This is full code, but smth is wrong so nothing works. I have tried a few options, but it is just one thanks did not have any errors (in visual studio). Please, help to fix it.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Netcode;
using Unity.VisualScripting;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.TerrainTools;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
public class PlayerNetwork : NetworkBehaviour
private readonly NetworkVariable<PlayerNetworkData> _netState = new(writePerm: NetworkVariableWritePermission.Owner);
private Vector3 _posVel;
private Vector3 _rotVel;
private Vector3 _scaVel;
#region Values
[SerializeField] private float _cheapInterpolationTime = 0.1f;
[SerializeField] private bool _xPos;
[SerializeField] private bool _yPos;
[SerializeField] private bool _zPos;
[SerializeField] private bool _xRot;
[SerializeField] private bool _yRot;
[SerializeField] private bool _zRot;
[SerializeField] private bool _xSca;
[SerializeField] private bool _ySca;
[SerializeField] private bool _zSca;
void Update()
if (IsOwner)
if (_xPos) { _netState.Value = new PlayerNetworkData() { PositionX = transform.position.x }; }
if (_yPos) { _netState.Value = new PlayerNetworkData() { PositionY = transform.position.y }; }
if (_zPos) { _netState.Value = new PlayerNetworkData() { PositionZ = transform.position.z }; }
if (_xRot) { _netState.Value = new PlayerNetworkData() { RotationX = transform.rotation.eulerAngles.x }; }
if (_yRot) { _netState.Value = new PlayerNetworkData() { RotationY = transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y }; }
if (_zRot) { _netState.Value = new PlayerNetworkData() { RotationZ = transform.rotation.eulerAngles.z }; }
if (_xSca) { _netState.Value = new PlayerNetworkData() { ScaleX = transform.localScale.x }; }
if (_ySca) { _netState.Value = new PlayerNetworkData() { ScaleY = transform.localScale.y }; }
if (_zSca) { _netState.Value = new PlayerNetworkData() { ScaleZ = transform.localScale.z }; }
Vector3 targetPos = new Vector3(_netState.Value.PositionX, _netState.Value.PositionY, _netState.Value.PositionZ);
transform.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp(transform.position, targetPos, ref _posVel, _cheapInterpolationTime);
Quaternion targetRot = new Quaternion(_netState.Value.RotationX, _netState.Value.RotationY, _netState.Value.RotationZ, 0);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, targetRot, _cheapInterpolationTime);
Vector3 targetSca = new Vector3(_netState.Value.ScaleX, _netState.Value.ScaleY, _netState.Value.ScaleZ);
transform.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp(transform.localScale, targetSca, ref _scaVel, _cheapInterpolationTime);
struct PlayerNetworkData : INetworkSerializable
float _xPos, _yPos, _zPos, _xRot, _yRot, _zRot, _xSca, _ySca, _zSca;
#region Variables
internal float PositionX
get => _xPos;
set => _xPos = value;
internal float PositionY
get => _yPos;
set => _yPos = value;
internal float PositionZ
get => _zPos;
set => _zPos = value;
internal float RotationX
get => _xRot;
set => _xRot = value;
internal float RotationY
get => _yRot;
set => _yPos = value;
internal float RotationZ
get => _zRot;
set => _zRot = value;
internal float ScaleX
get => _xSca;
set => _xSca = value;
internal float ScaleY
get => _ySca;
set => _ySca = value;
internal float ScaleZ
get => _zSca;
set => _zSca = value;
public void NetworkSerialize<T>(BufferSerializer<T> serializer) where T : IReaderWriter
serializer.SerializeValue(ref _xPos);
serializer.SerializeValue(ref _yPos);
serializer.SerializeValue(ref _zPos);
serializer.SerializeValue(ref _xRot);
serializer.SerializeValue(ref _yRot);
serializer.SerializeValue(ref _zRot);
serializer.SerializeValue(ref _xSca);
serializer.SerializeValue(ref _ySca);
serializer.SerializeValue(ref _zSca);
I have tried to do it with more economical options, but it just does not work.
Thanks for your help.
Also I do not know why does it say that i must write more details, even though I have already writen some text.
I have completed a tutorial on how to make a memory card, everything works great, I can play the game and match all the cards (20 or 30 or 40 for different categories cause I have 6 of them) and I added a timer. I can even reset the game and start all over, and all the cards are randomly sorted out.
But I want to go beyond the tutorial and put some sound effects in the game to make it more fun. I get that you can play sounds on mouse clicks and stuff, but I want to play sounds when specific cards are revealed. Duck card appears and you hear a quacking sound or his name. I'm a beginner and I don't know how to add it.
I'm not sure if I would start a new C# script or add to my existing (PictureManager) script or (Picture) script.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. These are my (PictureManager) and (Picture) script for the game.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class PictureManager : MonoBehaviour
public Picture PicturePrefab;
public Transform PicSpawnPosition;
public Vector2 StartPosition = new Vector2(-2.15f, 3.62f);
public AudioSource WinSound;
public AudioSource BgSound;
[Header("End Game Screen")]
public GameObject EndGamePanel;
public GameObject NewBestScoreText;
public GameObject YourScoreText;
public GameObject EndTimeText;
/*to rremove
public List<AudioClip> Vegetabels = new List<AudioClip>();
private AudioSource audioSource;
to remove*/
public enum GameState
public enum PuzzleState
public enum RevealedState
public GameState CurrentGameState;
public PuzzleState CurrentPuzzleState;
public RevealedState PuzzleRevealedNumber;
public List<Picture> PictureList;
private Vector2 _offset = new Vector2(1.42f, 1.52f);
private Vector2 _offsetFor15Pairs = new Vector2(1.08f, 1.22f);
private Vector2 _offsetFor20Pairs = new Vector2(1.08f, 1.0f);
private Vector3 _newScaleDown = new Vector3(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.001f);
private List<Material> _materialList = new List<Material>();
private List<string> _texturePathList = new List<string>();
private Material _firstMaterial;
private string _firstTexturePath;
private int _firstRevealedPic;
private int _secondRevealedPic;
private int _revealedPicNumber = 0;
private int _picToDestroy1;
private int _picToDestroy2;
private bool _corutineStarted = false;
private int _pairNumbers;
private int _removedPairs;
private Timer _gameTimer;
void Start()
CurrentGameState = GameState.NoAction;
CurrentPuzzleState = PuzzleState.CanRotate;
PuzzleRevealedNumber = RevealedState.NoRevealed;
_revealedPicNumber = 0;
_firstRevealedPic = -1;
_secondRevealedPic = -1;
_removedPairs = 0;
_pairNumbers = (int)GameSettings.Instance.GetPairNumber();
_gameTimer = GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent<Timer>();
if(GameSettings.Instance.GetPairNumber()== GameSettings.EPairNumber.E10Pairs)
CurrentGameState = GameState.MovingOnPositions;
SpwanPictureMesh(4, 5, StartPosition, _offset, false);
MovePicture(4, 5, StartPosition, _offset);
else if (GameSettings.Instance.GetPairNumber() == GameSettings.EPairNumber.E15Pairs)
CurrentGameState = GameState.MovingOnPositions;
SpwanPictureMesh(5, 6, StartPosition, _offset, false);
MovePicture(5, 6, StartPosition, _offsetFor15Pairs);
else if (GameSettings.Instance.GetPairNumber() == GameSettings.EPairNumber.E20Pairs)
CurrentGameState = GameState.MovingOnPositions;
SpwanPictureMesh(5, 8, StartPosition, _offset, true);
MovePicture(5, 8, StartPosition, _offsetFor20Pairs);
public void CheckPicture()
CurrentGameState = GameState.Checking;
_revealedPicNumber = 0;
for(int id = 0; id < PictureList.Count; id++)
if(PictureList[id].Revealed && _revealedPicNumber < 2)
if(_revealedPicNumber == 0)
_firstRevealedPic = id;
else if (_revealedPicNumber == 1)
_secondRevealedPic = id;
if (_revealedPicNumber == 2)
if (PictureList[_firstRevealedPic].GetIndex() == PictureList[_secondRevealedPic].GetIndex() && _firstRevealedPic != _secondRevealedPic)
CurrentGameState = GameState.DeletingPuzzles;
_picToDestroy1 = _firstRevealedPic;
_picToDestroy2 = _secondRevealedPic;
CurrentGameState = GameState.FlipBack;
CurrentPuzzleState = PictureManager.PuzzleState.CanRotate;
if(CurrentGameState == GameState.Checking)
CurrentGameState = GameState.NoAction;
private void DestroyPicture()
PuzzleRevealedNumber = RevealedState.NoRevealed;
_revealedPicNumber = 0;
CurrentGameState = GameState.NoAction;
CurrentPuzzleState = PuzzleState.CanRotate;
private IEnumerator FlipBack()
_corutineStarted = true;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f);
PictureList[_firstRevealedPic].Revealed = false;
PictureList[_secondRevealedPic].Revealed = false;
PuzzleRevealedNumber = RevealedState.NoRevealed;
CurrentGameState = GameState.NoAction;
_corutineStarted = false;
private void LoadMaterials()
var materialFilePath = GameSettings.Instance.GetMaterialDirectoryName();
var textureFilePath = GameSettings.Instance.GetPuzzleCategoryTextureDirectoryName();
var pairNumber = (int)GameSettings.Instance.GetPairNumber();
const string matBaseName = "Pic";
var firstMaterialName = "Back";
for(var index = 1; index <= pairNumber; index++)
var currentFilePath = materialFilePath + matBaseName + index;
Material mat = Resources.Load(currentFilePath, typeof(Material)) as Material;
var currentTextureFilePath = textureFilePath + matBaseName + index;
_firstTexturePath = textureFilePath + firstMaterialName;
_firstMaterial = Resources.Load(materialFilePath + firstMaterialName, typeof(Material)) as Material;
void Update()
if (PauseMenu.isPaused == false) {
if (CurrentGameState == GameState.DeletingPuzzles)
if(CurrentPuzzleState == PuzzleState.CanRotate)
if (CurrentGameState == GameState.FlipBack)
if(CurrentPuzzleState == PuzzleState.CanRotate && _corutineStarted == false)
if(CurrentGameState == GameState.GameEnd)
if(PictureList[_firstRevealedPic].gameObject.activeSelf == false &&
PictureList[_secondRevealedPic].gameObject.activeSelf == false &&
EndGamePanel.activeSelf == false)
if (GameSettings.Instance.IsSoundEffectMutedPermanently() == false)
private bool CheckGameEnd()
if(_removedPairs == _pairNumbers && CurrentGameState != GameState.GameEnd)
CurrentGameState = GameState.GameEnd;
return (CurrentGameState == GameState.GameEnd);
private void ShowEndGameInformation()
var timer = _gameTimer.GetCurrentTime();
var minutes = Mathf.Floor(timer / 60);
var seconds = Mathf.RoundToInt(timer % 60);
var newText = minutes.ToString("00") + ":" + seconds.ToString("00");
EndTimeText.GetComponent<Text>().text = newText;
private void SpwanPictureMesh(int rows, int columns, Vector2 Pos, Vector2 offset, bool scaleDown)
for(int col = 0; col < columns; col++)
for(int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
var tempPicture = (Picture)Instantiate(PicturePrefab, PicSpawnPosition.position, PicturePrefab.transform.rotation);
tempPicture.transform.localScale = _newScaleDown;
} = + 'c' + col + 'r' + row;
public void ApplyTextures()
var rndMatIndex = Random.Range(0, _materialList.Count);
var AppliedTimes = new int[_materialList.Count];
for(int i = 0; i< _materialList.Count; i++)
AppliedTimes[i] = 0;
foreach(var o in PictureList)
var randPrevious = rndMatIndex;
var counter = 0;
var forceMat = false;
while(AppliedTimes[rndMatIndex] >= 2 || ((randPrevious == rndMatIndex) && !forceMat))
rndMatIndex = Random.Range(0, _materialList.Count);
if(counter > 100)
for (var j = 0; j < _materialList.Count; j++)
if(AppliedTimes[j] < 2)
rndMatIndex = j;
forceMat = true;
if (forceMat == false)
o.SetFirstMaterial(_firstMaterial, _firstTexturePath);
o.SetSecondMaterial(_materialList[rndMatIndex], _texturePathList[rndMatIndex]);
o.Revealed = false;
AppliedTimes[rndMatIndex] += 1;
forceMat = false;
private void MovePicture(int rows, int columns, Vector2 pos, Vector2 offset)
var index = 0;
for(var col = 0; col < columns; col++)
for(int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
var targetPosition = new Vector3((pos.x + (offset.x * row)), (pos.y - (offset.y * col)), 0.0f);
StartCoroutine(MoveToPosition(targetPosition, PictureList[index]));
private IEnumerator MoveToPosition(Vector3 target, Picture obj)
var randomDis = 7;
while(obj.transform.position !=target)
obj.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(obj.transform.position, target, randomDis * Time.deltaTime);
yield return 0;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Picture : MonoBehaviour
public AudioClip PressSound;
private Material _firstMaterial;
private Material _secondMaterial;
private Quaternion _currentRotation;
[HideInInspector] public bool Revealed = false;
private PictureManager _pictureManager;
private bool _clicked = false;
private int _index;
private AudioSource _audio;
public void SetIndex(int id)
_index = id;
public int GetIndex()
return _index;
void Start()
Revealed = false;
_clicked = false;
_pictureManager = GameObject.Find("[PictureManager]").GetComponent<PictureManager>();
_currentRotation = gameObject.transform.rotation;
_audio = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
_audio.clip = PressSound;
void Update()
private void OnMouseDown()
if(_clicked == false)
if (PauseMenu.isPaused == false)
_pictureManager.CurrentPuzzleState = PictureManager.PuzzleState.PuzzleRotating;
if (GameSettings.Instance.IsSoundEffectMutedPermanently() == false)
StartCoroutine(LoopRotation(45, false));
_clicked = true;
public void FlipBack()
if (gameObject.activeSelf)
_pictureManager.CurrentPuzzleState = PictureManager.PuzzleState.PuzzleRotating;
Revealed = false;
/*if (GameSettings.Instance.IsSoundEffectMutedPermanently() == false)
StartCoroutine(LoopRotation(45, true));
IEnumerator LoopRotation(float angle, bool FirstMat)
var rot = 0f;
const float dir = 1f;
const float rotSpeed = 180.0f;
const float rotSpeed1 = 90.0f;
var startAngle = angle;
var assigned = false;
while(rot < angle)
var step = Time.deltaTime * rotSpeed1;
gameObject.GetComponent<Transform>().Rotate(new Vector3(0, 2, 0) * step * dir);
if(rot >= (startAngle - 2) && assigned == false)
assigned = true;
rot += (1 * step * dir);
yield return null;
while (angle > 0)
float step = Time.deltaTime * rotSpeed;
gameObject.GetComponent<Transform>().Rotate(new Vector3(0, 2, 0) * step * dir);
angle -= (1 * step * dir);
yield return null;
gameObject.GetComponent<Transform>().rotation = _currentRotation;
if (!FirstMat)
Revealed = true;
_pictureManager.PuzzleRevealedNumber = PictureManager.RevealedState.NoRevealed;
_pictureManager.CurrentPuzzleState = PictureManager.PuzzleState.CanRotate;
_clicked = false;
public void SetFirstMaterial(Material mat, string texturePath)
_firstMaterial = mat;
_firstMaterial.mainTexture = Resources.Load(texturePath, typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D;
public void SetSecondMaterial(Material mat, string texturePath)
_secondMaterial = mat;
_secondMaterial.mainTexture = Resources.Load(texturePath, typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D;
public void ApplyFirstMaterial()
gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material = _firstMaterial;
public void ApplySecondMaterial()
gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material = _secondMaterial;
public void Deactivate()
private IEnumerator DeactivateCorutine()
Revealed = false;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class PictureManager : MonoBehaviour
public Picture PicturePrefab;
public Transform PicSpawnPosition;
public Vector2 StartPosition = new Vector2(-2.15f, 3.62f);
public AudioSource WinSound;
public AudioSource BgSound;
[Header("End Game Screen")]
public GameObject EndGamePanel;
public GameObject NewBestScoreText;
public GameObject YourScoreText;
public GameObject EndTimeText;
/*to rremove
public List<AudioClip> Vegetabels = new List<AudioClip>();
private AudioSource audioSource;
to remove*/
public enum GameState
public enum PuzzleState
public enum RevealedState
public GameState CurrentGameState;
public PuzzleState CurrentPuzzleState;
public RevealedState PuzzleRevealedNumber;
public List<Picture> PictureList;
private Vector2 _offset = new Vector2(1.42f, 1.52f);
private Vector2 _offsetFor15Pairs = new Vector2(1.08f, 1.22f);
private Vector2 _offsetFor20Pairs = new Vector2(1.08f, 1.0f);
private Vector3 _newScaleDown = new Vector3(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.001f);
private List<Material> _materialList = new List<Material>();
private List<string> _texturePathList = new List<string>();
private Material _firstMaterial;
private string _firstTexturePath;
private int _firstRevealedPic;
private int _secondRevealedPic;
private int _revealedPicNumber = 0;
private int _picToDestroy1;
private int _picToDestroy2;
private bool _corutineStarted = false;
private int _pairNumbers;
private int _removedPairs;
private Timer _gameTimer;
void Start()
CurrentGameState = GameState.NoAction;
CurrentPuzzleState = PuzzleState.CanRotate;
PuzzleRevealedNumber = RevealedState.NoRevealed;
_revealedPicNumber = 0;
_firstRevealedPic = -1;
_secondRevealedPic = -1;
_removedPairs = 0;
_pairNumbers = (int)GameSettings.Instance.GetPairNumber();
_gameTimer = GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent<Timer>();
if(GameSettings.Instance.GetPairNumber()== GameSettings.EPairNumber.E10Pairs)
CurrentGameState = GameState.MovingOnPositions;
SpwanPictureMesh(4, 5, StartPosition, _offset, false);
MovePicture(4, 5, StartPosition, _offset);
else if (GameSettings.Instance.GetPairNumber() == GameSettings.EPairNumber.E15Pairs)
CurrentGameState = GameState.MovingOnPositions;
SpwanPictureMesh(5, 6, StartPosition, _offset, false);
MovePicture(5, 6, StartPosition, _offsetFor15Pairs);
else if (GameSettings.Instance.GetPairNumber() == GameSettings.EPairNumber.E20Pairs)
CurrentGameState = GameState.MovingOnPositions;
SpwanPictureMesh(5, 8, StartPosition, _offset, true);
MovePicture(5, 8, StartPosition, _offsetFor20Pairs);
public void CheckPicture()
CurrentGameState = GameState.Checking;
_revealedPicNumber = 0;
for(int id = 0; id < PictureList.Count; id++)
if(PictureList[id].Revealed && _revealedPicNumber < 2)
if(_revealedPicNumber == 0)
_firstRevealedPic = id;
else if (_revealedPicNumber == 1)
_secondRevealedPic = id;
if (_revealedPicNumber == 2)
if (PictureList[_firstRevealedPic].GetIndex() == PictureList[_secondRevealedPic].GetIndex() && _firstRevealedPic != _secondRevealedPic)
CurrentGameState = GameState.DeletingPuzzles;
_picToDestroy1 = _firstRevealedPic;
_picToDestroy2 = _secondRevealedPic;
CurrentGameState = GameState.FlipBack;
CurrentPuzzleState = PictureManager.PuzzleState.CanRotate;
if(CurrentGameState == GameState.Checking)
CurrentGameState = GameState.NoAction;
private void DestroyPicture()
PuzzleRevealedNumber = RevealedState.NoRevealed;
_revealedPicNumber = 0;
CurrentGameState = GameState.NoAction;
CurrentPuzzleState = PuzzleState.CanRotate;
private IEnumerator FlipBack()
_corutineStarted = true;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f);
PictureList[_firstRevealedPic].Revealed = false;
PictureList[_secondRevealedPic].Revealed = false;
PuzzleRevealedNumber = RevealedState.NoRevealed;
CurrentGameState = GameState.NoAction;
_corutineStarted = false;
private void LoadMaterials()
var materialFilePath = GameSettings.Instance.GetMaterialDirectoryName();
var textureFilePath = GameSettings.Instance.GetPuzzleCategoryTextureDirectoryName();
var pairNumber = (int)GameSettings.Instance.GetPairNumber();
const string matBaseName = "Pic";
var firstMaterialName = "Back";
for(var index = 1; index <= pairNumber; index++)
var currentFilePath = materialFilePath + matBaseName + index;
Material mat = Resources.Load(currentFilePath, typeof(Material)) as Material;
var currentTextureFilePath = textureFilePath + matBaseName + index;
_firstTexturePath = textureFilePath + firstMaterialName;
_firstMaterial = Resources.Load(materialFilePath + firstMaterialName, typeof(Material)) as Material;
void Update()
if (PauseMenu.isPaused == false) {
if (CurrentGameState == GameState.DeletingPuzzles)
if(CurrentPuzzleState == PuzzleState.CanRotate)
if (CurrentGameState == GameState.FlipBack)
if(CurrentPuzzleState == PuzzleState.CanRotate && _corutineStarted == false)
if(CurrentGameState == GameState.GameEnd)
if(PictureList[_firstRevealedPic].gameObject.activeSelf == false &&
PictureList[_secondRevealedPic].gameObject.activeSelf == false &&
EndGamePanel.activeSelf == false)
if (GameSettings.Instance.IsSoundEffectMutedPermanently() == false)
private bool CheckGameEnd()
if(_removedPairs == _pairNumbers && CurrentGameState != GameState.GameEnd)
CurrentGameState = GameState.GameEnd;
return (CurrentGameState == GameState.GameEnd);
private void ShowEndGameInformation()
var timer = _gameTimer.GetCurrentTime();
var minutes = Mathf.Floor(timer / 60);
var seconds = Mathf.RoundToInt(timer % 60);
var newText = minutes.ToString("00") + ":" + seconds.ToString("00");
EndTimeText.GetComponent<Text>().text = newText;
private void SpwanPictureMesh(int rows, int columns, Vector2 Pos, Vector2 offset, bool scaleDown)
for(int col = 0; col < columns; col++)
for(int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
var tempPicture = (Picture)Instantiate(PicturePrefab, PicSpawnPosition.position, PicturePrefab.transform.rotation);
tempPicture.transform.localScale = _newScaleDown;
} = + 'c' + col + 'r' + row;
public void ApplyTextures()
var rndMatIndex = Random.Range(0, _materialList.Count);
var AppliedTimes = new int[_materialList.Count];
for(int i = 0; i< _materialList.Count; i++)
AppliedTimes[i] = 0;
foreach(var o in PictureList)
var randPrevious = rndMatIndex;
var counter = 0;
var forceMat = false;
while(AppliedTimes[rndMatIndex] >= 2 || ((randPrevious == rndMatIndex) && !forceMat))
rndMatIndex = Random.Range(0, _materialList.Count);
if(counter > 100)
for (var j = 0; j < _materialList.Count; j++)
if(AppliedTimes[j] < 2)
rndMatIndex = j;
forceMat = true;
if (forceMat == false)
o.SetFirstMaterial(_firstMaterial, _firstTexturePath);
o.SetSecondMaterial(_materialList[rndMatIndex], _texturePathList[rndMatIndex]);
o.Revealed = false;
AppliedTimes[rndMatIndex] += 1;
forceMat = false;
private void MovePicture(int rows, int columns, Vector2 pos, Vector2 offset)
var index = 0;
for(var col = 0; col < columns; col++)
for(int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
var targetPosition = new Vector3((pos.x + (offset.x * row)), (pos.y - (offset.y * col)), 0.0f);
StartCoroutine(MoveToPosition(targetPosition, PictureList[index]));
private IEnumerator MoveToPosition(Vector3 target, Picture obj)
var randomDis = 7;
while(obj.transform.position !=target)
obj.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(obj.transform.position, target, randomDis * Time.deltaTime);
yield return 0;
I'm very new to Unity and programming in C# altogether, so apologies if this is a little elementary;
Basically I want to change a sprite in my game for 10 seconds, and then change back to the original sprite. I have stored this sprite in a dictionary entry, as well as the sprites that I wish to change to in a List. I create these dictionary entries with a loop that filters in the correct name for the sprites and other entry values based on our position in the loop.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Photon.Pun;
public class PaddleAbilities : MonoBehaviour
public Dictionary<string, Ability> AbilitiesDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Ability>();
[Header("GUI Sprites")]
public List<Sprite> abilitySprites;
[Header("Ability Costs")]
public int Q_Cost;
public int W_Cost;
public int E_Cost;
public int R_Cost;
[Header("Ability Cooldowns")]
public float Q_Cooldown;
public float W_Cooldown;
public float E_Cooldown;
public float R_Cooldown;
//ability ready timers
public bool Q_Ready = true;
public bool W_Ready = true;
public bool E_Ready = true;
public bool R_Ready = true;
//access Scripts
public GameManager gameManager;
public Paddle paddle;
public int Score;
public string thisPlayer;
private Vector2 Position;
void Awake()
//get our Game Objects
gameManager = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<GameManager>();
paddle = this.gameObject.GetComponent<Paddle>();
//Get resource position
Position = this.gameObject.transform.position;
void Start()
//which player is this script assigned to?
if (Position.x < 0)
thisPlayer = "P1";
Score = gameManager.scoreValueP1;
else if (Position.x > 0)
thisPlayer = "P2";
Score = gameManager.scoreValueP2;
for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
int Cost = 0;
switch (i)
{ case 1:
Cost = Q_Cost;
case 2:
Cost = W_Cost;
case 3:
Cost = E_Cost;
case 4:
Cost = R_Cost;
float Cooldown = 0;
switch (i)
{ case 1:
Cooldown = Q_Cooldown;
case 2:
Cooldown = W_Cooldown;
case 3:
Cooldown = E_Cooldown;
case 4:
Cooldown = R_Cooldown;
if(thisPlayer == "P1")
string P1Name = "Ability" + i + "_P1";
AbilitiesDictionary.Add(P1Name, new Ability(P1Name, GameObject.Find(P1Name).GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite, Cost, Cooldown));
else if (thisPlayer == "P2")
string P2Name = "Ability" + i + "_P2";
AbilitiesDictionary.Add(P2Name, new Ability(P2Name, GameObject.Find(P2Name).GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite, Cost, Cooldown));
public class Ability
public string SpriteName { get; set; }
public Sprite AbilitySprite { get; set; }
public int AbilityCost { get; set; }
public float AbilityCooldown { get; set; }
public Ability(string spriteName, Sprite abilitySprite, int abilityCost, float abilityCooldown)
this.SpriteName = spriteName;
this.AbilitySprite = abilitySprite;
this.AbilityCost = abilityCost;
this.AbilityCooldown = abilityCooldown;
void Update()
if (thisPlayer == "P1")
Score = gameManager.scoreValueP1;
else if (thisPlayer == "P2")
Score = gameManager.scoreValueP2;
//Key press check gets called in update
public void AbilitiesRead()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Q) && Q_Ready && Score >= AbilitiesDictionary["Ability1_" + thisPlayer].AbilityCost)
Debug.Log(thisPlayer + " attempted to spawn a ball.");
private IEnumerator SkillDuration(float WaitTime)
//Debug.Log("Skill is active. Waiting for skill to deactivate.");
yield return new WaitForSeconds(WaitTime);
private IEnumerator ServeBall()
gameManager.serveTowards = paddle.Opponent; //make sure we serve at our opponent when this ability is called
gameManager.SpawnBall(1); //spawn a Ball (the ball will use this paddle.Opponent to determine which direction to go in.)
Q_Ready = false; //this ability is now on cooldown.
Score -= AbilitiesDictionary["Ability1_" + thisPlayer].AbilityCost; //deduct our Ability Cost
AbilitiesDictionary["Ability1_" + thisPlayer].AbilitySprite = abilitySprites[1]; //swap out Q_sprite for this player to the greyscale version "Q_Ability_onCooldown.psd"
yield return StartCoroutine(SkillDuration(AbilitiesDictionary["Ability1_" + thisPlayer].AbilityCooldown)); //WaitForSeconds for the amount of time we want to cooldown for.
AbilitiesDictionary["Ability1_" + thisPlayer].AbilitySprite = abilitySprites[0]; //swap out Q_sprite for this player to the color version "Q_Ability.psd"
Q_Ready = true; //this ability is now ready to be used again.
Here are my sprites in the Hierarchy. I was able to confirm that my dictionary entry DOES find the sprites, but when I set that entry equal to the sprite in the list that I want to change to, nothing happens on the Unity side of things.
Ability Sprites in Hierarchy
AbilitiesDictionary.Add(P1Name, new Ability(P1Name, GameObject.Find(P1Name).GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite, Cost, Cooldown));
Instead of referencing the sprite itself, you should reference the SpriteRenderer and exchange the sprite of the SpriteRenderer like this:
In your AbilityClass reference the Renderer:
public class Ability
public string SpriteName { get; set; }
public SpriteRenderer AbilitySprite { get; set; }
public int AbilityCost { get; set; }
public float AbilityCooldown { get; set; }
public Ability(string spriteName, Sprite abilitySprite, int abilityCost, float abilityCooldown)
this.SpriteName = spriteName;
this.AbilitySprite = abilitySprite;
this.AbilityCost = abilityCost;
this.AbilityCooldown = abilityCooldown;
Add the Renderer to your Class
if(thisPlayer == "P1")
string P1Name = "Ability" + i + "_P1";
AbilitiesDictionary.Add(P1Name, new Ability(P1Name, GameObject.Find(P1Name).GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>(), Cost, Cooldown));
Exchange the sprite:
AbilitiesDictionary["Ability1_" + thisPlayer].AbilitySprite.sprite = abilitySprites[1];
The code is untested so no guaratee there are no spelling errors ;)
I am building a survival shooter, I am using a script that I got from an other project link,the script only spawns the 1st wave and then nothing happens.
It dosent give any warning nor any error
EnemyWave Script
public class WaveManager : MonoBehaviour {
PlayerHealth playerHealth;
public float bufferDistance = 200;
public float timeBetweenWaves = 5f;
public float spawnTime = 3f;
public int startingWave = 1;
public int startingDifficulty = 1;
public Text number;
public int enemiesAlive = 0;
public class Wave {
public Entry[] entries;
public class Entry {
public GameObject enemy;
public int count;
public int spawned;
// All our waves.
public Wave[] waves;
Vector3 spawnPosition =;
int waveNumber;
float timer;
Wave currentWave;
int spawnedThisWave = 0;
int totalToSpawnForWave;
bool shouldSpawn = false;
int difficulty;
void Start() {
playerHealth = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent<PlayerHealth>();
waveNumber = startingWave > 0 ? startingWave - 1 : 0;
difficulty = startingDifficulty;
void Update() {
if (!shouldSpawn) {
if (spawnedThisWave == totalToSpawnForWave && enemiesAlive == 0) {
timer += Time.deltaTime;
if (timer >= spawnTime) {
foreach (Wave.Entry entry in currentWave.entries) {
if (entry.spawned < (entry.count * difficulty)) {
IEnumerator StartNextWave() {
shouldSpawn = false;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(timeBetweenWaves);
if (waveNumber == waves.Length) {
waveNumber = 0;
currentWave = waves[waveNumber];
totalToSpawnForWave = 0;
foreach (Wave.Entry entry in currentWave.entries) {
totalToSpawnForWave += (entry.count * difficulty);
spawnedThisWave = 0;
shouldSpawn = true;
number.text = (waveNumber + ((difficulty - 1) * waves.Length)).ToString();
void Spawn(Wave.Entry entry) {
timer = 0f;
if (playerHealth.currentHealth <= 0f) {
Vector3 randomPosition = Random.insideUnitSphere * 10;
randomPosition.y = 0;
UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshHit hit;
if (!UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh.SamplePosition(randomPosition, out hit, 5, 1)) {
spawnPosition = hit.position;
Vector3 screenPos = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(spawnPosition);
if ((screenPos.x > -bufferDistance && screenPos.x < (Screen.width + bufferDistance)) &&
(screenPos.y > -bufferDistance && screenPos.y < (Screen.height + bufferDistance)))
GameObject enemy = Instantiate(entry.enemy, spawnPosition, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
enemy.GetComponent<EnemyHealth>().startingHealth *= difficulty;
enemy.GetComponent<EnemyHealth>().scoreValue *= difficulty;
Recently I have changed my code from being a non-animated sprite to being animated. Now I'm having some trouble with the angle of the image.
When I turn I can see that the angle works because the fireballs are shooting in the correct direction, but the animated sprite is not. I have tried using base.Angle in the SpriteBatch.Draw method but it didn't take 5 arguments.
This is my code:
class Dragon : MovingGameObj
public Dragon()
framerate = 14;
timetolive = 3000;
repeat = 1;
timer = 0;
framesX = 1;
framesY = 2;
frameSize = 100;
alive = true;
activeframe = 0;
MaxSpeed = 2.5F;
FireballPower = 0;
prevKs = Keyboard.GetState();
prevKs2 = Keyboard.GetState();
Life = 100F;
Kills = 0;
Angle = -(float)(Math.PI / 2);
public bool alive;
private int activeframe;
int tmpTid = 0;
public int framerate { set; get; }
public int timetolive { set; get; }
public int repeat { set; get; }
public int framesX { set; get; }
public int framesY { set; get; }
public int timer { set; get; }
public int frameSize { set; get; }
public bool Enemy { get; set; }
public float MaxSpeed { get; set; }
public float FireballPower { get; set; }
public int WeaponType { get; set; }
public bool FireballFired { get; set; }
public float Life { get; set; }
public int Kills { get; set; }
protected KeyboardState prevKs;
protected KeyboardState prevKs2;
public void Respawn()
Life = 100F;
Random randomerare = new Random();
Position = new Vector2(randomerare.Next(1000), randomerare.Next(1000));
Angle = 0F;
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
KeyboardState ks = Keyboard.GetState();
KeyboardState ks2 = Keyboard.GetState();
#region Player 1
if (Enemy == false)
if (ks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up))
if (Speed < 0) Speed = 0;
if (Speed < MaxSpeed) Speed = Speed * 1.005F + 0.01F;
else Speed = MaxSpeed;
if (ks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down))
if (Speed > -1.0F) Speed -= 0.04F;
else Speed = -1.0F;
if (ks.IsKeyUp(Keys.Down) && ks.IsKeyUp(Keys.Up) && Speed > 0)
Speed -= 0.01F;
if (Speed <= 0) Speed = 0;
if (ks.IsKeyUp(Keys.Down) && ks.IsKeyUp(Keys.Up) && Speed < 0)
Speed += 0.01F;
if (Speed >= 0) Speed = 0;
if (ks.IsKeyUp(Keys.Left))
Angle += 0.02F;
if (ks.IsKeyUp(Keys.Right))
Angle -= 0.02F;
if (ks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space))
if (FireballPower < 100)
FireballPower += 0.5F;
FireballPower = 100;
if (ks.IsKeyUp(Keys.Space) && prevKs.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space))
//FireballPower = 0;
FireballFired = true;
#region Player 2
if (Enemy == true)
if (ks2.IsKeyDown(Keys.W))
if (Speed < 0) Speed = 0;
if (Speed < MaxSpeed) Speed = Speed * 1.005F + 0.01F;
else Speed = MaxSpeed;
if (ks2.IsKeyDown(Keys.S))
if (Speed > -1.0F) Speed -= 0.04F;
else Speed = -1.0F;
if (ks2.IsKeyUp(Keys.S) && ks2.IsKeyUp(Keys.W) && Speed > 0)
Speed -= 0.01F;
if (Speed <= 0) Speed = 0;
if (ks2.IsKeyUp(Keys.S) && ks2.IsKeyUp(Keys.W) && Speed < 0)
Speed += 0.01F;
if (Speed >= 0) Speed = 0;
if (ks2.IsKeyUp(Keys.A))
Angle += 0.02F;
if (ks2.IsKeyUp(Keys.D))
Angle -= 0.02F;
if (ks2.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftControl))
if (FireballPower < 100)
FireballPower += 0.5F;
FireballPower = 100;
if (ks2.IsKeyUp(Keys.LeftControl) && prevKs2.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftControl))
//FireballPower = 0;
FireballFired = true;
prevKs = ks;
prevKs2 = ks2;
Direction = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(Angle), (float)Math.Sin(Angle));
timer += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
if (timer > timetolive)
alive = false;
tmpTid += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
if (tmpTid > (1000 / framerate))
activeframe += 1;
tmpTid = 0;
if (activeframe > (framesX * framesY))
activeframe = 0;
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
Rectangle tmp = new Rectangle(activeframe%framesX*frameSize,activeframe/framesY*frameSize,frameSize,frameSize);
spriteBatch.Draw(base.Gfx,base.Position, tmp,Color.White);
Try using this SpriteBatch.Draw() overload:
spriteBatch.Draw(base.Gfx, base.Position, tmp, Color.White, Angle, Vector2.Zero, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f);