C# Program Closing and Restarting Automatically at Random Intervals - c#

I've built a C# application to interact with a Control System at work. It calculates some values and/or pulls them from a spreadsheet and then writes them to an OPC server using EasyOPCClient. When I run this application, it will run for 3-5 minutes the first time, close, and reopen, then run 30 seconds to 2 minutes from that point on. Each time it closes and restarts with no errors printed to the console (at least that I can see before it closes), and I don't see anything in the event logs that would make it close. Does anyone see anything I'm doing in the program that would cause that? This is my first attempt at multi-threading, so it wouldn't surprise me if it were something with that.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using OpcLabs.EasyOpc.DataAccess;
using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
/// <summary>
/// OPC Simulator:
/// Used to assist in training operators on how to use Honeywell Experion System
/// Simulates PID and DEVCTL inputs and outputs; uses historical data from ParcView to simulate DACA blocks
/// Date: 07/14/2022
/// Authours:
/// </summary>
namespace OPCTest
public class Program
public static double[] genFunction(int number_of_samples, float amplitude, float frequency_in_hz)
* Function: Generates an array of points sampled from a noisy sine wave function.
* IN: number_of_samples - The number of samples to generate
* amplitude - Multiplier to scale the function
* frequency_in_hz - Frequency of the generated signal
* OUT: An array of integers sampled from the generated sine wave.
Random rand = new Random();
// Initialize any needed variables
double[] points = new double[number_of_samples];
float time;
int samples;
// Generates a noisy signal
for(samples = 0; samples < number_of_samples; samples++)
time = samples / (frequency_in_hz);
points[samples] = amplitude * (Math.Sin(2.0f * Math.PI * frequency_in_hz * time / 5.0f + rand.Next(0, 100))
+ 1/5 * Math.Sin(2.0f * Math.PI * frequency_in_hz * time + rand.Next(0, 100))
+ 3 * (Math.Sin(2.0f * Math.PI * frequency_in_hz * time / 100.0f + rand.Next(0, 100))));
return points;
public static void DACA(EasyDAClient client)
* Function: Simulates DACA block I/Os using a function generator
* IN: None
* OUT: None
//var client = new EasyDAClient();
string textFile = #"C:\Temp\DACAs.txt"; // Path to file with CMs containing DACAs in it. CM name only
float pveulo, pveuhi, pvloalm, pvhialm, pvllalm, pvhhalm; // Initialize all of the useful PV alarms and variables
float pv, pvlo, pvhi; // PVs that will be used in calculations
float shift; // Initialize the variable that will vertically shift the signal to the correct magnitude
float amplitude; // Initialize the variable that will determine the amplitude of each PV signal
double[] signal; // Initialize an array of points that will be used to store a generated signal
// Read a text file line by line.
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(textFile);
while (true)
if (File.Exists(textFile))
// Iterate through DACAs in text file
foreach (string line in lines)
// Store the necessary variables
pvhi = pveuhi = float.Parse(client.ReadItemValue("", "HWHsc.OPCServer", line + ".DACA.PVEUHI").ToString());
pvlo = pveulo = float.Parse(client.ReadItemValue("", "HWHsc.OPCServer", line + ".DACA.PVEULO").ToString());
if (float.TryParse(client.ReadItem("", "HWHsc.OPCServer", line + ".DACA.PVHHALM.TP").ToString().Split(' ')[0], out pvhhalm))
// Console.WriteLine("PVHIHI: " + pvhhalm);
pvhi = pvhhalm;
if (float.TryParse(client.ReadItem("", "HWHsc.OPCServer", line + ".DACA.PVHIALM.TP").ToString().Split(' ')[0], out pvhialm))
// Console.WriteLine("PVHI: " + pvhialm);
pvhi = pvhialm;
if (float.TryParse(client.ReadItem("", "HWHsc.OPCServer", line + ".DACA.PVLLALM.TP").ToString().Split(' ')[0], out pvllalm))
// Console.WriteLine("PVLOLO: " + pvllalm);
pvlo = pvllalm;
if (float.TryParse(client.ReadItem("", "HWHsc.OPCServer", line + ".DACA.PVLOALM.TP").ToString().Split(' ')[0], out pvloalm))
// Console.WriteLine("PVLO: " + pvloalm);
pvlo = pvloalm;
// Console.WriteLine("PVHI: " + pvhi + " PVLO: " + pvlo);
amplitude = ((pvhi - pvlo) / 2.0f) * 0.0375f;
shift = ((pvhi - pvlo) * 0.8f) + pvlo; // Shift the signal up to oscillate between the bounds of the PV
// Generate the signal
signal = genFunction(10, amplitude, 0.003f);
foreach (float sig in signal)
pv = sig + shift;
client.WriteItemValue("", "HWHsc.OPCServer", line + ".DACA.PV", pv);
// Console.WriteLine(line + ": " + pv);
catch(Exception e)
// Note the failures
Console.WriteLine("DACA Failed at: " + line + "\n\t" + e + "\n");
public static void DEVCTLA(EasyDAClient client)
* Function: Simulates DEVCTLA block I/Os
* IN: client - OPC Client that will be used to read and write to the Experion server
* OUT: None
string textFile = #"C:\Temp\DEVCTLAs.txt";
string gop, gpv;
// Read a text file line by line.
string[] tags = File.ReadAllLines(textFile);
while (true)
foreach (string tagName in tags)
gop = client.ReadItemValue("", "HWHsc.OPCServer2", tagName + ".DEVCTLA.GOP").ToString();
gpv = client.ReadItemValue("", "HWHsc.OPCServer2", tagName + ".DEVCTLA.GPV").ToString();
if (gpv != gop) client.WriteItemValue("", "HWHsc.OPCServer2", tagName + ".DEVCTLA.GPV", gop);
catch(Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("DEVCTLA Failed at: " + tagName + "\n\t" + e + "\n");
public static void PID(EasyDAClient client)
* Function: Simulates PID block I/Os
* IN: client - OPC Client that will be used to read and write to the Experion server
* OUT: None
string textFile = #"C:\Temp\PIDs.txt"; // Path to file with CMs containing PIDs in it. CM name only - I plan to make this browsable by the user
double OP = 0; // Place to store OP of PID
double pveulo = 0; // Place to store PVEULO from DACA
double pveuhi = 0; // Place to store PVEUHI from DACA
double PV = 0; // Place to store calculated PV to write to DACA
double ctlactn = 1; // Place to store Control Action - 0 = Direct, 1 = Reverse
// Read a text file line by line.
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(textFile);
foreach (string line in lines)
client.WriteItemValue("", "HWHsc.OPCServer", line + "PIDA.MODE", "AUTO"); // Put PID Loops in Automatic
catch { }
while (true)
if (File.Exists(textFile))
// Iterate through PIDs in text file
foreach (string line in lines)
// Store the PVEULO
pveulo = float.Parse(client.ReadItemValue("", "HWHsc.OPCServer", line + ".DACA.PVEULO").ToString());
// Store the PVEUHI
pveuhi = float.Parse(client.ReadItemValue("", "HWHsc.OPCServer", line + ".DACA.PVEUHI").ToString());
// Store the OP
OP = float.Parse(client.ReadItemValue("", "HWHsc.OPCServer", line + ".PIDA.OP").ToString());
// Store the PV
PV = float.Parse(client.ReadItemValue("", "HWHsc.OPCServer", line + ".PIDA.PV").ToString());
PV = 0;
// Store the Control Action
ctlactn = float.Parse(client.ReadItemValue("", "HWHsc.OPCServer", line + ".PIDA.CTLACTN").ToString());
catch (Exception e)
//ctlactn2 = client.ReadItemValue("", "HWHsc.OPCServer", line + "PIDA.CTLACTN").ToString();
//ctlactn2 = e.ToString();
// If PV is 0, write the halfway point to it so the PID doesn't start in a wound up position
if (PV == 0)
// Write the halfway point of the pv range to the PV
client.WriteItemValue("", "HWHsc.OPCServer", line + ".DACA.PV", (pveuhi - pveulo) / 2);
if (ctlactn == 1)
// Calculate the PV based off the OP * PV Range + some noise
PV = (OP * 0.01 * (pveuhi - pveulo) + pveulo) + 0.008 * OP;
// Calculate the PV based off the OP * PV Range + some noise
PV = ((106.9 - OP) * 0.01 * (pveuhi - pveulo) + pveulo) - 0.008 * (106.9 - OP);
// Write the calculated PV to the DACA
client.WriteItemValue("", "HWHsc.OPCServer", line + ".DACA.PV", PV);
catch(Exception e)
// Note the failures
Console.WriteLine("PID Failed at: " + line + "\n\t" + e + "\n");
public static void PView(EasyDAClient client)
* Function: Simulates DACA block I/Os using historical ParcView data
* IN: client - OPC Client that will be used to read and write to the Experion server
* xLWB - The excel workbook containing the ParcView data
* OUT: None
// Connect to the Excel spreadsheet
Excel.Application xLApp = new Excel.Application();
Excel.Workbook xLWB = xLApp.Workbooks.Open(#"C:\Temp\ParcView_Data_Copy_2.xlsx");
Excel.Worksheet rawData = xLWB.Sheets[1];
Excel.Worksheet locData = xLWB.Sheets[2];
Excel.Range rawDataRange = rawData.UsedRange;
Excel.Range locDataRange = locData.UsedRange;
// Determine the size of the spreadshees
int rawDataRow = rawDataRange.Rows.Count;
int rawDataCol = rawDataRange.Columns.Count;
int locDataRow = locDataRange.Rows.Count;
string tagName;
float[] tagValues = new float[locDataRow];
// Loop through each row of data
for (int i = 1; i <= rawDataRow; i++)
// Console.WriteLine((rawDataRow - i) + " Remaining");
// Get data for tag
for (int j = 1; j <= locDataRow; j++)
tagName = locDataRange.Cells[j, 1].Value2.ToString();
if (rawDataRange.Cells[i, j] != null && rawDataRange.Cells[i, j].Value2 != null)
tagValues[j - 1] = float.Parse(rawDataRange.Cells[i, j].Value2.ToString());
client.WriteItemValue("", "HWHsc.OPCServer", tagName + ".DACA.PV", tagValues[j - 1]);
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("PVIEW Failed at: " + tagName + "\n\t" + e + "\n");
} while (true);
static void Main(string[] args)
// Initialize OPC Client
EasyDAClient client = new EasyDAClient();
EasyDAClient client2 = new EasyDAClient();
// Initialize threads using Threads class
Thread PViewThread = new Thread(() => PView(client));
Thread PIDThread = new Thread(() => PID(client2));
//Thread DACAThread = new Thread(() => DACA(client));
//Thread DEVCTLAThread = new Thread(() => DEVCTLA(client));
// Start the threads
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("MAIN: \n\t" + e);

A C# program can launch another instance of itself with Process.Start. This code does not do that. It can be restarted by a task scheduler or if it is installed as a Windows service or by another application.
But I see that you have several Thread.Sleep in there. Those are probably responsible for the observed behavior. So, the program is not closing and restarting automatically. It is simply sleeping from time to time.
Especially when an exception occurs Thread.Sleep(300000); is called, making the program sleep for 5 minutes. If the exceptions occur randomly, this would explain it happening at random intervals.
E.g. float.Parse throws an exception when the string is not a valid float. Consider using TryParse instead. Example
string s = client.ReadItemValue("", "HWHsc.OPCServer", line + ".DACA.PVEUHI").ToString();
if (float.TryParse(s, out float pvhi)) {
pveuhi = pvhi;
} else {
Console.WriteLine($"\"{s}\" is not a valid float in line {line}");


Unity 3D Object Rotation with MPU6050

Basically, I am calibrating and applying offsets within unity. But the range of rotation isn't accurate and I'm wondering if its because of the wrong sensitivity application. I wanted help figuring out a way to stabilize the rotation as well as increase the range of rotation as it goes only form 0-90 and it shakes a lot.
Unity Code:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.IO.Ports;
public class MPU6050_3 : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject target;
SerialPort stream = new SerialPort("COM3", 115200);
string[] accgyValues = new string[10];
int buffersize = 1000; //Amount of readings used to average, make it higher to get more precision but sketch will be slower (default:1000)
int acel_deadzone = 2; //Acelerometer error allowed, make it lower to get more precision, but sketch may not converge (default:8)
int giro_deadzone = 1; //Giro error allowed, make it lower to get more precision, but sketch may not converge (default:1)
float ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz, gx_f, gy_f, gz_f;
float mean_ax, mean_ay, mean_az, mean_gx, mean_gy, mean_gz, state = 0;
float ax_offset = 0, ay_offset = 0, az_offset = 0, gx_offset = 0, gy_offset = 0, gz_offset = 0;
bool cal;
public float factor = 1;
public bool enableRotation;
public bool enableTranslation;
//float acc_normalizer_factor = 0.00025f;
float gyro_normalizer_factor = 1.0f/65.5f;
void Awake()
void Update()
if (state == 0)
Debug.Log("\nReading sensors for first time...");
Debug.Log("State is:"+state);
else if (state == 1)
Debug.Log("\nCalculating offsets...");
Debug.Log("State is:" + state);
else if (state == 2)
Debug.Log("SensorW/Offset:" + mean_ax + ":" + mean_ay + ":" + mean_az + ":" + mean_gx + ":" + mean_gy + ":" + mean_gz);
Debug.Log("Offset:" + ax_offset + ":" + ay_offset + ":" + az_offset + ":" + gx_offset + ":" + gy_offset + ":" + gz_offset);
Debug.Log("State is:" + state);
else if (state == 3)
//if (enableTranslation) target.transform.position = new Vector3(ax+ax_offset, az-az_offset, ay-ay_offset);
gx_f = (gx + gx_offset) * gyro_normalizer_factor;
gy_f = (gy + gy_offset) * gyro_normalizer_factor;
gz_f = -(gz + gz_offset) * gyro_normalizer_factor ;
if (enableRotation) target.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(gx_f * factor, gz_f * factor, gy_f * factor);
Debug.Log("ValueRot "+ gx_f +" " + gy_f + " " + gz_f);
Debug.Log("State is:" + state);
public void getaccgy()
Debug.Log("In accel");
string value;
accgyValues = new string[10];
value = stream.ReadLine();
accgyValues = value.Split(",");
ax = int.Parse(accgyValues[0]); //* acc_normalizer_factor;
ay = int.Parse(accgyValues[1]); //* acc_normalizer_factor;
az = int.Parse(accgyValues[2]); //* acc_normalizer_factor;
gx = int.Parse(accgyValues[3]); //* gyro_normalizer_factor;
gy = int.Parse(accgyValues[4]); //* gyro_normalizer_factor;
gz = int.Parse(accgyValues[5]); //* gyro_normalizer_factor;
Debug.Log("SensorW/Offset:" + ax + ":" + ay + ":" + az + ":" + gx + ":" + gy + ":" + gz);
void accel()
float i = 0f, buff_ax = 0f, buff_ay = 0f, buff_az = 0f, buff_gx = 0f, buff_gy = 0f, buff_gz = 0f;
while (i < 1101)
if (cal)
ax = ax + ax_offset;
ay = ay + ay_offset;
az = az + az_offset;
gx = gx + gx_offset;
gy = gy + gy_offset;
gz = gz + gz_offset;
if (i > 99 && i < (buffersize + 100))
{ //First 100 measures are discarded
buff_ax += ax;
buff_ay += ay;
buff_az += az;
buff_gx += gx;
buff_gy += gy;
buff_gz += gz;
if (i == (buffersize + 100))
mean_ax = buff_ax / buffersize;
mean_ay = buff_ay / buffersize;
mean_az = buff_az / buffersize;
mean_gx = buff_gx / buffersize;
mean_gy = buff_gy / buffersize;
mean_gz = buff_gz / buffersize;
Debug.Log("Mean:" + mean_ax + ":" + mean_ay + ":" + mean_az + ":" + mean_gx + ":" + mean_gy + ":" + mean_gz);
Debug.Log("Mean Sensor");
Debug.Log("Buffer Size is" + buffersize + "i mean" + i);
Debug.Log("SensorW/Offset:" + ax + ":" + ay + ":" + az + ":" + gx + ":" + gz);
void calibration()
cal = true;
Debug.Log("Callibration Entered");
ax_offset = -mean_ax / 8;
ay_offset = -mean_ay / 8;
az_offset = (16384 - mean_az) / 8;
gx_offset = -mean_gx / 4;
gy_offset = -mean_gy / 4;
gz_offset = -mean_gz / 4;
int ready = 0;
while (ready < 7)
Debug.Log("..." + ready);
if (Math.Abs(mean_ax) <= acel_deadzone) ready++;
else ax_offset = ax_offset - mean_ax / acel_deadzone;
if (Math.Abs(mean_ay) <= acel_deadzone) ready++;
else ay_offset = ay_offset - mean_ay / acel_deadzone;
if (Math.Abs(16384 - mean_az) <= acel_deadzone) ready++;
else az_offset = az_offset + (16384 - mean_az) / acel_deadzone;
if (Math.Abs(mean_gx) <= giro_deadzone) ready++;
else gx_offset = gx_offset - mean_gx / (giro_deadzone + 1);
if (Math.Abs(mean_gy) <= giro_deadzone) ready++;
else gy_offset = gy_offset - mean_gy / (giro_deadzone + 1);
if (Math.Abs(mean_gz) <= giro_deadzone) ready++;
else gz_offset = gz_offset - mean_gz / (giro_deadzone + 1);
if (ready == 6) break;
Arduino Code:
Just a simple code to get the raw values:
// I2Cdev and MPU6050 must be installed as libraries
#include "I2Cdev.h"
#include "MPU6050.h"
#include "Wire.h"
/////////////////////////////////// CONFIGURATION /////////////////////////////
//Change this 3 variables if you want to fine tune the skecth to your needs.
int buffersize=1000; //Amount of readings used to average, make it higher to get more precision but sketch will be slower (default:1000)
int acel_deadzone=8; //Acelerometer error allowed, make it lower to get more precision, but sketch may not converge (default:8)
int giro_deadzone=1; //Giro error allowed, make it lower to get more precision, but sketch may not converge (default:1)
// default I2C address is 0x68
// specific I2C addresses may be passed as a parameter here
// AD0 low = 0x68 (default for InvenSense evaluation board)
// AD0 high = 0x69
//MPU6050 accelgyro;
MPU6050 accelgyro(0x68); // <-- use for AD0 high
int16_t ax, ay, az,gx, gy, gz;
int mean_ax,mean_ay,mean_az,mean_gx,mean_gy,mean_gz,state=0;
int ax_offset,ay_offset,az_offset,gx_offset,gy_offset,gz_offset;
/////////////////////////////////// SETUP ////////////////////////////////////
void setup() {
// join I2C bus (I2Cdev library doesn't do this automatically)
TWBR = 24; // 400kHz I2C clock (200kHz if CPU is 8MHz). Leonardo measured 250kHz.
// initialize serial communication
// initialize device
//wait for ready
//while (Serial.available() && Serial.read()); // empty buffer
//while (!Serial.available()){
//Serial.println(F("Send any character to start sketch.\n"));
//while (Serial.available() && Serial.read()); // empty buffer again
// start message
//Serial.println("\nMPU6050 Calibration Sketch");
//Serial.println("\nYour MPU6050 should be placed in horizontal position, with package letters facing up. \nDon't touch it until you see a finish message.\n");
// verify connection
//Serial.println(accelgyro.testConnection() ? "MPU6050 connection successful" : "MPU6050 connection failed");
// reset offsets
void loop() {
if(Serial.available() > 0)
char ltr = Serial.read();
if(ltr == 'r')
accelgyro.getMotion6(&ax, &ay, &az, &gx, &gy, &gz);

C# Wait until data received and go to next iteration

I'm using Serial Port to get data from device in for loop iteration.
The problem is in loop iteration i need to get data from serial port, validate it and going to the next iteration.
How i can achieved this?
Here are my code :
private void processData()
// Loop Procedure
int x = Int32.Parse(master["Cycle"].ToString());
int y = Int32.Parse(master["MinWeight"].ToString());
// Loop for each line
for (int i = this.CLine; i < 2; i++)
this.CLine = i;
if (i == 0)
label15.Text = master["LLINE"].ToString();
label15.Text = master["RLINE"].ToString();
IDictionary<string, string> dic = (Dictionary<String, String>)master[i.ToString()];
label18.Text = this.CProcess = dic["PROCESSID"];
int z = Int32.Parse(dic["PRODLANE"].ToString());
// Loop for each sampling session (Cycle)
for (int j = this.CCycle; j <= x; j++)
this.CCycle = j;
// Loop for production lane
for (int k = this.CLane; k <= z; k++)
this.CLane = k;
label16.Text = k.ToString();
// In this section i want to send command over serial port
// get value from my device
// validate it if current weight bellow standard weight
// do it again (get data from device)
// else we can go to next iteration
while (this.CWeight < y)
XApi.l("xxx2 " + this.CWeight + " vs " + y + " " + k.ToString() + " " + this.isDataReady);
// Commit Transaction
// XDb.CommitTrans(this.CCycle.ToString(), dic["LINEID"].ToString(), this.CLane.ToString(), weight.ToString(), this.isTrialStage == true ? "1" : "0");
I've tried this
while (this.CWeight < y)
XApi.l("xxx2 " + this.CWeight + " vs " + y + " " + k.ToString() + " " + this.isDataReady);
but it seems blocked UI thread and make my application solaggy.
Anyone can give me some idea? Thanks in advance.
private void port_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
if (e.EventType == System.IO.Ports.SerialData.Eof)
// If the com port has been closed, do nothing
if (!comport.IsOpen)
// Update flag data received
this.isDataReady = true;
// Determain which mode (string or binary) the user is in
if (CurrentDataMode == DataMode.Text)
// Read all the data waiting in the buffer
string data = comport.ReadExisting();
// Update result
result += data;
if (result.Length > 16)
// Display the text to the user in the terminal
Log(LogMsgType.Incoming, data);
// Obtain the number of bytes waiting in the port's buffer
int bytes = comport.BytesToRead;
// Create a byte array buffer to hold the incoming data
byte[] buffer = new byte[bytes];
// Read the data from the port and store it in our buffer
comport.Read(buffer, 0, bytes);
// Show the user the incoming data in hex format
Log(LogMsgType.Incoming, ByteArrayToHexString(buffer));
private void SendData(String msg)
this.isDataReady = false;
result = "";
if (CurrentDataMode == DataMode.Text)
// Send the user's text straight out the port
comport.Write(msg + "\r\n");
// Show in the terminal window the user's text
Log(LogMsgType.Outgoing, msg + "\n");
// Convert the user's string of hex digits (ex: B4 CA E2) to a byte array
byte[] data = HexStringToByteArray(txtSendData.Text);
// Send the binary data out the port
comport.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
// Show the hex digits on in the terminal window
Log(LogMsgType.Outgoing, ByteArrayToHexString(data) + "\n");
catch (FormatException)
// Inform the user if the hex string was not properly formatted
Log(LogMsgType.Error, "Not properly formatted hex string: " + txtSendData.Text + "\n");
Anyone can give me some idea?
You can use async/await in your code not to block your UI by writing an extension method like below. Usage would be:
async void SomeMethod()
SerialPort serialPort = .......
while (true)
var retval = await serialPort.ReadAsync();
The keyword here is using TaskCompletionSource class with your events...
static public class SerialPortExtensions
public static Task<byte[]> ReadAsync(this SerialPort serialPort)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<byte[]>();
SerialDataReceivedEventHandler dataReceived = null;
dataReceived = (s, e) =>
serialPort.DataReceived -= dataReceived;
var buf = new byte[serialPort.BytesToRead];
serialPort.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length);
serialPort.DataReceived += dataReceived;
return tcs.Task;

how to use text based console progress bar in multithreading C#

Hi I have a program that downloads + extracts the files in parallel (in threads).
it is a console app,and I want to show the Progress Bar for each operation in each thread.
for eg:
File 1 [==========35% ] 35mb of 100mb downloaded
File 2 [====20% ] 20mb of 100mb downloaded
File1 Downloaded,
File 1 [=============50% ] 50% extracted.
and so on.
note: I am able to show the console outputs as Code below, but would like to use this Progress Bar in my Console APP.
How can I use solution proposed in https://gist.github.com/DanielSWolf/0ab6a96899cc5377bf54 in this case ?
public static void DownloadAndGetFiles()
Parallel.ForEach(FileIds, currentId =>
int currentId = FileIds.Id
catch (Exception e)
private static void clientFileDownload(int currentId)
WebClient client = new WebClient();
client.DownloadProgressChanged += new DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler(client_DownloadProgressChanged);
client.DownloadFileCompleted += new AsyncCompletedEventHandler(client_DownloadFileCompleted);
string downloadedFile = #"d:\tmp\";
client.DownloadFileAsync(new Uri(currentId.URL), downloadedFile); //some URL
while (client.IsBusy) { }
string temp = ExtractAndRename(currentId);
private static void client_DownloadProgressChanged(object sender, DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs e)
//Prints: "Downloaded 3mb of 61.46mb (4%)"
Console.WriteLine("Downloaded "
+ ((e.BytesReceived / 1024f) / 1024f).ToString("#0.##") + "mb"
+ " of "
+ ((e.TotalBytesToReceive / 1024f) / 1024f).ToString("#0.##") + "mb"
+ " (" + e.ProgressPercentage + "%)");
private static string ExtractAndRename(int currentId)
//using SevenZipExtractor lib http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20898794/how-to-extract-files-in-my-archive-one-by-one-using-sevenzipsharp
SevenZipExtractor extractor = new SevenZipExtractor(#"d:\tmp\" + id.Name);
extractor.Extracting += extractor_Extracting;
extractor.ExtractArchive(#"d:\tmp\" + extractName[0]);
return (#"d:\tmp\" + extractName[0]);
public static void extractor_Extracting(object sender, SevenZip.ProgressEventArgs p)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
Console.Write("\b\b{0}% Extracted", p.PercentDone);
Provide every thread with a variable y which contains the line number it is allowed to write to.
Before a thread wants to update the screen, create a lock. The console can be used by only one thread at a time. Otherwise results of several threads will mix up.
Move the cursor to line specified by y and update that line.
Release the lock.
An example:
static private readonly object _sync = new object();
private static void UpdateProgress(int y, string item, int progress, int total)
int percentage = (int)100.0 * progress / total;
Console.CursorLeft = 0;
Console.CursorTop = y;
Console.Write(item + " [" + new string('=', percentage / 2) + "] " + percentage + "%");
You can call this method from your method clientFileDownload, which has to be modified a bit:
private static void clientFileDownload(int currentId, int y)
and should be called when creating the threads like this:
int y = 0;
Parallel.ForEach(FileIds, currentId =>
int currentId = FileIds.Id
clientFileDownload(currentId, y);
Interlocked.Increment(ref y);

Writing items from listbox to text file in C# with try-catch statment

My code it quite long but this is the part that I am stuck on. I have my try statement at the beginning before my for loops. But now I want to take my information that is in the ListBox and send it to a text file which I already have in my debug folder. I would like to just take my outputs from the list box and write them to the population.txt file.
//variable user input, store in userInput
if (double.TryParse(startTextbox.Text, out start))
if (double.TryParse(averageTextbox.Text, out average))
if (double.TryParse(daysTextbox.Text, out days))
int count = 1;
while (count <= days)
double output;
output = start * Math.Pow((1 + average / 100), count - 1);
//display the results in the listbox
populationListBox.Items.Add("The approximate population for " +
count + " day(s) is " + output.ToString("n2"));
//count the days
count = count + 1;
//used to text statement
//populationListBox.Items.Add("End of while loop");
count = 1;
double output;
output = start * Math.Pow((1 + average / 100), count - 1);
//display the results in the listbox
populationListBox.Items.Add("The approximate population for " +
count + " day(s) is " + output.ToString("n2"));
//count the days
count = count + 1;
} while (count <= days);
//used to text statement
//populationListBox.Items.Add("End of do-while loop");
//int count;
for (count = 1; count <= days; )
double output;
output = start * Math.Pow((1 + average / 100), count - 1);
//display the results in the listbox
populationListBox.Items.Add("The approximate population for " +
count + " day(s) is " + output.ToString("n2"));
//count the days
count = count + 1;
//used to text statement
//populationListBox.Items.Add("End of for loop");
//error message for input
MessageBox.Show("Invalid input for number of days to multiply.");
//error message for input
MessageBox.Show("Invalid input for average daily increase.");
//error message for input
MessageBox.Show("Invalid input for starting days");
StreamWriter outputFile;
outputFile = File.CreateText("population.txt");
outputFile.WriteLine("Approximate population: ");
catch (Exception ex)
You can use library like FileHelper to perform your job. It is open source and free. If you want to use just FileIO from .NET framework you can do that also
using (StreamWriter sr = File.CreateText("population.txt"))
foreach (string s in listBox.Items)

create one time reference for various sample rates per file

My program reads in multiple files that contain time/value pairs sampled at different rates. I'm trying to use the file with the highest sample rate as the time scale for all sampled rates and output one master file with the unique time values from the highest sample rate file.
Each file contains time/values pairs like:
Here is my code so far:
public void ReadAndWrite(string[] fileNames)
var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
List<StreamReader> readers = fileNames.Select(f => new StreamReader(f)).ToList();
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(tbxOutputFile.Text))
string line = null;
// For each measurement in max measurements
for (int measNum = 0; measNum < numOfRows; measNum++)
// For each file's reader
for (int i = 0; i < readers.Count; i++)
// If line contains something, then add it to line
if ((line = readers[i].ReadLine()) != null)
// Process line and then write it to file
line = ProcessLine(line);
// If it's not the last column, add delimiter
if (i < readers.Count - 1)
// Update labels
int val = ((measNum + 1) * 100) / numOfRows;
string newText = Convert.ToString("Progress: " + val + "% " + " " + "Measurement #: " + (measNum + 1)
+ " out of " + numOfRows); // running on worker thread
// runs on UI thread
lblStatus.Text = newText;
progressBar1.Value = val;
catch (Exception)
foreach (var reader in readers)
MessageBox.Show("File successfully created! " + '\n' + "Elapsed time: " +
(stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds/1000) + " seconds", "Processing Complete");
I came up with the pseudo code below (currentTime is the time from each file and uniqueTime is from an array that reads in each time from the highest sampled file):
// if time value from individual file is same as uniqueTime
if currentTime == uniqueTime
valueToWrite = curr_value // write the current value
else // currentTime is not same as uniqueTime
valueToWrite = prev_value // write the previous value
timeToWrite = uniqueTime // always write the uniqueTime
What is the best way to execute this pseudo code to make a unique time reference for all the various sample rates? Sorry if my question is confusing, I can elaborate more if need be.
To be clear about this, you do not want the values at the specific time they occurred, but you want to display one value for each source at each timepoint that the highest sampled source has?
That should be pretty straightforward. In pseudocode:
foreach (ValuePair val in highSampleRateValues) {
var aggregatedTimePointData;
aggregatedTimePointData.Add(val.Time, val.Value);
foreach (ValuePair val2 in lowSampleRateValues) {
var value = DetermineLatestEntryBackwardFrom(val.Time);
This way, the sample rate of the higher density sampled signal serves as a clock, but you will have inaccuracies since the values from the other sources are only close, but not exactly on the timepoint of their recording. If you want those inaccuracies reduced, choose a higher sample rate and do the same thing. You can get as close to the actual timepoints as you want.
