just wondering ..
I have this code to process a document
var emptySections = new List<BookmarkRangeStart>();
foreach (var section in Document.Sections)
emptySections = section.Blocks.Aggregate(emptySections, (s, e) =>
*** if (e is Paragraph p && ContainsConditionalSection(p, out BookmarkRangeStart bkmkSt)) ***
return emptySections;
On the "asterisked" line, I'm using pattern matching to type check a block to see if it is a paragraph and cast it if it is. I am then using an out parameter to return a subsection of that paragraph.
Is there a way to leverage the pattern matching style return type syntax rather than using an out parameter? So something like
if (e is Paragraph p && ContainsConditionalSection(p) bkmkSt)
Obviously the pattern match is returning a bool and a cast object, but I'm not sure in what form that is returned - as a tuple or something else, something specific?
Have just tried the out parameter
I'm currently trying to find invocations of .ExecuteSqlCommand and examine the first value being passed to the sql param.
Here is an example of the differences I've found in our code base.
ExecuteSqlCommand("[sql statement here]");
var sql = "sql statement";
So far, I have this:
var invocations = root.DescendantNodes()
.Select(ie => ModelExtensions.GetSymbolInfo(model, ie).Symbol)
.Where(symbol => symbol != null && symbol.Name == "ExecuteSqlCommand");
foreach (var invocation in invocations)
var method = (IMethodSymbol)invocation;
foreach (var param in method.Parameters)
//I can't quite seem to get information from IParameterSymbol about whether the param is a string literal, or a reference to a string via a variable.
If the param is not a string, and instead, a var, then I'll need to get the value of the var (as much as it's defined at runtime).
I'm not too sure if this is a job for the SemanticModel or the SyntaxTree, but my GUESS is that the SemanticModel should have the richer information I need to let me discover what I'm looking for.
My overall goal is to interrogate the sql being passed to the ExecuteSqlCommand method.
SemanticModel.GetConstantValue is the API we have for handling this situation.
It can accept both a syntax node and an expression. You will still need to track the state of variables back to their declaration sites and determine if they were given a constant expression.
I would use SemanticModel.GetSymbolInfo.Symbol?.DeclaringSyntaxReferences.First() to find the declaration site of a variable and then check to see if its a constant expression.
The Syntax API could be used to extract the sql statement value but depends on whether the variable declaration (i.e. var sql = "sql statement";) is included as part of code submitted to the syntax tree.
For example, if it's part of the same method implementation as where ExcuteSqlCommand() is called then you can first get the name of variable (i.e. sql) passed to it and use that to find the matching variable declaration statement within that same method. Finally, the sql statement value (i.e. "sql statement") can be extracted from that.
The following code first checks if the sql value is passed as a string literal otherwise looks for the variable declaration. The assumption it's all within the same method:
// whatever c# *method* code contains the sql.
// otherwise the root of the tree would need to be changed to filter to a specific single `MethodDeclarationSyntax`.
string submittedCode = "public void SomeMethodContainingSql(){ ...//rest of code...";
var tree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(submittedCode);
var root = (CompilationUnitSyntax) tree.GetRoot();
var arguments = root
.First(node => node.DescendantNodes().OfType<IdentifierNameSyntax>()
.Identifier.Text == "ExecuteSqlCommand")
string sqlStatementValue = "";
var literalExpression = arguments.OfType<LiteralExpressionSyntax>().FirstOrDefault();
if (literalExpression != null)
sqlStatementValue = literalExpression.GetText().ToString();
var variableName = arguments
var variableDeclaration = root
.Single(node => node.DescendantNodes().OfType<VariableDeclaratorSyntax>()
.Identifier.Text == variableName);
sqlStatementValue = variableDeclaration.DescendantNodes()
Otherwise, may need to look for the variable declaration in other parts of the submitted code (ex. class fields, properties, other methods, etc.) which is a bit more cumbersome.
Unfortunately Roslyn cannot provide a variable's value in a common cases when values is defined at runtime, because Roslyn actually doesn't know all possible values which may pass from outside the program, it doesn't calculate them and so on so forth. But if you can limit the needed cases to a inlining strings or variables which was declared and initialized at strings, Roslyn may help you with this:
You need to keep InvocationExpressionSyntax (or directly their first arguments)
var invocations = root.DescendantNodes()
.Select(ie => (ModelExtensions.GetSymbolInfo(model, ie).Symbol, ie))
// Would be better to compare not method's name but it FQN
.Where((symbol, node)) => symbol != null && symbol.Name == "ExecuteSqlCommand" &&
symbol.Parameters.Length == 1 &&
symbol.Parameters[0].Type.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_String &&
node.ArgumentList.Arguments.Count == 1)
.Select((symbol, node) => node);
You need to check not method parameter, but method argument which was passed to it
foreach (var invocation in invocations)
var argument = invocation .ArgumentList.Arguments[0];
if (argument is LiteralExpressionSyntax literal && literal.IsKind(SyntaxKind.StringLiteralExpression))
// You find invocation of kind `ExecuteSqlCommand("sql")`
var argSymbol = ModelExtensions.GetSymbolInfo(model, argument).Symbol;
if (!(argSymbol is null) && (argSymbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Field || argSymbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Property || argSymbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Local))
if (argSymbol.DeclaringSyntaxReferences.Length == 1)
var declarationNode = argSymbol.DeclaringSyntaxReferences[0].GetSyntax();
// I'm actually don't remember what exactlly `GetSyntax` returns for fields or locals:
// VariableDeclaratorSyntax or one of it parent LocalDeclarationStatementSyntax and FieldDeclarationSyntax, but if it returns declarations you also can
// get from them VariableDeclaratorSyntax that you need, it's just be a more deep pattern matching
if (declarationNode is VariableDeclaratorSyntax declaratorSyntax &&
declaratorSyntax.EqualsValueClauseSyntax?.Value is LiteralExpressionSyntax literal2 && literal2.IsKind(SyntaxKind.StringLiteralExpression) )
// You find invocation of kind `ExecuteSqlCommand(variable)` where variable is local variable or field
else if (declarationNode is PropertyDeclarationSyntax property)
// You can do the same things for properties initializer or expression body that you was do for fields and locals to check your case,
// but it doesn't work for property with get/set accessors in a common cases
I am trying to replicate the C# method to python, I got stuck near the query
var handler = from handler in _message
private JObject ProcessMessage(JObject json)
var type = GetProperty(json, TypeField).ToString();
message = GetProperty(json, MsgField).ToString();
var handlers = from handler in _message
where handler.Type == type && handler.Name == msg
select handler;
var selected = handlers.FirstOrDefault();
return selected.Process(json);
here is python code I have tried,
def process_message(self):
def get_property(self, TypeField):
type_token = self.get(TypeField)
return type_token
There are a few things wrong with your python code.
First of all, I'm assuming you want to pass a JSON object as a parameter to process_message. I'm also assuming your code is inside a class. In that case, you want to write process_message(self, json), not just process_message(self).
Secondly, get_property is redundant. You can replace it with just type = json.get(translator.TypeField) for example.
As for the query, you can use list comprehension:
handlers = [h for h in _message if h.type == type and h.name == message]
In the end, we get something like this:
def process_message(self, json):
type = json.get(translator.type_field)
message = json.get(translator.msg_field)
selected = [h for h in _message if h.type == type and h.name == message]
if len(selected) > 0:
return selected[0].process(json)
I replaced your naming with lowercase, since in python, it's convention to mark field names as such.
I am trying to find an object in my database that meets two conditions, I did a search on stackoverflow and found this one which looks exactly like what I need. However, I have this code:
if (db.MinimumProductInfo.Find(pc => pc.ItemCode == productInfoWithNote.ItemCode && pc.Region == productInfoWithNote.Region))
and I am receiving this error:
Cannot Convert Lambda Expression to type 'object[]' because it is not
a delegate type.
MinimumProductInfo is my class and productInfoWithNote is the viewmodel that I pass in to the method.
Try using FirstOrDefault which will return null if no object meets the conditions:
var myObject = db.MinimumProductInfo.FirstOrDefault(pc => pc.ItemCode ==
productInfoWithNote.ItemCode && pc.Region == productInfoWithNote.Region);
if(myObject != null)
// use your object here
NOTE: Find method returns the first match element if exists and if not it will return the default value of element's type and you are using it like it will return a boolean value.
I'm writing a Rosyln analyser/analyzer. It checks to ensure that a method is called before accessing another (potentially dangerous) method on a type. To show what I mean, here's some bad code that I want to analyse and fail on:
private void myMethod()
var myThing = new MyThing();
myThing.Value = null;
string value = myThing.GetValue(); // code blows up here as the internal value is null
Here's code that's OK because it calls a method that says whether it's null:
private void myMethod()
var myThing = new MyThing();
myThing.Value = null;
return ;
string value = myThing.GetValue();
So, it should check that all calls to GetValue are preceeded by a call to HasValue.
I've just started with Roslyn, so there's probably a more elegant way than my initial (failing) attempt at:
1 - Declare that I want to inspect invocation expressions
context.RegisterSyntaxNodeAction(analyseMemberAccessNode, SyntaxKind.InvocationExpression);
2 - In my method, I get the method name (GetValue())
var expr = (InvocationExpressionSyntax)context.Node;
var memberAccess = expr.Expression as MemberAccessExpressionSyntax;
if (memberAccess?.Name.ToString() != "GetValue")
3 - I then check to see if it's the right 'GetValue'
var memberSymbol = context.SemanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(memberAccess).Symbol as IMethodSymbol;
if (!memberSymbol?.OverriddenMethod.ToString().StartsWith("MyNamespace.MyThing.GetValue") ?? true)
4 - Up to here, everything is fine. So I get the name of the variable
var e = memberAccess.Expression as IdentifierNameSyntax;
string variableName = e.Identifier.Text;
5 - now I'm stuck - my theory was to; get the containing method, find the single variable declaration that matches variableName, find usages of that, and ensure that HasValue is called before GetValue.
In short, using a Roslyn analyser (deriving from DiagnosticAnalyzer), how do I ensure that HasValue is called before GetValue?
Instead of registering for each Invocation, you might be better off registering for the entire method declaration. Then you can keep track of all MemberAccessExpressionSyntax and ensure that for a given variable that HasValue is called before GetValue. To do that, I would get the MemberAccessExpressionSyntax descendants from the MethodDeclaration node.
context.RegisterSyntaxNodeAction((analysisContext) =>
var invocations =
var hasValueCalls = new HashSet<string>();
foreach (var invocation in invocations)
var e = invocation.Expression as IdentifierNameSyntax;
if (e == null)
string variableName = e.Identifier.Text;
if (invocation.Name.ToString() == "HasValue")
if (invocation.Name.ToString() == "GetValue")
if (!hasValueCalls.Contains(variableName))
analysisContext.ReportDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Create(Rule, e.GetLocation()));
}, SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration);
What I've been trying to do is convert a string of the form:
"StudentDatabase.avgHeight > 1.7"
to a lambda expression that looks like this:
() => StudentDatabase.avgHeight > 1.7;
I tried something in the lines of this:
/* String splitting and parsing occurs here */
var comparison = Expression.GreaterThan(
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<bool>>(comparison).Compile();
Of course something like this wouldn't work since the GetField() method returns type FieldInfo and not Expression.
Here's a list about useful stuff you might want to know about my sample code:
The StudentDatabase class is a static class that contains a static field avgHeight.
I have already done the part of the code that parses the string so there's no need to include it in any provided solutions.
This is just an example so you can change the string and variable/class names if you wish so.
This is not an assignment so feel free to post source code. In fact, that would be greately appreciated.
TL;DR; What I'm trying to do is use LINQ Expressions to access variables from other places of the code.
I disagree with the following comments, Linq expressions is a viable way to do this sort of thing. The below code accomplishes it. However, please consider the following code:
namespace MyNamespace
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
/* String splitting and parsing occurs here */
var comparison = Expression.GreaterThan(
Expression.Field(null, Type.GetType("MyNamespace.StudentDatabase").GetField("avgHeight")),
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<bool>>(comparison).Compile();
StudentDatabase.avgHeight = 1.3;
var result1 = lambda(); //is true
StudentDatabase.avgHeight = 2.0;
var result2 = lambda(); //is false
class StudentDatabase
public static double avgHeight = 1.3;
Should result2 be true or false? If you want it to be true, then you have more work to do.
I've created this as a sort of framework you can work off of. It does not use LINQ but will output the value specified by the string.
var type = Type.GetType("MyNamespace.StudentDatabase");
if (type != null)
var field = type.GetField("avgHeight");
if (field != null)
Func<bool> lambda = () => (double)field.GetValue(type) > 1.7;
There is some error checking you could add/remove. The other areas such as the > and 1.7 can be parsed elsewhere and inserted but this is how you could get a value from the strings.