Not able to create 'reportviewer' Visual Studio 2022 - c#

In beginning 'reportviewer' was not showing in toolbox than i installed "Microsoft RDLC Report Designer" from this link "" then I got reportviewer in toolbox but now when I want to add reportviewer to the form but it shows this error the moment I drag and drop the report viewer from toolbox to form.

The report viewer does not come with the designer but is a NuGet package you can add on.
Right click on you project (or solution) and select Manage NuGet Packages.
Install the package for the type of project you creating, for example:


ReportViewer control are not enabled in the active designer. - Visual Studio 2017

I am trying to use the RDLC Report Viewer on a MVC application but I can't use it.
I installed the extension Microsoft Rdlc Report Designer for Visual Studio, after doing that I also installed this package Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportViewerControl.WebForms from the Nuget Package Manager Console.
Then I tried to choose that package for adding to the Toolbox and I get this message:
After pressing the OK button the ReportViewer is still not visible in the Toolbox. I followed these instructions too but still doesn't work Reportviewer tool missing in visual studio 2017 RC
For Visual Studio 2019 -->
01 : Go to Extensions Menu
02 : Manage extensions --> Search "Microsoft RDLC Report Designer"
03 : Download and install "Microsoft RDLC Report Designer"
Create Empty web project
add Report.aspx and Report.rdlc files to the project.
04: Go to Reference folder --> Manage nuget packages
05: Search Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportViewerControl.WebForms and Install
So far there is not tab called "Microsoft Sql Server" under toolbox. we should do this way for open it.
04: Open Report.rdlc file
05: After that open Report.aspx file
06: Now you can see there is a tab called as Microsoft Sql Server under toolbox
07: you can find Reportviewer inside Microsoft Sql Server tab
08: Drag ReportViewer control to Report.aspx

Report viewer tag missing in toolbox Visual Studio 2015

I recently installed Visual Studio 2015 Community and now my toolbox does not have the report viewer tag, all my existing report viewers in my ASP.NET project show 'error creating Control'. I've checked all my references and they seem to be OK, when I Run the project the report appears fine in the browser.
From reading this, you need to add the SQL Server Data Tools package.
We have managed to track down the solution to this issue. It turns out that the components required for reporting are located within the Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools package. In order to install this package, perform the following steps as a privileged (local or domain administrator) account. Ensure that Visual Studio and all related programs are closed before you begin.
Open Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features, and select the entry for your version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. In our case, it was Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2015.
Click the "Change" button on the top bar above the program list.
After the splash screen, a window will open. Press the "Modify" button.
Select Windows and Web Development > Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools, and check the box next to it.
Press the "Update" button on the lower-right hand side of the window.
Once the installation is complete, open your version of Visual Studio. After the new .dll files are loaded, Reporting functionality should be reimplemented, and you should be able to access all related forms, controls, and objects.
Our working theory is that the web installer did not install the required components for Reporting during the initial installation - however, the issue seems to be resolved now.
Just a heads up for VS 2017. The control is no longer located in the "Toolbox" but is now instead a NuGet package. It can be installed via the Package Manager Console with the command:
Install-Package ReportViewerForMvc

Reporting template not available in Visual Studio 2015 C#

I want to create a .rdlc file in a WPF project but adding add new dialog box doesn't provides any option to create a new report. I have installed Microsoft SQL server data tools, express localdb and prerequisites for ssdt. Can anyone point me in the direction why this option is not available.
Note: When I installed VS 2015 some of the features were not properly installed, well I installed some of those packages which I required from time to time. Now there are still a couple of packages missing. One is Microsoft report viewer add-on for visual studio 2015. I searched for this add-on on the internet but I wasn't able to locate it.
I also installed report viewer runtime as I was missing assembly dll(s) for adding reference to Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms.
I have attached some screenshots for reference.
p.s. if you think that this is a possible duplicate, well I tried a couple of answers already on stack overflow which didn't worked in my case. That's why I am posting a separate question.
I had this problem and solved it by the following:
Get the nugget package for the Microsoft Report Viewer 2015
a. Right click the project and choose Manage NuGet Packages
b. Click on the browse tab
c. The package used was Microsoft.Reportviewer.2015 by AdrienGuillerot v12.0.2.2402
Add the report viewer to your toolbox.
a. Right Click, then Choose Items...
b. Browse to the dlls in the package.
Put the control in your webform.
a. Drag the control from your toolbox onto the form.
b. Set the Dock property to fill.
c. Add the following code to YourForm.Designer.cs in the InitializeComponent() method.

Report viewer in Visual Studio 2015 C#

I am trying to add a Microsoft Report Viewer to my project, I am using Visual Studio 2015 and also installed Microsoft Report Viewer 2015 Runtime. My first problem was that I had no ReportViewer in toolbar, but I fixed it by searching it through the list (.NET list), then when I tried to add it on my form, it didn't show up on my form, but it was added to the project (because it appeared at the bottom of the screen, just above output as ReportViewer1).
Is there any similar package I can use for reports instead of Microsoft? Or is there any fix for this?
ReportViewer version is 11.0.0.
If it's not showing up on Toolbar, it probably wasn't picked during your main install.
This fixed it for me:
Open Control Panel / Programs and Features / "Microsoft Visual
Studio 2015"
Pick "Change"
Wait for splash screen. Press the "Modify" button.
Select "Windows and Web Development" Group
Check "Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools"
Click "Update"
After a bit of time configuring itself you should see "Setup Completed!"
Reload VS, pick the form and it should be on toolbar under Reports group near bottom.
Get the nugget package (sounds like you did this)
Add the report viewer to your toolbox.
a. Right Click, then Choose Items...
b. Browse to the dlls in the package.
Put the in control your webform.
a. Drag the control from your toolbox onto the form.
b. Set the Dock property to fill.
c. Add the following code to YourForm.Designer.cs in the InitializeComponent() method.

ZedGraph doesn't works in Visual Studio 2012

Anyone used ZedGraph in VS2012 ?? When i try load component i get error message that "There are not Component in zedgraph.dll that can be placed on toolbox".
I can't find info does zedgraph works on VS2012.
Please recommend me some library to plot graph of math functions, thx
You first need to add the ZedGraphControl to your toolbox. The instructions on the Zedgraph CodeProject page works for Visual Studio 2012 as well:
ZedGraph is accessible as a control from the control toolbox in Visual Studio .NET. To access ZedGraph, first launch Visual Studio .NET, and create a new Windows Application (Forms) project. Open the form design so that it appears in the current window. View the toolbox using the View/Toolbox menu command. Right-click inside the "General" or "Components" sub-pane of the tool box, and select the "Choose Items..." option. Click "Browse...", and navigate to the ZedGraph.dll file. Once this file is added, you should see a ZedGraphControl option in the toolbox.
If you want to use an alternative charting library, please be aware that .NET 4 and later contains the .NET Charting library for Windows Forms out-of-the-box, see here.
Just go to nuget package manager console and:
Install-Package ZedGraph
It will install what you need and it will be working
