Filename overwrites the uploaded attachments - c#

The file name is generated by Po+Invoice in the sql table. When user attach a pdf it overwrites the existing file name that has same po+invoice. Is there anyway i could create the unique id filename.
public partial class upload : System.Web.UI.Page
string mID;
DataBaseDataContext dataBaseDataContext = new DataBaseDataContext();
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void btnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void SUbmit(object sender, EventArgs e)
var ext = FileUploadtoServer.FileName.Substring(FileUploadtoServer.FileName.IndexOf('.') + 1, 3);
if (ext.ToLower() != "pdf")
Response.Write("<script>alert('Please select a pdf File!')</script>");
catch (Exception ex)
Response.Write("<script>alert('Please select a pdf File!')</script>");
if (PO_Number.Text.Equals("") || HeadCode.Text.Equals("") || Manufacture.Text.Equals("") || Description.Text.Equals("") || Invoice.Text.Equals(""))
Response.Write("<script>alert('Please Fill All Fields!')</script>");
TPT tPT = new TPT();
tPT.Invoice_No = Invoice.Text;
tPT.PO_Number = PO_Number.Text;
tPT.Item_Code = Manufacture.Text;
tPT.Heat_Code = HeadCode.Text;
tPT.Description = Description.Text;
tPT.FileName = PO_Number.Text + Invoice.Text + ".pdf";
String path = Server.MapPath("Attachments/" + PO_Number.Text + Invoice.Text + ".pdf");
Response.Write("<script>alert('Successfully Inserted!')</script>");
Invoice.Text = "";
Manufacture.Text = "";
HeadCode.Text = "";
Description.Text = "";
PO_Number.Text = "";
I have tried
Guid.NewGuid() + ".pdf";,
it still does the same thing.

The simple way would be to just take the file name, and add -1, then -2, then -3
etc. etc.
So, then say a function like this:
Edit: Updated code
string GetServerFilenext(string strFileFullPath)
string strFileToCheck = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
if (i == 0)
strFileToCheck = strFileFullPath;
strFileToCheck =
Path.GetDirectoryName(strFileFullPath) +
#"\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(strFileFullPath) +
"-" + i.ToString() + Path.GetExtension(strFileFullPath);
if (!File.Exists(strFileToCheck))
return strFileToCheck;
So, now your code becomes this:
string sFileToSave =
Server.MapPath(#"~/Attachments/" + PO_Number.Text + Invoice.Text + ".pdf");
sFileToSave = GetServerFileNext(sFileToSave);
tPT.FileName = Path.GetFileName(sFiletoSave);
So, you setup the full path and file name.
You then check if it exists, and if not, then add -1, then -2 etc. etc.
Edit2: So, code would look like this (warning: air code)
string sFileToSave =
Server.MapPath(#"~/Attachments/" + PO_Number.Text + Invoice.Text + ".pdf");
sFileToSave = GetServerFileNext(sFileToSave);
TPT tPT = new TPT();
tPT.Invoice_No = Invoice.Text;
tPT.PO_Number = PO_Number.Text;
tPT.Item_Code = Manufacture.Text;
tPT.Heat_Code = HeadCode.Text;
tPT.Description = Description.Text;
tPT.FileName = Path.GetFileName(sFileToSave);

Instead of adding -1,-2, i was able to upload it by adding date stamp
`tPT.FileName = PO_Number.Text + Invoice.Text + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".pdf";`


Accessing Variables by multiple threads in web application [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here: losing values of variables
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
I am running a web Form where I call a new thread on a button press to execute an Rdotnet snippet of code ( I needed the thread because the current thread kept sending stack overload errors ).
In the Rdotnet function , I have it access a global class variable and put data into it. Once the function completes and the button submit function is over I try to access that global class on another button click ( separate button ), however it is empty. I assume that the thread ends so all data in it ends to, so I tried returning the class and putting it into the global variable in the buttonclick function itself,same result.
I need help.
public partial class BTForm : Page
List<DirectorDetail> Details = new List<DirectorDetail>();
BindingList<string> Test = new BindingList<string>();
List<string> Line = new List<string>();
List<string> output = new List<string>();
WebDetails BTlibrary;
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
List<string> Months = new List<string>();
List<string> Year = new List<string>();
BTBill Billfile = new BTBill();
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (var x in Months)
foreach (var y in Year)
ListBox4.DataSource = Test;
catch(Exception x)
protected void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Thread current = Thread.CurrentThread;
WebDetails BTlibrary2 =BTlibrary;
Thread t = new Thread(() => { BTlibrary2 = processes(BTlibrary2); }, 2500000);
BTlibrary = BTlibrary2;
// Thread.Sleep(10000);
public WebDetails processes(WebDetails library)
if (FileUpLoad1.HasFile)
string location = #"C:/BTBill/" + FileUpLoad1.FileName;
Billfile.Tablename = FileUpLoad1.FileName;
Billfile.Month = DropDownList1.SelectedItem.ToString();
Billfile.Year = DropDownList2.SelectedItem.ToString();
Billfile.Filename = Cleaning.PathCleaning(location);
Billfile.Limit = TextBox3.Text.ToString();
string fpath = Billfile.Month + " " + Billfile.Year + " Query " + "Limit -£ " + Billfile.Limit + "\\";
string filename = Billfile.Month + " " + Billfile.Year + " Query " + "Limit -£ " + Billfile.Limit;
Billfile.Savelocation = "//lonvmfs01/commonwealth_Data/BT BILL Alert/" + filename;
Billfile.Sfilename = "//lonvmfs01/commonwealth_Data/BT BILL Alert/" + filename;
catch (Exception x)
Error1.Text = "Please Select Month and year\nERROR : " + x;
FileUpLoad1.SaveAs(#"C:\BTBill\" + FileUpLoad1.FileName);
library = Executable.executable(Billfile);
// FileUpLoad1.
// = "File Uploaded: " + FileUpLoad1.FileName;
Label1.Text = "No File Uploaded.";
DataFrame Director = library.Director;
DataFrame bill = library.Query;
DataFrame limit = library.Btlim;
int colcount = Director.RowCount;
for (int x = 0; x < colcount; x++)
string cost_centre = Director[x, 0].ToString();
string director = Director[x, 1].ToString();
string email_address = Director[x, 2].ToString();
double total = SendMail.calculatetotal(bill, limit, cost_centre);
if (total > 0)
Line.Add(x + " )\t" + cost_centre + "\t" + director + "\t\t" + email_address + "\t" + total);
Test.Add(x + " )\t" + cost_centre + "\t" + director + "\t\t" + email_address + "\t" + total);
ListBox4.DataSource = Test;
//foreach (var x in getline().ToArray())
// {
// ListBox4.Items.Add(x);
// }
// ListBox4.DataBind();
return library;
protected void Sendmail(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataFrame Director = BTlibrary.Director;
DataFrame bill = BTlibrary.Query;
DataFrame limit = BTlibrary.Btlim;
string test;
foreach (Object selecteditem in ListBox4.GetSelectedIndices() )
test = ListBox4.Items[(int)selecteditem].Text;
test = test.Substring(0, 1);
List<int> index = new List<int>();
for (int y = 0; y < output.Count; y++)
for (int y = 0; y < index.Count; y++)
DirectorDetail temp = new DirectorDetail();
temp.cost_centre = Director[index[y], 0].ToString();
temp.director = Director[index[y], 1].ToString();
temp.email_address = Director[index[y], 2].ToString();
for (int count = 0; count < limit.RowCount; count++)
if (limit[count, 0].ToString() == temp.cost_centre)
temp.limit = limit[count, 1].ToString();
SendMail.Mailing(BTlibrary.Query, BTlibrary.Deplist, BTlibrary.Btlim, BTlibrary.Bill, Details);
//Session["Details"] = Details;
// this.Close();
private void addyear()
DateTime time = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
int baseyear = time.Year - 3;
for (int x = baseyear; x < (baseyear + 10); x++)
// returns the list of years
public List<string> getYear()
return Year;
// returns the list of months
public List<String> getMonth()
return Months;
//adds months to a list
private void addMonth()
public List<string> getline()
return Line;
public static WebDetails executable(BTBill bill)
StartupParameter rinit = new StartupParameter();
rinit.Quiet = true;
rinit.RHome = #"C:\Program Files\R\R-3.4.4\";
rinit.Home = #"C:\R";
REngine engine = REngine.GetInstance(null,true,rinit);
// engine.Initialize();
//install and make connection to Postgres
// engine.Evaluate("install.packages('RPostgreSQL') \n install.packages('gridExtra')");
engine.Evaluate("require('RPostgreSQL')" + "\n" +
"pw <- {'admin'}" + "\n" +
"drv <- RPostgreSQL::PostgreSQL()" + "\n" +
"drv <- dbDriver('PostgreSQL')" +"\n"+
"con <- dbConnect(drv, dbname = 'postgres'," +"\n"+
"host = 'localhost', port = 5432," +"\n"+
"user = 'postgres', password = pw)");
engine.Evaluate("postgresmfile<- dbGetQuery(con,'select * from masterfile')" + "\n" +
"Contact <- dbGetQuery(con, 'select * from contact')"+"\n"+
"btlim<- dbGetQuery(con, ' select * from bt_departmentlimit')"+"\n"+
engine.Evaluate("BTBill = read.csv(file<-'"+bill.Filename+"', header=TRUE, sep=',',skip=1)");
// building dataframes and queries
DataFrame BTBill = engine.Evaluate("BTBill").AsDataFrame();
DataFrame MasterFile = engine.Evaluate("postgresmfile").AsDataFrame();
DataFrame BTLim = engine.Evaluate("btlim").AsDataFrame();
DataFrame Contact= engine.Evaluate("Contact ").AsDataFrame();
DataFrame Query = engine.Evaluate("Merged <- merge(BTBill,postgresmfile,by.x='SERVICE.NO',by.y = 'service_number')" + "\n"+ "Merged_2 <- merge(Merged,Contact,by.x='cost_centre',by.y='cost_centre') " + "\n"+
"query <- Merged_2[c('SERVICE.NO','username','cost_centre','job_post','USAGE.CHARGES','TOTAL.COST','USAGE.START.DATE','USAGE.END.DATE','director','email_address')]").AsDataFrame();
DataFrame Merge2 = engine.Evaluate("Merged_2").AsDataFrame();
DataFrame maillist = engine.Evaluate("data.frame(query)" +"\n"+
"test <-subset(query, TOTAL.COST >= "+bill.Limit+ ", select = c(SERVICE.NO,username,cost_centre,job_post, TOTAL.COST, USAGE.START.DATE, USAGE.END.DATE,director,email_address,USAGE.CHARGES))").AsDataFrame();
DataFrame DepList = engine.Evaluate("x<-test[c('cost_centre','director','email_address')]" + "\n" +
"ux<-unique(x) ").AsDataFrame();
DataFrame DepList2=engine.Evaluate("y <-query[c('cost_centre', 'director', 'email_address')]" + "\n" +
"uy<-unique(y) ").AsDataFrame();
engine.Evaluate("dir.create(file.path('" + bill.Savelocation + "'))");
//creating pdf files for each department head
engine.Evaluate("write.csv(Merged_2, file = '" + bill.Savelocation + "/MasterFile.csv');");
for (int count = 0; count < DepList.RowCount; count++)
DataFrame temp = engine.Evaluate("data.frame(query);" +
"test2 <-subset(query, USAGE.CHARGES >= " + bill.Limit + " & cost_centre=='"+DepList[count,0]+"', select = c(SERVICE.NO,username,cost_centre,job_post, USAGE.CHARGES, USAGE.START.DATE, USAGE.END.DATE,director,email_address))").AsDataFrame();
engine.Evaluate("pdf('" + bill.Sfilename +"/"+ DepList[count, 0] + ".pdf', height=20, width=20);" );
engine.Evaluate("grid.table(test2); ;");
catch (Exception e)
SendMailForm form = new SendMailForm();
WebDetails web = new WebDetails(DepList2, Query, BTLim);
web.Deplist = DepList;
web.Bill = bill;
engine.Evaluate("write.csv(test, file = '" + bill.Savelocation + "/Users over threshold.csv')");
return web;
// form.Director=DepList2;
//form.bill = Query;
//form.limit = BTLim;
List<DirectorDetail> output = form.Details;
SendMail.Mailing(Query, DepList,BTLim, bill,output);
// to filter by department
// DataFrame maillist = engine.Evaluate("data.frame(query)" + "\n" +
// "test <-subset(query, TOTAL.COST >= " + bill.Limit + "& Cost.Centre=='"+bill.Dep+"', select = c(SERVICE.NO, User.Name, Cost.Centre, ROLE.JOB.POST, TOTAL.COST, USAGE.START.DATE, USAGE.END.DATE,DIRECTOR,EMAIL.ADDRESS))").AsDataFrame();
It seems my problem turned out to be unrelated to variable sharing through threads, but instead to deal with the way button click instances worked.
long story short, in order to share a variable between two event instances, the easiest way to do it is through Sessions.
I needed to put the BTlibrary in a session and access it in the second button click event for it to get the value saved from the previous.
protected void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Thread current = Thread.CurrentThread;
WebDetails BTlibrary2 =BTlibrary;
Thread t = new Thread(() => { BTlibrary2 = processes(BTlibrary2); }, 2500000);
Session["BTLib"] = BTlibrary2;
// Thread.Sleep(10000);
protected void Sendmail(object sender, EventArgs e)
List<DirectorDetail> Details = new List<DirectorDetail>();
BTlibrary = (WebDetails) Session["BTLib"];
this worked

How to ignore protected pdf's?

I am writing on my pdf-word converter and I just received a really strange exception witch makes no sens to me.
Error:PdfiumViewer.PdfException:{"Unsupported security scheme"}
Its the first time that such a exception appears. but I have to be honest that I never tried to convert more then 3-4 files from pdf to word and right now I am doing more then 100 files.
Here is my code I am sry if its too long but I simply do not know on which line the error occurs
public static void PdfToImage()
Application application = null;
application = new Application();
string path = #"C:\Users\chnikos\Desktop\Test\Batch1\";
foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(path, "*.pdf"))
var doc = application.Documents.Add();
using (var document = PdfiumViewer.PdfDocument.Load(file))
int pagecount = document.PageCount;
for (int index = 0; index < pagecount; index++)
var image = document.Render(index, 200, 200, true);
image.Save(#"C:\Users\chnikos\Desktop\Test\Batch1\output" + index.ToString("000") + ".png", ImageFormat.Png);
application.Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture(#"C:\Users\chnikos\Desktop\Test\Batch1\output" + index.ToString("000") + ".png");
string getFileName = file.Substring(file.LastIndexOf("\\"));
string getFileWithoutExtras = Regex.Replace(getFileName, #"\\", "");
string getFileWihtoutExtension = Regex.Replace(getFileWithoutExtras, #".pdf", "");
string fileName = #"C:\Users\chnikos\Desktop\Test\Batch1\" + getFileWihtoutExtension;
doc.PageSetup.PaperSize = WdPaperSize.wdPaperA4;
foreach (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.InlineShape inline in doc.InlineShapes)
doc.PageSetup.TopMargin = 28.29f;
doc.PageSetup.LeftMargin = 28.29f;
doc.PageSetup.RightMargin = 30.29f;
doc.PageSetup.BottomMargin = 28.29f;
application.ActiveDocument.SaveAs(fileName, WdSaveFormat.wdFormatDocument);
string imagePath = #"C:\Users\chnikos\Desktop\Test\Batch1\";
Array.ForEach(Directory.GetFiles(imagePath, "*.png"), delegate(string deletePath) { File.Delete(deletePath); });
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e);

Memory usage is growing while processing files

I'm developing an application that reads a xml file folder , and each file it to do some checks and copied to a new folder based on some criteria.
But memory usage continues to grow when it arrives in the foreach loop , and I believe that should not happen , because the variables do not increase at each iteration , are only overwritten.
Here is my code:
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Xml;
namespace XMLOrganizer
public partial class Form1 : Form
string selectedFolder;
public Form1()
comboBox1.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;
comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
selectedFolder = folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath;
organizeBtn.Enabled = true;
private void organizeBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == -1)
MessageBox.Show("Selecione o tipo de nota", "Erro!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation,
if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex != 2)
OrganizeXml(label2, selectedFolder, comboBox1);
string folder = selectedFolder;
label2.Text = "Arquivos sendo processados, aguarde...";
string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(folder, "*.xml", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
int atualFile = 1, totalXML = files.Length;
foreach (string file in files)
XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList enviNFe = xmlDocument.GetElementsByTagName("enviNFe");
string versao = ((XmlElement)enviNFe[0]).Attributes["versao"].Value;
XmlNodeList NFe = ((XmlElement)enviNFe[0]).GetElementsByTagName("NFe");
Directory.CreateDirectory(selectedFolder + #"\NOTAS");
label2.Text = "Processando arquivo " + atualFile + " de " + totalXML;
string notaXML;
foreach (XmlElement nota in NFe)
notaXML = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><nfeProc versao=\"" + versao + "\" xmlns=\"\">" + nota.OuterXml + "</nfeProc>";
XmlNodeList infNFe = nota.GetElementsByTagName("infNFe");
string chave = infNFe[0].Attributes["Id"].Value.Replace("NFe", "");
File.WriteAllText(selectedFolder + "\\NOTAS\\" + chave + ".xml", notaXML);
OrganizeXml(label2, selectedFolder + "\\NOTAS", comboBox1);
private static void OrganizeXml(Label label2, string selectedFolder, ComboBox comboBox1)
string folderMove = String.Empty;
string folder = selectedFolder;
label2.Text = "Arquivos sendo processados, aguarde...";
string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(folder, "*.xml", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
int i = 1, arquivos = files.Length;
Directory.CreateDirectory(folder + #"\ORGANIZADO");
if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex != 2)
Directory.CreateDirectory(folder + #"\ORGANIZADO\OUTROS");
Directory.CreateDirectory(folder + #"\ORGANIZADO\LOTES");
foreach (string file in files)
XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
if (xmlDocument.DocumentElement.Name != "nfeProc")
XmlNodeList NFe = xmlDocument.GetElementsByTagName("NFe");
var nota = ((XmlElement) NFe[0]);
if (nota != null)
XmlNodeList infNFe = ((XmlElement) NFe[0]).GetElementsByTagName("infNFe");
string chave = infNFe[0].Attributes["Id"].Value.Replace("NFe", "");
string versao = infNFe[0].Attributes["versao"].Value;
string notaXML = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><nfeProc versao=\"" + versao +
"\" xmlns=\"\">" + nota.OuterXml +
string dirNote = Path.GetDirectoryName(file);
File.WriteAllText(dirNote + "\\fix_" + chave + ".xml", notaXML);
catch (XmlException)
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
string arquivo = ReadFileToString(file);
arquivo = RemoveSpecialCharacters(arquivo);
if (arquivo == "")
File.Move(file, folder + #"\ORGANIZADO\OUTROS\corrupt_" + Path.GetFileName(file));
doc.PreserveWhitespace = true;
catch (XmlException)
File.Move(file, folder + #"\ORGANIZADO\OUTROS\corrupt_" + Path.GetFileName(file));
files = files.Where(f => f != file).ToArray();
foreach (string file in files)
string arquivoLoad = file;
XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList NFe = xmlDocument.GetElementsByTagName("NFe");
XmlNodeList enviNFe = xmlDocument.GetElementsByTagName("enviNFe");
if (NFe.Count == 0)
if (File.Exists(folder + #"\ORGANIZADO\OUTROS\no_NFe_" + Path.GetFileName(arquivoLoad)))
Random rnd = new Random();
folder + #"\ORGANIZADO\OUTROS\no_NFe_" + rnd.Next(1, 5000) + Path.GetFileName(arquivoLoad));
File.Copy(arquivoLoad, folder + #"\ORGANIZADO\OUTROS\no_NFe_" + Path.GetFileName(arquivoLoad));
XmlNodeList infNFe = ((XmlElement)NFe[0]).GetElementsByTagName("infNFe");
string chave = infNFe[0].Attributes["Id"].Value.Replace("NFe", "");
if (xmlDocument.DocumentElement.Name != "nfeProc")
File.Move(arquivoLoad, folder + #"\ORGANIZADO\OUTROS\no_nfeProc_" + Path.GetFileName(arquivoLoad));
arquivoLoad = Path.GetDirectoryName(file) + "\\fix_" + chave + ".xml";
if (enviNFe.Count > 0)
if (File.Exists(folder + #"\ORGANIZADO\LOTES\" + Path.GetFileName(arquivoLoad)))
Random rnd = new Random();
File.Copy(arquivoLoad, folder + #"\ORGANIZADO\LOTES\" + rnd.Next(1, 5000) + Path.GetFileName(arquivoLoad));
File.Copy(arquivoLoad, folder + #"\ORGANIZADO\LOTES\" + Path.GetFileName(arquivoLoad));
//XmlNodeList infNFe = ((XmlElement)NFe[0]).GetElementsByTagName("infNFe");
XmlNodeList ide = ((XmlElement)infNFe[0]).GetElementsByTagName("ide");
string tpNF = ((XmlElement)ide[0]).GetElementsByTagName("tpNF")[0].InnerText;
//if (tpNF == "0") continue;
XmlNodeList emit = ((XmlElement)infNFe[0]).GetElementsByTagName("emit");
string emitInfoCod;
if (((XmlElement)emit[0]).GetElementsByTagName("CNPJ").Count > 0)
emitInfoCod = ((XmlElement)emit[0]).GetElementsByTagName("CNPJ")[0].InnerText;
else if (((XmlElement)emit[0]).GetElementsByTagName("CPF").Count > 0)
emitInfoCod = ((XmlElement)emit[0]).GetElementsByTagName("CPF")[0].InnerText;
emitInfoCod = "0";
string ide_dEmi = (((XmlElement)ide[0]).GetElementsByTagName("dEmi").Count > 0)
? ((XmlElement)ide[0]).GetElementsByTagName("dEmi")[0].InnerText
: ((XmlElement)ide[0]).GetElementsByTagName("dhEmi")[0].InnerText;
string[] data = ide_dEmi.Split('-');
string folderName = data[0] + "\\" + data[1];
string organizeStyle = String.Empty;
if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 0 || comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 2)
organizeStyle = folder + #"\ORGANIZADO\" + emitInfoCod + #"\" + folderName;
organizeStyle = folder + #"\ORGANIZADO\" + folderName + #"\" + emitInfoCod;
if (!Directory.Exists(organizeStyle))
folderMove = organizeStyle + "\\";
if (!File.Exists(folderMove + chave + ".xml"))
File.Copy(arquivoLoad, folderMove + chave + ".xml");
label2.Text = "Arquivos sendo processados, aguarde... (" + i + " / " + arquivos + ")";
label2.Text = "Notas organizadas com sucesso!";
public static string ReadFileToString(string filePath)
using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(filePath))
string text = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
return text;
public static string RemoveSpecialCharacters(string str)
return Regex.Replace(str, #"[^\u0000-\u007F]", string.Empty);
private void exitBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
How can I determine what 's going on?
The value of a variable pointing to a reference type is not the object at all, its just the memory address where the object lives.
So when you do the following:
while (true)
var myVariable = new MyReferenceType();
The only memory you are really reusing is the variable itself (think of a 32 or 64 bit pointer). But on every iteration your are allocating somewhere in memory space enough to fit the new object you've just created and that memory is most definitely not the memory reserved to the previous object.
This is essentially why your memory usage is growing. The "old" objects of previous iterations with no live reference will eventually get collected by the GC, but that could be never if the GC decides that it has enough memory available to avoid it.

Show Brackets in

when users login to their account then i show their names and also their designations it works but when i show designation it shows like mix means that username+designation for example JOHNMANAGER .here manager is desgination and same like this happend in my side but i want designations type in brackets.
here is code
string desginname = Convert.ToString(loginusers.spdesignname(txt_username.Value, txt_pass.Value));
Session["UserDesignationName"] = desginname;
if (users == 1)
Session["Login2"] = txt_username.Value;
Session["Login3"] = txt_pass.Value;
Session["UserDesignationID"] = desginid;
//Session["DepartmentID"] = depid; ;
Session["UserDesignationName"] = desginname;
Session["UserTypeID"] = users;
else if (users == 2)
Session["Login2"] = txt_username.Value;
Session["Login3"] = txt_pass.Value;
Session["UserDesignationID"] = desginid;
Session["UserDesignationName"] = desginname;
Session["UserTypeID"] = users;
errrros.Text = "Incorrect User Name or Password";
and here is in site master ...
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
if (Session["Login2"] != null & Session["UserDesignationName"]!=null)
WELCOME.Text = Session["Login2"].ToString() +Session
lbtnLogout.Visible = Session["Login2"] != null || Session["Login2"] !=
and here is the image
Add them in where you build the welcome text:
WELCOME.Text = Session["Login2"].ToString() + " (" + Session
[("UserDesignationName")].ToString() + ")";
or better, use String.Format:
WELCOME.Text = String.Format("{0} ({1})",
Try This.
WELCOME.Text = Session["Login2"].ToString() +
" (" + Session["UserDesignationName"].ToString() +")";
Just use following line of code if designation name is not supplied.
WELCOME.Text = Session["Login2"].ToString() + (Session["UserDesignationName"].ToString()!="" ? " (" + Session["UserDesignationName"].ToString() + ")" : string.Empty) ; textbox and dropdownlist loses value on postback

i have a 4 textboxes on my webpage, one of which is populated using a javascript calender control...the problem is that all of these textboxes lose their value after a postback (clicking an button control). the textboxes are not readonly so i cant figure out why this is so...please help...and thanks
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// BindProdComment();
protected void BtnProdUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
bool success = saveProdDetails();
if (success)
string strScript96 = "<script language=JavaScript>";
strScript96 += "javascript:alert('Update Successful');";
strScript96 += "</script>";
if (!ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered("clientScript"))
ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), clientScript", strScript96);
public bool saveProdDetails()
string prodLine = DDProdLine.SelectedValue;
string stock1 = DDMaterial.SelectedValue;
string stock2 = TextBoxMaterial.Text.Trim().ToString();
string supplier = TextBoxSupplier.Text.Trim().ToString();
string billet = RBBillet.SelectedValue;
string matTime1 = TextBoxMatTime.Text.Trim().ToString();
string matTime2 = DDMatTime.SelectedValue;
string prodTime1 = TextBoxProdTime.Text.Trim().ToString();
string prodTime2 = DDProdTime.SelectedValue;
string shipTime1 = TextBoxShipTime.Text.Trim().ToString();
string shipTime2 = DDShipTime.SelectedValue;
CultureInfo cultureInfo = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
string format = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern.ToString();
string cmr = cmrDue.Value.ToString();
string kc = kcDue.Value.ToString();
string x = cmr.Substring(3, 2);
string y = cmr.Substring(0, 2);
string z = cmr.Substring(6, 4);
string x1 = kc.Substring(3, 2);
string y1 = kc.Substring(0, 2);
string z1 = kc.Substring(6, 4);
string finalCmr = x + "/" + y + "/" + z;
string finalKC = x1 + "/" + y1 + "/" + z1;
DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact(finalCmr, format, cultureInfo);
DateTime cr = DateTime.ParseExact(finalKC, format, cultureInfo);
string custDate = dt.ToString("dd/mm/yyyy");
string kcDate = cr.ToString("dd/mm/yyyy");
string id = Request.QueryString["id"];
bool success = true;
TextBoxProdComment1.Text = stock2 + "," + supplier + matTime1 + "," + prodTime1 + "," + shipTime1 + "," + custDate
+ "," + kcDate;
success = CRTopButtons.SaveProdTable(id, prodLine, stock1, supplier, billet, matTime1, matTime2, prodTime1,
prodTime2, shipTime1, shipTime2, custDate, kcDate);
catch (Exception e)
return success;
I doubt you are assigning/clearing textbox value in page load event...
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
TextBox1.Text = "";
you need to put condition if (!Page.IsPostBack) before doing so
Update with your sample code, agree about the IsPostBack flag.
if (!IsPostBack)
// BindProdComment();
