Problem with json deserialization using refit - c#

I'm using Refit in a project and i am trying to deserialize a json file which is not 'normalized' so to speak.
Here is the link to view an example, you can use ids 1491710 or 254700.
Json Example from Steam
The problem is that the object that is in the root, always changes according to the id that you send in the request, thus making the json unpradonized, like:
"dynamic property": {
"success": true,
"data": {
//i want the data here
To be honest, I was able to do this, using a regular http request and going down to the json level to get the data object. example:
var jsonData = JToken.Parse(httpResult).First.First;
return jsonData["data"].ToObject<SteamAppResponse>();
But the problem here is that it is necessary to use the Refit library to maintain the design pattern.
My Refit interface:
public interface IStoreApiWebClient
Task<SteamStoreAppResponse> GetAppDetails([Query][AliasAs("appId")] string appId);
My Response object:
public class SteamStoreAppResponse
public string Success { get; set; }
public SteamApp Data { get; set; }


Converting a JSON into own type results in null objects

from my rest call, I am receiving this JSON:
"livemode": true,
"error": {
"type": "unauthorized",
"message": "You did not provide a valid API key."
I need to fetch type and message into my type:
public class TestObject
string type { get; set; }
string message { get; set; }
But this returns null objects:
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
Uri uri = new Uri("");
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(uri);
string content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
JObject json = JObject.Parse(content);
TestObject album = json.ToObject<TestObject>();
1.) I understand that the type and message attributes are "nested". How do I access them?
2.) Even if I call my type livemode and error, the objects still return null.
Can you help me out a little?
Thank you :)
There seems to be one set of curly brackets to many. I am pretty sure that the api you are querying is not returning the first and the last curly bracket. Continue on after that has been taken care of.
In order to fetch the data, add these class definitions
public class Error
public string type { get; set; }
public string message { get; set; }
public class Root
public bool livemode { get; set; }
public Error error { get; set; }
and change
TestObject album = json.ToObject<TestObject>();
Root album = json.ToObject<Root>();
As some of the comments to your question mentioned, you are currently trying to convert the JSON string to the nested Error object instead of the root object, where the Error object is located.
In the future, there are tools that can generate C# classes from JSON. I used this time around to do so.
I just found out that Visual Studio actually has an in-built JSON to Class feature!

consume JSON from webhook in C#

Hi I'm looking to create a simple webhook receiver and dump the data into a table.
This is for receiving SMS using Zipwhip. Zipwhip will send a post with JSON.
Need to receive the JSON and process.
What is a simple way to accomplish this.
Thanks in advance.
In ServiceStack your callback would just need to match the shape of your Response DTO, e.g:
public class CorpNotes
public int Departments { get; set; }
public string Note { get; set; }
public DateTime WeekEnding { get; set; }
// Example of OrmLite POCO Data Model
public class MyTable {}
public class MyServices : Service
public object Any(CorpNotes request)
Example uses Auto Mapping Utils to populate your OrmLite POCO datamodel, you may want to do additional processing before saving the data model.
If the callback can send arbitrary JSON Responses in the payload you can use an object property to accept arbitrary JSON however we'd recommend using Typed DTOs wherever possible.
This can be what the receiving method in your controller can look like on the receiving side. Make sure that your receiving and sending json object match.
public JsonResult Edit([FromBody] CorpNotes newMessage)
{return Json(TotalWeekNoteSearch);}
public class CorpNotes
public int Departments { get; set; }
public string Note { get; set; }
public DateTime WeekEnding { get; set; }
I am actually working on a .net project receiving Json from a Angular front end, so this should be the same concept. Also make sure that what you are receiving is truly a workable object such as.
{Departments: 4, Note: "This is notes 2020Q1W13", WeekEnding: "2020-01-25T00:00:00"}
Also try looking into this example which would be helpful in regards to webhooks.
public class MyWebHookHandler : WebHookHandler
public MyWebHookHandler()
this.Receiver = "custom";
public override Task ExecuteAsync(string generator, WebHookHandlerContext context)
CustomNotifications notifications = context.GetDataOrDefault<CustomNotifications>();
foreach (var notification in notifications.Notifications)
return Task.FromResult(true);
The type of the data is typically JSON or HTML form data, but it is possible to cast to a more specific type if desired.

How to post a dynamic JSON property to a C# ASP.Net Core Web API using MongoDB?

How to post a dynamic JSON property to a C# ASP.Net Core Web API using MongoDB?
It seems like one of the advantages of MongoDB is being able to store anything you need to in an Object type property but it doesn't seem clear how you can get the dynamic property info from the client ajax post through a C# Web API to MongoDB.
We want to allow an administrator to create an Event with Title and Start Date/Time but we also want to allow the user to add custom form fields using Reactive Forms for whatever they want such as t-shirt size or meal preference... Whatever the user may come up with in the future. Then when someone registers for the event, they post EventID and the custom fields to the Web API.
We can have an Event MongoDB collection with _id, event_id, reg_time, and form_fields where form_fields is an Object type where the dynamic data is stored.
So we want to POST variations of this JSON with custom FormsFields:
Variation 1:
"EventId": "595106234fccfc5fc88c40c2",
"FormFields": {
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Public",
"TShirtSize": "XL"
Variation 2:
"EventId": "d34f46234fccfc5fc88c40c2",
"FormFields": {
"Email": "",
"MealPref": "Vegan"
I would like to have an EventController with Post action that takes a custom C# EventReg object that maps to the JSON above.
public void Post([FromBody]EventReg value)
EventReg Class:
public class EventReg
public EventReg()
FormFields = new BsonDocument();
public string EventRegId { get; set; }
public string EventId { get; set; }
public DateTime RegTime
set; get;
public MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument FormFields { get; set; }
public string AddEventRegistration(EventReg eventReg)
return eventReg.EventRegId;
Right now, if I post to the controller, my EventReg is null because it must not know how to map my JSON FormFields properties to a BsonDocument.
What type can I use for FormFields?
Can I have the FormFields property be a BsonDocument and is there an easy way to map the Web API parameter to that?
Is there an example of how some custom serializer might work in this case?
We could maybe use a dynamic type and loop through the posted properties but that seems ugly. I have also seen the JToken solution from a post here but that looks ugly also.
If MongoDB is meant to be used dynamically like this, shouldn't there be a clean solution to pass dynamic data to MongoDB? Any ideas out there?
In ASP.NET Core 3.0+ Newtonsoft.Json is not the default JSON serializer anymore. Therefore I would use JsonElement:
public IActionResult Post([FromBody] JsonElement elem)
var title = elem.GetProperty("title").GetString();
The JToken example works to get data in but upon retrieval it causes browsers and Postman to throw an error and show a warning indicating that content was read as a Document but it was in application/json format. I saw the FormFields property being returned as {{"TShirtSize":"XL"}} so maybe double braces was a problem during serialization.
I ended up using the .NET ExpandoObject in the System.Dynamic namespace. ExpandoObject is compatible with the MongoDB BsonDocument so the serialization is done automatically like you would expect. So no need for weird code to manually handle the properties like the JToken example in the question.
I still believe that a more strongly typed C# representation should be used if at all possible but if you must allow any JSON content to be sent to MongoDB through a Web API with a custom C# class as input, then the ExpandoObject should do the trick.
See how the FormFields property of EventReg class below is now ExpandoObject and there is no code to manually handle the property of the object being saved to MongoDB.
Here is the original problematic and overly complex JToken code to manually populate an object with standard type properties and a dynamic FormFields property:
public void Post([FromBody]JToken token)
if (token != null)
EventReg eventReg = new EventReg();
if (token.Type == Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JTokenType.Object)
eventReg.RegTime = DateTime.Now;
foreach (var pair in token as Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject)
if (pair.Key == "EventID")
eventReg.EventId = pair.Value.ToString();
else if (pair.Key == "UserEmail")
eventReg.UserEmail = pair.Value.ToString();
eventReg.FormFields.Add(new BsonElement(pair.Key.ToString(), pair.Value.ToString()));
//Add Registration:
Using ExpandoObject removes the need for all of this code. See the final code below. The Web API controller is now 1 line instead of 30 lines of code. This code now can insert and return the JSON from the Question above without issue.
public void Post([FromBody]EventReg value)
EventReg Class:
public class EventReg
public EventReg()
FormFields = new ExpandoObject();
public string EventRegId { get; set; }
public string EventId { get; set; }
public string UserEmail { get; set; }
public DateTime RegTime{ get; set; }
public ExpandoObject FormFields { get; set; }
public string AddEventRegistration(EventReg eventReg)
return eventReg.EventRegId;
If you are not sure about the type of Json you are sending i.e. if you are dealing with dynamic json. then the below approach will work.
public void DemoReportData([FromBody] JObject Jsondata)
Http client call from .net core app:
using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
return await httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(serviceUrl,
new demoClass()
id= "demoid",
name= "demo name",
place= "demo place"
You can define FormFields as a string and send data to the API in string format after converting JSON to string:
Then in your controller parse the string to BsonDocument
I would use AutoMapper to automate the conversion between the dto and the document

How do I deserialize this JSON array (C#)

I am struggling with a subject that has a lot of variants, but I can't seem to find one that works for me, and I think it's because of the way that my JSON array is.
I'm not an expert in C# or JSON, but I already manage to "almost" get this to work. I need to get hand with the class that the JSON will deserialize to.
When I run the code I dont get an error, just a nulls in the xKisokData var.
The JSON data that I am getting. Their are these two different ones.
"{\"Event\": \"sConnection\",\"data[device]\": \"fb16f550-2ef1-11e5-afe9-ff37129acbf4\",\"data[mode]\": \"customer\",\"data[starttime]\": \"2015-07-22T16:07:42.030Z\",\"data[endtime]\": \"\"}"
"{\"Event\": \"Log\",\"data[id]\": \"2015-07-22T16:07:23.063Z\",\"data[messages][0][source]\": \"server\",\"data[messages][0][message]\": \"Server is listening on port 1553\"}"
The code I have so far:
// Read in our Stream into a string...
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(JSONdataStream);
string JSONdata = reader.ReadToEnd();
JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
wsKisokData[] xKisokData = jss.Deserialize<wsKisokData[]>(JSONdata);
My Class:
namespace JSONWebService
public class KisokEvent
public string eventTrigger { get; set; }
public class KisokData
public string data { get; set; }
public class wsKisokData
public KisokEvent KDEvent { get; set; }
public List<KisokData> KDData { get; set; }
I am sure that I don't understand the Deserialize process. Thanks for the help.
I put the JSON in the top part right from the debugger, here is the strings.
"Event": "sConnection",
"data[device]": "fb16f550-2ef1-11e5-afe9-ff37129acbf4",
"data[mode]": "customer",
"data[starttime]": "2015-07-22T16:07:42.030Z",
"data[endtime]": ""
"Event": "Log",
"data[id]": "2015-07-22T16:07:23.063Z",
"data[messages][0][source]": "server",
"data[messages][0][message]": "Server is listening on port 1553"
I would HIGHLY recommend using the package off nuget instead.
You can generate template classes (models) for it by pasting the json into
Then use said models to convert the json into a c# object (deserializing) by doing a
var jsonStructure = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<model>(json)
And query as if it was just a standard object
foreach (var x in jsonStructure.KDData)
// for example

Restsharp: Deserialize json object with less/more fields than some class

I'm using Restsharp to deserialize some webservice responses, however, the problem is that sometimes this webservices sends back a json response with a few more fields. I've manage to come around this so far by adding all possible field to my matching model, but this web service will keep adding/removing fields from its response.
Json response that works:
"name": "Daniel",
"age": 25
Matching model:
public class Person
public string name { get; set; }
public int age { get; set; }
This works fine: Person person = deserializer.Deserialize<Person>(response);
Now suppose the json response was:
"name": "Daniel",
"age": 25,
"birthdate": "11/10/1988"
See the new field bithdate? Now everything goes wrong. Is there a way to tell to restsharp to ignore those fields that are not in the model?
If there's that much variation in the fields you're getting back, perhaps the best approach is to skip the static DTOs and deserialize to a dynamic. This gist provides an example of how to do this with RestSharp by creating a custom deserializer:
// ReSharper disable CheckNamespace
namespace RestSharp.Deserializers
// ReSharper restore CheckNamespace
public class DynamicJsonDeserializer : IDeserializer
public string RootElement { get; set; }
public string Namespace { get; set; }
public string DateFormat { get; set; }
public T Deserialize<T>(RestResponse response) where T : new()
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(response.Content);
// Override default RestSharp JSON deserializer
client = new RestClient();
client.AddHandler("application/json", new DynamicJsonDeserializer());
var response = client.Execute<dynamic>(new RestRequest("http://dummy/users/42"));
// Data returned as dynamic object!
dynamic user = response.Data.User;
A simpler alternative is to use Flurl.Http (disclaimer: I'm the author), an HTTP client lib that deserializes to dynamic by default when generic arguments are not provided:
dynamic d = await "".GetJsonAsync();
In both cases, the actual deserialization is performed by Json.NET. With RestSharp you'll need to add the package to your project (though there's a good chance you have it already); Flurl.Http has a dependency on it.
