I am trying to make a dash/charge attack towards the cursor position with a max dash length and I am unsure how to do it as I am very new to Unity and coding in general.
It would be similar to this code except instead of teleporting the character would dash.
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, rayLength, layerMask) && Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1))
Vector3 hitPosition = new Vector3(hit.point.x, transform.position.y, hit.point.z);
player.transform.position = hitPosition;
search youtube for "Different Ways to move an object in Unity".
the soultion i suggest is to use AddForce instead of Transform.Position.
using AddForce is just like kicking a ball in a direction.
using transform.position is just like carrying the ball to the desired position.
A solution using AddForce could look something like this:
// Gets executed, on every left click
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
float force = 5f;
Rigidbody2D rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
// Gets the position of your mouse cursor in world space
Vector3 direction = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
rb.AddForce(direction * force, ForceMode2D.Impulse);
You would put this into the Update Method.
Note however, that you should probably cache Camera.main and the Rigidbody2D.
Doing the lookups every frame is very inefficient.
You could / should also make the force a field available in the inspector, so you can easily tweak it to your liking :)
It has two camera angles. First person for engaging gameplay and top-down for 2D game experience. But in top down camera view I can't figure out the rotation of the camera with respect to player.
I wrote the following script for the main(top-down) camera view.
public class FollowPlayer : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject player;
private Vector3 offset = new Vector3(0f, 24.953f, -0f);
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void LateUpdate()
transform.position = player.transform.position + offset;
I tried
transform.rotation = player.transform.rotation;
but it didn't work since camera is on top of player. If I could somehow do
transform.rotation = player.transform.rotation + X axis 90 degree;
That would be perfect but I don't know how to do that.
If I understand you correctly, you want to follow the player from above with your second camera. Leaving some flexibility, the best option I think would be Unity's built in Transform.LookAt(target) method (LookAt), which automatically rotates an object (in your case the camera) so that it faces the target.
Therefore, you could do something like this in your Update, assuming your script is attached to the Camera. Otherwise substitute transform with Camera.main.transform:
Note: If you plan to have your camera fixed above your player at all times, it is sufficient if you perform the LookAt once, e.g. in Start and then attach the camera as a child to the player. If your camera does not move with your player in the world but you want it to focus the player anyway, do do it in Update. Hope I addressed your problem:)
My problem has been resolved. I was trying to rotate the wrong axis. My bad.
mouseInput = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X");
transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward * speed * -mouseInput);
I needed to get mouse input from user and change the Z-axis according to it. Game is working fine now.
I have a ball object in Unity 2D, this ball spawns at random positions on the screen and I want it to move in a 'straight-line depending on its direction e.g. if it's from the left it goes to the right or if it's from the top it goes to the bottom. I'm not sure if I should use transform.position/addforce/velocity to accomplish this and what direction I should use.
The following are what I have tried so far (I've tried using all directions)
ballRigidBody.AddForce(transform.up * speed);
ballRigidBody.velocity = Vector2.up * speed;
In Unity3D transform.forward is the go to variable when you want to move forward.
In Unity2D transform.right is the standard.
You can move your ball to its right with this code:
void Update()
GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity = transform.right * speed;
If you run this code the ball will always move into the direction of the red arrow.
You can see the arrows by selecting the move tool on the top left and then clicking on your ball inside the editor.
If you want to have your ball to always follow the green arrow you have to use transform.up.
transform.right and transform.up are both used relative to your object.
That means by changing the z rotation of your object you can modify the direction it should go in.
You can try out the following code to see your ball move to its right and rotate slowly on its z axis. This will cause the ball to move in a circle since it is still following the red arrow.
void Update()
GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity = transform.right * speed;
float speedRotate = 100;
transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward * speedRotate * Time.deltaTime);
When you always want to move an object to the right, no matter the rotation, you use Vector3.right instead of transform.right.
From your other comments I understand that you want your ball to always face into the direction in the middle of the screen. You can just rotate it to the middle of the screen when it spawns by using this code:
void Start()
transform.right = new Vector3(0, 0, 0) - transform.position;
This will get the ball to face the 0,0,0 position inside of your world. If 0,0,0 is in the middle of your screen it will face that direction. Otherwise you have to find out which coordinate your middle of your screen has.
I'm not sure what you're asking, but you can do ballRigidbody.velocity = transform.foward*speed, to make it go in the current direction it is facing.
If you want a ball you spawn on the left side of the screen to move to the right only, then set velocity like rb.velocity = Vector3.right * speed, and so on with each direction.
In this case, you should first check which position the ball spawned at (Top, Bottom, Left, Right), then from that decide the movement direction. If the ball spawns at the bottom, the direction to go up should be Vector3.up for example.
After you get the force, you can use rigidBody.AddForce(direction * speed); to move the ball.
I'm trying my first test-game with Unity, and struggling to get my bullets to move.
I have a prefab called "Bullet", with a RigidBody component, with these properties:
Mass: 1
Drag: 0
Angular drag: 0,1
Use grav: 0
Is Kinematic: 0
Interpolate: None
Coll. Detection: Discrete
On the bullet prefab, I have this script:
public float thrust = 10;
private Rigidbody rb;
void Start()
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
rb.AddForce(transform.forward * 100, ForceMode.Impulse);
On my playerController script (not the best place for this, I know):
if (Input.GetAxisRaw("Fire1") > 0)
var proj = Instantiate(projectile, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
When I click my mouse, the bullet gets created, but doesn't move. I've added velocity to the rigidbody, which works, but I can't get it to move in the right direction. After googling around, it seems I need to be using rigidBody.AddForce(), which I did, but still can't get my bullet to move.
I've seen the other solution, but this did not work for me either.
Any advice would be appreciated.
When you're working with 2D in Unity, the main camera basically becomes an orthographic camera (no perspective effects) looking sideways at the game scene along the z-axis. Incidentally, the "forward" direction of a non-rotated object is also parallel to the z-axis.
This means that when you apply a force along transform.forward, you're sending the object down the z-axis - which will not be visible to an orthographic camera looking in the same direction. The quick fix here would be to use a direction that translates to an x/y-axis movement, like transform.up or transform.right.
As derHugo also mentioned in the comments, you might want to look into using Rigidbody2D. There are some optimizations that will allow it to behave better for a 2D game (though you may not notice them until you scale up the number of objects).
I'm new in Unity and I'm working on a simple project but I'm stuck.
So my idea is when the player touches the bottom side of a ball it goes the opposite direction. Pretty much like in real life, if you kick a ball on the bottom side it will go up, but in 2D version.
I tried finding the opposite point of where the player touched the ball and making a vector by subtracting the original point and the opposite point, and then applying force to move the ball but it doesn't work.
void MoveBall()
x = mouseClickPosition.x;
y = mouseClickPosition.y;
oppositeClickPosition.x = -x;
oppositeClickPosition.y = -y;
Vector2 direction = oppositeClickPosition - mouseClickPosition;
rb.AddForce(direction * force, ForceMode.Impulse);
You have to subtract the mousePosition and the center of the ball.
Vector3 clickedPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint (Input.mousePosition);
Vector3 ballCenter = ballTransform.position;
// If this goes the opposite direction just swap the values.
Vector3 forceDirection = (ballCenter - clickedPosition).normalized;
ballRigidbody.AddForce (forceDirection * strength, ForceMode.Impulse);
This way you find the direction and add the force you want, you can not use the normalized Vector3 if you want to use the distance as a factor too.
And you can catch that event properly on OnMouseDown if the ball has a collider
This may be helpful:
It Explains how to do it in 3D but the idea applies to both.
In your case, instead of oppositeClickPosition you should use the position of the ball:
Vector2 direction = transform.position - mouseClickPosition;
(replace transform.position with the position of the ball if this script is not attatched to the ball)
Hope that helps!
I have the following model. I'm moving it on the screen by changing the transform.position. The problem is I want it to always point with the sphere to the direction it's moving to. How can I keep it always pointing there?
What about something like this?
Vector3 previousPosition = transform.position;
transform.position = … // your code
transform.LookAt(transform.position + (transform.position - previousPosition));