Trying to convert enum to custom string name with JsonStringEnumConverter - c#

I was trying represent some use-case scenario like below. I have json formatted data. And it include an enum class. They send this enum class with int type. I want to show this enum value with a meaningful string. But I couldn't make it.
How can I show this EnumMember custom value?
Edit: I want to show "Not Hot" value. Not Hot_Not enum.
static void Main(string[] args) {
var jsonString = "{\"Summary\":\"40\"}";
var options = new JsonSerializerOptions {
Converters = {
new JsonStringEnumConverter()
WeatherForecastWithEnum ? weatherForecast = JsonSerializer.Deserialize < WeatherForecastWithEnum > (jsonString, options) !;
public class WeatherForecastWithEnum {
public Summary ? Summary {
public enum Summary {
Cold = 30,
Cool = 10,
Warm = 20,
[EnumMember(Value = "Not Hot")]
Hot_Not = 40

By default, it is not supported with System.Text.Json . You can see the request for the same.
But there is an extension library called 'Macross.Json.Extensions' where you can use JsonStringEnumMemberConverter attribute and then do what you need.
public enum DefinitionType
[EnumMember(Value = "UNKNOWN_DEFINITION_000")]
public void ExampleTest()
string Json = JonSerializer.Serialize(DefinitionType.DefinitionUnknown);
Assert.AreEqual("\"UNKNOWN_DEFINITION_000\"", Json);
DefinitionType ParsedDefinitionType = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<DefinitionType>(Json);
Assert.AreEqual(DefinitionType.DefinitionUnknown, ParsedDefinitionType);
You can see more at -


How do I map enums in many-to-one relationship

I have two enums, the source one is with responses from api and another one is what I want to send to frontend.
public enum ApiResponse
public enum DestEnum
What I am trying to do is:
public class ExampleViewModel
public DestEnum foo { get; set; }
var response = ApiResponse.C;
result = new ExampleViewModel()
foo = response
And I want foo value to be DestEnum.BCD
Is it possible to do with automapper or some custom attributes?
Assuming you've set your serializer up to send strings already you seem to be just looking for a way to map an X to a Y
How about:
public static class EnumExtensions{
static Dictionary<ApiResponse,DestEnum> _mapDest =
new() {
[ApiResponse.A] = DestEnum.A,
[ApiResponse.B] = DestEnum.BCD,
[ApiResponse.C] = DestEnum.BCD,
[ApiResponse.D] = DestEnum.BCD,
public static DestEnum AsDest(this ApiResponse x) => _mapDest[x];
And then you can convert the ApiRespnse you got to a Dest like:
return new BlahViewModel{
DestEnumProperty = apiResponseEnumValueIGot.AsDest(),
OtherProp = ...
Warning, the lookup will blow up if you get any values that aren't mapped; if you think this will ever be possible, consider having an Unknown value in your DestEnum and doing something like:
=> _mapDest.TryGetValue(x, out var r) ? r : DestEnum.Unknown

Serialize custom type to JSON

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
JSONClass jsonClass = new JSONClass();
JSONElement el = new JSONElement
A = 5,
B = "test1"
JSONElement el2 = new JSONElement
A = 3,
B = "test2"
var output = JsonSerializer.Serialize<JSONClass>(jsonClass);
public class JSONClass
public List<JSONElement> JSONList = new List<JSONElement>();
public class JSONElement
public int A { get; set; }
public string B { get; set; }
This code returns {} which means that JsonSerializer.Serialize failed to do what it supposed to do. I imagine its because its not smart enough to handle custom types. And here is my question, how to do it. Internet is full of articles how to write custom converters etc, but none of them mention custom types.
Your JSONList member is a public field - whereas JsonSerializer looks for properties.
Change your code for JSONClass to this:
public class JSONClass
public List<JSONElement> JSONList { get; } = new List<JSONElement>();
The output is then:
The bigger lesson to learn here is not to assume that the mistake is in the library you're using. Always start with an expectation that the problem is in your own code. Sometimes you'll find it really is in the library or system code (or in the compiler etc) but in my experience that's relatively rare.

How can i see if my JSON contains a certain value and then compare it?

var Name = "Resources.myjson.json";
var NameJSON = new System.IO.StreamReader(typeof(Strings).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(Name)).ReadToEnd();
var ParsedBrandJSON = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TheInfo>(NameJSON);
await JsonCS.LoadJson(ParsedBrandJSON);
And on the page:
static public class TheInfoJSON
static public TheInfo Data { get; set; }
static public async Task LoadJson(Data JSON)
Data = JSON;
public class TheInfo
public List<TheName> TheName { get; set; } = new List<TheName>();
My json:
"TheName": ["Martin", "Jonas", "Alex", "Oscar"]
When i now try to compare how can i see if my JSON contains a certain object and then store that as a single TheName? Is it possible to do it in the same cast?
var TheNameDataFromOtherPage = OtherPage.TheName; //Here i gather the name from another page that i will compare with the JSON
//Wrong syntax
bool DoTheyMatch = TheNameDataFromOtherPage == TheInfoJSON.Data.TheName.Contains("Alex");
This is now wrong syntax because i cant compare the value to a bool. How can i get out the data i find and then instead of having TheInfoJSON.Data.TheName.Contains("Alex"); as a bool, back to a single value of TheName containing "Alex" so I can create a bool out of the two values to see if the JSON has it or not.
I tried to add something along the lines like this after the contains(): as TheInfo.TheName but that isnt the correct syntax either.
bool DoTheyMatch = TheInfoJSON.Data.TheName.Contains(TheNameDataFromOtherPage);

Deserializing Json array with variable names first using C# Json.NET

I'm getting an irregular JSON array from the Census Bureau's public api.
The variable names are all in the first element, and I'm having trouble deserializing it.,POP,SEX&for=us:*&DATE=7
gives me JSON like this:
I can successfully deserialize this using:
var test1 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<String[][]>(jsonStr);
However, I'm trying to deserialize it to a class like this:
public class TestClass
public string AGE { get; set; }
public string POP { get; set; }
public string SEX { get; set; }
public string DATE { get; set; }
public string us { get; set; }
I'm trying to do this:
var test2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TestClass[]>(jsonStr);
But I'm getting the following exception:
An exception of type 'Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException'
occurred in Newtonsoft.Json.dll but was not handled in user code
Additional information: Cannot create and populate list type
TestClass. Path '[0]', line 1, position
There's two parts to this.
First is turning the JSON in to data usable in C#, and the second is turning that data in to nice objects.
Here's a working example of the following code:
Each row in your JSON is made up of an array of strings.
So that's an array of an array of strings.
In C# that can be written as string[][].
So to turn the JSON in to usable data with JSON.Net you can do:
var json = "[[\"AGE\",\"POP\",\"SEX\",\"DATE\",\"us\"],[\"0\",\"3948350\",\"0\",\"7\",\"1\"],[\"1\",\"3962123\",\"0\",\"7\",\"1\"],[\"2\",\"3957772\",\"0\",\"7\",\"1\"],[\"3\",\"4005190\",\"0\",\"7\",\"1\"],[\"4\",\"4003448\",\"0\",\"7\",\"1\"],[\"5\",\"4004858\",\"0\",\"7\",\"1\"],[\"6\",\"4134352\",\"0\",\"7\",\"1\"],[\"7\",\"4154000\",\"0\",\"7\",\"1\"]]";
var rawData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<string[][]>(json);
Next up is is turning that data in to objects.
The first row is the header, containing the column names, so we want to grab that, and then figure out the column index for each column name.
var headerRow = rawData.First();
var ageIndex = Array.IndexOf(headerRow, "AGE");
var popIndex = Array.IndexOf(headerRow, "POP");
var sexIndex = Array.IndexOf(headerRow, "SEX");
var dateIndex = Array.IndexOf(headerRow, "DATE");
var usIndex = Array.IndexOf(headerRow, "us");
Now we have the indexes, we need to take each row, and convert it in to the appropriate object. I've used LINQ for this as it's very good at representing data processing in a clear way.
var testData = rawData
.Skip(1) //The first row is a header, not data
.Select(dataRow => new TestClass()
AGE = dataRow[ageIndex],
POP = dataRow[popIndex],
SEX = dataRow[sexIndex],
DATE = dataRow[dateIndex],
us = dataRow[usIndex]
Finally a bit of testing, to make sure you have the data you're expecting.
//Get the second data row as an example
var example = testData.Skip(1).First();
//Output example POP to check value
Everything above is very manual.
You have to know what headers you expect, then you manually find the indexes, then you manually map the rows to objects.
It's quite possible for a simple use case that doing that is fine. But in larger and/or more complex systems you might want/need to automate those steps.
Automating those steps is possible, but is beyond the scope of this answer as how you approach it can depend on a lot of different factors.
You could make a custom JsonConverter to handle this conversion during deserialization. The conversion code is really not much different than other answers here, except that it is encapsulated into a separate class so that you don't muddy up your main code with the conversion details. From the point of view of your main code it "just works".
Here is how to write the converter:
public class TestClassArrayConverter : JsonConverter
public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
return (objectType == typeof(TestClass[]));
public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
JArray table = JArray.Load(reader);
TestClass[] items = new TestClass[table.Count - 1];
for (int i = 1; i < table.Count; i++)
JArray row = (JArray)table[i];
items[i - 1] = new TestClass
AGE = (string)row[0],
POP = (string)row[1],
SEX = (string)row[2],
DATE = (string)row[3],
us = (string)row[4]
return items;
public override bool CanWrite
get { return false; }
public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
throw new NotImplementedException();
And here is how you would use it:
var test2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TestClass[]>(jsonStr, new TestClassArrayConverter());
You have to do the processing on your own, as there is no way the json deserializer can know, how to put the values into the respecitve variables.
If you know, this will be exactly this structure, you could for instance add an appropriate constructor
public TestClass(string[] values) {
AGE = values[0];
to your class. Then serialize your result to array of arrays of string and then pass the inner arrays to your constructor.
var t1 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<string[][]>(jsonStr);
//skip the first entry, as this contains the headers
var t2 = t1.Skip(1).Select(x=> new TestClass(x));
If your structure varies, you'll have to write some more complicated mapping code.
You will have to do some custom mapping as your Json does not have any naming conventions so you will have to work with the data in array and index formats. This will work:
var jsonStr = "[[\"AGE\",\"POP\",\"SEX\",\"DATE\",\"us\"], [\"0\",\"3948350\",\"0\",\"7\",\"1\"], [\"1\",\"3962123\",\"0\",\"7\",\"1\"], [\"2\",\"3957772\",\"0\",\"7\",\"1\"], [\"3\",\"4005190\",\"0\",\"7\",\"1\"], [\"4\",\"4003448\",\"0\",\"7\",\"1\"], [\"5\",\"4004858\",\"0\",\"7\",\"1\"], [\"6\",\"4134352\",\"0\",\"7\",\"1\"], [\"7\",\"4154000\",\"0\",\"7\",\"1\"]]";
var test2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<string[][]>(jsonStr);
var test3 = test2.Select(x => new TestClass()
AGE = x[0].ToString(),
POP = x[1].ToString(),
SEX = x[2].ToString(),
DATE = x[3].ToString(),
us = x[4].ToString()
//test Case
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ApiController.Test
public class DownloadIrregularJsonStringObjects
string ApiKey => "YourPersonalCensusKey";
/// <summary>
/// You have to get your own ApiKey from the Census Website
/// </summary>
public void TestGetItem()
string url = $",NAME,NUI_PT&for=county:*&in=state:*&time=2015&key={YourPersonalCensusKey}";
string expected = "Autauga County, AL";
IList<HealthData> actual = ApiController.DownloadIrregularJsonStringObjects.GetCensusHealthData(url);
Assert.AreEqual(actual[0].NAME, expected);
///Actual Assembly
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
namespace ApiController
public class DownloadIrregularJsonStringObjects
public static IList<HealthData> GetCensusHealthData(string url)
var json = GetData(url);
var rawData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<string[][]>(json);
var headerRow = rawData.First();
var nic_pt_Index = Array.IndexOf(headerRow, "NIC_PT");
var name_Index = Array.IndexOf(headerRow, "NAME");
var nui_pt_Index = Array.IndexOf(headerRow, "NUI_PT");
IList<HealthData> retVal = new List<HealthData>();
foreach (var r in rawData.Skip(1))
HealthData dataRow = new HealthData();
dataRow.NIC_PT = r[nic_pt_Index];
dataRow.NAME = r[name_Index];
dataRow.NUI_PT = r[nui_pt_Index];
return retVal;
private static string GetData(string url)
using (var w = new WebClient())
var jsonData = string.Empty;
jsonData = w.DownloadString(url);
return jsonData;
public class HealthData
public string NIC_PT { get; set; }
public string NAME { get; set; }
public string NUI_PT { get; set; }

Enumeration Objects (Strings) in Entity Framework

I am building a model with Entity Framework and purchased responsive CSS.
The built in fixed icons comes with CSS. Like as follows (Name and Icon Class Value)
I need a way to keep the names of icons as fixed enums to access it from the VS intellisense. Currently we can't store as a entity table in entity framework (as it require relationship with tables difficult to maintain) and enum doesn't allows string type.
Code that did not work:
public sealed class IconType
public static readonly IconType Rupee_Icon = new IconType("rupee-icons");
public static readonly IconType Doller_Icon = new IconType("doller-icon");
private IconType(int EnumID,string EnumObjectValue)
IconValue = EnumObjectValue;
public string IconValue { get; private set; }
More code that did not work (CSS class names contains whitespaces like ui bell icon):
public enum Icon
Idea Icon=1,
Bell Icon =2
Is there any other ways to use names / objects as enums or constants in EF for easy intellisense in Visual Studio?
You could:
Omit the white spaces in the enums:
public enum Icon
NotSet = 0,
IdeaIcon = 1,
BellIcon = 2
Add a description or name (Or even some custom attribute) attributes to the enums:
public enum Icon
NotSet = 0,
[Description("ui idea icon")]
IdeaIcon = 1,
[Description("ui bell icon")]
BellIcon = 2
When needed get the description name. Example method to get the description attribute value:
public static string GetDescription<T>(this T enumerationValue)
where T : struct, IConvertible
var type = enumerationValue.GetType();
if (!type.IsEnum)
throw new ArgumentException("EnumerationValue must be of Enum type", "enumerationValue");
// Tries to find a DescriptionAttribute for a potential friendly name for the enum
var memberInfo = type.GetMember(enumerationValue.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
if (memberInfo.Length > 0)
var attributes = memberInfo[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false);
if (attributes.Length > 0)
// Pull out the description value
return ((DescriptionAttribute)attributes[0]).Description;
// If we have no description attribute, just return the ToString of the enum
return enumerationValue.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
Did you consider using string constants?
public static class IconType
public const string RUPEE_ICON = "rupee-icon";
public const string DOLLER_ICON = "doller-icon";
// ...
Store the icon's as plain old objects. Why make use of entity framework at all?
public static class Icons
public enum Type
IdeaIcon = 1,
BellIcon =2
public static Icon Get(Type type)
return IconCollection.Single(icon => icon.Type == type);
static IEnumerable<Icon> IconCollection
return new List<Icon>
new Icon(Type.IdeaIcon, "Idea Icon", "icon idea-icon"),
new Icon(Type.BellIcon, "Bell Icon", "icon bell-icon"),
public class Icon
public Icon(Type type, string description, string cssClass)
Type = type;
Description = description;
CssClass = cssClass;
public Type Type { get; private set; }
public string Description { get; private set; }
public string CssClass { get; private set; }
Use in code:
public class Class1
public void Method1()
var ideaIcon = Icons.Get(Icons.Type.IdeaIcon);
var x = ideaIcon.CssClass;
var y = ideaIcon.Description;
var bellIcon = Icons.Get(Icons.Type.BellIcon);
// etc...
Razor view:
If you needed to enumerate over the icon collection you could easily add another static accessor to the Icons class.
