I am developing a C# application which uses a .tlb file as reference in its solution, which should be installed by another application - however I've recently discovered such use cases, where this other application would not be installed. In these cases my program fails to run correctly, my installer (made with Microsoft Installer Projects) throws the following error:
I suspect the behavior above is due to an initializer subclass which is called by the installer. I want this initializer class only call the discussed .tlb as reference, if it is actually useable/installed - so in case it's actually there, since it is only related to that other application which would install it to the user computer. How can I achieve this "conditional referencing" in my initializer.cs?
The exact code part:
using NGOptMan // This should be conditional or the line actually using it;
var optMan = (IOptionsManager)Activator.
// This is the only command where I would use this .tlb.
You can make use of dynamic which allows you to utilise COM objects but without a type library.
var optMan = (IOptionsManager)Activator.CreateInstance(...)
dynamic foo = Activator.
if (foo == null)
return; // failed
// Success
var optMan = (IOptionsManager)foo; // Now cast using the typelib
NOTE the use of dynamic and the removal of the cast.
When I add a COM reference I get an automatically generated interop. In this example I added a reference to MSHTML.
I had the problem with the following code:
bool isHtmlFrameElement = activeElement is HTMLFrameElement;
This type test works on target systems that have a proper mshtml interop in the GAC. But on other systems this expression always became true even if it was not an HTMLFrameElement. Correct check would be the following.
bool isHtmlFrameElement = activeElement is IHTMLFrameElement;
How can I ensure to avoid using invalid types during development?
My first thoughts on this:
Post-process the generated interops to make all meta types internal
Post-process consuming assemblies during build and raise build errors
First, I realize that there are many posts here that discuss this topic. I must have read 20+ of them, easily. But none of them give the answer that I seek.
I have written a tiny C# test COM DLL with a single method in it that prints "I am alive!" in a message box. Using VStudio as admin, I can build and register the COM object. I have successfully called the object from VBA and run the method. And I can see the name of the COM Interface in the VStudio Add Reference / COM dialog box. This all makes me think the object is properly constructed, registered, and usable.
Now I'm trying to call it from a console C# app. Like many others, I'm trying to figure out the equivalent of the VBA "CreateObject("DLLName.ClassName")" code to get hold of the object in C#.
One way is to just add a reference to the DLL to my console app project. I point to the assembly through the Projects section of the Add Reference dialog, not through the COM section of the dialog. Then I can simply say var o = new MyComImplementationClass(); and treat it like any other class. That works, but it means my console app is cheating and not using the COM object through the usual COM GAC interface.
Another way (that doesn't work, but I wish it did), is to add the reference through the COM tab on the Add Reference dialog. I can see it but VS protests that "the XXX.tlb file was exported from a .NET assembly. Add a reference to the assembly instead." Which brings me back to the solution above, which I think means that my app is cheating. (I didn't have to add references to my VBA test app, for example.)
Another way is to use Type.GetTypeFromProgId as shown by this code fragment below. But I can't get that to work either. I must be passing in the incorrect ProgID string - I get the sense it has something to do with registry info and is not the same "DLLName.ClassName" string that I feed CreateObject() in VBA.
public static dynamic ComObjectGet () {
const string progID = "ComExampleDLLName.ComImplementationClassName";
Type foo = Type.GetTypeFromProgID (progID);
dynamic COMobject = Activator.CreateInstance (foo);
return COMobject;
Worse yet, on this MSDN example page it says "This method is provided for COM support. Program IDs are not used in Microsoft .NET Framework because they have been superseded by the concept of namespace." So probably I should not be using the GetTypeFromProgID at all.
If it helps any, I can use VSTO in C# to call the MSOffice primary interop assemblies. But they load from the COM tab of the add reference dialogs (which is where I want my COM library to load from).
For clarity, my COM DLL name is ComExampleLibrary.dll. The default namespace is ComExampleNamespace. The interface name is IComInterface, and the implementation classname is ComImplementation. The internal method name is Run.
Could someone give me instructions or a code snippet that does the "right, approved" thing for calling COM objects (not just the ones I write) from C#? Thank you.
Thanks to the people who helped me out, here is the answer. Both GetTypeFromProgID and GetTypeFromCLSID work as shown below. My problem was that I was using "AssemblyName.ClassName" instead of "Namespace.ClassName" in the call to GetTypeFromProgID.
public static dynamic ComObjectGet () {
const string progID = "ComExampleNamespace.ComImplementation";
Type foo = Type.GetTypeFromProgID (progID);
//var bar = Guid.Parse ("99929AA7-0334-4B2D-AC74-5E282A12D06C");
//Type foo = Type.GetTypeFromCLSID (bar);
dynamic COMobject = Activator.CreateInstance (foo);
return COMobject;
So my original code was correct, but I was passing in the wrong argument. This snippet is the equivalent of the VBA CreateObject("Namespace.ClassName") call.
I still don't know why I cannot add a reference to the COM item in the COM tab of the Add Reference dialog like I would for any other COM object. I suppose that's a different question.
Is there in C# connect to COM-object and use contents of com-object such as in the Builder c++:
(OLE C # seems to be not supported, except OLEDb, but it is not the current case in my opinion)
I know I can add a link -> COM -> Seeking a registered com-object.
But it does not fit.
Normally, if you need to use a COM object in C#, you would add it as a Reference, and select the registered type library. That will generate an Interop Assembly, after which you can use the COM object just like any other C# class.
Alternatively, you can run the .NET utility tlbimp by hand, which has roughly the same effect but gives you slightly more control.
If you really need to create the object dynamically, without knowing anything about the type ahead of time, you can use the dynamic keyword and the Activator class to create a dynamic instance of a type. The code would look like:
var comType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("some.someClass");
dynamic obj = Activator.CreateInstance(comType);
This will defer all type checking on obj until run-time, behaving much like VBA would.
I'm experimenting with COM objects and created a simple COM service that acts as a calculator with add, subtract, multiply, divide (details not important).
I then wrote some code to register it dynamically with a C# application
Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFile("C:\\...COMCalc.dll");
RegistrationServices regAsm = new RegistrationServices();
bool bResult = regAsm.RegisterAssembly(asm, AssemblyRegistrationFlags.SetCodeBase);
After registering it I've been able to use the service from an IE browser in javascript.
var num1 = 2
var num2 = 2
var objTest = new ActiveXObject("COMCalc.COMCalc")
alert(num1 + " - " + num2 + " = " + objTest.Subtract(num1,num2))
I'd like to now be able to test it from my C# Application so I can have a register, unregister, and test method for my COM object. I've struggled to find the documentation for how to do this. Any Ideas?
Bonus: I also would like to access it with the GUID defined in the COM object as opposed to the COMCalc.
regAsm.RegisterAssembly(asm, AssemblyRegistrationFlags.SetCodeBase)
By writing your own custom registration method, you are missing out on the normal way that COM client programs or unit testers will exercise your code. They'll use the type library of your COM component, a machine-readable file that describes the types that you expose from your component. It is the COM equivalent of .NET metadata.
You get a type library by using the normal way to register, either by using your project's "Register for COM Interop" setting or by running Regasm.exe with the /tlb option. Or by running Tlbexp.exe to generate it manually.
This however does not let you test your component with a C# unit test, you'd normally use Project > Add Reference > Browse and pick the .tlb file. But the IDE refuses to accept it, it can see that the type library was created from a .NET assembly. It insists that you use a normal assembly reference instead, picking the DLL instead.
There's a very good reason for that. You can fool the IDE by using late binding but that does not fool the CLR. In other words, you are not actually testing the COM interop at all. You might as well use the normal way to add a .NET assembly reference. Truly testing the component requires using a COM client written in a non-.NET language. Not that many practical ones around anymore, you could use a scripting language like Javascript or VBScript. The closer it is to the actual language and runtime environment that is going to use your component, the better. If you are going to use it in a browser then something like Selenium or HtmlAgilityPack would be wise choice.
Nobody ever likes to hear advice like that. You fool the IDE by late binding, very similar to what you did in the browser:
Type type = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("COMCalc.COMCalc");
dynamic obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
dynamic result = obj.Subtract(2, 1);
In C# .net we can run code dynamically by using System.Codedom.Provider. Like the same is there any possibility to execute the code dynamically in Monotouch (iPhone/iPad).
Thanks in advance,
Not possible. First because the limitation in how Xamarin.iOS actually works (it doesn't run like a regular .NET apps, but instead compiled to a plain iOS app) and because the security model in Apple Appstore. After all, you can't declare an app to be safe or regulation conforming if the behavior could change anytime.
Since Xamarin.iOS version 7.2 there is some basic support for C#'s dynamic feature. From the release notes:
C# dynamic support. We made it possible to use C# dynamic with Xamarin.iOS but the feature is very complex and we need early adopters let us know what dynamic code they run on other platforms or would like to run on Xamarin.iOS.
I've successfully compiled and executed dynamic access of anonymous types:
dynamic d = new { name = "x" };
tmp = d.name;
Currently you need to add a Microsoft.CSharp.dll as a dependency -- otherwise you'll get an exception similar to this:
Error CS0518: The predefined type `Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.Binder' is not defined or imported (CS0518) (DynamicSupportOniOS)
Error CS1969: Dynamic operation cannot be compiled without `Microsoft.CSharp.dll' assembly reference (CS1969) (DynamicSupportOniOS)
Unfortunately neither ExpandoObject nor Json.Net's JObject work right now:
dynamic x = new ExpandoObject();
x.NewProp = "demo"; // this still works
Console.WriteLine(x.NewProp); // fails with Xamarin.iOS 7.2
dynamic d = JObject.Parse("{number:1000, str:'string', array: [1,2,3,4,5,6]}");
Console.WriteLine(d.number); // fails with Xamarin.iOS 7.2
I've created two bug reports for this: https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=20081 and https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=20082.