Replacement for CSS3 function repeating-linear-gradient() in .NET (WinForms) - c#

Is there any replacement (analogue) for CSS3 function repeating-linear-gradient() in .NET (WinForms, not WPF)?
I need to paint repeating "zebra stripes" (e.g. red, blue, green, red, blue, green, ...) at an angle 45 degrees.
Following Jimi's advice I managed to solve the problem only partially:
private void DrawRepeatingStripes(int degree, int stripeWidth, Color[] colors, Rectangle rect, Graphics graphics)
using (var img = new Bitmap(colors.Length * stripeWidth, rect.Height))
using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(img))
for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++)
// TODO: cache SolidBrush
g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(colors[i]), stripeWidth * i, 0, stripeWidth, rect.Height);
using (var tb = new TextureBrush(img, WrapMode.Tile))
using (var myMatrix = new Matrix())
graphics.Transform = myMatrix;
graphics.FillRectangle(tb, rect);
Usage (in some form's code):
protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e)
DrawRepeatingStripes(45, 10, new Color[] { Color.Red, Color.Yellow, Color.Green }, e.ClipRectangle, e.Graphics);
The problem is that rotation is... well, a rotation, so part of rect is filled with stripes and part is empty. Have no idea how to solve it :(

An example about using a TextureBrush to fill the surface of a Control used as canvas.
The LinearRepeatingGradient class exposes a bindable ColorBands Property (of Type BindingList<ColorBand>) that allows to add or remove ColorBand objects, a record that defines the Color and size of each band you want to generate.
The RotationAngle Property specifies the rotation to apply to the rendering.
In the Paint event of the Control used as canvas, call the Fill(Graphics g) method, passing the e.Graphics object provided by the PaintEventArgs argument.
A new Bitmap is generated, based on the content of the ColorBands Property.
When the rotation angle cannot be exactly divided by 90, the canvas' dimensions are inflated by a third of its diagonal (as the maximum distance from the non-rotated rectangle).
The TextureBrush fills this inflated surface, so no blank space is left on the sides of the canvas.
Since this test sample is built with .NET 7, I'm using record to store the color bands' settings. You can replace it with a class object without changes to the rest of the code.
public record ColorBand(Color Color, int Size) {
public override string ToString() => $"Color: {Color.Name} Size: {Size}";
Same as above: using declaration instead of using statements
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
public class LinearRepeatingGradient
public LinearRepeatingGradient(float rotation = .0f)
ColorBands = new BindingList<ColorBand>();
RotationAngle = rotation;
public float RotationAngle { get; set; }
[Bindable(true), ListBindable(BindableSupport.Default)]
public BindingList<ColorBand> ColorBands { get; }
public void Fill(Graphics g) => Fill(g, g.ClipBounds);
public void Fill(Graphics g, Rectangle fillArea) => Fill(g, new RectangleF(fillArea.Location, fillArea.Size));
protected virtual void Fill(Graphics g, RectangleF display)
if (ColorBands is null || ColorBands.Count == 0 || g.Clip.IsInfinite(g)) return;
var canvas = InflateCanvas(display);
var centerPoint = new PointF(canvas.X + canvas.Width / 2, canvas.Y + canvas.Height / 2);
using var texture = GetTexture(canvas.Width);
if (texture is null) return;
using var brush = new TextureBrush(texture, WrapMode.Tile);
using var mx = new Matrix();
mx.RotateAt(RotationAngle, centerPoint);
g.Transform = mx;
g.FillRectangle(brush, canvas);
private RectangleF InflateCanvas(RectangleF rect)
if (RotationAngle % 90.0f == 0) return rect;
float maxInflate = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(rect.X - rect.Right, 2) +
Math.Pow(rect.Y - rect.Bottom, 2)) / 3.0f;
var canvas = rect;
canvas.Inflate(maxInflate, maxInflate);
return canvas;
private Bitmap? GetTexture(float width)
int height = ColorBands!.Sum(c => c.Size);
if (height <= 0) return null;
var texture = new Bitmap((int)(width + .5f), height);
int startPosition = 0;
using var g = Graphics.FromImage(texture);
for (int i = 0; i < ColorBands!.Count; i++) {
var rect = new Rectangle(0, startPosition, texture.Width, ColorBands![i].Size);
using var brush = new SolidBrush(ColorBands![i].Color);
g.FillRectangle(brush, rect);
startPosition += ColorBands![i].Size;
return texture;
This is how it works:
Since the ColorBands property is bindable, you can use data bindings to perform actions, when a ColorBand object is added or removed and also bind the ColorBands collection to Controls, as shown in the animation:
public partial class SomeForm : Form {
LinearRepeatingGradient gradient = new();
public SomeForm()
[DataGridView].DataSource = gradient.ColorBands;
gradient.ColorBands.ListChanged += (s, e) => someControl.Invalidate();
private void someControl_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) => gradient.Fill(e.Graphics);
As a consequence, when you add a new ColorBand (or remove it), the internal collection changes and the Control used as canvas is invalidated, showing the new fill:
gradient.ColorBands.Add(new ColorBand(Color.Red, 45f));
The RotationAngle property doesn't use data bindings, so you have to invalidate the canvas manually when you change it. You can of course change that and make this property bindable:
gradient.RotationAngle = 215f;


Outer Glow Effect for Text C#

i want to have outer glow text in a label for my winform application some thing like:
i searched for it in stackoverflow and I found this:
private void Form1_Paint(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e)
//Create a bitmap in a fixed ratio to the original drawing area.
Bitmap bm=new Bitmap(this.ClientSize.Width/5, this.ClientSize.Height/5);
//Create a GraphicsPath object.
GraphicsPath pth=new GraphicsPath();
//Add the string in the chosen style.
pth.AddString("Text Halo",new FontFamily("Verdana"),(int)FontStyle.Regular,100,new Point(20,20),StringFormat.GenericTypographic);
//Get the graphics object for the image.
Graphics g=Graphics.FromImage(bm);
//Create a matrix that shrinks the drawing output by the fixed ratio.
Matrix mx=new Matrix(1.0f/5,0,0,1.0f/5,-(1.0f/5),-(1.0f/5));
//Choose an appropriate smoothing mode for the halo.
//Transform the graphics object so that the same half may be used for both halo and text output.
//Using a suitable pen...
Pen p=new Pen(Color.Yellow,3);
//Draw around the outline of the path
//and then fill in for good measure.
//We no longer need this graphics object
//this just shifts the effect a little bit so that the edge isn't cut off in the demonstration
e.Graphics.Transform=new Matrix(1,0,0,1,50,50);
//setup the smoothing mode for path drawing
//and the interpolation mode for the expansion of the halo bitmap
//expand the halo making the edges nice and fuzzy.
//Redraw the original text
//and you're done.
but the PROBLEM IS I CAN NOT MOVE IT please help me i need it to be movable and I want to be able to change it's size. the code above, just adds it automatically to somewhere in my form but I want to move that.
thank you
A better approach is to create a custom control for this to use/add some relevant drawing properties. Mainly, the Font and color of the text, the size and color of the outline. Then, you can lay out the custom control in any container at any location and with any size.
Here's a simple example.
public class GlowTextLabel : Control
private Color outlineColor = SystemColors.Highlight;
private int outlineSize = 1;
public GlowTextLabel() : base()
SetStyle(ControlStyles.Selectable, false);
SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer |
ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw |
ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
[DefaultValue(typeof(Color), "Highlight")]
public Color OutlineColor
get => outlineColor;
if (outlineColor != value)
outlineColor = value;
public int OutlineSize
get => outlineSize;
if (outlineSize != value)
outlineSize = Math.Max(1, value);
protected override void OnTextChanged(EventArgs e)
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
var w = Math.Max(8, ClientSize.Width / 5);
var h = Math.Max(8, ClientSize.Height / 5);
using (var bmp = new Bitmap(w, h))
using (var gp = new GraphicsPath())
using (var sf = new StringFormat(StringFormat.GenericTypographic))
sf.Alignment = sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
Font.FontFamily, (int)Font.Style, GetEmFontSize(Font),
ClientRectangle, sf);
using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
using (var m = new Matrix(1.0f / 5, 0, 0, 1.0f / 5, -(1.0f / 5), -(1.0f / 5)))
g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
g.Transform = m;
using (var pn = new Pen(OutlineColor, OutlineSize))
g.DrawPath(pn, gp);
g.FillPath(pn.Brush, gp);
e.Graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
// Optional for wider blur...
// e.Graphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
ClientRectangle, 0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height,
e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
using (var br = new SolidBrush(ForeColor))
e.Graphics.FillPath(br, gp);
private float GetEmFontSize(Font fnt) =>
fnt.SizeInPoints * (fnt.FontFamily.GetCellAscent(fnt.Style) +
fnt.FontFamily.GetCellDescent(fnt.Style)) / fnt.FontFamily.GetEmHeight(fnt.Style);
Rebuild, find the GlowTextLabel control on the ToolBox under your project's components group, drop an instance, try the Font, ForeColor, OutlineColor, and OutlineSize properties with different values.
Pen width 1.
Pen width 10.
Pen width 20.

Get pixel value of image draw through onPaint methode

I am developping a custom C# UserControl WinForm to display an image on background and display scrollbars when I zoom with the mouse. For this, I overrided the OnPaint method. In it, if I have an image loaded, according some parameters I know the source and destination rectangle sizes. In the same way, I know what scale and translation apply to always keeping the top left corner on screen when zooming. And for the zoom, I use the scrollmouse event to update the zoom factory.
Here is my code related to this override method.
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
// Draw image
if(image != null)
Rectangle srcRect, destRect;
Point pt = new Point((int)(hScrollBar1.Value/zoom), (int)(vScrollBar1.Value/zoom));
if (canvasSize.Width * zoom < viewRectWidth && canvasSize.Height * zoom < viewRectHeight)
srcRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, canvasSize.Width, canvasSize.Height); // view all image
else if (canvasSize.Width * zoom < viewRectWidth)
srcRect = new Rectangle(0, pt.Y, canvasSize.Width, (int)(viewRectHeight / zoom)); // view a portion of image but center on width
else if (canvasSize.Height * zoom < viewRectHeight)
srcRect = new Rectangle(pt.X, 0, (int)(viewRectWidth / zoom), canvasSize.Height); // view a portion of image but center on height
srcRect = new Rectangle(pt, new Size((int)(viewRectWidth / zoom), (int)(viewRectHeight / zoom))); // view a portion of image
destRect = new Rectangle((int)(-srcRect.Width/2),
srcRect.Height); // the center of apparent image is on origin
Matrix mx = new Matrix(); // create an identity matrix
mx.Scale(zoom, zoom); // zoom image
// Move image to view window center
mx.Translate(viewRectWidth / 2.0f, viewRectHeight / 2.0f, MatrixOrder.Append);
// Display image on widget
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
g.InterpolationMode = interMode;
g.Transform = mx;
g.DrawImage(image, destRect, srcRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
My question is how to get the pixel value when I am on the MouseMove override method of this WinForm ?
I think understand that it is possible only in method with PaintEventArgs but I am not sure how to deal with it. I tried a lot of things but for now the better I got is use the mouse position on the screen and find the pixel value in the original bitmap with these "wrong" coordinates. I can't link this relative position on the screen with the real coordinates of the pixel of the image display at this place. Maybe there is method to "just" get the pixel value not passing through the image bitmap I use for the paint method ? Or maybe not.
Thank you in advance for your help. Best regards.
I couldn't completely understand your drawing code but you can do an inverse transformation on mouse coordinate. So, you can translate the mouse coordinate back to the origin and scale it by 1/zoom. This simple process gives you the image space coordinate.
I provide an example code with its own drawing code (not your code/algorithm) but that can still give you the idea of inverse transformation. It is pretty simple so look at the example code.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace GetPixelFromZoomedImage
public partial class MainForm : Form
public Form1()
SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true);
private float m_zoom = 1.0f;
private Bitmap m_image;
private Point m_origin = Point.Empty;
private Point m_delta = Point.Empty;
private SolidBrush m_brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Transparent);
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
g.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;
g.PixelOffsetMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
g.TranslateTransform(m_origin.X, m_origin.Y);
g.ScaleTransform(m_zoom, m_zoom);
g.DrawImageUnscaled(m_image, Point.Empty);
g.FillRectangle(m_brush, ClientSize.Width - 50, 0, 50, 50);
protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e)
m_image = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile("test.png");
protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
if(e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
m_delta = new Point(m_origin.X - e.X, m_origin.Y - e.Y);
protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
if(e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
m_origin = new Point(e.X + m_delta.X, e.Y + m_delta.Y);
int x = (int)((e.X - m_origin.X) / m_zoom);
int y = (int)((e.Y - m_origin.Y) / m_zoom);
if (x < 0 || x >= m_image.Width || y < 0 || y >= m_image.Height)
m_brush.Color = m_image.GetPixel(x, y);
protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
protected override void OnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs e)
float scaleFactor = 1.6f * (float)Math.Abs(e.Delta) / 120;
if(e.Delta > 0)
m_zoom *= scaleFactor;
m_zoom /= scaleFactor;
m_zoom = m_zoom > 64.0f ? 64.0f : m_zoom;
m_zoom = m_zoom < 0.1f ? 0.1f : m_zoom;

Is there a fast way to manipulate and buffer a screen in Windows Forms?

I am working on a game for learning purposes, I want to make it only with the .NET-Framework and a Windows Forms project in C#.
I want to get the 'screen' (Something that can be displayed on the window) as an int[]. Modify the array and reapply the altered array to the 'screen' in a buffered manner (So that it doesn't flicker).
I am currently using a Panel, which I draw a Bitmap on with Graphics. The Bitmap is converted to an int[] which I then can modify and reapply to the Bitmap and redraw. It works, but is very slow, especially because I have to scale up the image every frame because my game is only 300x160 and the screen 900x500.
Build up:
// Renders 1 frame
private void Render()
// Buffer setup
_bufferedContext = BufferedGraphicsManager.Current;
_buffer = _bufferedContext.Allocate(panel_canvas.CreateGraphics(), new Rectangle(0, 0, _scaledWidth, _scaledHeight));
// Get position of player on map
_xScroll = _player._xMap - _screen._width / 2;
_yScroll = _player._yMap - _screen._height / 2;
// Indirectly modifies the int[] '_pixels'
_level.render(_xScroll, _yScroll, _screen);
// Converts the int[] into a Bitmap (unsafe method is faster)
fixed (int* intPtr = &_screen._pixels[0])
_screenImage = new Bitmap(_trueWidth, _trueHeight, _trueWidth * 4, PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb, new IntPtr(intPtr));
// Draw generated image on buffer
Graphics g = _buffer.Graphics;
g.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;
g.DrawImage(_screenImage, new Rectangle(0, 0, 900, 506));
// Update panel buffered
Is there a faster way without external libraries to make this work?
I'm not to sure about the unsafe code , But I do know about the buffered graphics manager. I think you should create a class for it instead of creating a new one every time.As well as having all of your sprites widths and heights be determined at the load instead of scaling them. That sped up my small game engine a good bit.
class Spritebatch
private Graphics Gfx;
private BufferedGraphics bfgfx;
private BufferedGraphicsContext cntxt = BufferedGraphicsManager.Current;
public Spritebatch(Size clientsize, Graphics gfx)
cntxt.MaximumBuffer = new Size(clientsize.Width + 1, clientsize.Height + 1);
bfgfx = cntxt.Allocate(gfx, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, clientsize));
Gfx = gfx;
public void Begin()
public void Draw(Sprite s)
bfgfx.Graphics.DrawImageUnscaled(s.Texture, new Rectangle(s.toRec.X - s.rotationOffset.Width,s.toRec.Y - s.rotationOffset.Height,s.toRec.Width,s.toRec.Height));
public void drawImage(Bitmap b, Rectangle rec)
bfgfx.Graphics.DrawImageUnscaled(b, rec);
public void drawImageClipped(Bitmap b, Rectangle rec)
bfgfx.Graphics.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(b, rec);
public void drawRectangle(Pen p, Rectangle rec)
bfgfx.Graphics.DrawRectangle(p, rec);
public void End()
This is a example of what I used. It's set up to mimic the Spritebatch in Xna. Drawing the images Unscaled will really increase the speed of it.Also creating one instance of the buffered graphics and Context will be faster then creating a new one every time you have to render. So I would advise you to change the line g.DrawImage(_screenImage, new Rectangle(0, 0, 900, 506)); to DrawImageUnscaled(_screenImage, new Rectangle(0, 0, 900, 506));
Edited : Example of how to scale code on sprite load
public Sprite(Bitmap texture, float x, float y, int width, int height)
//texture is the image you originally start with.
Bitmap b = new Bitmap(width, height);
// Create a bitmap with the desired width and height
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(b))
g.DrawImage(texture, 0, 0, width, height);
// get the graphics from the new image and draw the old image to it
//scaling it to the proper width and height
Texture = b;
//set Texture which is the final picture to the sprite.
//Uppercase Texture is different from lowercase
Scaling of the image is expensive enough, even when is done without any interpolation. To speed up the things, you should minimize memory allocations: when you create brand new Bitmap every frame, it leads to object creation and pixmap buffer allocation. This fact negates all the benefits you get from BufferedGraphics. I advise you to do the following:
Create the Bitmap instance of required size (equal to screen size) only once, outside of Render method.
Use direct access to bitmap data through LockBits method, and try to implement the scaling be hand using nearest pixel.
Of course, using some sort of hardware acceleration for scaling operation is the most preferred option (for example, in opengl all images are usually drawn using textured rectangles, and rendering such rectangles implicitly involves the process of "scaling" when texture sampling is performed).
I'm wondering why do you call this "very slow", because I did some tests and the performance doesn't seem bad. Also have you measured the performance of your rendering code into int[] '_pixels' (unfortunately you haven't provided that code) separately from the bitmap operations, because it might be the slow part.
About your concrete question. As others mentioned, using preallocated buffered graphics and bitmap objects would speed up it a bit.
But do you really need that int[] buffer? BufferedGraphics is already backed internally with a bitmap, so what really happens is:
(1) You fill the int[] buffer
(2) int[] buffer is copied to the new/preallocated Bitmap
(3) Bitmap from step 2 is copied (applying scale) to the BufferedGraphics internal bitmap (via DrawImage)
(4) BufferedGraphics internal bitmap is copied to the screen (via Render)
As you can see, there are a lot of copy operations. The intended usage of BufferedGraphics is:
(1) You fill the BufferedGraphics internal bitmap via drawing methods of the BufferedGraphics.Graphics property. If setup, the Graphics will do the scaling (as well other transformations) for you.
(2) BufferedGraphics internal bitmap is copied to the screen (via Render)
I don't know what your drawing code is doing, but if you can afford it, this definitely should provide the best performance.
Here is my quick and dirty test in case you are interested in:
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Test
enum RenderMode { NewBitmap, PreallocatedBitmap, Graphics }
class Screen
Control canvas;
public Rectangle area;
int[,] pixels;
BitmapData info;
Bitmap bitmap;
BufferedGraphics buffer;
float scaleX, scaleY;
public RenderMode mode = RenderMode.NewBitmap;
public Screen(Control canvas, Size size)
this.canvas = canvas;
var bounds = canvas.DisplayRectangle;
scaleX = (float)bounds.Width / size.Width;
scaleY = (float)bounds.Height / size.Height;
area.Size = size;
info = new BitmapData { Width = size.Width, Height = size.Height, PixelFormat = PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb, Stride = size.Width * 4 };
pixels = new int[size.Height, size.Width];
bitmap = new Bitmap(size.Width, size.Height, info.PixelFormat);
buffer = BufferedGraphicsManager.Current.Allocate(canvas.CreateGraphics(), bounds);
buffer.Graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;
public void ApplyMode()
if (mode == RenderMode.Graphics)
buffer.Graphics.ScaleTransform(scaleX, scaleY);
public void FillRectangle(Color color, Rectangle rect)
if (mode == RenderMode.Graphics)
using (var brush = new SolidBrush(color))
buffer.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, rect);
if (rect.IsEmpty) return;
int colorData = color.ToArgb();
var pixels = this.pixels;
for (int y = rect.Y; y < rect.Bottom; y++)
for (int x = rect.X; x < rect.Right; x++)
pixels[y, x] = colorData;
public unsafe void Render()
if (mode == RenderMode.NewBitmap)
var bounds = canvas.DisplayRectangle;
using (var buffer = BufferedGraphicsManager.Current.Allocate(canvas.CreateGraphics(), bounds))
Bitmap bitmap;
fixed (int* pixels = &this.pixels[0, 0])
bitmap = new Bitmap(info.Width, info.Height, info.Stride, info.PixelFormat, new IntPtr(pixels));
buffer.Graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;
buffer.Graphics.DrawImage(bitmap, bounds);
if (mode == RenderMode.PreallocatedBitmap)
fixed (int* pixels = &this.pixels[0, 0])
info.Scan0 = new IntPtr(pixels); info.Reserved = 0;
bitmap.LockBits(area, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly | ImageLockMode.UserInputBuffer, info.PixelFormat, info);
buffer.Graphics.DrawImage(bitmap, canvas.DisplayRectangle);
class Game
public static void Main()
var game = new Game();
Form form;
Control canvas;
Screen screen;
Level level;
Player player;
private Game()
form = new Form();
canvas = new Control { Parent = form, Bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 900, 506) };
form.ClientSize = canvas.Size;
screen = new Screen(canvas, new Size(300, 160));
level = new Level { game = this };
player = new Player { game = this };
private void Run()
bool toggleModeRequest = false;
canvas.MouseClick += (sender, e) => toggleModeRequest = true;
var worker = new Thread(() =>
int frameCount = 0;
Stopwatch drawT = new Stopwatch(), applyT = new Stopwatch(), advanceT = Stopwatch.StartNew(), renderT = Stopwatch.StartNew(), infoT = Stopwatch.StartNew();
while (true)
if (advanceT.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 3)
level.Advance(); player.Advance();
if (renderT.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 8)
drawT.Start(); level.Render(); player.Render(); drawT.Stop();
applyT.Start(); screen.Render(); applyT.Stop();
if (infoT.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 1000)
double drawS = drawT.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0, applyS = applyT.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0, totalS = drawS + applyS;
var info = string.Format("Render using {0} - Frames:{1:n0} FPS:{2:n0} Draw:{3:p2} Apply:{4:p2}",
screen.mode, frameCount, frameCount / totalS, drawS / totalS, applyS / totalS);
form.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => form.Text = info));
if (toggleModeRequest)
toggleModeRequest = false;
screen.mode = (RenderMode)(((int)screen.mode + 1) % 3);
frameCount = 0; drawT.Reset(); applyT.Reset();
worker.IsBackground = true;
class Level
public Game game;
public int pos = 0; bool right = true;
public void Advance() { Game.Advance(ref pos, ref right, 0, game.screen.area.Right - 1); }
public void Render()
game.screen.FillRectangle(Color.SaddleBrown, new Rectangle(0, 0, pos, game.screen.area.Height));
game.screen.FillRectangle(Color.DarkGreen, new Rectangle(pos, 0, game.screen.area.Right, game.screen.area.Height));
class Player
public Game game;
public int x = 0, y = 0;
public bool right = true, down = true;
public void Advance()
Game.Advance(ref x, ref right, game.level.pos, game.screen.area.Right - 5, 2);
Game.Advance(ref y, ref down, 0, game.screen.area.Bottom - 1, 2);
public void Render() { game.screen.FillRectangle(Color.Yellow, new Rectangle(x, y, 4, 4)); }
static void Advance(ref int pos, ref bool forward, int minPos, int maxPos, int delta = 1)
if (forward) { pos += delta; if (pos < minPos) pos = minPos; else if (pos > maxPos) { pos = maxPos; forward = false; } }
else { pos -= delta; if (pos > maxPos) pos = maxPos; else if (pos < minPos) { pos = minPos; forward = true; } }

Drawing Circles In Xamarin.iOS (Xamarin Monotouch) for Showing Progress Graphically

As I'm very new to Xamarin World and new to its controls. I would like to add Circles to Show Work Progress in my mono touch app. For showing Progress I have to mark an Arc in the circle. And if possible any one can help with me a sample code. Awaiting an answer, Thanks a lot in advance.
using System;
using UIKit;
using CoreGraphics;
namespace CircleTest.Touch
public class CircleGraph : UIView
int _radius = 10;
int _lineWidth = 10;
nfloat _degrees = 0.0f;
UIColor _backColor = UIColor.FromRGB(46, 60, 76);
UIColor _frontColor = UIColor.FromRGB(234, 105, 92);
//FromRGB (234, 105, 92);
public CircleGraph (CGRect frame, int lineWidth, nfloat degrees)
_lineWidth = lineWidth;
_degrees = degrees;
this.Frame = new CGRect(frame.X, frame.Y, frame.Width, frame.Height);
this.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear;
public CircleGraph (CGRect frame, int lineWidth, UIColor backColor, UIColor frontColor)
_lineWidth = lineWidth;
this.Frame = new CGRect(frame.X, frame.Y, frame.Width, frame.Height);
this.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear;
public override void Draw (CoreGraphics.CGRect rect)
base.Draw (rect);
using (CGContext g = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext ()) {
_radius = (int)( (this.Bounds.Width) / 3) - 8;
DrawGraph(g, this.Bounds.GetMidX(), this.Bounds.GetMidY());
public void DrawGraph(CGContext g,nfloat x0,nfloat y0) {
g.SetLineWidth (_lineWidth);
// Draw background circle
CGPath path = new CGPath ();
_backColor.SetStroke ();
path.AddArc (x0, y0, _radius, 0, 2.0f * (float)Math.PI, true);
g.AddPath (path);
g.DrawPath (CGPathDrawingMode.Stroke);
// Draw overlay circle
var pathStatus = new CGPath ();
_frontColor.SetStroke ();
pathStatus.AddArc(x0, y0, _radius, 0, _degrees * (float)Math.PI, false);
g.AddPath (pathStatus);
g.DrawPath (CGPathDrawingMode.Stroke);
Actually this is what iam actually supposed to do. Its working for me
This is how it look like. U can create it like a class file and simply u can assign to a UIView.
For more reference you can use this sample project Pi Graph
[EDIT]: The Draw method originally passed the View.Frame x,y to the DrawGraph method. This should be View.Bounds (modified above to reflect this). Remember that the frame x,y is in reference to the containing superview and bounds is referenced to the current view. This would have worked if the view was added at 0,0 but once you start moving around the UI it disappears. When the arcs are drawn the values for x,y passed to AddArc need to be in reference to the current view not the parent superview.
Drawing a circle on a GLContext isn't that hard to do and is the same as you would do in Objective-C or Swift.
I assume you want to create your own view which you can reuse. To do so, simply inherit from UIView:
public class CircleView : UIView
Now to draw anything in your new custom view you want to override the Draw method:
public override void Draw(RectangleF rect)
// draw stuff in here
To draw stuff you need to get hold of the current context from UIGraphics, which can be done like so:
using (var gctx = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext())
// use gctx to draw stuff
The CGContext you get back, is very similar to Canvas on Android for instance. It has helper methods to draw arcs, circles, rectangles, points and much more.
So to draw a simple circle in that context, you do:
So combine everything you get:
public class CircleView : UIView
public override Draw(RectangleF rect)
using (var gctx = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext())
That is it! Well, not exactly, this is where you need to start think of how you want to draw your progress indicator. What I think would probably work is:
Draw the back ground
Draw the borders
Calculate the degrees from the progress in percent
Use the degrees to create an arc using gctx.AddArc(), which can take an angle and draw an arc.
Draw the percentage as a string in the middle
To draw a string you will need to convert your string to a NSAttributedString then use CTLine to draw the text like:
using(var line = new CTLine(nsAttrString))
Minor alterations to the answer provided by #SARATH as copying and pasting did not yield the desired result.
Changed _degrees to _percentComplete
Fixed overload constructor for changing colors by adding a param for percentComplete and added missing member variable assignments for _backColor and _frontColor
Added constant float value for drawing a full circle (FULL_CIRCLE)
Multiply _percentComplete by FULL_CIRCLE to get the end angle for both arcs (with different directions)
Calculation of the radius
public class CircleGraph : UIView
const float FULL_CIRCLE = 2 * (float)Math.PI;
int _radius = 10;
int _lineWidth = 10;
nfloat _percentComplete = 0.0f;
UIColor _backColor = UIColor.LightGray; //UIColor.FromRGB(46, 60, 76);
UIColor _frontColor = UIColor.Green; //UIColor.FromRGB(234, 105, 92);
public CircleGraph(CGRect frame, int lineWidth, nfloat percentComplete)
_lineWidth = lineWidth;
_percentComplete = percentComplete;
this.Frame = new CGRect(frame.X, frame.Y, frame.Width, frame.Height);
this.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear;
public CircleGraph(CGRect frame, int lineWidth, nfloat percentComplete, UIColor backColor, UIColor frontColor)
_lineWidth = lineWidth;
_percentComplete = percentComplete;
this.Frame = new CGRect(frame.X, frame.Y, frame.Width, frame.Height);
this.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear;
_backColor = backColor;
_frontColor = frontColor;
public override void Draw(CoreGraphics.CGRect rect)
using (CGContext g = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext())
var diameter = Math.Min(this.Bounds.Width, this.Bounds.Height);
_radius = (int)(diameter / 2) - _lineWidth;
DrawGraph(g, this.Bounds.GetMidX(), this.Bounds.GetMidY());
public void DrawGraph(CGContext g, nfloat x, nfloat y)
// Draw background circle
CGPath path = new CGPath();
path.AddArc(x, y, _radius, 0, _percentComplete * FULL_CIRCLE, true);
// Draw overlay circle
var pathStatus = new CGPath();
// Same Arc params except direction so colors don't overlap
pathStatus.AddArc(x, y, _radius, 0, _percentComplete * FULL_CIRCLE, false);
var circleGraph = new CircleGraph(circleGraphView.Frame, 20, 0.75f);
CircleGraph at 75%

How can I use DrawingGroup effectively when tiling only images?

I'm having trouble understanding my problem with drawing groups. I'm creating a map editor in wpf which is my first wpf project and I have been searching/playing around with drawing groups.
I have a set of tiles on the left side that on app startup populate based off of a folder of sprites. They all layout according to rules I have set(3 sets of tiles per row at 32 pixels each). Example below:
private void RefreshTileList()
// For now load in all textures as possible tiles
DrawingGroup dGroup = new DrawingGroup();
Rect r = new Rect();
r.X = 0.0;
r.Y = 0.0;
r.Width = Settings.Default.TileThumbWidth;
r.Height = Settings.Default.TileThumbHeight;
foreach (WPFTexture tex in imgFind.TileTextures)
ImageDrawing iDraw = new ImageDrawing(tex.src, r);
r.X += r.Width;
if (r.X > r.Width * Settings.Default.TileThumbMaxColumns)
r.X = 0.0;
r.Y += r.Height;
// Make a drawing image and send it to the Image in canvas
DrawingImage drawImage = new DrawingImage(dGroup);
tileImage.Source = drawImage;
Now I Image control in another canvas which I want to do the same exact thing with exception that the tiles are placed dynamically. Here is what I have so far:
private void AreaDrawingCanvas_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if(curSelIndex > -1 && curSelIndex < imgFind.TileTextures.Count)
BitmapSource tileSrc = imgFind.TileTextures[curSelIndex].src;
Point mousePos = e.GetPosition(sender as Canvas);
Size size = new Size(tileSrc.Width, tileSrc.Height);
Rect r = new Rect(mousePos, size);
ImageDrawing iDraw = new ImageDrawing(tileSrc, r);
And here is the initialization of what uses areaDrawGroup:
// Setup drawing for area
DrawingImage areaDrawImage = new DrawingImage(areaDrawGroup);
areaImage.Source = areaDrawImage;
areaImage.Stretch = Stretch.None;
If I do not add in a dead image located at point(0, 0) in the draw group and I click on the image control. It will offset to a weird location. As I continue to click more towards the top left location it correct where it draws the tile while shifting all the other ones over.
My question is where could I find a good tiling example or what have I done wrong? Because adding in a dead image to fix where other images locate seems like a really bad hack to something simple I missed.
Here is what I did to solve this for now. I have a i7 and used a list of drawingvisuals. Don't have a problem with it. I thought at one point I should use one drawing visual and add each image to the same visual. The problem with that is if I add a tile I have to re-open the render and redo all the drawing. Since I don't have any hiccups I decided not to use my time on that method.
Here is code to copy and paste:
Make a class that derives framework element and add in the overrides as seen
public class AreaDrawingEdit : FrameworkElement
public VisualCollection Visuals { get; set; }
const double COLLISION_OPACITY = 0.8;
public AreaDrawingEdit()
Visuals = new VisualCollection(this);
public void AddRenderTile(DrawingTile tile)
// Add the tile visual
tile.visual = new DrawingVisual();
// Add in collision visual
tile.colVol.visual = new DrawingVisual();
public void RemoveRenderTile(DrawingTile tile)
public void InvalidateTile(DrawingTile tile)
// Set up drawing rect for new tile
Rect r = new Rect(tile.pos, new Size(tile.tileTex.src.PixelWidth, tile.tileTex.src.PixelHeight));
DrawingContext dc = tile.visual.RenderOpen();
dc.DrawImage(tile.tileTex.src, r);
public void InvalidateCollisionVol(CollisionVol vol)
Rect r = new Rect(vol.pos, vol.size);
DrawingContext dc = vol.visual.RenderOpen();
dc.DrawImage(vol.src, r);
protected override int VisualChildrenCount
get { return Visuals.Count; }
protected override Visual GetVisualChild(int index)
if (index < 0 || index >= Visuals.Count)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
return Visuals[index];
Add the framework element thing you made into your xaml file somewhere.
lessthan local:AreaDrawingEdit Canvas.Left="0" Canvas.Top="0" OpacityMask="Black" x:Name="areaDrawingEdit" backslashgreaterthan
Enjoy the solution to my misery of figuring it out the hard-way.
