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Closed 3 months ago.
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How effectively remove all character in string that placed before character "\"?
Input: C:\Users\vadym\OneDrive\Робочий стіл\sharp-kn3-lab2-2022-autoteam\AutoOA\AutoOA.UI\wwwroot\Images\room.png
Output: \Images\room.png
One way to do this without having to perform manual manipulation of the path is by relying on Directory and Path classes.
Note that this doesn't include some error conditions and corner cases that you might want to double check for:
var input = #"C:\Users\vadym\OneDrive\Робочий стіл\sharp-kn3-lab2-2022-autoteam\AutoOA\AutoOA.UI\wwwroot\Images\room.png";
var parentDirectory = Directory.GetParent(input).Parent.FullName;
var relativePath = Path.GetRelativePath(parentDirectory, input);
Console.WriteLine($"Input: {input}");
Console.WriteLine($"Directory: {parentDirectory}");
Console.WriteLine($"Relative path: {relativePath}");
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am sorry for that bad Title, but basicaly my problem is really simple. I got 1 string which is basic alphabet and the second string which is gonna be part of the alphabet (8 characters) which user will fill up by himself. If 2 characters are the same, they will get removed and then rest of characters will be in the TextBox3. could someone pls help me ?
string alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_*";
string special = TextBox2.Text;
I assume you want to check the existence of substring and remove from the parent string, Try this
string alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_*";
string special = textBox2.Text;
if (alphabet.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(special))
textBox3.Text = alphabet.Replace(special, "");
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to find and replace all "B1:1" in string "A4:1_A1:1_A2:1_A3:2_A4:1_B1:1_B2:2200_"
on "B1:880".
Newbie in regex and need some help with it and Regex.Replace()
<YourString>.Replace("B1:1", "B1:880"); should do it too, right?
In case of multiple occurrences
Regex.Replace( "Your String", #"^B1:1$","B1:880" );
You could use String.Split with a little bit LINQ:
str = string.Join("_", str.Split('_')
.Select(s => s == "B1:1" ? "B1:880" : s));
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've an array of strings below and wanted to format like the followings, what is the best way of doing that? Thanks in advance.
line[0] = "This is line one two tree";
line[1] = "This is Abc Cde";
line[2] = "This is cjdj";
I want it to format to display like this
This is line one two tree
This is Abc Cde..........
This is cjdj.............
You can use the string.PadRight() method, coupled with determining which of the array of strings is the widest:
var width = line.Max(l => l.Length);
foreach (var l in line)
Console.WriteLine(l.PadRight(width, '.'));
You could use:
var output = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, line.Select(l => l.PadRight(line[0].Length, '-').ToArray());
Use string.PadRight to pad each string, up to the specified length, with instances of a specified character.
Use PadRight:
int len = line[0].Length;
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to trim a string and remove all the words that occur after a certain word.
For example - If the string contains 'very' text
string mySentence=" Today is very nice day! ";
if (mysentence.Contains(very))
//remove everything that starts with 'very' until rest of the line..
result should be:
Today is
First you split using the required word
string[] splits = mysentence.Split("very");
Since you've already made certain that "very" is inside the string, this will get you two strings. You want the first one (the split before the "very"). You need to trim the extra space from that one so:
string result = splits[0].Trim();
Try this
string mySentence = " Today is very nice day! ";
if (mySentence.Contains("very"))
mySentence = mySentence.Remove(mySentence.IndexOf("very")).Trim();
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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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I have the following path...
I want to split it at the directory 'Assets' and end up with...
The directory 'Assets' will not always be in the same place in the path. How can I do this? Thanks.
Lets say your string is
string completePath = "X:\Projects\4604-Renovation\Unity\4604_02\Assets\Models\FullBuilding\Materials\";
string subPath = completePath.subString(completePath.IndexOf(#"Assets\"));
Please note that if your path contains multiple instances of Assests it will substring from first instance of Asset.
you can use path.IndexOf, you can use the str.SubString(str.IndexOf("\assetse")), you can do alot of things. playing with string is kinda fun...
most of the things you want to do with strings you can find on google anyway