Flutter with GetX, get connect don't calling to the setted adress - c#

I'm trying to get a response from a web api(C#), but, in a specific method, the end point address is pointed to the port the front end is running on, but in the others methods it's working as well.
Future<void> onInit() async {
httpClient.baseUrl = await baseUrlGetter();
httpClient.addRequestModifier((Request request) {
request.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json';
request.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
request.headers['origemAcesso'] = 't2painel';
return request;
httpClient.addAuthenticator((Request request) {
var token = _storageService.token;
var headers = {'Authorization': "Bearer $token"};
return request;
Ahead, it'ts the onInit method in API class, the function baseUrlGetter is working, returnig the rigth url of the API.
But, in the method below:
Future<ImageModel> fetchDistribuidorImage() async {
var response = _errorHandler(await get('/api/Imagens/DistribuidorImagem'));
var data = ImageModel.fromJson(response.body);
return data;
Take a look to this images (read the images descriptions)
Only in the method "fetchDistribuidorImage" is not correct.


ContinueWith doesn't work in Controller to log

I can't find a solution to the problem despite many similar questions.
There is a Web API. On POST I need
read DB
make a HTTP call to other service to subscribe on notification (let's say it takes 5s)
return the data from the DB
In the step 2, I don't need to wait, I don't need to block the client (for 5sec), so the client should not wait for the response.
However, the server have to wait on result from 2 and log it. So far I've tried
public async Task<IActionResult> CreateSubs([FromRoute] string callId)
var data = await ...// read the DB
_ = SubscribeForUpdates(callId);
return Ok(data);
private async Task SubscribeForUpdates(string callId)
_logger.LogInformation("Subscribe client {ConnectionId} notifications", callId);
var requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage
RequestUri = new Uri(_httpClient.BaseAddress, $"subscribe/{callId}"),
Method = HttpMethod.Get,
var result = await SendAsync<SubscriptionResponse>(requestMessage);
if (result.IsSuccess)
SendAsync is from some library and so smth like _httpClient.SendAsync
In this case the request will not be blocked, the internal HTTP request is successful but I there is no Success from Console.WriteLine("Success");. Only if I put a breakpoint there it logs.
Could you please help me to understand why this is not log and how to fix that?
I've tried ContinueWith - no result
await SendAsync<ServerSubscriptionResponse>(requestMessage)
.ContinueWith(t =>
if (t.Result.IsSuccess)
When I use await SubscribeForUpdates(callId) inasted of _ = SubscribeForUpdates(callId) it works and logs but the blocks a client. I need to avoid that

Http Client did not return any value and not moved another line of code

When I call HTTP client like below this code did not return any response value and also did not move next line of code. just hanged.
How to solve this issue?
I called from another class file, here this function want return proper a integer value and also HTTP response.
// call api
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync("System", new Systemmodel
GuidID = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
SystemIP = "124.0.098",
SystemUserName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(SystemName)
? System.Environment.MachineName
: SystemName,
SystemOS = "Windows OS",
CompanyGUID = Ad`enter code here`minName

Why is my header data missing from my Azure Function Http Trigger in .Net 5 when calling from HttpClient.GetAsync

I have a client using HttpClient.GetAsync to call into a Azure Function Http Trigger in .Net 5.
When I call the function using PostMan, I get my custom header data.
However, when I try to access my response object (HttpResponseMessage) that is returned from HttpClient.GetAsync, my header data empty.
I have my Content data and my Status Code. But my custom header data are missing.
Any insight would be appreciated since I have looking at this for hours.
Thanks for you help.
Edit: Here is the code where I am making the http call:
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> GetQuotesAsync(int? pageNo, int? pageSize, string searchText)
var requestUri = $"{RequestUri.Quotes}?pageNo={pageNo}&pageSize={pageSize}&searchText={searchText}";
return await _httpClient.GetAsync(requestUri);
Edit 8/8/2021: See my comment below. The issue has something to do with using Blazor Wasm Client.
For anyone having problems after following the tips on this page, go back and check the configuration in the host.json file. you need the Access-Control-Expose-Headers set to * or they won't be send even if you add them. Note: I added the "extensions" node below and removed my logging settings for clarity.
host.json (sample file):
"version": "2.0",
"extensions": {
"http": {
"customHeaders": {
"Access-Control-Expose-Headers": "*"
This is because HttpResponseMessage's Headers property data type is HttpResponseHeaders but HttpResponseData's Headers property data type is HttpHeadersCollection. Since, they are different, HttpResponseHeaders could not bind to HttpHeadersCollection while calling HttpClient.GetAsync(as it returns HttpResponseMessage).
I could not find a way to read HttpHeadersCollection through HttpClient.
As long as your Azure function code is emitting the header value, you should be able to read that in your client code from the Headers collection of HttpResponseMessage. Nothing in your azure function (which is your remote endpoint you are calling) makes it any different. Remember, your client code has no idea how your remote endpoint is implemented. Today it is azure functions, tomorrow it may be a full blown aspnet core web api or a REST endpoint written in Node.js. Your client code does not care. All it cares is whether the Http response it received has your expected header.
Asumming you have an azure function like this where you are adding a header called total-count to the response.
public static async Task<HttpResponseData> RunAsync(
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post")] HttpRequestData req,
FunctionContext executionContext)
var logger = executionContext.GetLogger("Quotes");
logger.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request for Quotes.");
var quotes = new List<Quote>
new Quote { Text = "Hello", ViewCount = 100},
new Quote { Text = "Azure Functions", ViewCount = 200}
var response = req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
response.Headers.Add("total-count", quotes.Count.ToString());
await response.WriteAsJsonAsync(quotes);
return response;
Your existing client code should work as long as you read the Headers property.
public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> GetQuotesAsync()
var requestUri = "https://shkr-playground.azurewebsites.net/api/quotes";
return await _httpClient.GetAsync(requestUri);
Now your GetQuotesAsync method can be called somewhere else where you will use the return value of it (HttpResponseMessage instance) and read the headers. In the below example, I am reading that value and adding to a string variable. HttpResponseMessage implements IDisposable. So I am using a using construct to implicitly call the Dispose method.
var msg = "Total count from response headers:";
using (var httpResponseMsg = await GetQuotesAsync())
if (httpResponseMsg.Headers.TryGetValues("total-count", out var values))
msg += values.FirstOrDefault();
// TODO: use "msg" variable as needed.
The types which Azure function uses for dealing with response headers is more of an implementation concern of azure functions. It has no impact on your client code where you are using HttpClient and HttpResponseMessage. Your client code is simply dealing with standard http call response (response headers and body)
The issue is not with Blazor WASM, rather if that header has been exposed on your API Side. In your azure function, add the following -
Note: Postman will still show the headers even if you don't expose the headers like below. That's because, Postman doesn't care about CORS headers. CORS is just a browser concept and not a strong security mechanism. It allows you to restrict which other web apps may use your backend resources and that's all.
First create a Startup File to inject the HttpContextAccessor
Package Required: Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Extensions
[assembly: FunctionsStartup(typeof(FuncAppName.Startup))]
namespace FuncAppName
public class Startup : FunctionsStartup
public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder)
Next, inject it into your main Function -
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
namespace FuncAppName
public class SomeFunction
private readonly HttpContext _httpContext;
public SomeFunction(HttpContextAccessor contextAccessor)
_httpContext = contextAccessor.HttpContext;
public override Task<IActionResult> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, new[] { "post" }, Route = "run")] HttpRequest req)
var response = "Some Response"
_httpContext.Response.Headers.Add("my-custom-header", "some-custom-value");
_httpContext.Response.Headers.Add("my-other-header", "some-other-value");
_httpContext.Response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "my-custom-header, my-other-header");
return new OkObjectResult(response)
If you want to allow all headers you can use wildcard (I think, not tested) -
_httpContext.Response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "*");
You still need to add your web-app url to the azure platform CORS. You can add * wildcard, more info here - https://iotespresso.com/allowing-all-cross-origin-requests-azure-functions/
to enable CORS for Local Apps during development - https://stackoverflow.com/a/60109518/9276081
Now to access those headers in your Blazor WASM, as an e.g. you can -
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
var content = JsonContent.Create(new { query = "" });
using (var client = new HttpClient())
var result = await client.PostAsync("https://func-app-name.azurewebsites.net/api/run", content);
var headers = result.Headers.ToList();

Task.Run sometimes returns twice

I have an azure function app that I call from a slack slash command.
Sometimes the function takes a little while to return the data requested, so I made that function return a "Calculating..." message to slack immediately, and run the actual processing on a Task.Run (the request contains a webhook that I post back to when I finally get the data) :
Task.Run(() => opsData.GenerateQuoteCheckMessage(incomingData, context.FunctionAppDirectory, log));
This works mostly fine, except every now and then when people are calling the function from slack, it will return the data twice. So it will show one "Calculating..." message and then 2 results returned from the above function.
BTW, Azure functions start with :
public static async Task
UPDATE : here is the code for the function:
public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous)]HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log, ExecutionContext context)
var opsHelper = new OpsHelper();
string bodyContent = await req.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var parsedBody = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(bodyContent);
var commandName = parsedBody["command"];
var incomingBrandId = parsedBody["text"];
int.TryParse(incomingBrandId, out var brandId);
var responseUrl = parsedBody["response_url"];
var incomingData = new IncomingSlackRequestModel
UserName = parsedBody["user_name"],
ChannelName = parsedBody["channel_name"],
CommandName = commandName,
ResponseUri = new Uri(responseUrl),
BrandId = brandId
var opsData = OpsDataFactory.GetOpsData(context.FunctionAppDirectory, environment);
Task.Run(() => opsData.GenerateQuoteCheckMessage(incomingData, context.FunctionAppDirectory, log));
// Generate a "Calculating" response message based on the correct parameters being passed
var calculatingMessage = opsHelper.GenerateCalculatingMessage(incomingData);
// Return calculating message
return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, calculatingMessage, JsonMediaTypeFormatter.DefaultMediaType);
And then the GenerateQuoteCheckMessage calculates some data and eventually posts back to slack (Using Rest Sharp) :
var client = new RestClient(responseUri);
var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
request.AddParameter("application/json; charset=utf-8", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(outgoingMessage), ParameterType.RequestBody);
Using Kzrystof's suggestion, I added a service bus call in the function that posts to a queue, and added another function that reads off that queue and processes the request, responding to the webhook that slack gives me :
public void DeferProcessingToServiceBus(IncomingSlackRequestModel incomingSlackRequestModel)
var serializedModel = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(incomingSlackRequestModel);
var sbConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("SERVICE_BUS_CONNECTION_STRING");
var sbQueueName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("OpsNotificationsQueueName");
var client = QueueClient.CreateFromConnectionString(sbConnectionString, sbQueueName);
var brokeredMessage = new BrokeredMessage(serializedModel);

Request Body is null in Post request in Web Api

I have a action method like this
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Register(DeviceRegistration deviceRegistration)
if (deviceRegistration == null)
return BadRequest("Request body is null");
DiaryDevice device = await _deviceBl.Register(deviceRegistration.RegistrationCode);
var deviceDto = Mapper.Map<DiaryDevice, DiaryDeviceDTO>(device);
return Ok(deviceDto);
When I call this api from PostMan with below request body, I get deviceRegistration object as null. I also set ContentType header as application/json
"ApiKey" : "apikey",
"RegistrationCode" : "123",
"ImeiNo" : "12345"
Then I try to read the request content as below-
string body = await Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
This time I also get body = ""
But when I run my Unit test I get deviceRegistration as I wanted. So what's wrong with my code. Why my code only work for unit testing. I am using Web Api 2.2
Update / Solution
Sorry for asking this question. Actually it was my mistake. I accidentally read the request body inside Application_BeginRequest() method for logging. I move those logging codes inside Application_EndRequest() method and everything becomes ok.
Given what you've shown, this should work for the requests to api/device/register
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Register([FromBody]DeviceRegistration deviceRegistration)
if (deviceRegistration == null)
return BadRequest("Request body is null");
DiaryDevice device = await _deviceBl.Register(deviceRegistration.RegistrationCode);
var deviceDto = Mapper.Map<DiaryDevice, DiaryDeviceDTO>(device);
return Ok(deviceDto);
Note the [FromBody] attribute.
