How can I use ExecuteDelete for a collection of Entities - c#

I want to use bulk delete feature of ef core 7. I know we can give id and use executeDelete() like this _context.Set<T>().Where(t=>t.Id == id).ExecuteDeleteAsync().
But what if I want to delete a collection of entities? How can I complete this method?
public async Task BulkDeleteAsync(ICollection<T> entities)
await _context.Set<T>()......ExeuteDeleteAsync();
Should I use where? How?

Depended on number of entities you can try using collection of ids (there can be limit on number of parameters to be passed depended on the database provider):
var ids = entities.Select(e => e.Id)
await _context.Set<T>()
.Where(e => ids.Contains(e.Id))


EF Core don't fetch data from database on twice time

I working with .NET Core 3.1 and EF Core 3.1. I wrote a method to fetch one row from a SQL Server database by its Id.
My problem is that when I fetch data for the first time, it is OK, but when I fetch that same data again, for the second time, the data is not fetched properly and returns a variable data instead of the database row (please see the comments in my code).
public async Task<AcademyStudent> GetItemAsync(Guid id)
var a = await _context.AcademiesStudents
.SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == id);
// the value of property a.Mobile is "09123456789"
// change Mobile property with other data
a.Mobile = "0000";
// fetch again data from db with same query
var b = await _context.AcademiesStudents
.SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == id);
// but the value of b.Mobile is not "09123456789" but also is "0000". why!??? :(
return b;
Where is my problem? And how solve that?
That's because Entity Framework tracks the entities and it's changes. So once you load something into the context, it will return that.
You need to use .AsNoTracking() on the query
await _context.AcademiesStudents
.SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == id);
a and b refers to the same data object. Add AsNoTracking() efcore to prevent tracing state changes.
I wouldn't recommend hitting DB twice anyway. If that is not just for test purposes, I think you need to consider your implementation logic as well.
// change Mobile property with other data
a.Mobile = "0000";
Doesn't do anything on its own. You have to write the changes into the database by calling the write or update function of your context.
var b = await _context.AcademiesStudents
.SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == id);
does exactly the same thing as
var a = await _context.AcademiesStudents
.SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == id);
Because the lambda expression means: "Use Id to find an object with that Id and put it into a.
If you want to query a different object you have to query for a different Id.

Ef returning null, but entity exists

I'm trying to load some user info in code, but EF returns null.
foreach (var user in allAutoUsers)
Wallet wallet = db.CabinetUsers
.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TypeCurrency == currency);
Variable user reporting 1 wallet, but when I'm trying to get it in code above it returns null.
Are there some ways to solve this problem?
Read more into Linq expressions rather than relying on Find. You can be running into issues if your relationships between entities are not defined as virtual which would prevent EF from lazy loading them.
The issue with using .Find() is that it will return the entity if it exists, however, attempting to access any related property that the DbContext isn't already aware of will require a lazy load call. This can be easily missed if lazy loading is disabled, or the member isn't virtual, and it can be a performance issue when it is enabled.
Instead, Linq can allow you to query through the object graph directly to get what you want:
foreach (var user in allAutoUsers)
Wallet wallet = db.CabinetUsers
.Where(x => x.IdCabinetUser == user.IdCabinetUser)
.SelectMany(x => x.Wallets)
.SingleOrDefault(x => x.TypeCurrency == currency);
// do stuff with wallet...
This assumes that there will be only 1 wallet for the specified currency per user. When expecting 0 or 1, use SingleOrDefault. Use FirstOrDefault only when you are expecting 0 or many, want the "first" one and have specified an OrderBy clause to ensure the first item is predictable.
This will result in a query per user. To accomplish with 1 query for all users:
var userIds = allAutoUsers.Select(x => x.IdCabinetUser).ToList();
var userWallets = db.CabinetUsers
.Where(x => userIds.Contains(x.IdCabinetUser))
.Select(x => new
Wallet = x.SelectMany(x => x.Wallets)
.SingleOrDefault(x => x.TypeCurrency == currency);
From this I would consider expanding the wallets SelectMany with a Select for the details in the Wallet you actually care about rather than a reference to the entire wallet entity. This has the benefit of speeding up the query, reducing memory use, and avoids the potential for lazy load calls tripping things up if Wallet references any other entities that get touched later on.
For example if you only need the IdWallet, WalletName, TypeCurrency, and Balance:
// replace this line from above...
Wallet = x.SelectMany(x => x.Wallets)
// with ...
Wallet = x.SelectMany(x => x.Wallets.Select(w => new
}) // ...
From there you can foreach to your heart's content without extra queries:
foreach ( var userWallet in userWallets)
// do stuff with userWallet.Wallet and userWallet.IdCabinetUser.
If you want to return the wallet details to a calling method or view or such, then you cannot use an anonymous type for that ( new { } ). Instead you will need to define a simple class for the data you want to return and use Select into that. I.e. new WalletDTO { IdWallet = w.IdWallet, //... } Even if you use Entities, it is recommended to reduce these into DTOs or ViewModels rather than returning entities. Entities should not "live" longer than the DbContext that spawned them otherwise you get all kinds of nasty behaviour popping up like ObjectDisposedException and serialization exceptions.

How to update a Collection in Many-Many by assigning a new Collection?

In entity framework core 2.0, I have many-many relationship between Post and Category (the binding class is PostCategory).
When the user updates a Post, the whole Post object (with its PostCategory collection) is being sent to the server, and here I want to reassign the new received Collection PostCategory (the user may change this Collection significantly by adding new categories, and removing some categories).
Simplified code I use to update that collection (I just assign completely new collection):
var post = await dbContext.Posts
.Include(p => p.PostCategories)
.ThenInclude(pc => pc.Category)
post.PostCategories = ... Some new collection...; // <<<
await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
This new collection has objects with the same Id of objects in the previous collection (e.g. the user removed some (but not all) categories). Because of the, I get an exception:
System.InvalidOperationException: The instance of entity type 'PostCategory' cannot be tracked because another instance with the same key value for {'CategoryId', 'PostId'} is already being tracked.
How can I rebuild the new collection (or simply assign a new collection) efficiently without getting this exception?
The answer in this link seems to be related to what I want, but it is a good and efficient method? Is there any possible better approach?
I get my post (to edit overwrite its values) like this:
public async Task<Post> GetPostAsync(Guid postId)
return await dbContext.Posts
.Include(p => p.Writer)
.ThenInclude(u => u.Profile)
.Include(p => p.Comments)
.Include(p => p.PostCategories)
.ThenInclude(pc => pc.Category)
.Include(p => p.PostPackages)
.ThenInclude(pp => pp.Package)
.SingleOrDefaultAsync(p => p.Id == postId);
UPDATE 3 (The code in my controller, which tries to update the post):
var writerId = User.GetUserId();
var categories = await postService.GetOrCreateCategoriesAsync(
vm.CategoryViewModels.Select(cvm => cvm.Name), writerId);
var post = await postService.GetPostAsync(vm.PostId);
post.Title = vm.PostTitle;
post.Content = vm.ContentText;
post.PostCategories = categories?.Select(c => new PostCategory { CategoryId = c.Id, PostId = post.Id }).ToArray();
await postService.UpdatePostAsync(post); // Check the implementation in Update4.
public async Task<Post> UpdatePostAsync(Post post)
// Find (load from the database) the existing post
var existingPost = await dbContext.Posts
.SingleOrDefaultAsync(p => p.Id == post.Id);
// Apply primitive property modifications
// Apply many-to-many link modifications
pc => pc.PostId, post.Id,
pc => pc.CategoryId,
post.PostCategories.Select(pc => pc.CategoryId)
// Apply all changes to the db
await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
return existingPost;
The main challenge when working with disconnect link entities is to detect and apply the added and deleted links. And EF Core (as of the time of writing) provides little if no help to do that.
The answer from the link is ok (the custom Except method is too heavier for what it does IMO), but it has some traps - the existing links has to be retrieved in advance using the eager / explicit loading (though with EF Core 2.1 lazy loading that might not be an issue), and the new links should have only FK properties populated - if they contain reference navigation properties, EF Core will try to create new linked entities when calling Add / AddRange.
A while ago I answered similar, but slightly different question - Generic method for updating EFCore joins. Here is the more generalized and optimized version of the custom generic extension method from the answer:
public static class EFCoreExtensions
public static void UpdateLinks<TLink, TFromId, TToId>(this DbSet<TLink> dbSet,
Expression<Func<TLink, TFromId>> fromIdProperty, TFromId fromId,
Expression<Func<TLink, TToId>> toIdProperty, IEnumerable<TToId> toIds)
where TLink : class, new()
// link => link.FromId == fromId
Expression<Func<TFromId>> fromIdVar = () => fromId;
var filter = Expression.Lambda<Func<TLink, bool>>(
Expression.Equal(fromIdProperty.Body, fromIdVar.Body),
var existingLinks = dbSet.AsTracking().Where(filter);
var toIdSet = new HashSet<TToId>(toIds);
if (toIdSet.Count == 0)
//The new set is empty - delete all existing links
// Delete the existing links which do not exist in the new set
var toIdSelector = toIdProperty.Compile();
foreach (var existingLink in existingLinks)
if (!toIdSet.Remove(toIdSelector(existingLink)))
// Create new links for the remaining items in the new set
if (toIdSet.Count == 0) return;
// toId => new TLink { FromId = fromId, ToId = toId }
var toIdParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TToId), "toId");
var createLink = Expression.Lambda<Func<TToId, TLink>>(
Expression.Bind(((MemberExpression)fromIdProperty.Body).Member, fromIdVar.Body),
Expression.Bind(((MemberExpression)toIdProperty.Body).Member, toIdParam)),
It uses a single database query to retrieve the exiting links from the database. The overhead are few dynamically built expressions and compiled delegates (in order to keep the calling code simplest as possible) and a single temporary HashSet for fast lookup. The performance affect of the expression / delegate building should be negligible, and can be cached if needed.
The idea is to pass just a single existing key for one of the linked entities and list of exiting keys for the other linked entity. So depending of which of the linked entity links you are updating, it will be called differently.
In you sample, assuming you are receiving IEnumerable<PostCategory> postCategories, the process would be something like this:
var post = await dbContext.Posts
dbContext.Set<PostCategory>().UpdateLinks(pc =>
pc.PostId, post.Id, pc => pc.CategoryId, postCategories.Select(pc => pc.CategoryId));
await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
Note that this method allows you to change the requirement and accept IEnumerable<int> postCategoryIds:
dbContext.Set<PostCategory>().UpdateLinks(pc =>
pc.PostId, post.Id, pc => pc.CategoryId, postCategoryIds);
or IEnumerable<Category> postCategories:
dbContext.Set<PostCategory>().UpdateLinks(pc =>
pc.PostId, post.Id, pc => pc.CategoryId, postCategories.Select(c => c.Id));
or similar DTOs / ViewModels.
Category posts can be updated in a similar manner, with corresponding selectors swapped.
Update: In case you a receiving a (potentially) modified Post post entity instance, the whole update procedure cold be like this:
// Find (load from the database) the existing post
var existingPost = await dbContext.Posts
.SingleOrDefaultAsync(p => p.Id == post.Id);
if (existingPost == null)
// Handle the invalid call
// Apply primitive property modifications
// Apply many-to-many link modifications
dbContext.Set<PostCategory>().UpdateLinks(pc => pc.PostId, post.Id,
pc => pc.CategoryId, post.PostCategories.Select(pc => pc.CategoryId));
// Apply all changes to the db
await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
Note that EF Core uses separate database query for eager loading related collecttions. Since the helper method does the same, there is no need to Include link related data when retrieving the main entity from the database.


Asking same question differently!
Its seems clear I need to elaborate on this question because I have no viable responses.
Based on this AutoMapper registration code:
Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
AutoMapper adds support for "updating" DbSet collections using this line:
Mapper.Map<List<DTO>, List<Entity>>(dtoCollection, entityCollection);
Saving changes through an open context should result in updating the database:
using (var context = factory.CreateContext())
Mapper.Map<List<DTO>, List<Entity>>(dtoCollection, await
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
This does nothing!
So back to my original question. If calling the mapper with the dto and current state of the entity collection returns an updated entity collection based on the comparison Mapping Created here:
produces entity collection here:
var entities = Mapper.Map<List<DTO>, List<Entity>>(dtoCollection, await
Am I support to iterate the new collection and update EF manually using this new collection? Its not clear what I am suppose to do at this point? Is this what I am suppose to do with the resulting collection?
// map dto's to entities
var entities = Mapper.Map(collection, await dbSet.ToListAsync());
// add new records
var toAdd = entities.Where(e => e.Id == 0);
// delete old records
var toDelete = entities.Where(entity => collection.All(e => e.Id > 0 && e.Id != entity.Id));
// update existing records
var toUpdate = entities.Where(entity => collection.All(i => i.Id > 0 && i.Id == entity.Id)).ToList();
foreach (var entity in toUpdate)
context.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Modified;
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
This is my original question. If so it seems redundant. So I feel like I am missing something.
I appreciate some useful feedback. Please help!
EF DbSets are not collections. Basically they represent a database table and provide query and DML operations for it.
Looks like you want to synchronize the whole table with the DTO list. You can do that by loading the whole table locally using the Load or LoadAsync methods, and then Map the DTO collection to the entity DbSet.Local property. The difference with your attempts is that the Local property is not a simple list, but observable collection directly bound to the context local store and change tracker, so any modification (Add, Remove) will be applied to the database.
Something like this:
await dbSet.LoadAsync();
Mapper.Map(dtoCollection, dbSet.Local);
await context.SaveChangesAsync();

Entity Framework Core (7): load single entity by id

.ToListAsync is used to get a collection of items from DB in EF Core. That's clear. But what is the right way to get single item? In async way if possible.
public async static Task<Source> LoadEntityAsync(int sourceID)
using (var db = new RPDBContext())
var sources =
.Where(x => x.SourceID == sourceID)
// TODO that's like a hack:
return sources.First();
You should use SingleOrDefaultAsync if you want the object to be unique.
If you know that the object is unique from domain restrictions or if you are accessing it through primary key then you can use FirstOrDefaultAsync.
var sources = await db.Source
.Where(x => x.SourceID == sourceID)
you can use another overload and shorten the query
var sources = await db.Source
.SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.SourceID == sourceID);
same rules apply to FirstOrDefaultAsync.
If you want to ensure that the object exists just remove the OrDefault part and use SingleAsync and FirstAsync.
The approved answer is correct, but not the best from my point of view.
If you are searching by the id, use the Find(PropertyID) method like this:
db: database context
Source: your entity type
SourceId is the Primary key
It returns the object or null, if not found.
More details here:,context%20or%20in%20the%20database.
If you need to retrieve a single item, use FirstOrDefaultAsync:
public static Task<Source> LoadEntityAsync(int sourceID)
using (var db = new RPDBContext())
return db.Source.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.SourceID == sourceID);
