Searching alorithm that accounts for mistakes - c#

I'm still a noob at working with data so I don't know where to look for more advanced algorithms. Where can I find the info about a string searching algorithm that doesn't require exact input?
I want to make a little programm that works pretty much like this: there are quotes and tags asociated with them, a random tag appears and the user has to input a quote that might be compatible with it, my lil programm searches if it has the quote, returns true or false and shows you the number of mistakes.
Here's what i've done so far
public readonly struct Quote
public readonly string[] Tags;
public readonly string TheQuote;
public Quote(string theQuote, params string[] tags)
Tags = tags;
TheQuote = theQuote;
static void MatchTag()
Console.WriteLine("Input a quote that might fit the tag");
var input = Console.ReadLine();
var inpL = input.Length;
var allowedMistakes = 5;
var possibleQuotes = quotes.Where(q => q.Tags.Contains(currTag) && inpL.IsInRange(q.TheQuote.Length, q.TheQuote.Length < 10 ? 2 : q.TheQuote.Length / 10));
foreach (var quote in possibleQuotes)
var quoteTxt = quote.TheQuote;
int diff = quoteStr.Length - inpL, length, mistakesNum=0;
if (diff < 0)//go through the smallest string to not throw an error
length = quoteTxt.Length;
mistakesNum += -diff;
length = inpL;
bool clear = false;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (input[i] != quoteTxt[i])
if (mistakesNum > allowedMistakes)
clear = true;
if (clear)
//show that you are right and return;
Console.WriteLine("The quote fits the tag!");
Console.WriteLine("Mistakes: " + mistakesNum);
Console.WriteLine("The quote doesn't fit the tag!");


How to auto-increment number and letter to generate a string sequence wise in c#

I have to make a string which consists a string like - AAA0009, and once it reaches AAA0009, it will generate AA0010 to AAA0019 and so on.... till AAA9999 and when it will reach to AAA9999, it will give AAB0000 to AAB9999 and so on till ZZZ9999.
I want to use static class and static variables so that it can auto increment by itself on every hit.
I have tried some but not even close, so help me out thanks.
Thanks for being instructive I was trying as I Said already but anyways you already want to put negatives over there without even knowing the thing:
public class GenerateTicketNumber
private static int num1 = 0;
public static string ToBase36()
const string base36 = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
var sb = new StringBuilder(9);
sb.Insert(0, base36[(byte)(num1 % 36)]);
num1 /= 36;
} while (num1 != 0);
var paddedString = "#T" + sb.ToString().PadLeft(8, '0');
num1 = num1 + 1;
return paddedString;
above is the code. this will generate a sequence but not the way I want anyways will use it and thanks for help.
Though there's already an accepted answer, I would like to share this one.
P.S. I do not claim that this is the best approach, but in my previous work we made something similar using Azure Table Storage which is a no sql database (FYI) and it works.
1.) Create a table to store your running ticket number.
public class TicketNumber
public string Type { get; set; } // Maybe you want to have different types of ticket?
public string AlphaPrefix { get; set; }
public string NumericPrefix { get; set; }
public TicketNumber()
this.AlphaPrefix = "AAA";
this.NumericPrefix = "0001";
public void Increment()
int num = int.Parse(this.NumericPrefix);
if (num + 1 >= 9999)
num = 1;
int i = 2; // We are assuming that there are only 3 characters
bool isMax = this.AlphaPrefix == "ZZZ";
if (isMax)
this.AlphaPrefix = "AAA"; // reset
while (this.AlphaPrefix[i] == 'Z')
char iChar = this.AlphaPrefix[i];
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(this.AlphaPrefix);
sb[i] = (char)(iChar + 1);
this.AlphaPrefix = sb.ToString();
this.NumericPrefix = num.ToString().PadLeft(4, '0');
public override string ToString()
return this.AlphaPrefix + this.NumericPrefix;
2.) Make sure you perform row-level locking and issue an error when it fails.
Here's an oracle syntax:
This query locks the row and returns an error if the row is currently locked by another session.
We need this to make sure that even if you have millions of users generating a ticket number, it will not mess up the sequence.
Just make sure to save the new ticket number before you perform a COMMIT.
I forgot the MSSQL version of this but I recall using WITH (ROWLOCK) or something. Just google it.
3.) Working example:
static void Main()
TicketNumber ticketNumber = new TicketNumber();
ticketNumber.AlphaPrefix = "ZZZ";
ticketNumber.NumericPrefix = "9999";
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Looking at your code that you've provided, it seems that you're backing this with a number and just want to convert that to a more user-friendly text representation.
You could try something like this:
private static string ValueToId(int value)
var parts = new List<string>();
int numberPart = value % 10000;
value /= 10000;
for (int i = 0; i < 3 || value > 0; ++i)
parts.Add(((char)(65 + (value % 26))).ToString());
value /= 26;
return string.Join(string.Empty, parts.AsEnumerable().Reverse().ToArray());
It will take the first 4 characters and use them as is, and then for the remainder of the value if will convert it into characters A-Z.
So 9999 becomes AAA9999, 10000 becomes AAB0000, and 270000 becomes ABB0000.
If the number is big enough that it exceeds 3 characters, it will add more letters at the start.
Here's an example of how you could go about implementing it
void Main()
string template = #"AAAA00";
var templateChars = template.ToCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
templateChars = IncrementCharArray(templateChars);
Console.WriteLine(string.Join("",templateChars ));
public static char Increment(char val)
if(val == '9') return 'A';
if(val == 'Z') return '0';
return ++val;
public static char[] IncrementCharArray(char[] val)
if (val.All(chr => chr == 'Z'))
var newArray = new char[val.Length + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < newArray.Length; i++)
newArray[i] = '0';
return newArray;
int length = val.Length;
while (length > -1)
char lastVal = val[--length];
val[length] = Increment(lastVal);
if ( val[length] != '0') break;
return val;

C# How to generate a new string based on multiple ranged index

Let's say I have a string like this one, left part is a word, right part is a collection of indices (single or range) used to reference furigana (phonetics) for kanjis in my word:
string myString = "子で子にならぬ時鳥,0:こ;2:こ;7-8:ほととぎす"
The pattern in detail:
What would be the best way to achieve something like this (with a space in front of the kanji to mark which part is linked to the [furigana]):
子[こ]で 子[こ]にならぬ 時鳥[ほととぎす]
Edit: (thanks for your comments guys)
Here is what I wrote so far:
static void Main(string[] args)
string myString = "ABCDEF,1:test;3:test2";
//Split Kanjis / Indices
string[] tokens = myString.Split(',');
//Extract furigana indices
string[] indices = tokens[1].Split(';');
//Dictionnary to store furigana indices
Dictionary<string, string> furiganaIndices = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (string index in indices)
string[] splitIndex = index.Split(':');
furiganaIndices.Add(splitIndex[0], splitIndex[1]);
string result = tokens[0] + ",";
for (int i = 0; i < tokens[0].Length; i++)
string currentIndex = i.ToString();
if (furiganaIndices.ContainsKey(currentIndex)) //add [furigana]
string currentFurigana = furiganaIndices[currentIndex].ToString();
result = result + " " + tokens[0].ElementAt(i) + string.Format("[{0}]", currentFurigana);
else //nothing to add
result = result + tokens[0].ElementAt(i);
File.AppendAllText(#"D:\test.txt", result + Environment.NewLine);
ABCDEF,A B[test]C D[test2]EF
I struggle to find a way to process ranged indices:
string myString = "ABCDEF,1:test;2-3:test2";
Result : ABCDEF,A B[test] CD[test2]EF
I don't have anything against manually manipulating strings per se. But given that you seem to have a regular pattern describing the inputs, it seems to me that a solution that uses regex would be more maintainable and readable. So with that in mind, here's an example program that takes that approach:
class Program
private const string _kinvalidFormatException = "Invalid format for edit specification";
private static readonly Regex
regex1 = new Regex(#"(?<word>[^,]+),(?<edit>(?:\d+)(?:-(?:\d+))?:(?:[^;]+);?)+", RegexOptions.Compiled),
regex2 = new Regex(#"(?<start>\d+)(?:-(?<end>\d+))?:(?<furigana>[^;]+);?", RegexOptions.Compiled);
static void Main(string[] args)
string myString = "子で子にならぬ時鳥,0:こ;2:こ;7-8:ほととぎす";
string result = EditString(myString);
private static string EditString(string myString)
Match editsMatch = regex1.Match(myString);
if (!editsMatch.Success)
throw new ArgumentException(_kinvalidFormatException);
int ichCur = 0;
string input = editsMatch.Groups["word"].Value;
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
foreach (Capture capture in editsMatch.Groups["edit"].Captures)
Match oneEditMatch = regex2.Match(capture.Value);
if (!oneEditMatch.Success)
throw new ArgumentException(_kinvalidFormatException);
int start, end;
if (!int.TryParse(oneEditMatch.Groups["start"].Value, out start))
throw new ArgumentException(_kinvalidFormatException);
Group endGroup = oneEditMatch.Groups["end"];
if (endGroup.Success)
if (!int.TryParse(endGroup.Value, out end))
throw new ArgumentException(_kinvalidFormatException);
end = start;
text.Append(input.Substring(ichCur, start - ichCur));
if (text.Length > 0)
text.Append(' ');
ichCur = end + 1;
text.Append(input.Substring(start, ichCur - start));
text.Append(string.Format("[{0}]", oneEditMatch.Groups["furigana"]));
if (ichCur < input.Length)
return text.ToString();
This implementation assumes that the edit specifications will be listed in order and won't overlap. It makes no attempt to validate that part of the input; depending on where you are getting your input from you may want to add that. If it's valid for the specifications to be listed out of order, you can also extend the above to first store the edits in a list and sort the list by the start index before actually editing the string. (In similar fashion to the way the other proposed answer works; though, why they are using a dictionary instead of a simple list to store the individual edits, I have no idea…that seems arbitrarily complicated to me.)
I included basic input validation, throwing exceptions where failures occur in the pattern matching. A more user-friendly implementation would add more specific information to each exception, describing what part of the input actually was invalid.
The Regex class actually has a Replace() method, which allows for complete customization. The above could have been implemented that way, using Replace() and a MatchEvaluator to provide the replacement text, instead of just appending text to a StringBuilder. Which way to do it is mostly a matter of preference, though the MatchEvaluator might be preferred if you have a need for more flexible implementation options (i.e. if the exact format of the result can vary).
If you do choose to use the other proposed answer, I strongly recommend you use StringBuilder instead of simply concatenating onto the results variable. For short strings it won't matter much, but you should get into the habit of always using StringBuilder when you have a loop that is incrementally adding onto a string value, because for long string the performance implications of using concatenation can be very negative.
This should do it (and even handle ranged indices), based on the formatting of the input string you have-
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class stringParser
private struct IndexElements
public int start;
public int end;
public string value;
public static void Main()
//input string
string myString = "子で子にならぬ時鳥,0:こ;2:こ;7-8:ほととぎす";
int wordIndexSplit = myString.IndexOf(',');
string word = myString.Substring(0,wordIndexSplit);
string indices = myString.Substring(wordIndexSplit + 1);
string[] eachIndex = indices.Split(';');
Dictionary<int,IndexElements> index = new Dictionary<int,IndexElements>();
string[] elements;
IndexElements e;
int dash;
int n = 0;
int last = -1;
string results = "";
foreach (string s in eachIndex)
e = new IndexElements();
elements = s.Split(':');
if (elements[0].Contains("-"))
dash = elements[0].IndexOf('-');
e.start = int.Parse(elements[0].Substring(0,dash));
e.end = int.Parse(elements[0].Substring(dash + 1));
e.start = int.Parse(elements[0]);
e.end = e.start;
e.value = elements[1];
//this is the part that takes the "setup" from the parts above and forms the result string
//loop through each of the "indices" parsed above
for (int i = 0; i < index.Count; i++)
//if this is the first iteration through the loop, and the first "index" does not start
//at position 0, add the beginning characters before its start
if (last == -1 && index[i].start > 0)
results += word.Substring(0,index[i].start);
//if this is not the first iteration through the loop, and the previous iteration did
//not stop at the position directly before the start of the current iteration, add
//the intermediary chracters
else if (last != -1 && last + 1 != index[i].start)
results += word.Substring(last + 1,index[i].start - (last + 1));
//add the space before the "index" match, the actual match, and then the formatted "index"
results += " " + word.Substring(index[i].start,(index[i].end - index[i].start) + 1)
+ "[" + index[i].value + "]";
//remember the position of the ending for the next iteration
last = index[i].end;
//if the last "index" did not stop at the end of the input string, add the remaining characters
if (index[index.Keys.Count - 1].end + 1 < word.Length)
results += word.Substring(index[index.Keys.Count-1].end + 1);
//trimming spaces that may be left behind
results = results.Trim();
Console.WriteLine("INPUT - " + myString);
Console.WriteLine("OUTPUT - " + results);
input - 子で子にならぬ時鳥,0:こ;2:こ;7-8:ほととぎす
output - 子[こ]で 子[こ]にならぬ 時鳥[ほととぎす]
Note that this should also work with characters the English alphabet if you wanted to use English instead-
input - iliketocodeverymuch,2:A;4-6:B;9-12:CDEFG
output - il i[A]k eto[B]co deve[CDEFG]rymuch

How to remove spaces to make a combination of strings [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 6 years ago.
Improve this question
I've been trying to figure out the best approach to combining words in a string to make combinations of that string. I'm trying to do this for a class project. If the string is "The quick fox", I need to find a way to output "Thequick fox", "the quickfox", and "thequickfox". I've tried using string.split and gluing them back together, but haven't had a lot of luck. The issues is the string input could be of any size.
I decided to try this for fun. The idea here is to split the bigger problems into smaller subproblems. So I first started with strings that had 0 and 1 space. I see that with 0 space, the only possible combinations is the string items. With 1 space, I can either have that space or not.
Then I just have to recursively divide the problem until I get one of the base cases. So to that do that I Skip elements in the split array in increments of 2. That way I am guaranteed to get one of the base cases eventually. Once I do that, I run it through the program again and figure out how to add all the results of that to my current set of combinations.
Here's the code:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string test1 = "fox";
string test2 = "The quick";
string test3 = "The quick fox";
string test4 = "The quick fox says";
string test5 = "The quick fox says hello";
var splittest1 = test1.Split(' ');
var splittest2 = test2.Split(' ');
var splittest3 = test3.Split(' ');
var splittest4 = test4.Split(' ');
var splittest5 = test5.Split(' ');
var ans1 = getcombinations(splittest1);
var ans2 = getcombinations(splittest2);
var ans3 = getcombinations(splittest3);
var ans4 = getcombinations(splittest4);
var ans5 = getcombinations(splittest5);
static List<string> getcombinations(string[] splittest)
var combos = new List<string>();
var numspaces = splittest.Count() - 1;
if (numspaces == 1)
var addcombos = AddTwoStrings(splittest[0], splittest[1]);
var withSpacesCurrent = addcombos.Item1;
var noSpacesCurrent = addcombos.Item2;
else if (numspaces == 0)
var addcombos = AddTwoStrings(splittest[0], splittest[1]);
var withSpacesCurrent = addcombos.Item1;
var noSpacesCurrent = addcombos.Item2;
var futureCombos = getcombinations(splittest.Skip(2).ToArray());
foreach (var futureCombo in futureCombos)
var addFutureCombos = AddTwoStrings(withSpacesCurrent, futureCombo);
var addFutureCombosNoSpaces = AddTwoStrings(noSpacesCurrent, futureCombo);
var combo1 = addFutureCombos.Item1;
var combo2 = addFutureCombos.Item2;
var combo3 = addFutureCombosNoSpaces.Item1;
var combo4 = addFutureCombosNoSpaces.Item2;
return combos;
static Tuple<string, string> AddTwoStrings(string a, string b)
return Tuple.Create(a + " " + b, a + b);
This is how I got it working, not sure if it is the best algorithm.
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Enter a string");
string input = Console.ReadLine();
//split the input string into an array
string[] arrInput = input.Split(' ');
Console.WriteLine("The combinations are...");
//output the original string
//this loop decide letter combination
for (int i = 2; i <= arrInput.Length; i++)
//this loop decide how many outputs we would get for a letter combination
//for ex. we would get 2 outputs in a 3 word string if we combine 2 words
for (int j = i-1; j < arrInput.Length; j++)
int end = j; // end index
int start = (end - i) + 1; //start index
string output = Combine(arrInput, start, end);
//combine array into a string with space except from start to end
public static string Combine(string[] arrInput, int start, int end) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
bool combine = false;
for (int i = 0; i < arrInput.Length; i++) {
//first word in the array... don't worry
if (i == 0) {
//don't append " " if combine is true
combine = (i > start && i <= end) ? true : false;
if (!combine)
builder.Append(" ");
return builder.ToString();

Program to find minimum number in string

I have a c# class like so
internal class QueuedMinimumNumberFinder : ConcurrentQueue<int>
private readonly string _minString;
public QueuedMinimumNumberFinder(string number, int takeOutAmount)
if (number.Length < takeOutAmount)
throw new Exception("Error *");
var queueIndex = 0;
var queueAmount = number.Length - takeOutAmount;
var numQueue = new ConcurrentQueue<int>(number.ToCharArray().Where(m => (int) Char.GetNumericValue(m) != 0).Select(m=>(int)Char.GetNumericValue(m)).OrderBy(m=>m));
var zeroes = number.Length - numQueue.Count;
while (queueIndex < queueAmount)
int next;
if (queueIndex == 0)
numQueue.TryDequeue(out next);
} else
if (zeroes > 0)
} else
numQueue.TryDequeue(out next);
var builder = new StringBuilder();
while (Count > 0)
int next = 0;
TryDequeue(out next);
_minString = builder.ToString();
public override string ToString() { return _minString; }
The point of the program is to find the minimum possible integer that can be made by taking out any x amount of characters from a string(example 100023 is string, if you take out any 3 letters, the minimum int created would be 100). My question is, is this the correct way to do this? Is there a better data structure that can be used for this problem?
First Edit:
Here's how it looks now
internal class QueuedMinimumNumberFinder
private readonly string _minString;
public QueuedMinimumNumberFinder(string number, int takeOutAmount)
var queue = new Queue<int>();
if (number.Length < takeOutAmount)
throw new Exception("Error *");
var queueIndex = 0;
var queueAmount = number.Length - takeOutAmount;
var numQueue = new List<int>(number.Where(m=>(int)Char.GetNumericValue(m)!=0).Select(m=>(int)Char.GetNumericValue(m))).ToList();
var zeroes = number.Length - numQueue.Count;
while (queueIndex < queueAmount)
if (queueIndex == 0)
var nextMin = numQueue.Min();
} else
if (zeroes > 1)
} else
var nextMin = numQueue.Min();
var builder = new StringBuilder();
while (queue.Count > 0)
_minString = builder.ToString();
public override string ToString() { return _minString; }
A pretty simple and efficient implementation can be made, once you realize that your input string digits map to the domain of only 10 possible values: '0' .. '9'.
This can be encoded as the number of occurrences of a specific digit in your input string using a simple array of 10 integers: var digit_count = new int[10];
#MasterGillBates describes this idea in his answer.
You can then regard this array as your priority queue from which you can dequeue the characters you need by iteratively removing the lowest available character (decreasing its occurrence count in the array).
The code sample below provides an example implementation for this idea.
public static class MinNumberSolver
public static string GetMinString(string number, int takeOutAmount)
// "Add" the string by simply counting digit occurrance frequency.
var digit_count = new int[10];
foreach (var c in number)
if (char.IsDigit(c))
digit_count[c - '0']++;
// Now remove them one by one in lowest to highest order.
// For the first character we skip any potential leading 0s
var selected = new char[takeOutAmount];
var start_index = 1;
selected[0] = TakeLowest(digit_count, ref start_index);
// For the rest we start in digit order at '0' first.
start_index = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < takeOutAmount - 1; i++)
selected[1 + i] = TakeLowest(digit_count, ref start_index);
// And return the result.
return new string(selected);
private static char TakeLowest(int[] digit_count, ref int start_index)
for (var i = start_index; i < digit_count.Length; i++)
if (digit_count[i] > 0)
start_index = ((--digit_count[i] > 0) ? i : i + 1);
return (char)('0' + i);
throw new InvalidDataException("Input string does not have sufficient digits");
Just keep a count of how many times each digit appears. An array of size 10 will do. Count[i] gives the count of digit i.
Then pick the smallest non-zero i first, then pick the smallest etc and form your number.
Here's my solution using LINQ:
public string MinimumNumberFinder(string number, int takeOutAmount)
var ordered = number.OrderBy(n => n);
var nonZero = ordered.SkipWhile(n => n == '0');
var zero = ordered.TakeWhile(n => n == '0');
var result = nonZero.Take(1)
.Take(number.Length - takeOutAmount);
return new string(result.ToArray());
You could place every integer into a list and find all possible sequences of these values. From the list of sequences, you could sort through taking only the sets which have the number of integers you want. From there, you can write a quick function which parses a sequence into an integer. Next, you could store all of your parsed sequences into an array or an other data structure and sort based on value, which will allow you to select the minimum number from the data structure. There may be simpler ways to do this, but this will definitely work and gives you options as far as how many digits you want your number to have.
If I'm understanding this correctly, why don't you just pick out your numbers starting with the smallest number greater than zero. Then pick out all zeroes, then any remaining number if all the zeroes are picked up. This is all depending on the length of your ending result
In your example you have a 6 digit number and you want to pick out 3 digits. This means you'll only have 3 digits left. If it was a 10 digit number, then you would end up with a 7 digit number, etc...
So have an algorithm that knows the length of your starting number, how many digits you plan on removing, and the length of your ending number. Then just pick out the numbers.
This is just quick and dirty code:
string startingNumber = "9999903040404"; // "100023";
int numberOfCharactersToRemove = 3;
string endingNumber = string.Empty;
int endingNumberLength = startingNumber.Length - numberOfCharactersToRemove;
while (endingNumber.Length < endingNumberLength)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(endingNumber))
// Find the smallest digit in the starting number
for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++)
if (startingNumber.Contains(i.ToString()))
endingNumber += i.ToString();
startingNumber = startingNumber.Remove(startingNumber.IndexOf(i.ToString()), 1);
else if (startingNumber.Contains("0"))
// Add any zeroes
endingNumber += "0";
startingNumber = startingNumber.Remove(startingNumber.IndexOf("0"), 1);
// Add any remaining numbers from least to greatest
for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++)
if (startingNumber.Contains(i.ToString()))
endingNumber += i.ToString();
startingNumber = startingNumber.Remove(startingNumber.IndexOf(i.ToString()), 1);
100023 starting number resulted in 100 being the end result
9999903040404 starting number resulted in 3000044499 being the end result
Here's my version to fix this problem:
You can sort your list using a binary tree , there are a lot of
implementations , I picked this one
Then you can keep track of the number of the Zeros you have in your
string Finally you will end up with two lists: I named one
SortedDigitsList and the other one ZeroDigitsList
perform a switch case to determine which last 3 digits should be
Here's the complete code:
class MainProgram2
static void Main()
Tree theTree = new Tree();
Console.WriteLine("Please Enter the string you want to process:");
string input = Console.ReadLine();
foreach (char c in input)
// Check if it's a digit or not
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
//End of for each (char c in input)
Console.WriteLine("Inorder traversal resulting Tree Sort without the zeros");
Console.WriteLine(" ");
//Format the output depending on how many zeros you have
Console.WriteLine("The final 3 digits are");
switch (theTree.ZeroDigitsList.Count)
case 0:
Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}{2}", theTree.SortedDigitsList[0], theTree.SortedDigitsList[1], theTree.SortedDigitsList[2]);
case 1:
Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}{2}", theTree.SortedDigitsList[0], 0, theTree.SortedDigitsList[2]);
Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}{2}", theTree.SortedDigitsList[0], 0, 0);
}//End of main()
class Node
public int item;
public Node leftChild;
public Node rightChild;
public void displayNode()
class Tree
public List<int> SortedDigitsList { get; set; }
public List<int> ZeroDigitsList { get; set; }
public Node root;
public Tree()
root = null;
SortedDigitsList = new List<int>();
ZeroDigitsList = new List<int>();
public Node ReturnRoot()
return root;
public void Insert(int id)
Node newNode = new Node();
newNode.item = id;
if (root == null)
root = newNode;
Node current = root;
Node parent;
while (true)
parent = current;
if (id < current.item)
current = current.leftChild;
if (current == null)
parent.leftChild = newNode;
current = current.rightChild;
if (current == null)
parent.rightChild = newNode;
//public void Preorder(Node Root)
// if (Root != null)
// {
// Console.Write(Root.item + " ");
// Preorder(Root.leftChild);
// Preorder(Root.rightChild);
// }
public void Inorder(Node Root)
if (Root != null)
if (Root.item > 0)
Console.Write(Root.item + " ");

Multiple string replace in c#

I am dynamically editing a regex for matching text in a pdf, which can contain hyphenation at the end of some lines.
Source string:
Replace rules:
Desired output:
The replace rules are built dynamically, this is just an example which causes problems.
Whats the best solution to perform such a multiple replace, which will produce the desired output?
So far I thought about using Regex.Replace and zipping the word to replace with optional (-\s+)? between each character, but that would not work, because the word to replace already contains special-meaning characters in regex context.
EDIT: My current code, doesnt work when replace rules overlap like in example above
private string ModifyRegexToAcceptHyphensOfCurrentPage(string regex, int searchedPage)
var originalTextOfThePage = mPagesNotModified[searchedPage];
var hyphenatedParts = Regex.Matches(originalTextOfThePage, #"\w+\-\s");
for (int i = 0; i < hyphenatedParts.Count; i++)
var partBeforeHyphen = String.Concat(hyphenatedParts[i].Value.TakeWhile(c => c != '-'));
regex = regex.Replace(partBeforeHyphen, partBeforeHyphen + #"(-\s+)?");
return regex;
the output of this program is "con(-\s+)?secu(-\s+)?ti?(-\s+)?vely";
and as I understand your problem, my code can completely solve your problem.
class Program
class somefields
public string first;
public string secound;
public string Add;
public int index;
public somefields(string F, string S)
first = F;
secound = S;
static void Main(string[] args)
//declaring output
string input = "consecuti?vely";
List<somefields> rules=new List<somefields>();
//declaring rules
rules.Add(new somefields("cuti?",#"cuti?(-\s+)?"));
rules.Add(new somefields("con",#"con(-\s+)?"));
rules.Add(new somefields("consecu",#"consecu(-\s+)?"));
// finding the string which must be added to output string and index of that
foreach (var rul in rules)
var index=input.IndexOf(rul.first);
if (index != -1)
var add = rul.secound.Remove(0,rul.first.Count());
rul.Add = add;
rul.index = index+rul.first.Count();
// sort rules by index
for (int i = 0; i < rules.Count(); i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < rules.Count(); j++)
if (rules[i].index > rules[j].index)
somefields temp;
temp = rules[i];
rules[i] = rules[j];
rules[j] = temp;
string output = input.ToString();
int k=0;
foreach(var rul in rules)
if (rul.index != -1)
output = output.Insert(k + rul.index, rul.Add);
k += rul.Add.Length;
You should probably write your own parser, it's probably easier to maintain :).
Maybe you could add "special characters" around pattern in order to protect them like "##" if the strings not contains it.
Try this one:
var final = Regex.Replace(originalTextOfThePage, #"(\w+)(?:\-[\s\r\n]*)?", "$1");
I had to give up an easy solution and did the editing of the regex myself. As a side effect, the new approach goes only twice trough the string.
private string ModifyRegexToAcceptHyphensOfCurrentPage(string regex, int searchedPage)
var indexesToInsertPossibleHyphenation = GetPossibleHyphenPositions(regex, searchedPage);
var hyphenationToken = #"(-\s+)?";
return InsertStringTokenInAllPositions(regex, indexesToInsertPossibleHyphenation, hyphenationToken);
private static string InsertStringTokenInAllPositions(string sourceString, List<int> insertionIndexes, string insertionToken)
if (insertionIndexes == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(insertionToken)) return sourceString;
var sb = new StringBuilder(sourceString.Length + insertionIndexes.Count * insertionToken.Length);
var linkedInsertionPositions = new LinkedList<int>(insertionIndexes.Distinct().OrderBy(x => x));
for (int i = 0; i < sourceString.Length; i++)
if (!linkedInsertionPositions.Any())
if (i == linkedInsertionPositions.First.Value)
if (i >= linkedInsertionPositions.First.Value)
return sb.ToString();
private List<int> GetPossibleHyphenPositions(string regex, int searchedPage)
var originalTextOfThePage = mPagesNotModified[searchedPage];
var hyphenatedParts = Regex.Matches(originalTextOfThePage, #"\w+\-\s");
var indexesToInsertPossibleHyphenation = new List<int>();
// Aho-Corasick to find all occurences of all
//strings in "hyphenatedParts" in the "regex" string
// ....
return indexesToInsertPossibleHyphenation;
