Programatically moving a window in Xamarin.mac app - c#

I've been trying to find a way to make a sort of desktop pet to walk around my screen with Visual studio mac and xcode using the xamarin framework.
Im very new to the development of mac apps but tried making a small window that would helpfully walk around randomly... I havent found any info from the countless searches I have made on the internet. I still have a lot of questions like getting rid of the borders and menu or keeping it on top. For now however, I would just like to see it move- I've spent too much time trying to figure it out.
Thanks in advance for any answers, my hope in this project is suffering.


Uno.Platform and Visual Studio

I am a C++ and python developer but I need to use C# for a professional project.
I know some good basics of .NET Core but I want to find a good UI library to learn.
I test Avalonia and I want to try Uno.Platform for is multi-platform capabilities.
But, I make simple test on Visual Studio and just try if it works on Windows (with UWP sub solution).
It works (thx for templates and tutorial) when I run the application from Visual Studio.
But I want to try the application directly by executing the App.exe generated in bin/x86/... but nothing append. No trace, no error... just nothing.
I try to deploy but the problem persist....
I probably miss something important but I found no information that can help me on internet.
Did you have information to help?
When kind of topic I don't understand in the C# with Uno.Platform CI?
This seems a pretty general question. The best way to go about it is to go to Uno Platform Discord community and chat with users there - - #uno-platform channel.
For specific questions on how to do X with Uno Platform you should post to Stack Overrlow.
hmm i will try to answer your question. i am also experimenting with Uno.
Since Uno is Crossplatform, every Operating systems Uses its own "Programm Header"
This Header contains a lot of stuff including the needed Code entrance Point for each OS.
For Windows i tried it with the WPF HOST header and it worked.
If you want to get a executabale for the "Hallo World" example try to publish the WPF HOST Header into a folder. it will contain the .exe

Hand cursor not showing up in windows 10 using kinect 2

i am using xbox one to developo my app in windows 10 using kinect sdk 2.0 .The problem is Hand cursor not showing up.
After a couple hour of research on internet, found nothing :(
but finally I solved the solution posted on many forum. Guys here is the solution.
"Controls Basics-WPF" code run without showing any problem on windows 8, we can move around the hand cursor and so on.. but the problem was in windows 10. no hand cursor no fun at all... just extra work to solved out the problem. i was about to install windows 8 as i am working at Kinect Fitting Room APP in WPF.
but thank God finally I solved out the problem and thought to help out you guys.
A little Magic trick. Its already in the app but we never tried it :D
In Debug or Release mode select either x86 or any cpu, no problem at all.
Just go to "Engagement and Cursor Setting" in the app. leave just first option of Engagement style which is set by default. the first option for Engagement style is not working at all in windows 10 (system hand open/ still).
select option Manual (hand over head) or (hand on screen) and there we can get our hand cursor working exactly as in windows 8.
and the magic works :D
Glad to help who are still stuck.

Bing maps control wpf map tiles are being shuffled

I am building a demo for a client using the Bingmaps WPF Control. I got a dev-license and used one of the basic examples.
The program compiles and I am able to use the map the same way I'd do via a browser. The problem is that something is going wrong when rendering because the map data is shuffled and thus the map tiles do not overlap neatly as seen in the picture below.
This does not seem to be a widespread problem as I found only one similar question asked on the Microsoft Support Forums, which unfortunately went (pretty much) unanswered. Any ideas?
I am using .NET Framework 4, Visual Studio 2013.
It was a proxy/firewall issue at work. When I tried the demo at home it worked just fine.

something about how to draw the topological diagram dynamically in winform

I've never done this before. I don't know which control or what class I can use to solve it, can you give me some advice? I am using C#, and my platform is visual studio 2010.
Years ago for 2D CAD like program I used piccolo2d with a great success. It's a good writtent 2D library, completely written in C#. We should by the way a customize it a little bit for our own needs in order to run it faster in our specific contest, but I repeat I got a very good feeling form it.
Good luck.

SlimDX viewports in WPF controls

I am transitioning from WinForms/XNA to WPF/SlimDX because:
a) all of the benefits of WPF over
WinForms (but learning curve = ouch!)
b) I would like to have multiple
SlimDX viewports attached to Panels.
XNA has 1 "game" screen.
c, last and least) DirectX 10 support
All of my previous XNA code is in C#. I am having trouble figuring out how to port this over to SlimDX and WPF on a high level. I have searched like crazy. The closest I have found are:
Many articles point to this discussion, however it is incomplete and I can't figure out the XAML, and I get device errors after attaching all of the _slimDXDevice and Window1 events that were left out.
This article assumes the user is porting C++. I am porting XNA code which is very close to MDX code.
If I could get to the point where I have a WPF form with a custom SlimDX driven viewport that was just a blue box, I could go from there. In XNA I rendered many separate RenderTargets and placed them all over the screen, now I want to attach them to controls. But first, just 1 blue box! :D
Any ideas? I feel that this is either simple or that there's some "cookie cutter" code that I'm missing. Greatly appreciated!
You can look at the sample now. It's just been checked in to our repository, so you'll need to use SVN to get it (or wait until we ship the Feb 2010 release):
D3DImage is the class you want to use. Even though the codeproject tutorial is C++, it is very applicable to SlimDX and WPF.
All you have to do with your SlimDX, is run your code normally, but DO NOT run a Present(...) on your device or swap chain. At the point where you would put a Present(...), do a D3DImage.SetBackBuffer(...) and send your SlimDX surface's ComPointer property to it. Then do D3DImage.AddDirect(...) and you now have D3D composited in WPF.
Also, make sure you create a IDirect3DDevice9Ex or else your performance will be terrible in anything but XP!
I recently was messing around with D3DImage and SlimDX and didn't find it too difficult to get it working (with DirextX9). I have some code at my home pc that I'll post later, but it's pretty similar to the code in the links provided.
I was never able to get it working with a higher version of directx though. Jeremiah has a nice blog post about using a directx9 device as a link between directx 10/11/d2d and the D3DImage, but I couldn't get it working with Slimdx. I didn't put a whole lot of effort into though as directx9 did what I needed it to do and I kind of wanted it to work on XP.
