Binding buttons in StackLayout displays additional things - c#

I am trying find way to write and get items from my StackLayout in my ViewModel.
My implementation XAML:
<StackLayout x:Name="PlayerList" BindableLayout.ItemsSource="{Binding Players}"/>
And implementation for ViewModel:
public ObservableCollection<Button> Players { get; set; } = new ObservableCollection<Button>();
public GamePointViewModel()
public void InitializePlayerList()
for (int i = 0; i < GameSettings.PlayerCount; i++)
Button newBtn = new Button();
newBtn.Text = GameSettings.Players[i];
newBtn.ClassId = i.ToString();
newBtn.Clicked += ButtonEvent_Click;
void ButtonEvent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button button = (Button)sender;
if (button.Background == Brush.Green)
button.Background = Brush.Gray;
button.Background = Brush.Green;
Unfortunately, I see some additional text in my interface:
But I expected only buttons. What I miss?

May I suggest, alternative approach.
Instead of binding visual elements (In your case buttons), you should be binding Models to your VisualElements (for example, ObservableCollection of Players to your CollectionView ItemSource).
And instead of adding event handlers to those VisualElements, you should be using Commands. (For example bound to TapGestureRecognizers of this CollectionView).
For changing the appearance of those buttons, you can use Data Triggers, Visual States, Styles, Control Templates, Value Convertors, or combination of them.
(For example Player.isActive becomes false, the color of the VisualElement becomes gray)
There is no point in using MVVM, just to bind UI to UI.


How to increase a ProgressBar Value according to the content of TextBoxes?

So I have 4 TextBoxes and I have already set the maximum value of my ProgressBar to 4.
ProgressAttr.Maximum = 4;
What I would like to do is increase my ProgressBar Value by 1 every time I fill out a TextBox.
My code right now looks like this:
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name_txtBox.Text))
ProgressAttr.Value += 1;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Serial_TxtBox.Text))
ProgressAttr.Value += 1;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Cap_TxtBox.Text))
ProgressAttr.Value += 1;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(IDprk_TxtBox.Text))
ProgressAttr.Value += 1;
This doesn't increase the value of my ProgressBar.
I've also tried this:
if (textbox.Text.Length > 0)
ProgressAttr.Value += 1;
None of this works for me and Ive been trying to find a solution for hours. I would really appreciate your help and am looking forward to seeing solutions that you guys suggest!
I'm proposing you a method that makes use of DataBindings to synchronize the content of your TextBoxes with the Value property of a ProgressBar.
A class object can notify changes related to its Properties values implementing the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. Its public PropertyChanged event is raised to notify bound Controls that Properties of the data Provider have changed.
All bound Properties are then updated to the new values.
This allows you to have all the logic in a single place and changes to the User Interface (your Form, here) do not affect the data binding in any way.
You can add or remove Controls from the UI. The binding procedure doesn't change or needs to keep track of what has changed in the UI.
For example, bind your ProgressBar.Value property to the ProgressBarController.Value property. You initialize the ProgressBarController with the instances of the TextBox (or RichTextBox) Controls that you want to include, add a Binding to link the properties and that's all. All the rest happens automatically.
ProgressBarController pbarController = null;
// Form Constuctor
public SomeForm()
// [...]
// These TextBoxes could be child of a Container (e.g., a Panel), so you could
// also get all the child Controls of this Container to build the array
var textBoxes = new[]{ Name_txtBox, Serial_TxtBox, Cap_TxtBox, IDprk_TxtBox}
ProgressAttr.Maximum = textBoxes.Length;
pbarController = new ProgressBarController(textBoxes);
ProgressAttr.DataBindings.Add("Value", pbarController, "Value", false,
protected override void OnFormClosed(FormClosedEventArgs e)
Here, two TextBoxes already contain some text when the Form is loaded, so the ProgressBar shows a progress. If you remove all text in the Designer, of course the progress shown is initially 0:
The ProgressBarController class is initialized with the array of Controls passed in its Contructor.
► It then build a Dictionary<TextBoxBase, int> to keep track of the progress value associated to a Control: 0 if its Text is empty, otherwise 1.
TextBoxBase so you can also use RichTextBox Controls.
► The TextChanged event of these Controls is subscribes to using a single handler. The sender object will be the Control that raised the event.
► If/when the associated value has changed (the Control Text state determines a change), the PropertyChanged event is raised and the DataBinding notifies the ProgressBar to update its Value property.
► When the Parent Form is closed, call the Dispose() method of this class to remove the subscription to the TextChanged events.
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
private class ProgressBarController : INotifyPropertyChanged, IDisposable
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private Dictionary<TextBoxBase, int> states;
private int m_Value = 0;
public ProgressBarController(params TextBoxBase[] tboxes) {
states = new Dictionary<TextBoxBase, int>();
for (int i = 0; i < tboxes.Length; i++) {
states.Add(tboxes[i], tboxes[i].Text.Length > 0 ? 1 : 0);
tboxes[i].TextChanged += TextChanged;
m_Value = states.Values.Sum();
public int Value {
get => m_Value;
private set {
if (value != m_Value) {
m_Value = value;
protected void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = "") =>
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
protected void TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
var tbx = sender as TextBoxBase;
int state = tbx.Text.Length > 0 ? 1 : 0;
if (states[tbx] != state) {
states[tbx] = state;
Value = states.Values.Sum();
public void Dispose() {
foreach (var tb in states.Keys) {
tb.TextChanged -= this.TextChanged;

Issue with making an hangman game in UWP

I'm trying to create an hangman game in UWP and I'm not quite sure where to type the button click event of each letter in the code in order to have it recognize all of the variables in MainPage without affecting functionality.
If possible to have the button clicks in a separate class, even better.
Would appreciate if you could help me, thanks in advance!
namespace Hangman
public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
int _currentIndex;
string _currentWord;
string[] _strArr = { "ant", "bee", "spider", "mosquito" };
int _difficulty = 1;
public MainPage()
Random rnd = new Random();
_currentIndex = rnd.Next(0, 4);
_currentWord = _strArr[_currentIndex];
foreach (char c in _currentWord)
string _hiddenWord = string.Empty;
foreach (char ch in _currentWord)
_hiddenWord += "_" + (char)160;
_textBl.Text = _hiddenWord;
private void a_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
I want to capture Button clicks of buttons on my XML code. I've made a property like so public char Key { get; set; } and had each Button click insert a different value dependant on the letter, for example: on button_a, Key = 'a';
I probably understand what you mean. You have a lot of buttons (like a button that makes up a keyboard). Each time you click the button, you get the button's identity and then type it into the text box.
You can use the Button.Tag property to record your key, like this:
<Button Tag="a" Content="A" Click="Button_Click" />
In code-behind, the Button_Click method has two parameters, where the sender refers to the Button that triggered the event, so you can convert it and get the Tag property.
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var btn = sender as Button;
string tag = btn.Tag.ToString();
// Do Something
In this way, you can bind all the buttons to the same handler, which is very convenient.
Best regards.
You have to go to your XAML file where you design your UI, find the button and then add
<Button Content="Your Button Text" onClick="a_Click" />

Update ThemeResources from c#?

I've got a void that analyses an image, extracts two dominant colors, and replaces "SystemControlForegroundAccentBrush" and "SystemControlHighlightAccentBrush", that I'm overriding in App.xaml. It works well, except that it takes a bit of time to analyse the image, so it changes the colors once all the controls in my page have already loaded.
As a result, they stay the old accent color. How can I get them to bind dynamically to that ThemeRessource?
Here's my app.xaml:
<ResourceDictionary x:Name="resdic">
<ResourceDictionary x:Key="Dark">
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="SystemControlForegroundAccentBrush"/>
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="SystemControlHighlightAccentBrush"/>
This is the (very simplified) part of the ColorExtractor.cs class that changes the colors:
public async static void Analyse()
Application.Current.Resources["SystemControlForegroundAccentBrush"] = new SolidColorBrush(color);
Application.Current.Resources["SystemControlHighlightAccentBrush"] = new SolidColorBrush(color2);
And I've got a bunch of controls in Page.xaml that have their Foreground set as such:
<TextBlock Foreground="{ThemeResource SystemControlForegroundAccentBrush]"/>
I call ColorExtractor.Analyse() in my Page.xaml.cs (at the OnNavigatedTo event). I can always create an event that gets fired once the colors are set, but I need to find a way to update the colors of all the controls in my page once that's done.
You can have a look at how Template 10 does theming changes, but in their case they are defining two different themes in resource dictionaries in advance. You can find their code in the repo on Github, but here are some of the code used:
(Window.Current.Content as FrameworkElement).RequestedTheme = value.ToElementTheme();
Views.Shell.SetRequestedTheme(value, UseBackgroundChecked);
From here
public static void SetRequestedTheme(ApplicationTheme theme, bool UseBackgroundChecked)
WindowWrapper.Current().Dispatcher.Dispatch(() =>
(Window.Current.Content as FrameworkElement).RequestedTheme = theme.ToElementTheme();
HamburgerMenu.NavButtonCheckedForeground = NavButtonCheckedForegroundBrush;
HamburgerMenu.NavButtonCheckedBackground = (UseBackgroundChecked) ?
NavButtonCheckedBackgroundBrush : NavButtonBackgroundBrush;
HamburgerMenu.NavButtonCheckedIndicatorBrush = (UseBackgroundChecked) ?
Colors.Transparent.ToSolidColorBrush() : NavButtonCheckedIndicatorBrush;
HamburgerMenu.SecondarySeparator = SecondarySeparatorBrush;
List<HamburgerButtonInfo> NavButtons = HamburgerMenu.PrimaryButtons.ToList();
NavButtons.InsertRange(NavButtons.Count, HamburgerMenu.SecondaryButtons.ToList());
List<HamburgerMenu.InfoElement> LoadedNavButtons = new List<HamburgerMenu.InfoElement>();
foreach (var hbi in NavButtons)
StackPanel sp = hbi.Content as StackPanel;
if (hbi.ButtonType == HamburgerButtonInfo.ButtonTypes.Literal) continue;
ToggleButton tBtn = sp.Parent as ToggleButton;
Button btn = sp.Parent as Button;
if (tBtn != null)
var button = new HamburgerMenu.InfoElement(tBtn);
else if (btn != null)
var button = new HamburgerMenu.InfoElement(btn);
Rectangle indicator = tBtn.FirstChild<Rectangle>();
indicator.Visibility = ((!hbi.IsChecked ?? false)) ? Visibility.Collapsed : Visibility.Visible;
if (!hbi.IsChecked ?? false) continue;
ContentPresenter cp = tBtn.FirstAncestor<ContentPresenter>();
cp.Background = NavButtonCheckedBackgroundBrush;
cp.Foreground = NavButtonCheckedForegroundBrush;
LoadedNavButtons.ForEach(x => x.RefreshVisualState());
From here
I've got a void that analyses an image, extracts two dominant colors, and replaces "SystemControlForegroundAccentBrush" and "SystemControlHighlightAccentBrush", that I'm overriding in App.xaml.
First I don't think your code in app.xaml can override the ThemeResource, and you used this Brush in the Page like this:
<TextBlock Foreground="{ThemeResource SystemControlForegroundAccentBrush}" Text="Hello World!" FontSize="50" />
If you press "F12" on the SystemControlForegroundAccentBrush, you can find this resource actually in the "generic.xaml" file.
Now suppose your ColorExtractor.cs class works fine and ColorExtractor.Analyse() can override the color of those two brushes, and you have many controls in the page uses these two resources, refreshing the Page here can solve your problem.
But I think it's better that not put this operation in OnNavagateTo event or Page.Loaded event, there is no refresh method in UWP, we use navigating again to this page to refresh, so if putting this operation in OnNavagateTo event or Page.Loaded event, every time you navigate to this page, the resources will be overrided and it will navigate again. So I put this operation in a Button click event like this:
public bool Reload()
return Reload(null);
private bool Reload(object param)
Type type = this.Frame.CurrentSourcePageType;
if (this.Frame.BackStack.Any())
type = this.Frame.BackStack.Last().SourcePageType;
param = this.Frame.BackStack.Last().Parameter;
try { return this.Frame.Navigate(type, param); }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
In the end, I decided to create an event in ColorExtractor.cs :
public static event EventHandler Analysed;
public async static void Analyse(BitmapImage poster)
//Analyse colors
Analysed(null, null);
And then, on my MainPage.xaml.cs:
ColorExtractor.Analysed += (sender, EventArgs) =>
//Set Page foreground color, as a lot of controls are dynamically binded to their parent's foreground brush.
//If a control isn't automatically binded, all I have to do is say: Foreground="{Binding Foreground, ElementName=page}"
page.Foreground = Application.Current.Resources["SystemControlForegroundAccentBrush"] as SolidColorBrush;
page.BorderBrush = Application.Current.Resources["SystemControlHighlightAccentBrush"] as SolidColorBrush;
//Reload any custom user control that sets it's children's color when it's loaded.
backdrop.UserControl_Loaded(null, null);
So I'm not actually binding my controls to the ForegroundAccentBrush directly, but this works without needing to re-navigate to the page.

Silverlight dependancy property is not notifying in custom control

I have a custom combo box where i have a label in the Combobox selection box. I need to change the label as I noted in the second image. But I want to do it only when I select items by selecting the check box. I can select multiple items, so the label should be updated as a comma separated value of selected items. If there is not enough space to display the full text of the label there should be "..." symbol to indicate that there are more items selected in the combo box.
I created a custom Label by inheriting the text Box control where I do all the changes in the callback event of a Dependency property. (Check custom Text Box code)
Now the problem is that the callback event in the custom Text box control is not firing when I change the bounded property in the View model (I am doing this by adding values to the observable collection in the code behind in check box on Check event. Please Check check box event code).
I can see that first time when I load default data in the view model the line is hit by the break point in the "Getter" part of "SelectedFilterResources" . But I never get a hit in the Setter part of the property.
Custom Text Box
The custom text box has the "CaptionCollectionChanged" callback event. It is the place where I have all logic to achieve my scenario. "Resources item" here is a type of Model.
public class ResourceSelectionBoxLable : TextBox
public override void OnApplyTemplate()
IsReadOnly = true;
public static List<ResourceItem> LocalFilterdResources = new List<ResourceItem>();
#region Dependancy Properties
public static readonly DependencyProperty FilterdResourcesProperty =
typeof (ObservableCollection<ResourceItem>),
typeof (ResourceSelectionBoxLable),
new PropertyMetadata(new ObservableCollection<ResourceItem>(),
public ObservableCollection<ResourceItem> SelectedFilterdResources
(ObservableCollection<ResourceItem>) GetValue(FilterdResourcesProperty);
SetValue(FilterdResourcesProperty, value);
LocalFilterdResources = new List<ResourceItem>(SelectedFilterdResources);
private static void CaptionCollectionChanged(DependencyObject d,
DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var resourceSelectionBoxLable = d as ResourceSelectionBoxLable;
if (resourceSelectionBoxLable != null)
if (LocalFilterdResources.Count <= 0)
resourceSelectionBoxLable.Text = "Resources"
var actualwidthOflable = resourceSelectionBoxLable.ActualWidth;
var newValue = e.NewValue as string;
//Get the Wdith of the Text in Lable
TextBlock txtMeasure = new TextBlock();
txtMeasure.FontSize = resourceSelectionBoxLable.FontSize;
txtMeasure.Text = newValue;
double textwidth = txtMeasure.ActualWidth;
//True if Text reach the Limit
if (textwidth > actualwidthOflable)
var appendedString = string.Join(", ",
LocalFilterdResources.Select(item => item.ResourceCaption)
resourceSelectionBoxLable.Text = appendedString;
if (LocalFilterdResources != null)
var morestring = string.Join(", ",
(LocalFilterdResources as IEnumerable<ResourceItem>).Select(item => item.ResourceCaption)
var subsring = morestring.Substring(0, Convert.ToInt32(actualwidthOflable) - 4);
resourceSelectionBoxLable.Text = subsring + "...";
Custom Combo Box.
This is the control where I use the above custom label. This is also a custom control so most of the properties and styles in this controls are custom made. "DPItemSlectionBoxTemplate" is a dependency property where I enable the Selection Box of the combo box by adding an attached property to the control template. This control works fine, because I use this control in other places in my system for different purposes.
x:Name="Resourcescmb" IsEnabled="{Binding IsResourceComboEnable,Mode=TwoWay}"
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding IsSelect, Mode=TwoWay,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" Click="CheckBox_Click"
Content="{Binding ResourceCaption}"
Style="{StaticResource CommonCheckBoxStyle}"
Tag ="{Binding}"
Checked="Resource_ToggleButton_OnChecked" />
SelectedFilterdResources="{Binding DataContext.FilterdResources,ElementName=root ,Mode=TwoWay}" />
private ObservableCollection<ResourceItem> _resourceItems;
public ObservableCollection<ResourceItem> FilterdResources
get { return _resourceItems; }
SetOnChanged(value, ref _resourceItems, "FilterdResources");
Constructor of View Model
FilterdResources=new ObservableCollection<ResourceItem>();
"SetOnChanged" is a method in the View Model base class where we have the INotifyPropertichanged implementation.
Check Box Event
private void Resource_ToggleButton_OnChecked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var senderControl = sender as CheckBox;
var selectedContent=senderControl.Tag as ResourceItem;
if (selectedContent != null)
I can access the View Model from the Code behind through the View Model Property.
Why is the call back event not notified when I change bounded values? Am i missing something here? Dependency properties are supposed to work for two way bindings aren't they? Could any one please help me on this?
Thanks in advance.
Looks like your issue is that you're expecting the CaptionCollectionChanged event to fire when the bound collection is changed (i.e. items added or removed). When in fact this event will fire only when you're changing an instance of the bound object.
What you need to do here is to subscribe to ObservableCollection's CollectionChanged event in the setter or change callback (which you already have - CaptionCollectionChanged) of your dependency property.
public static readonly DependencyProperty FilterdResourcesProperty =
typeof (ObservableCollection<ResourceItem>),
typeof (ResourceSelectionBoxLable),
new PropertyMetadata(new ObservableCollection<ResourceItem>(),
private static void CaptionCollectionChanged(DependencyObject d,
DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
var collection = args.NewValue as INotifyCollectionChanged;
if (collection != null)
var sender = d as ResourceSelectionBoxLable;
if (sender != null)
collection.CollectionChanged += sender.BoundItems_CollectionChanged;
private void BoundItems_CollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
// Do your control logic here.
Don't forget to add cleanup logic - unsubscribe from collection change when collection instance is changed and so on.

One property for multiple buttons

Is there a way to write in c# one property for multiple items. e.g. i have 5 buttons, i don't want to write button1.text = "etc", button2.text = "etc, I want to write button.text="etc" and have button1.text through button5.text to have "etc" text.
I guess this is feasible with something similar to:
public void SetButtonText(string value) {
this.Controls.OfType<Button>().ToList().ForEach(b => b.Text = value);
Or the same through a property:
public string ButtonText {
set {
.ForEach(b => b.Text = value);
After a further research, I found out that there are no direct way to access the controls of a page in Windows Phone as I know. So it all depends on whether you wish to get down from the PhoneApplicationPage:
As I see it, your solution revolves around the Page.LogicalChildren Property.
public class MyPage : Page {
public string ButtonText {
set {
.ForEach(b => b.Text = value);
Since the LogicalChildren has a protected accessor, you need to access it through a derived class, which shall be convenient for any kind of page you're working on Windows Phone, I guess.
Or drop a Grid right onto the PhoneApplicationPage and then drop other controls over it such as your buttons, then you shall access them through the Grid.Children property.
So, having dropped your Grid and naming it myBaseGrid, one would do the following:
public void SetButtonsText(string text) {
.ForEach(b => b.Text = "myText");
I would personally go with the method which name makes it clear what you're doing by spelling the word Button in plural as in my sample.
Perhaps you are looking for control arrays:
You can't assign all 5 buttons to the same reference, so that button.text = "etc" will work.
You can however, bind the buttons to the same property:
<Button Content="{Binding myText}"/>
<Button Content="{Binding myText}"/>
<Button Content="{Binding myText}"/>
<Button Content="{Binding myText}"/>
If the binding is set properly with INotifyPropertyChanged, then all will update when myText is updated.
You could also put the controls into a collection and foreach over them to set their Content property as others have suggested.
One way would be to create a method that sets them all for you, which you would have to manually write once:
public void SetAllButtonTexts(string text)
button1.text = text;
button2.text = text;
// . . .
Alternatively you could use a loop:
public void SetAllButtonTexts(string btnText)
foreach (var control in this.Controls.OfType<Button>())
(control).Text = btnText;
And if you don't want to update ALL the buttons, one easy but not-so-elegant thing you could do is modify the Tag property of the buttons you want to change with some custom text, and only update those:
public void SetAllButtonTexts(string btnText, string tagText = "")
foreach (var control in this.Controls.OfType<Button>()
.Where(b => string.IsNullOrEmpty(tagText)
|| (b.Tag != null && b.Tag.Equals(tagText))))
(control).Text = btnText;
In a few words: Group up all your buttons which should get changed in a list. Then later loop through this list and set your text of all buttons.
Here's some code.
First of all:
public static List<Button> buttonList = new List<Button>{};
On form_load:
buttonList.AddRange(new List<Button>{ button1,button2,button3,...}); // Group your buttons
Now it depends on 'when' or 'where' you want to change it. If the buttons should be changed right in the beginning, put the following code into the form_load-event. Else when it should be fired on an event, place it into an event.
foreach(Button btn in buttonList)
btn.Text = "Change all button-texts from list at one time.";
You can also handle multiple lables or boxes etc. like this. Just declare the right datatype.
