Save Binary Data to an Existing SQL Row - c#

I know how to insert binary data of a .zip file into a new SQL Server row into a column of datatype NVARCHAR(MAX).
Need help to update existing column of NVARCHAR(MAX) of row with binary data from a .zip file. Code below works but converting binary to file again renders an defect zip file:
byte[] file;
using (var stream = new FileStream(zipFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
using (var reader = new BinaryReader(stream))
file = reader.ReadBytes((int)stream.Length);
rowColumn = file;
While this works with INSERT with code:
cmd.Parameters.Add("#rowColumn", SqlDbType.VarBinary, file.Length).Value = file;

It sounds like there's a mistake with the column definition. If the database column is varchar(max), you cannot just write binary data there without it getting mangled. There are many different ways to encode character data, but a database column will have a specific format it wants to use so it can know how to do text comparisons and sorting. When load the binary data, it WILL re-encode the bytes to match the character encoding on the server.
You have two choices:
Change the column type.
Base-64 encode the bytes before saving them to column (and update the parameter code to match so it is varchar, instead of varbinary), and then base-64 decode the data again when you retrieve it.


Convert byte data to image and save? Using SQL query

I have a table like below
LME111201908576 0x89504E470D0A1... NULL
I want to convert all the COVERPAGEIMAGE is of varbinary(max) datatype to a png/jpeg image and update the name in IMAGENAME using a SQL query.
The table includes almost 10000 rows of data. I couldn't find a faster way to do it yet any help or guidance would be appreciated.
There is File.WriteAllBytes method that could help to create file from blob data. Example,
using (var r = cmd.ExecuteReader())
while (r.Read())
File.WriteAllBytes("C:\temp\" + (string)r["IMAGEID"]+ ".png",
Assigning IMAGENAME will depend on how target file names will look like. If filename will be always equal to IMAGEID+".png" like in example above, you might not need that column at all.
Same can be done with only sql: fastest way to export blobs from table into individual files

Is it possible to store a pdf file in a mysql database?

I'm currently looking for a solution to store pdf files in a mysql database.
I tried to store them as base64 string or as byte array but both havn't worked for any reason. I'm using a longblob in the mysql to store the data.
Before inserting it to the mysql
byte[] myfile = File.ReadAllBytes(filename);
To get is from the mysql
byte[] buffer = (byte[])cmd.ExecuteScalar();
FileStream fs = new FileStream(#"test.pdf", FileMode.Create);
fs.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
I really hope someone can help me with this issue!
There are 2 schools of thought for storing BLOBS in/with a Database. And a 3rd one that tries to combine both, but is not avalible for MySQL last I checked. Still this article on Nr. 3 will get you up to speed.
For storing in DB it is simple:
Add a table for the Primary Key, filename and the binary data to the DB.
Extract the filename and binary data on teh C# side.
Store the Filename and data in the Database. Have the Primary key be auto-generated as usual.
For storing besides the DB in the Filesystem:
Add a table for Primary key, original filename and local path in the DB. The local name can be different, as more then 1 person might name their file "test.pdf"
Optionally add a Hash value for the binary, so you can avoid double storage. But that is secondary.
Get a randomized, unused name for the Document on teh disk. Store that and the Original Filename in the Database. And the binary data on said disk.

How to convert BLOB data stored in SQLite database into the SharpMap.Geometries.Geometry

I have geometry data stored in the SQLite database, and datatype of column is BLOB.
I used the below method to convert the BLOB data into the sharp map geometry
SharpMap.Converters.WellKnownBinary.GeometryFromWKB.Parse(< byte array >);
But it throws the exception "Byte order not recognized"
But if i use the sql server management studio database and save the geometry data in table using Image datatype then the i got the geometry without any error.
The only difference is of data type, in SQLite i have used data type "BLOB" and in sql server i have used the datatype "Image".
I also notice one more difference in size of byte array, if i use the SQLite database then i got the byte array size as "3812" and if i use the sql server database then i got the byte array size as "1902".
Does anybody knows the solution ?
I am working on below data :
You have stored the hexadecimal representation of the value as text.
CSV files cannot contain blobs; you have to export the data in some other format. Try as SQL, and then convert the blob literal from the SQL Server format, i.e.:
INSERT INTO ... VALUES (... 0x0123...)
into the SQLite format, i.e.:
INSERT INTO ... VALUES (... x'0123...')
If CSV is your exchange format you should transform your geometry into a text representation using e.g. the .STAsText() function on the geometry.
When you import the CSV text (by writing own code) into your SQLite database you sould use a Well-Known-Text parser transforming that text inot a geometry and from there into a Well-Known-Binary blob that can be handled by SharpMap. This can be done using (e.g.) NetTopologySuite's Wkt reader:
var rdr = new NetTopologySuite.IO.WktReader();
var geom = rdr.Read(csvValue);
var blob = geom.AsBinary();
The issue is solved.
What happened is when i am storing the sql server geometry data in CSV file, it stores in the hexadecimal format. And when i am importing that data in SQLite, it stores geometry in hexadecimal format only not in the BLOB format.
So i search something like directly converting the sql server geometry data in the SQLite BLOB data.
So i found this link :
It directly convert the sql server table into the SQLite table, so that the geometry data in sql server is automatically converts into the BLOB, and there is no issues while converting that BLOb data into the SharpMap Geometry.

Storing a Large Signed UTF-8 String in SQL CE 4.0 Database

I have a SQL CE 4.0 database in which I'm storing a (potentially) large signed XML string. Currently, I'm storing this string in a column of type ntext since there is a 4000 byte limit on nvarchar (see this post).
Inserting a Row
So to insert a row into this table it would look something like this:
string signedXmlObject = "....long string";
using (SqlCeCommand command = new SqlCeCommand("INSERT INTO SignedObjects (Key, SignedObject) VALUES(#key, #signedObject) ", connection))
command.CommandTimeout = 0;
command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#key", theKey);
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#signedObject", signedXmlObject);
rows = command.ExecuteNonQuery();
This works for "small" strings (less than 4000 bytes), but for strings larger than that it will fail silently. The command execution will not throw an exception, but an empty string will be in the SignedObject column.
Changing the Input Parameter
So, after some reading, I found that to make sure that a string is inserted correct as ntext and not interpreted as nvarchar, you must specify the parameter type like such:
SqlCeParameter param = command.Parameters.Add("#signedObject", SqlDbType.NText);
param.Value = signedXmlObject;
This allows me to insert the large strings correctly, so that problem is solved.
Signature Verification
So, my program will then read this string back from the database, populate an XML file with it, and attempt to verify the signature using the .NET SignedXml class. The problem is that now my signature will not verify correctly.
The Real Question
Why would this happen? My XML file is UTF-8, so this is the format that the string should be stored in. Will storing this in an ntext column just slightly modify the string if it stores as UTF-16? And why would SQL interpreting the input as nvarchar previously allow the signature verification to succeed? Is there a better way to store this data in the database that will not affect the encoding? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Store the signed string as a byte array using the "image" data type.

How to load image from database that uses text format to store file path to crystal reports?

I stored the image path file as text into the database instead of using OLE Object. Now I want to know how to retrieve the image path from the database and load the image into the Crystal Report.
The image path is stored something like this C:\Users\HPLaptop\Desktop\Folder\ImageFile.jpg and I want the crystal report to load the image using this path file.
Report Schema:
We all know that we need to provide a schema for the crystal repot. Here is an XML view of the report schema that we are going to supply for the report.
BLOB field:
In order to add an image to the crystal report (considering the image field is coming from the database) we need to have a BLOB field in the schema. When you want to store images, documents or different custom types in the database you use a BLOB field. BLOB stands for Binary Large Object.
If you inspect this schema we can see that we have a table called "Images" and two columns "path" and "image". "image" column is type Base64 Binary. This is our BLOB field.What we are going to do in our program is when the user selects the image to upload we store that image in a BLOB field as a stream of bytes and then supply that dataset to the report.
CreateTable() method will illustrate how to generate this schema in the program.
Generating the schema for the report:
There are other ways you can create the schema but this will give you a clearer idea about the column fields.
Creating the table:
private void CreateTable()
//create a new data set.
this.DsImages = new DataSet();
//create a new table with two columns and add the table to the
DataTable ImageTable = new DataTable("Images");
//in here the "path" column is not really needed. Image column is
just enough.
ImageTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("path",typeof(string)));
//Important note
//Note the type of the image column. You want to give this column
as a blob field to the crystal report.
//therefore define the column type as System.Byte[]
ImageTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("image",typeof(System.Byte[])));
If you notice the "image" column you can see that the type of that column is System.Byte[]. This is pretty straight forward. Just create a table with two columns. Then add it to the dataset. Now you can create the schema using this line:
Once we have the schema ready we can provide it to the crystal report.
Image 1:
Inspect the Image 1, in the field explorer we can see Images table and the two columns path and image. When you drag the image column onto the report you can see the type of that field is IBlobFieldObject. These fields will read a stream of bytes and convert it back to an image. So our task is pretty much done. The code below shows you how it can save the image as a stream of bytes in the BLOB field.
private void openFileDialog1_FileOk(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
//get the image file into a stream reader.
FileStream FilStr = new FileStream(this.openFileDialog1.FileName, FileMode.Open);
BinaryReader BinRed = new BinaryReader(FilStr);
//Adding the values to the columns
// adding the image path to the path column
DataRow dr = this.DsImages.Tables["images"].NewRow();
dr["path"] = this.openFileDialog1.FileName;
// Here you use ReadBytes method to add a byte array of the image stream.
//so the image column will hold a byte array.
dr["image"] = BinRed.ReadBytes((int)BinRed.BaseStream.Length);
//create the report object
DynamicImageExample DyImg = new DynamicImageExample();
// feed the dataset to the report.
this.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = DyImg;
catch(Exception er)
You write this in the FileOk method of the openFileDialog. You use the BinaryReader.ReadBytes method to read the byte array.
dr["image"] = BinRed.ReadBytes((int)BinRed.BaseStream.Length);
