I am trying to create a TextBox based on the selection on ComboBox dynamically based on the following steps:
First step (Select a source from ComboBox):
Second step (Textbox should appear based on ComboBox.SelectedValue):
Last step (A new ComboBox should appear below):
I have created a createTextBox function using the following code:
public void createTextBox(int numPassenger)
TextBox[] passengerBoxes = new TextBox[numPassenger];
for (int u = 0; u < passengerBoxes.Count(); u++)
passengerBoxes[u] = new TextBox();
int i = 0;
foreach (TextBox txt in passengerBoxes)
string name = "passenger" + i.ToString();
txt.Name = name;
txt.Text = name;
txt.Location = new Point(244, 32 + (i * 28));
txt.Visible = true;
Is there a way that I can modify my current function to adapt to the mentioned steps? Additionally, how can I find the dynamically created TextBox?
You can try the following code:
private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
createTextBox(sender as ComboBox);
private void createTextBox(ComboBox cmb)
TextBox passengerBoxes = new TextBox();
string name = cmb.Text;
if (Controls.Find(name, true).Length == 0)
passengerBoxes.Name = name;
passengerBoxes.Text = name;
int textBoxCount = GetTextBoxCount();
passengerBoxes.Location = new Point(244, 32 + (textBoxCount * 28));
passengerBoxes.Visible = true;
if (cmb.Items.Count != 1)//last item remaining then we should not create new combo box
ComboBox newCombo = new ComboBox
Location = new Point(cmb.Location.X, 32 + ((textBoxCount + 1) * 28))
foreach (string str in cmb.Items)
if (cmb.Text != str)
newCombo.SelectedIndexChanged += comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged;
MessageBox.Show("Textbox Already for the selected source " + name);
private int GetTextBoxCount()
int i = 0;
foreach (Control ctl in this.Controls)
if (ctl is TextBox) i++;
return i;
I have a little problem. First of all, some info:
- On my page, I have an UpdatePanel with a button inside it.
- When you click this button, I generate a new row with dropdown lists. Each time I have to generate a table from scratch, because it resets after the click, so I update [ViewState] value and generate as many rows as clicks.
- Outside the panel, I have another button. After clicking this button, I want to collect data from drop-down lists. To do it, I have to get to these controls.
I tried to use function FindControl(), but I guess I can't - as far as I know, it does not perform a deep search. This means I have to pass as a parameter the exact container with this control. Because control is inside the table, I should get to the <td> value and I can't do that (<td> does not have ID - yes, I can add it but <td> is also dynamically created. That means I would need to get first to <td>, then to my control (guess what - <tr> is also created dynamically).
Because I can't use FindControl function, I use FindRecursiveControl function (code below) The problem is, that this function neither finds anything. Any suggestions about what might be the reason? I added this whole info in case that the reason is for example usage of UpdatePanel and page life cycle.
private Control FindControlRecursive(Control rootControl, string controlID)
if (rootControl.ID == controlID)
return rootControl;
foreach (Control controlToSearch in rootControl.Controls)
Control controlToReturn =
FindControlRecursive(controlToSearch, controlID);
if (controlToReturn != null)
return controlToReturn;
return null;
My usage of this function:
string control_id = "parametr" + i;
DropDownList dropdown = (DropDownList)FindControlRecursive(UpdatePanel1, control_id);
Script generating table in UpdatePanel after button click
protected void generuj_tabele(int il_klik)
il_par.Text = "Ilość parametrów: " + il_klik.ToString();
TableRow table_head = new TableRow();
table_head.Attributes.Add("class", "w3-green");
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
TableCell cell = new TableCell();
Table1.Rows[0].Cells[0].Text = "Parametr";
Table1.Rows[0].Cells[1].Text = "Wartość początkowa";
Table1.Rows[0].Cells[2].Text = "Inkrementacja?";
Table1.Rows[0].Cells[3].Text = "Zwiększ o:";
Table1.Rows[0].Cells[4].Text = "Zwiększ co:";
RootObject obj = (RootObject)Session["get_offer"];
for (int i = 0; i < il_klik; i++)
parametr = new DropDownList();
wartosc = new TextBox();
inkrementacja = new CheckBox();
inkrementacja_numer = new TextBox();
skok = new TextBox();
//inkrementacja_numer.Enabled = false;
// skok.Enabled = false;
inkrementacja_numer.Attributes.Add("Type", "number");
skok.Attributes.Add("Type", "number");
//inkrementacja.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler((s, eventarg) => checkbox_change(s, eventarg, i));
//inkrementacja.AutoPostBack = true;
//parametr.AutoPostBack = true;
TableRow row = new TableRow();
parametr.EnableViewState = true;
wartosc.EnableViewState = true;
inkrementacja.EnableViewState = true;
inkrementacja_numer.EnableViewState = true;
skok.EnableViewState = true;
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
TableCell cell = new TableCell();
Table1.Rows[i + 1].Cells[0].Controls.Add(parametr);
Table1.Rows[i + 1].Cells[1].Controls.Add(wartosc);
Table1.Rows[i + 1].Cells[2].Controls.Add(inkrementacja);
Table1.Rows[i + 1].Cells[3].Controls.Add(inkrementacja_numer);
Table1.Rows[i + 1].Cells[4].Controls.Add(skok);
if (i == il_klik - 1)
Price pr = obj.sellingMode.price;
List<Parameter> par = obj.parameters;
foreach (Parameter p in par)
List<string> val = p.values;
if (val.Count() > 0)
foreach (string v in val)
foreach (string p in parametry_list)
if (i == il_klik - 1)
Session["v_parametr"] = parametry;
Session["v_wartosc"] = wartosci;
Session["v_inkrementacja"] = inkrementacje;
Session["v_ink_nr"] = inkrementacje_numery;
Session["v_skok"] = skoki;
parametr.ID = "parametr" + i;
wartosc.ID = "wartosc" + i;
inkrementacja.ID = "inkrementacja" + i;
inkrementacja_numer.ID = "inkrementacja_numer" + i;
skok.ID = "skok" + i;
When I try to check parameters of DropDownList (e.g. SelectedValue) I get error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"
How can I create a dynamic keyboard button I found some codes but they are for inline buttons?
I want to get data from database and create one button in each row with keyboard button
var keyboard = new ReplyKeyboardMarkup(
new[] {
new KeyboardButton("a"),
new KeyboardButton("b"),
The first part (i.e. adding the buttons from db) is OK with the same code you wrote.
The second part (i.e. changing button layout) I'm afraid, is not possible as far as I know. Because layout is done by Telegram app in client device and based on many things including device screen size and may change in different app versions.
Use InlineKeyboardMarkup and InlineKeyboardButton instead of it, you can refer to this example.
Please look up your library document next time.
private static ReplyKeyboardMarkup calendarMenu;
SqlDataAdapter sc3 = new SqlDataAdapter("select KeyboardName from dbo.Keyboards", SqlConnection);
DataTable dt3 = new DataTable();
int keyboardRows = 0;
if (dt3.Rows.Count % 2 == 0)
keyboardRows = dt3.Rows.Count / 2;
keyboardRows = (dt3.Rows.Count / 2) + 1;
KeyboardButton[][] kbc = new KeyboardButton[(keyboardRows + 1)][];
KeyboardButton[] keys = new KeyboardButton[dt3.Rows.Count];
var i = 0;
foreach (DataRow cn3 in dt3.Rows)
keys[i] = new KeyboardButton(cn3["KeyboardName"].ToString());
for (int r = 0, s = 0; r < keyboardRows; r++, s++)
if (dt3.Rows.Count % 2 == 0)
kbc[r] = new KeyboardButton[] {keys[r + s], keys[r + s + 1]};
if ((r + s) != keys.Length)
kbc[r] = new KeyboardButton[] { keys[r + s], keys[r + s + 1] };
kbc[r] = new KeyboardButton[] { keys[r + s] };
kbc[keyboardRows] = new KeyboardButton[] { new KeyboardButton("Return to Main Menu"), };
calendarMenu = new ReplyKeyboardMarkup
Keyboard = kbc
I am attempting to make a treeview out of a list of requirements - the requirements are in a list and go like "1.2.1.a_1" and "1.2.2.b_2". The code below currently makes a nice treeview that creates "Requirement 1" as a primary node, and nice "1.x" as subnodes with all of the requirements nicely listed under that "1.x" bit. My problem is that I want to go deeper - make expandable nodes for all "1.x.x" items (where both Xs are numbers) - so "1.2.3.a_1" and "1.2.3.b_1" are under the same parent node or "1.2.3". Not all requirements have a number for the 3rd non-period character (i.e. 2.1.a_1 might exist). I am just at a loss on how to make this happen... Please help.
private void LoadtheNarrativeTreeView() // load up the treeview on the narrative page
for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
TreeViewItem rootnode = new TreeViewItem();
rootnode.Header = "Requirement " + i.ToString();
//TreeNode rootnode = new TreeNode("Requirement " + i.ToString(), 9, 9);
for (int s = 1; s <= 12; s++)
bool testsub = (theROC.FieldVariablesList.Exists(x => x.name.StartsWith(i.ToString() + "." + s.ToString())));
if (testsub == false)
{ break; }
List<FieldVariable> clist = new List<FieldVariable>(theROC.FieldVariablesList.Where(x => x.name.StartsWith(i.ToString() + "." + s.ToString())));
FieldVariable firstsub = new FieldVariable(theROC.FieldVariablesList.First(x => x.name.StartsWith(i.ToString() + "." + s.ToString()))); // 1.1, 1.2
TreeViewItem subrootnode = new TreeViewItem() { Header = i.ToString() + "." + s.ToString()};
foreach (FieldVariable FV in clist.ToList())
TreeViewItem cnode = new TreeViewItem() { Header = FV.name };
I have a CheckedListBox that has X number of items. These items are placed there at runtime. These items are supposed to represent reports that can be displayed in the DataGridView. What I need to do now is display the record count for each report in parenthesis right next to the report name. I tried, not for too long, to edit the actual name of the item but couldn't find out how to do it. So then, I brute forced it. Saved the items to an array, cleared the items, appended the record counts to each item in the array, created new items. Well, this has caused issues because now it's not retaining my checks and the reason why is because whenever I generate the reports, I clear the items and recreate them. Well, rather than doing another foreach loop to save the checked status, does anyone know of a way to change the text of existing items in a CheckedListBox?
Here is the code I currently have:
In the MainForm.Designer.cs:
this.clbReports.Items.AddRange(new object[] {
"Report 1",
"Report 2",
"Report 3",
"Report 4",
"Report 5",
"Report 6",
"Report 7",
"Report 8",
"Report 9",
"Report 10",
"Report 11"});
And it looks like:
And I want it to look like (but there won't all be 0's):
Here is the SelectedIndexChanged function:
private void clbReports_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string strCheckBox = clbReports.SelectedItem.ToString();
bool bShowAllIsChecked = clbReports.GetItemChecked(clbReports.FindString("Show All Error Reports"));
bool bSelected = clbReports.GetItemChecked(clbReports.FindString(strCheckBox));
int nIndex = -1;
if (strCheckBox.Contains("Show All Error Reports"))
foreach (string str in _strReports)
if (!str.Contains("Show All Error Reports") && !str.Contains("Show Tagged Records"))
nIndex = clbReports.FindString(str);
if (nIndex > -1)
clbReports.SetItemChecked(nIndex, bSelected);
if (strCheckBox.Contains("Show All Error Reports") || bShowAllIsChecked)
foreach (string str in _strReports)
nIndex = clbReports.FindString(str);
if (nIndex > -1)
clbReports.SetItemChecked(nIndex, false);
nIndex = clbReports.FindString(strCheckBox);
if (nIndex > -1)
clbReports.SetItemChecked(nIndex, bShowAllIsChecked ? true : bSelected);
string[] strCheckedItems = new string[clbReports.CheckedItems.Count];
clbReports.CheckedItems.CopyTo(strCheckedItems, 0);
List<string> checkBoxReportFilter = new List<string>();
foreach (ReportRecord obj in this._lstReportRecords)
foreach (string str in strCheckedItems)
if (str.Contains(obj.Description))
if (checkBoxReportFilter.Count == 0 && clbReports.CheckedItems.Count > 0)
throw new NullReferenceException();
_strReportFilter = String.Join(",", checkBoxReportFilter.ToArray());
catch (NullReferenceException)
_strReportFilter = "-1";
And here is the code where I am clearing the items, getting the report counts and creating the new items.
_lstReportRecords = _dataController.ReportList;
bool[] bChecked = new bool[clbReports.Items.Count];
int nCounter = 0;
foreach (string str in _strReports)
foreach (string str2 in clbReports.SelectedItems)
bChecked[nCounter] = str2.Contains(str);
nCounter = 0;
foreach (string str in _strReports)
int nCount = _lstReportRecords.Where<ReportRecord>(delegate(ReportRecord rr) {
return rr.Description == str;
string newReport = str + " (" + nCount + ")";
clbReports.SetItemChecked(nCounter, bChecked[nCounter]);
Please tell me there is an easier way to do this. I tried doing foreach loops through the clbReports.Items but it wants me to cast it to a string (errored on me when trying to cast to a CheckBox) so I couldn't change the value. And even if I could cast it to a CheckBox, I have a feeling it will give me the error that Enumeration has failed because the list has been changed (or however they word it). Any and all help is welcome. Thanks.
Edit: Please know that the Report X are just so that the actual report names aren't displayed to keep it generic. However, in the code, I just copied and pasted so the Show All Error Reports and Show All Tagged Records are reports I need to check.
The right ( == most simple and most direct) answer and solution is:
this.clbReports.Items[nIndex] = "new text of the item"
yes, those items are of type "object". No, nobody minds that, string is an object too ;)
If I were you, I'd try to give the INotifyPropertyChanged Interface a go.
You Shouldn't mess with events unless necessary. this will mean you can't use the designer to create the items, but as far as I've understood, it's a runtime-modified list anyway...
In detail:
• Create A Class (e.g.'Foo') that Implements INotifyPropertyChanged (Basically this will tell any listener that the text property has changed). This class will hold the names of all entries.
• create an ObservableCollection and bind your CheckedListBox to that Collection. In WinForms you will have to create a DataBindingSource and plug your Collection to one end and the ComboBox to the other end.
• Any change made to the collection will be visible in the control.
In order to change the items in a ListBox (or a CheckedListBox), you should change these items' ToString() result.
The easiest solution would be to create a "Holder" class, which has a reference to the report it represents. Then the Holder class' ToString() method should be something like this:
public override string ToString()
return String.Format("{0} ({1})", BaseStr, MyReport.RecordCount);
If you change MyReport.RecordCount somehow (because a report's record count changes), you can just call clbReports.Refresh(), and it'll automatically show the new value.
I think this way you don't even need the temporary array solution in the second code block; however, I'd like to suggest an alternative way of getting the item's checked state.
You can iterate through the clbReports.CheckedIndices, and fill your bChecked array with true values only for indices in that array.
Well, due to time constraints I tried something else. I went with a ListView where CheckBoxes = true and View = List. I also removed Show All Error Reports and Show Tagged Records to checkboxes outside of the list. This made it a lot easier to do the functions I wanted. Here is the new code.
// cbTaggedRecords
this.cbTaggedRecords.AutoSize = true;
this.cbTaggedRecords.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(151, 9);
this.cbTaggedRecords.Name = "cbTaggedRecords";
this.cbTaggedRecords.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(106, 17);
this.cbTaggedRecords.TabIndex = 3;
this.cbTaggedRecords.Text = "Tagged Records";
this.cbTaggedRecords.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
this.cbTaggedRecords.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.ShowTaggedRecords_CheckChanged);
// cbAllErrorReports
this.cbAllErrorReports.AutoSize = true;
this.cbAllErrorReports.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(6, 9);
this.cbAllErrorReports.Name = "cbAllErrorReports";
this.cbAllErrorReports.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(102, 17);
this.cbAllErrorReports.TabIndex = 2;
this.cbAllErrorReports.Text = "All Error Reports";
this.cbAllErrorReports.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
this.cbAllErrorReports.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.ShowAllErrorReports_CheckChanged);
// listView1
this.listView1.CheckBoxes = true;
listViewItem1.StateImageIndex = 0;
listViewItem2.StateImageIndex = 0;
listViewItem3.StateImageIndex = 0;
listViewItem4.StateImageIndex = 0;
listViewItem5.StateImageIndex = 0;
listViewItem6.StateImageIndex = 0;
listViewItem7.StateImageIndex = 0;
listViewItem8.StateImageIndex = 0;
listViewItem9.StateImageIndex = 0;
this.listView1.Items.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem[] {
this.listView1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(6, 29);
this.listView1.Name = "listView1";
this.listView1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(281, 295);
this.listView1.TabIndex = 1;
this.listView1.UseCompatibleStateImageBehavior = false;
this.listView1.View = System.Windows.Forms.View.List;
this.listView1.ItemChecked += new System.Windows.Forms.ItemCheckedEventHandler(this.listView_ItemChecked);
private void listView_ItemChecked(object sender, ItemCheckedEventArgs e)
if (e != null)
int nLength = e.Item.Text.IndexOf("(") - 1;
string strReport = nLength <= 0 ? e.Item.Text : e.Item.Text.Substring(0, nLength);
if (e.Item.Checked)
List<string> checkBoxReportFilter = new List<string>();
foreach (ReportRecord obj in this._lstReportRecords)
foreach (string str in _lstReportFilter)
if (str.ToLower().Contains(obj.Description.ToLower()))
if (checkBoxReportFilter.Count == 0 && listView1.CheckedItems.Count > 0)
throw new NullReferenceException();
_strReportFilter = String.Join(",", checkBoxReportFilter.ToArray());
catch (NullReferenceException)
_strReportFilter = "-1";
if (!bShowAll)
private void ShowAllErrorReports_CheckChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
bShowAll = true;
foreach (ListViewItem lvi in listView1.Items)
lvi.Checked = ((CheckBox)sender).Checked;
bShowAll = false;
private void ShowTaggedRecords_CheckChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
bool bChecked = ((CheckBox)sender).Checked;
if (bChecked)
if (!_lstReportFilter.Contains("Show Tagged Records"))
_lstReportFilter.Add("Show Tagged Records");
_lstReportFilter.Remove("Show Tagged Records");
listView_ItemChecked(null, null);
Code to add counts to CheckBoxes
_lstReportRecords = _dataController.ReportList;
int nTotalCount = 0;
foreach (ListViewItem lvi in listView1.Items)
int nCount = _lstReportRecords.Where(rr => lvi.Text.Contains(rr.Description)).Count();
nTotalCount += nCount;
lvi.Text = (lvi.Text.Contains("(") ? lvi.Text.Substring(0, lvi.Text.IndexOf("(") + 1) : lvi.Text + " (") + nCount.ToString() + ")";
cbAllErrorReports.Text = (cbAllErrorReports.Text.Contains("(") ? cbAllErrorReports.Text.Substring(0, cbAllErrorReports.Text.IndexOf("(") + 1) : cbAllErrorReports.Text + " (") + nTotalCount.ToString() + ")";
int nTaggedCount = _lstReportRecords.Where(rr => rr.Description.Contains("Tagged")).Count();
cbTaggedRecords.Text = (cbTaggedRecords.Text.Contains("(") ? cbTaggedRecords.Text.Substring(0, cbTaggedRecords.Text.IndexOf("(") + 1) : cbTaggedRecords.Text + " (") + nTaggedCount.ToString() + ")";
Thank you all for your help and ideas.