split('|')[1], tempmsg.Split('|')[2]);
catch (Exception err)
//MessageBox.Show("Error..... " + err.StackTrace, "STAR Command Center: Connectivity Error");
staralertTimer.Enabled = false;
MessageBox.Show("Error downloading recent errors from STAR Alert System.\n\nPlease confirm STAR Alert is running " +
"and hit \"Refresh\" in the STAR Alert tab." + "\n" + err, "STAR Command Center: Connectivity Error");
saerrlist.SelectedIndex = selItemList;
public void runQueries()
OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection();
int siteNum = -1;
writeToLog("Call to runQueries");
List<List<Error>> results = new List<List<Error>>();
for (int i = 0; i < ppreset.getSites().Count(); i++)
siteNum = i;
Site s = ppreset.getSites()[i];
if (s.getStatus().Equals("ACTIVE"))
//OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection();
String it = "User Id=" + s.getLogin() + ";Password=" + s.getPassword() + ";Data Source=" + s.getDbName();
con.ConnectionString = it;
writeToLog("Connection opened for site: " + s.getSite());
List<Error> subResults = new List<Error>();
for (int j = 0; j < s.getQueries().Count(); j++)
Query q = s.getQueries()[j];
string sql = q.getCode();
List<string> columns = getColumns(sql);
List<List<String>> mast = new List<List<String>>();
for (int m = 0; m < columns.Count(); m++)
mast.Add(new List<String>());
OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(sql, con);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
OracleDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
writeToLog("Execute SQL, Begin Reading results...");
// dr.Read();
//List<String> results = new List<String>();
if (dr.HasRows)
//MessageBox.Show("has rows");
while (dr.Read())
//string result = "";
for (int p = 0; p < columns.Count(); p++)
if (columns.Count() != 0)
subResults.AddRange(ruleCheck(mast, q.getRules(), s.getQueries()[j], ppreset.getSites()[i].getSite()));
writeToLog("Done reading");
// con.Dispose();
writeToLog("Connection Closed for site: " + s.getSite());
//we now have all of the error strings gathered from running all queries on all sites in the given preset
//lets send them to a method that will change the status' of the modules and makem RAVVEEEEE
if (errors == null && results.Count != 0)
//MessageBox.Show("errors = results");
errors = results;
writeToLog("First error found...errors = results");
for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < results[i].Count; j++)
if (foncig.lallerdisc == true)
writeToLog("Lync Msg sent");
for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < results[i].Count; j++)
writeToLog("Error: " + results[i][j].getKey() + " added");
// MessageBox.Show("Error added to errors");
//LYNC STUFF CAN GO HERE///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/////FOR EACH ERROR ADDED TO MASTER LIST SEND LYNC///////////////////////////
if (foncig.lallerdisc == true)
writeToLog("Lync msg sent");
catch (Exception e)
{//MessageBox.Show("Err: " + e);
badConn[siteNum] += "x";
writeToLog("Connection error strike added to " + ppreset.getSites()[siteNum].getSite());
writeToLog( e.StackTrace);
//foncig.errors = errors;
//here we will check all of the errors in results against all of the errors in errors
//if the error is not in errors add it
//errors = results;
Query timer initialization
queryTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(120000);
queryTimer.Elapsed += queryTimer_Tick;
queryTimer.Enabled = true;
Tick method for query timer
private void queryTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
catch (OracleException err)
// MessageBox.Show("Err: " + err);
How the server thread is started
server = new Thread(serverMeth);
Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening? Both programs work as described and do what they are supposed to its just when more and more clients begin connecting to the server it becomes more and more likely that a TCP connection and DB connection will occur at the same time.
Update 12:20 9/15/14
So I'm trying to upload a pic of the log from the last crash... but i don't have enough rep points... derp, anyway
This time the last line in the log is from a log purge(deletes log entries older than 24 hours)
However the program will only crash when I have the client program set to auto refresh. IE Client app has a button to request messages from server or user can select auto-refresh which sets request function to timer.
My only other thought is that multiple threads are trying to write to the log file at the same time, however my write to log method uses writeLinesAsync() so that shouldn't be a problem?
This issue turned out to be caused by multiple threads trying to write to the log file at the same time.
I resolved it by following #user469104's advice and creating an internal lock object to lock the writeToLog methods.
Both client and server apps have been running for multiple days now without breaking.
Thanks Everyone!
