Add Windows.Data.Pdf dependency in C# - c#

I need to use this .NET class for one project I am working in (It's my first C# Project, I normally work in C++)
Unfortunately this namespace Windows.Data.Pdf is not available in my project and I can't find in the docu the dll name I have to link to, to be able to access the class. Does anybody knows which dll do I need?
Thank you in advance


How do I reference a DLL in a .net script without Visual Studio

How do I reference a DLL in a C# script? I'm not using Visual Studio, I'm just using NPP with a C# plugin to write a quick one file script. That script needs to reference a third party DLL. Is there a code snippet that I can include to accomplish this?
The DLL I want to reference is for iTextSharp
Now we know the plugin you're using, it's easy. Just read the documentation on "Using .NET assemblies". In particular, it sounds like you want:
//css_reference iTextSharp.dll;
That's assuming the library is one of the locations CSScript can find automatically - read the linked documentation for more information and options.
You can load the assembly dynamically from a file

Bind several classes into one .dll file in C#

A beginner's question. It is c#.
Let's say I have three classes in one project named Employee, Department, Address. For some reason, I would like to have a .dll file (let's name it test.dll) to have all three classes included that I can call it from some other project using syntax like "test.Employee emp1 = new test.Employee();"
That is my idea. Is this possible? If yes, how should I do that? Do I have to create a class library project to do so? I know nothing about a class library project. So I may need further help with that.
If the answer is no, how do I add references to those classes from other solutions?
Create a class library project.
Give it a proper namespace
Write your library classes, then compile to a dll
Then add a reference to that dll in the other project you want to use it in
add a using statement to include the reference in your code files.
Pretty straightforward

Microsoft.Test.CommandLineParsing which dll is this in

I have recently inherited a c# .net v4 project from a former colleague which contains the following declaration:
using Microsoft.Test.CommandLineParsing;
I have search google and our entire repository tree for this but cannot for the life of me find the required DLL for this.
The part "Test" is the bit which is not being found so I assumed there was a Microsoft.Test.dll - No such luck!
Can someone enlighten me as to which MS DLL I need to reference in order for this to be used.
That namespace is from the TestApi project.

getting error while adding dll reference in the c# .net windows application why?

i have download the code from the codeProject web site but while runnig this i got the reference error of the dll in the reference folder. the dll file is located in my bin/debug/
folder. still it not found it. when i add this file from add reference tag i give the error
that this is not valid com component.
please help in this
thanks in advance.
If the DLL is a COM library, you will need to register it manually using regsvr32. Then you can access it by name from the COM tab of the Add Reference dialog (see below).
If, on the other hand the DLL is native code as Jon Skeet suggested, you will only be able to use it by p/invoking to call its interface directly - if this is the case, it is best to create a class that acts as a wrapper around the DLL - that puts a layer of indirection between your code and all the p/invoke stuff so your code isn't too tightly bound to the interface of the DLL.
Well, you haven't said which project it is... but my guess is that you're trying to add a reference to a native code DLL, rather than either a COM library or a .NET class library.
If you provide more details, we're far more likely to be able to help you.

How to create custom project that inherits from c# using MPF?

Using Visual Studio's Managed Package Framework, how can I inherit from C# so I can have C# property pages and C# project items? I've tried making a flavored project, but it was limited in terms of making our own custom nodes and custom file properties. When using the MPF, however, I cannot seem to obtain those C# properties that were provided with the flavored project.
Thank you
after a long week and a half, I was finally given a solution by an employee at Microsoft:
Hope this helps everyone who has upvoted/favorited this question...
