Moq Dapper - Multi-map error: splitOn column 'Id' was not found - c#

I'm running into this problem, let me describe it with my code:
I'm trying to mock a QueryAsync call using Moq.Dapper library and hitting the error:
Multi-map error: splitOn column 'Id' was not found
Here is the multi mapping query and code that works perfect:
var query = $#" SELECT * FROM [{nameof(Dashboard)}] dashboard
left join [{nameof(DashboardUser)}] dusers on dashboard.DashboardId = dusers.DashboardId
left join [Users] users on dusers.UserId = users.Id
WHERE dashboard.{nameof(accountId)} = #{nameof(accountId)} AND dashboard.{nameof(dashboardId)} = #{nameof(dashboardId)}";
Dashboard? dashboardEntity = null;
using (var connection = _context.CreateConnection())
var result = await connection.QueryAsync<Dashboard, DashboardUser, User, Dashboard?>(query,
(dashboard, dashboardUser, user) =>
if (dashboard == null) return null;
if (dashboardEntity == null)
dashboardEntity = dashboard;
dashboardEntity.Users = new List<DashboardUser>();
if (dashboardUser != null)
if (user != null) dashboardUser.User = user;
return dashboardEntity;
}, splitOn: $#"{nameof(Dashboard.DashboardId)},{nameof(Dashboard.DashboardId)},Id", param: new { accountId, dashboardId });
When Mocking the QueryAsync call I'm hitting the same problem as everyone else in the GitHub thread:
Func<Dashboard, DashboardUser, User, Dashboard?> funMap = (Dashboard, DashboardUser, User) => Mock.Of<Dashboard>();
public async Task Should_Get_Dashboard()
// Arrange
var connection = new Mock<DbConnection>();
IEnumerable<Dashboard> expected = GenFu.ListOf<Dashboard>(1);
connection.SetupDapperAsync(c => c.QueryAsync(It.IsAny<string>(), funMap, It.IsAny<object>(), It.IsAny<IDbTransaction>(),It.IsAny<bool>(),
"DashboardId,DashboardId,Id", // <-- SplitOn defined but error is *Multi-map error: splitOn column 'Id' was not found*
It.IsAny<int?>(), It.IsAny<CommandType?>()))
_context.Setup(x => x.CreateConnection()).Returns(connection.Object);
var dashboardRepository = new DashboardRepository(_context.Object, null, null);
CommonResult<Dashboard?> actual = new();
// Act
actual = await dashboardRepository.GetDashboard(3, 1);
Does anyone have a solution for this? It's the final thing for my Unit Test code coverage.
I don't need to specify the mapping. See how the code TFirst, TSecond, TThird, TResult is faint/dimmed and I get the same problem even with it explicitly mapped:
I did try this method:
connection.SetupDapperAsync(c => c.QueryAsync<Dashboard>(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<Type[]>(), GetFunc, It.IsAny<object>(), It.IsAny<IDbTransaction>(), It.IsAny<bool>(), $#"{nameof(Dashboard.DashboardId)},{nameof(Dashboard.DashboardId)},Id", It.IsAny<int?>(), It.IsAny<CommandType?>()))
and got the error:
System.ArgumentException : When using the multi-mapping APIs ensure you set the splitOn param if you have keys other than Id (Parameter 'splitOn')
I checked the Dapper code and tried * for the SplitOn and that made no difference.
The problem is the MultiMapAsync method and I can't mock it because its scope is private:
I changed the Dapper method to Public to see if I could Mock it:
Func<Dashboard, DashboardUser, User, Dashboard?> funMap = (Dashboard, DashboardUser, User) => Mock.Of<Dashboard>();
private class DontMap { /* hiding constructor */ }
public async Task Should_Get_Dashboard()
// Arrange
var connection = new Mock<DbConnection>();
IEnumerable<Dashboard> expected = GenFu.ListOf<Dashboard>(1);
connection.SetupDapperAsync(c => c.MultiMapAsync<Dashboard, DashboardUser, User, DontMap, DontMap, DontMap, DontMap, Dashboard?>(new CommandDefinition(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<object>(), It.IsAny<IDbTransaction>(), It.IsAny<int>(),It.IsAny<CommandType>(), CommandFlags.None, default), funMap, $#"{nameof(Dashboard.DashboardId)},{nameof(Dashboard.DashboardId)},Id")).ReturnsAsync(expected);
I get the error:
Specified method is not supported

Mocking Dapper extension methods provides no value. You end up just testing your own test code. I would do either an integration test, where you test the whole method on a small database, or pull the testable logic out of the Dapper call like this:
using (var connection = _context.CreateConnection())
var result = await connection.QueryAsync<Dashboard, DashboardUser, User, Dashboard?>(query,
(dashboard, dashboardUser, user) => CreateDashboardEntity(dashboardEntity, dashboard, dashboardUser, user),
splitOn: $#"{nameof(Dashboard.DashboardId)},{nameof(Dashboard.DashboardId)},Id", param: new { accountId, dashboardId });
public Dashboard? CreateDashboardEntity(Dashboard? dashboardEntity, Dashboard dashboard, DashboardUser dashboardUser, User user)
if (dashboard == null) return null;
if (dashboardEntity == null)
dashboardEntity = dashboard;
dashboardEntity.Users = new List<DashboardUser>();
if (dashboardUser != null)
if (user != null) dashboardUser.User = user;
return dashboardEntity;
Now you can unit-test CreateDashBoardEntity as much as you like, and there is no logic left in QueryAsync that haven't already been tested by the good Dapper developers.


Tests using InMemoryDatabase and Identity columns, how to deal?

.Net Core 2.2 / EFC 2.2.3 / Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql 2.2.0
Imagine that you have a table called Colors with some predefined data.
public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Color> builder)
builder.HasKey(r => r.Id).UseMySqlIdentityColumn();
builder.Property(r => r.Name).IsRequired().HasMaxLength(255);
builder.Property(v => v.RGB).IsRequired().HasMaxLength(7);
private ICollection<Color> GetSeed()
return new List<Color>()
new Color(){Id=1, Name="Black", RGB="#000"},
new Color(){Id=2, Name="White", RGB="#fff"},
One of my tests is to test the CreateColorCommandHandler. Very straightfoward
var Context = CBERPContextFactory.Create();
var query = new CreateColorCommandHandler(Context);
var command = new CreateColorCommand();
command.Name= "Random color";
command.RGB = "#001122";
var colorId = await query.Handle(command, CancellationToken.None);
var cor = Context.Colors.Where(p => p.Id == colorId).SingleOrDefault();
Assert.AreEqual(command.Name, cor.Name);
Assert.AreEqual(command.RGB, cor.RGB);
//>>> Handle simply add a new entity without informing ID
Handle method
public async Task<long> Handle(CreateColorCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var entity = new Color
Name = request.Name,
RGB = request.RGB,
await _context.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);
return entity.Id;
When I ran this test I get the error An item with the same key has already been added. Key: 1. Which means that InMemoryDatabase do not has auto increment feature.
Am I writing the test wrong?
How can I test case like this? I want to make sure that the command is OK.
Probably I am missing some very basic rule here.
I assume problem is in the following line:
var Context = CBERPContextFactory.Create();
May be you are using the same context instance for multiple tests. According to Testing with InMemory documentation:
Each test method specifies a unique database name, meaning each method has its own InMemory database.
So make sure that your each and every test method has a distinct context instance.
If still does not work then try setting the identity key value manually because InMemory database may does not support auto-increment.
InMemoryDatabase do not have all features yet, and AUTO INCREMENT one of those that need improvements:
Not the answer I wanted, but is the one working for now: clear all seeds before testing.
private static void Clear(this DbContext context)
var properties = context.GetType().GetProperties();
foreach (var property in properties)
var setType = property.PropertyType;
bool isDbSet = setType.IsGenericType && (typeof(DbSet<>).IsAssignableFrom(setType.GetGenericTypeDefinition()));
if (!isDbSet) continue;
dynamic dbSet = property.GetValue(context, null);

Moq Callback not working with 3 parameter method

I'm trying to understand why the following unit test does not execute the callback. If I modify the code so that the UpdateWorklowInstanceState method only contains 2 parameters (Guid and IList), it works. However, something about having 3 parameters interferes.
What I mean by interferes is that the Callback doesn't appear to get executed. There's no error message. I expect to see the "Error Occurred" message but instead receive an "Element Updated" message which means the Callback did not populate the resultMessages with the NotificationMessage.
public void BusinessObjectReturnsErrorNotification_ReturnErrorMessage()
var workflowInstanceGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
var workflowElementModel = new WorkflowElementModel
ElementName = "ValidName",
WorkflowInstanceId = workflowInstanceGuid.ToString()
var workflowElementInstance = new WorkflowElementInstance
ElementName = workflowElementModel.ElementName,
FullDescription = "Full Description",
SummaryDescription = "Summary Description",
RefTime = DateTime.Now,
ElementType = "ElementType"
var mockWebApiBusinessObject = new Mock<IWebApiBusinessObject>();
mockWebApiBusinessObject.Setup(m => m.UpdateWorkflowInstanceState(workflowInstanceGuid, workflowElementInstance, It.IsAny<List<NotificationMessage>>()))
.Callback<Guid, WorkflowElementInstance, IList<NotificationMessage>>(
(workflowInstanceId, elementDetails, resultMessages) =>
resultMessages.Add(new NotificationMessage("An Error Occured!", MessageSeverity.Error));
var controller = new WorkflowElementController(mockWebApiBusinessObject.Object);
var result = controller.UpdateWorkflowElement(workflowElementModel);
Assert.AreEqual("An Error Occured!", result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);
Method under test:
public HttpResponseMessage UpdateWorkflowElement(WorkflowElementModel workflowElementModel)
if (!ModelState.IsValid || workflowElementModel == null)
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
var response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
string responseMessage;
if (workflowElementModel.RefTime == DateTime.MinValue)
workflowElementModel.RefTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
var resultMessages = new List<NotificationMessage>();
var instanceId = new Guid();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(workflowElementModel.WorkflowInstanceId) ||
responseMessage = "WorkflowInstanceId or ElementName are null or empty";
else if (!Guid.TryParse(workflowElementModel.WorkflowInstanceId, out instanceId))
responseMessage = "WorkflowInstanceId is not a valid Guid";
var element = new WorkflowElementInstance
ElementName = workflowElementModel.ElementName,
RefTime = workflowElementModel.RefTime,
SummaryDescription = workflowElementModel.SummaryDescription ?? "",
FullDescription = workflowElementModel.FullDescription ?? ""
_webApiBusinessObject.UpdateWorkflowInstanceState(instanceId, element, resultMessages);
responseMessage = "Element Updated";
if (NotificationMessage.HasErrors(resultMessages))
responseMessage = resultMessages.Find(m => m.Status == MessageSeverity.Error).Message;
response.Content = new StringContent(responseMessage);
return response;
It does not work in you case for 3 parameters because you are mixing the expression parameter types.
in the setup, as apposed to the
in the callback parameters.
That means the setup expression parameters does not match the callback expression parameters so the call back is not going to be called.
Stick with one type so either go with the List<NotificationMessage> for both
You are also creating new instances of the parameters in the method under test, which would be different instance to the ones used in the setup. That is why the call back is not working. To prove it. Use It.IsAny<>() for all the parameters and it should work
.Setup(m => m.UpdateWorkflowInstanceState(It.IsAny<Guid>(), It.IsAny<WorkflowElementInstance>(), It.IsAny<List<NotificationMessage>>()))
.Callback<Guid, WorkflowElementInstance, List<NotificationMessage>>(
(workflowInstanceId, elementDetails, resultMessages) =>
resultMessages.Add(new NotificationMessage("An Error Occured!", MessageSeverity.Error));
Or the more generic interface
.Setup(m => m.UpdateWorkflowInstanceState(It.IsAny<Guid>(), It.IsAny<WorkflowElementInstance>(), It.IsAny<IList<NotificationMessage>>()))
.Callback<Guid, WorkflowElementInstance, IList<NotificationMessage>>(
(workflowInstanceId, elementDetails, resultMessages) =>
resultMessages.Add(new NotificationMessage("An Error Occured!", MessageSeverity.Error));
You should also take some time and review Moq Quickstart to get a better understanding of how to use the mocking framework.
Please consider updating at minor places in your unit test.
Add before mocking IWebApiBusinessObject object:
List<NotificationMessage> messages = new List<NotificationMessage>();
Additionally, update Callback :
var mock = new Mock<IWebApiBusinessObject>();
Setup(m => m.UpdateWorkflowInstanceState(It.IsNotNull<Guid>(), It.IsNotNull<WorkflowElementInstance>(),It.IsAny<List<NotificationMessage>>() )).
Callback(() =>
messages.Add(new NotificationMessage("error msg", MessageSeverity.Severe));
messages.Add(new NotificationMessage("Ignore Message", MessageSeverity.Normal)); // this is optional... u can remove it if u want.
And need to update the source code method UpdateWorkflowElement(WorkflowElementModel model) to
UpdateWorkflowElement(WorkflowElementModel model, List<NotificationMessage> messages);
Consider changes in unit test code calling UpdateWorkflowElement to
var result = controller.UpdateWorkflowElement(workflowElementModel, messages);
If I have understood your UpdateWorkflowInstanceState() method correctly,
then you are using IWebApiBusinessObject to call UpdateWorkflowInstanceState( , , ) method.
When UpdateWorkflowInstanceState( , , ) executes during unit testing, it fires the Callback in your unit test and adds messages in list of NotificationMessage.

Unit testing Web API Controller: Error fetching result

I'm new to unit testing in ASP.NET so please forgive my ignorance on this. I'm trying to test my controller.
This is the function in my controller which I'm testing:
public IHttpActionResult GetCustId(string name)
var c_id = db.Customer.Where(s => (s.c_Name == name));
if (c_id == null)
return null;
return Ok(c_id);
And this is my unit test code:
public void GetName_ShouldReturnCorrectId()
var context = new TestSContext();
context.Customers.Add(new Customer { c_ID = 1, c_Name = "jonny"});
var controller = new CustomerController(context);
var result = controller.GetCustId("Johnny") as OkNegotiatedContentResult<Customer>; //ISSUE: Result is always NULL
Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Content.c_ID);
The issue is here:
var result = controller.GetServiceId("Johnny") as OkNegotiatedContentResult<Customer>
because it is always returning NULL.
BUT... If I use just this:
var result = controller.GetCustId("Johnny");
Then the result is not null. And the first assert passes.
But I can't use it because I'm not sure how to check the second assert statement without using result.Content. I'm really not sure what are the best practices to be testing in my case.
Appreciate any help.
You are trying to find "Johnny" (with 'h') when you have put "jonny" into your mock context thus method always returns null due to your if statement
if (c_id == null)
return null;
Adding to #nizzik's answer, which is correct based on your example, to avoid simple mistakes like that you should store your values in variables and reuse them to make sure that they are as intended.
public void GetName_ShouldReturnCorrectId() {
var name = "Johnny";
var expectedId = 1;
var context = new TestSContext();
context.Customers.Add(new Customer { c_ID = expectedId, c_Name = name});
var controller = new CustomerController(context);
var result = controller.GetCustId(name) as OkNegotiatedContentResult<Customer>;
Assert.AreEqual(expectedId, result.Content.c_ID);
That way you can change any one of them and the test should execute as expected.

How to change the dependency at runtime using simple injector

I am new to simple injector. I have data access layer that has dependency on Force Client. I have register the ForceClient dependency. I want to replace the default value of ForceClient once user login into the application.
Please let me know, how i can change the default values at run time.
Ioc.ServiceContainer.Register(() => new ForceClient(
Here is the complete detail about the requirement. I have DAL in our Xamarin project that retrieve data from sales force using Developerforce.Force apis. I am writing unit test cases using MOQ to test the DAL.
DAL Code.
public CustomerRepository(IForceClient client)
_client = client;
public async Task<long> GetTotalContacts()
string totalContactCountQry = "some query"
var customerCount = await _client.QueryAsync<ContactsTotal>(totalContactCountQry);
var firstOrDefault = customerCount.Records.FirstOrDefault();
return firstOrDefault != null ? firstOrDefault.Total : 0;
Unit Test Case Code.
public void Init()
forceClientMock = new Mock<IForceClient>();
forceClientMock.Setup(x => x.ForceClient(It.IsAny<string>(),
It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<HttpClient>()))
.Return(new ForceClient(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>(),
It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<HttpClient>()));
forceClientMock.Setup(x => x.QueryAsync<ContactsTotal>(It.IsAny<string>()))
.ReturnsAsync(new QueryResult<ContactsTotal>());
forceClientMock.Setup(x => x.QueryAsync<ContactsTotal>(It.IsAny<string>()))
.ReturnsAsync(new QueryResult<ContactsTotal>() { Records=new List<ContactsTotal>() });
public void GetTotalContacts()
ICustomerRepository customerRepostory = new CustomerRepository(forceClientMock.Object);
Simple Injector Registry on application initialization
container.Register<IForceClient>((() => new ForceClient(
UserState.Current.ApiVersion)), Lifestyle.Transient);
The instance of ForceClient that i am creating during the registry is being created with all default valued of UserState. The actual value gets assigned once user login into the application.
I except ForceClient instance to have the updated value after login to access the sales force to retrieve the data but the program is giving error on below line DAL
var customerCount = await _client.QueryAsync<ContactsTotal>(totalContactCountQry);
The reason is that the forceClient still contain default values. How can i make sure that the FoceClient instance get created after login to use the actual value of UserState
You can accomplish what you want by using Func<T>.
Rather than IForceClient in your classe, you can inject a Func<IForceClient> :
public CustomerRepository(Func<IForceClient> clientFunc)
_clientFunc = clientFunc;
public async Task<long> GetTotalContacts()
string totalContactCountQry = "some query"
// calling _clientFunc() will provide you a new instance of IForceClient
var customerCount = await _clientFunc().QueryAsync<ContactsTotal>(totalContactCountQry);
var firstOrDefault = customerCount.Records.FirstOrDefault();
return firstOrDefault != null ? firstOrDefault.Total : 0;
The simple injector registration:
// Your function
Func<IForceClient> fonceClientFunc = () => new ForceClient(
// the registration
container.Register<Func<IForceClient>>( () => fonceClientFunc, Lifestyle.Transient);

Updating Entity in EF6 gives primary key exception

When I try to update this object in EF6 I get an error stating more than 1 entity has this primary key. Looking at this DB I know this to be untrue(from what I can see).
I need to be able to update a second object based on one of the properties on the posted object. The code below produces the error. I have left in commented out pieces that I have tried to get this to work.
public async Task<ActionResult> Edit(PricingRule pricingRule)
var currentUser = await serv.UserManager.FindByIdAsync(User.Identity.GetUserId());
var company = currentUser.Company;
//var entityRule = serv.PricingService.PricingRules.Get(pricingRule.PricingRuleId);
//If this is the first rule, set it to the company default
var rulesCount = company.PricingRules.Count;
if (rulesCount <= 1 || company.DefaultPricingRule == null)
pricingRule.DefaultPricingRule = true;
//Make sure no other rules are marked as default, and update the company with this rule as default
if (pricingRule.DefaultPricingRule)
if (company.DefaultPricingRule != null)
var oldRule = serv.PricingService.PricingRules.Get(company.DefaultPricingRule.PricingRuleId);
oldRule.DefaultPricingRule = false;
company.DefaultPricingRule = pricingRule;
await serv.SaveAllChangesAsync();
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(pricingRule);
Whether or not it is the best practice or how it should technically be done, this is how I solved my problem.
The edited object I was passing in, needed to be marked as modified first, before doing any other operations. I am assuming this is because the context could then grab it and all other operations regarding it would be done "within context". Other wise I think it was trying to add a new object if I tried to attach it to company.DefaultPricingRule.
public async Task<ActionResult> Edit(PricingRule pricingRule)
var currentUser = await serv.UserManager.FindByIdAsync(User.Identity.GetUserId());
var company = currentUser.Company;
//If this is the first rule, set it to the company default
var rulesCount = company.PricingRules.Count;
if (rulesCount <= 1 || company.DefaultPricingRule == null)
pricingRule.DefaultPricingRule = true;
//Make sure no other rules are marked as default, and update the company with this rule as default
if (pricingRule.DefaultPricingRule)
if (company.DefaultPricingRule != null)
var oldRule = serv.PricingService.PricingRules.Get(company.DefaultPricingRule.PricingRuleId);
oldRule.DefaultPricingRule = false;
company.DefaultPricingRule = pricingRule;
await serv.SaveAllChangesAsync();
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(pricingRule);
If Anyone has a comment on if this is best practice or if there is a better way to do it, I gladly take criticism.
