Creating MongoDB like update document in C# - c#

I am trying to create a MongoDB like update document in my C# code. This is not used to update the MongoDB but the API I am using expects the data in this format.
I tried using MongoDB.Driver NuGet package and tried to create the document like this.
class Program
class MyTest
public string Name { get; set; } = String.Empty;
public string Description { get; set; } = String.Empty;
public static void Main()
var v = Builders<MyTest>.Update
.Set(t => t.Name , "TestName")
.Set(t => t.Description ,"TestDescription");
This code compiles and runs. But I need the output in string format. Something like:
$set: {Name:"TestName",Description:"TestDescription"}
Is there anyway to get a string representation like that?

This should work:
var output = v.Render(BsonSerializer.LookupSerializer<MyTest>(), new BsonSerializerRegistry());
This will render the Update document to a BsonValue.


Casting an object within a MongoDB document to date time within a filter definition builder

I am hoping someone can help me as I am new to Mongo DB or point me to a work around, I have a property within a Mongo DB document which is of type object, but it is a date time, and I would like to be able to filter it by a Lte and Gte filter. The below example is a simplified example, but I cannot change the type in the database, I need to figure out how to on the filter cast the object to Date time so it can be compared with another.
public class Happy
public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
public object DateStr { get; set; }
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var db = new MongoClient("mongodb://").GetDatabase("Test");
var dbCollection = db.GetCollection<Happy>(nameof(Happy));
dbCollection.InsertOne(new Happy { DateStr = DateTime.Now.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) });
dbCollection.InsertOne(new Happy { DateStr = DateTime.Now.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) });
var test = dbCollection.FindAsync(Builders<Happy>.Filter.Lte(x => (DateTime)x.DateStr, DateTime.Now)).Result.ToList();
I would suggest storing the Datetime as "DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime()"
and then query it like this
Builders<Model>.Filter.Lte(x => (DateTime)x.DateStr, DateTime.Now.AddDays(1));

Parse Json_encoded array from PHP in C# UWP

I developing a UWP app using C#, this conect a PHP WebService, this web service return a array encoded using json_encode function, i cant parse this json string in my UWP app, please help
$aCli[]= array("CAT"=>"OK","MSG"=>"SESION-OK","EXTRA"=>array("ID"=>"$spID","NOM"=>"$spNom"));
echo json_encode($aCli);
2: The result using postman is:
3. The result using Async Task from C# is:
4. How to deserialize this string?, i am trying it using
using Windows.Data.Json;
5. This is the code using in this time
sJSON= await IniciarSesion();//this use async class to connect with webservice
JsonObject objJson = JsonObject.Parse(sJSON);//error is raised in this line
/*Json String is invalid*/
sCat = objJson["CAT"].GetString();
sMsg = objJson["MSG"].GetString();
Important comment above:
your JSON is a representation of an array, not an object.
IF you can use Newtonsoft (JSON.Net), here's one way, with dependency on JSON.Net, not Windows.Data.Json. Trivial sample only, improve as necessary (null checks, etc.)
using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
public class Program
public static void Main()
var str = "[{\"CAT\":\"OK\",\"MSG\":\"SESION-OK\",\"EXTRA\":{\"ID\":\"3\",\"NOM\":\"CHARLS\"}}]";
var j = JArray.Parse(str);
var token = j[0];
//using dynamic to simplify sample, create/use your own type
var obj = token.ToObject<dynamic>();
You could use Newtonsoft to deserialize JSON string directly. For your requirement, you need to make the data model fist.
public class Pet
public string Cat { get; set; }
public string Msg { get; set; }
public Extra Extra { get; set; }
public class Extra
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Nom { get; set; }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var str = "[{\"CAT\":\"OK\",\"MSG\":\"SESION-OK\",\"EXTRA\":{\"ID\":\"3\",\"NOM\":\"CHARLS\"}}]";
var items = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Pet>>(str);
For more you could refer Serializing and Deserializing JSON documentation.
The problem is with the brackets ' [] ' at the beginning and end of the string,
You should trim them like:
and then parse the json string below:
' dynamic result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(YOUR_JSON_STRING)'

Elegant way to copy properties from object to another

I've got a small integration service which recieves XML files and parses it.
Also I've created classes from provided XSD for deserializing XML data. During parsing I need to copy properties from those XSD-generated classes to my own that I use in Data Layer. This is an example of my aproach
var supplierInfo = new SupplierInfo();
//coping properties
supplierInfo.Name =;
supplierInfo.ShortName = supplier.shortName;
supplierInfo.BrandName = supplier.brandName;
supplierInfo.AdditionalFullName = supplier.additionalFullName;
supplierInfo.AdditionalCode = supplier.additionalCode;
supplierInfo.AdditionalInfo = supplier.additionalInfo;
//lot's of other properties
supplierInfo.Tax =;
supplierInfo.RegistrationDate = supplier.registrationDate;
Some times ammount of properties is very big. Is there more eligant way to copy those properties?
Automapper has been out there since ages ago. Tried and tested.
Here's an example:
using System;
using AutoMapper;
public class Program
class SupplierInfo
public SupplierInfo( string name, string shortName, string brandName ) {
Name = name;
ShortName = shortName;
BrandName = brandName;
public string Name {get; private set; }
public string ShortName {get; private set; }
public string BrandName {get; private set; }
class Supplier
public string name {get; set; }
public string shortName {get; set; }
public string brandName {get; set; }
public static void Main()
var dto = new Supplier() {
name = "Name 1",
shortName = "Short Name 1",
brandName = "Brand Name 1"
//From the tutorial:
//You only need one MapperConfiguration instance typically per AppDomain and should be instantiated during startup.
var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.CreateMap<Supplier, SupplierInfo>());
var mapper = config.CreateMapper();
SupplierInfo info = mapper.Map<SupplierInfo>(dto);
Console.WriteLine( info.Name );
Console.WriteLine( info.ShortName );
Console.WriteLine( info.BrandName );
The official Getting Started guide can be found at
I am happy to be corrected on this but I always find automapper (as per the other answer), which maps property values by name/convention, a little scary to use in production code.
I don't really have a decent alternative but I prefer to do it manually as per your code sample - it's easier to read and debug and if you end up renaming any properties in a class, it will be clear that the copying code is broken (or if you use some IDE tool to rename the property, it'll change the copy code accordingly).
First, install EntityLite.Core:
PM> Install-Package EntityLite.Core
Then use it:
using inercya.EntityLite.Extensions;
EntityLite is a micro ORM I developed. It has some little gems :-)
I guess you may not want to install EntityLite.Core just to copy some properties from an object to another. So here you have an implementation of AssignPropertiesFrom extension method that uses Reflection:
public static class ObjectExtensions
public static void AssignPropertiesForm(this object target, object source)
if (target == null || source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException();
var targetPropertiesDic = target.GetType().GetProperties().Where(p => p.CanWrite).ToDictionary(p => p.Name, StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
foreach (var sourceProp in source.GetType().GetProperties().Where(p => p.CanRead))
PropertyInfo targetProp;
if (targetPropertiesDic.TryGetValue(sourceProp.Name, out targetProp))
targetProp.SetValue(target, sourceProp.GetValue(source, null), null);
Incidentally, this is not the EntityLite implementation. EntityLite uses dynamic IL generation.

c# multi level json

I am trying to make a simple program that can automate price checking using data from json, however I haven't used json before and I'm not quite sure what I need to do get get the desired result.
Effectively I'm trying to convert this PHP into c#. (
$src = file_get_contents('');
$json = json_decode($src, true);
foreach ($json as $k=>$v) {
if (is_array($v)) {
foreach($v as $key=>$value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
foreach($value as $arKey => $arValue) {
if ($arKey == 'p') {
echo $arValue . '<br/>';
I've tried a few things such as JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(webJson) and JObject.Parse(webJson), but I'm just not sure where I should be looking or how to go about doing it.
I have the first part:
internal static string GetWebContent(string #ID)
var wc = new WebClient();
string response = wc.DownloadString(#"" + #ID);
return response;
A response looks like this: (
{"a":{"k_709942":{"c":"pl","tr":3451,"f":"\u00a324.71","fb":"\u00a327.18","ci":"565784","cname":"Marketplace User","p":"24.7098173","pb":"27.18431394","ep":"35.15","epb":"38.67","a":"709942","it":"game","t":"1","sl":"0","l":null,"lt":null,"x":0,"v":"all","so":0,"r":99},"k_763218":{"c":"pl","tr":1120,"f":"\u00a324.74","fb":"\u00a327.22","ci":"6533797","cname":"User #f36726dcd","p":"24.7449664","pb":"27.21946304","ep":"35.20","epb":"38.72","a":"763218","it":"game","t":"0","sl":"0","l":null,"lt":"0","x":0,"v":"all","so":0,"r":92},"k_799750":{"c":"pl","tr":559,"f":"\u00a324.78","fb":"\u00a327.26","ci":"6115711","cname":"Marketplace User","p":"24.7801155","pb":"27.26164196","ep":"35.25","epb":"38.78","a":"799750","it":"game","t":null,"sl":"0","l":null,"lt":null,"x":0,"v":"retail","so":0,"r":98},"k_722082":{"c":"gb","tr":49066,"f":"\u00a324.96","fb":"\u00a327.45","ci":"1047917","cname":"Marketplace User","p":"24.955861","pb":"27.4514471","ep":"35.50","epb":"39.05","a":"722082","it":"game","t":"1","sl":"0","l":null,"lt":"0","x":0,"v":"all","so":0,"r":98},"k_718113":{"c":"pl","tr":5852,"f":"\u00a324.96","fb":"\u00a327.45","ci":"226876","cname":"Marketplace User","p":"24.955861","pb":"27.4514471","ep":"35.50","epb":"39.05","a":"718113","it":"game","t":"1","sl":"0","l":null,"lt":"0","x":0,"v":"all","so":0,"r":98},"k_739155":{"c":"pl","tr":1208,"f":"\u00a325.43","fb":"\u00a327.98","ci":"6540559","cname":"User #1f948a6a66249","p":"25.43316468854","pb":"27.976481157394","ep":"35.30","epb":"38.83","a":"739155","it":"game","t":"0","sl":"0","l":null,"lt":"0","x":0,"v":"all","so":0,"r":89},"k_795049":{"c":"pl","tr":50420,"f":"\u00a325.86","fb":"\u00a328.45","ci":"2498689","cname":"Marketplace User","p":"25.86270778","pb":"28.44968154","ep":"36.79","epb":"40.47","a":"795049","it":"game","t":"1","sl":"0","l":null,"lt":"0","x":0,"v":"all","so":0,"r":99},"k_816132":{"c":"pl","tr":22,"f":"\u00a326.00","fb":"\u00a328.60","ci":"6208533","cname":"Marketplace User","p":"25.99627436","pb":"28.59730776","ep":"36.98","epb":"40.68","a":"816132","it":"game","t":"0","sl":"0","l":null,"lt":"0","x":0,"v":"retail","so":0,"r":0},"k_809925":{"c":"pl","tr":81021,"f":"\u00a326.00","fb":"\u00a328.60","ci":"407513","cname":"Marketplace User","p":"26.00330418","pb":"28.60433758","ep":"36.99","epb":"40.69","a":"809925","it":"game","t":"1","sl":"0","l":null,"lt":"0","x":0,"v":"retail","so":0,"r":100},"k_815898":{"c":"cl","tr":1,"f":"\u00a326.01","fb":"\u00a328.61","ci":"7524623","cname":"Marketplace User","p":"26.010334","pb":"28.6113674","ep":"37.00","epb":"40.70","a":"815898","it":"game","t":null,"sl":"0","l":null,"lt":null,"x":0,"v":"retail","so":0,"r":0},"k_711901":{"c":"pl","tr":12194,"f":"\u00a326.51","fb":"\u00a329.16","ci":"286793","cname":"Marketplace User","p":"26.506689203722","pb":"29.158078610346","ep":"36.79","epb":"40.47","a":"711901","it":"game","t":"1","sl":"0","l":null,"lt":null,"x":0,"v":"all","so":0,"r":99},"k_748710":{"c":"pt","tr":66460,"f":"\u00a326.65","fb":"\u00a329.32","ci":"440288","cname":"Marketplace User","p":"26.650786454082","pb":"29.316585585742","ep":"36.99","epb":"40.69","a":"748710","it":"game","t":"1","sl":"0","l":null,"lt":"0","x":0,"v":"all","so":0,"r":100},"k_709464":{"c":"pl","tr":121341,"f":"\u00a327.02","fb":"\u00a329.72","ci":"1072530","cname":"User #3285e5f8dfcb2","p":"27.0182344425","pb":"29.72005788675","ep":"37.50","epb":"41.25","a":"709464","it":"game","t":"1","sl":"0","l":null,"lt":"0","x":0,"v":"retail","so":0,"r":100},"k_709805":{"c":"pl","tr":11708,"f":"\u00a328.09","fb":"\u00a330.90","ci":"1043113","cname":"User #ca1965d0354a","p":"28.091758957682","pb":"30.901655339702","ep":"38.99","epb":"42.89","a":"709805","it":"game","t":"1","sl":"0","l":null,"lt":null,"x":0,"v":"retail","so":0,"r":100},"k_725839":{"c":"es","tr":1,"f":"\u00a331.99","fb":"\u00a335.18","ci":"7023396","cname":"Marketplace User","p":"31.985681","pb":"35.1842491","ep":"45.50","epb":"50.05","a":"725839","it":"game","t":null,"sl":"0","l":null,"lt":null,"x":0,"v":"retail","so":0,"r":0},"k_0":{"f":"\u00a332.33","fb":"\u00a335.56","p":"32.33014218","pb":"35.563156398","ep":"45.99","epb":"50.59","a":0,"c":"","rc":"","r":"","tr":0,"t":1,"so":0,"x":0,"n":""}},"w":0}
Any help with will greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advace
So Json is a way for two languages to pass objects to each other. It's just a way to encode an object, so the first part would be to create an object that matches the Json encoding. I was unable to see your example, so I will give you one of my own.
{"Aggregates": [{"ColumnName": "Some Value", "AggregateFunction": "Some Other Value"}], "GroupBy": true}
I would then create a class like this one.
public class JsonAggregates
public List<Aggregate> Aggregates { get; set; }
public string GroupBy { get; set; }
public class Aggregate
public string ColumnName {get; set;}
public string AggregateFunction {get; set;}
You can then encode the Json to this new data type with the following code.
using (Stream s = GenerateStreamFromString(json))
DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(JsonAggregates));
JsonAggregates aggregate = (JsonAggregates)serializer.ReadObject(s);

How to extract data from JSON in ASP.NET using c#

I want to dispense this in table format. Need help.
You can use Json.NET to deserialize the json object into a C# class, and then map that class to a table format in
You shouldn't need a third-party library; the out-of-the-box JavaScriptSerializer can handle this.
class Item {
public string status { get; set; }
public string classkey { get; set; }
var jss = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();
var input = "{\"\":{\"status\":\"available\",\"classkey\":\"dotnet\"},\"\":{\"status\":\"available\",\"classkey\":\"domcno\"}}";
var results = jss.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, Item>(input);
var query = results[""].status; // = "available"
Displaying this as a table is a separate step.
