I am trying to generate peaks using CSCore for WaveSurfer.js. I am essentially just trying to get peak value so it could be fed to the WaveSurfer.js element as prerendered peaks. Using CSCore as an alternative to AudioWaveForm.
Here is the code I am using:
var audioFile = CodecFactory.Instance.GetCodec("input.mp3");
var source = audioFile.ToSampleSource();
var peakMeter = new PeakMeter(source) { Interval = 40 };
var peakData = new float[source.Length / source.WaveFormat.BytesPerSample];
int read;
int i = 0;
while ((read = peakMeter.Read(peakData, i, peakData.Length - i)) > 0)
i += read;
// Convert the peak values from dB to linear scale
for (int j = 0; j < peakData.Length; j++)
decimal num = (decimal)peakData[j] * 100000;
var e = $"{num},";
File.AppendAllText("out.txt", e.ToString());
//peakData[j] = (float)Math.Pow(10, peakData[j] / 20);
I am trying to get a CSV or and array of values. Is this correct because I am getting wildly different results. I am new to CSCore and C# as a whole so any help would be helpful.
When using the PeakMeter you have to use its PeakCalculated event which will provide the peaks. It gets fired while reading all samples as you are already doing using the Read method. So keep calling read till it returns zero and collect the peaks using the mentioned event.
I have checked several methods for converting text files to binary and found some answers here as well. However, most of them confused me due to Unity .NET compatibility and I am also confused about the structure of how I convert text to binary.
I have a text file (exported point cloud) which holds positions of points in 3D space and color information like this:
X Y Z colorvalues
-0.680891 -90.6809 0 204 204 204 255
I was reading this to create meshes in run time with a script like this:
string[] buffer;
for (int i = 0; i < Area.nPoints; i++)
buffer = sr.ReadLine().Split();
Area.AddPoint(new Vector3(float.Parse(buffer[0]),
float.Parse(buffer[1]), float.Parse(buffer[2])));
This works but since I read line and split them it is quite slow and I have around 75 million lines(Points) in my text file. I found out that I can convert it to binary and reading would be faster which I did and it was a lot faster. However, now converting to binary part is quite slow I wanted to ask you about the way I converted.
void WriteValues()
string[] buffer;
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
buffer = sr.ReadLine().Split();
for (int j = 0; i < 3; i++)
Then I read it with BinaryReader.ReadSingle() but this takes a lot more time than reading directly from the text because I again read the line and split it.
My question is could I read lets say next 1000 lines buffer it and then write instead of reading every line? Would it make a difference. If so how can I use stream once for every 1000 lines.
Also when I converted a line to binary how can I read every float in the line without splitting the string? Thanks in advance for any help!
I am trying to do this for visualizing a point cloud in my mobile phone using Augmented Reality. So I want to do the scan, export the point cloud, import it to Unity and create a mesh by using those points without triangulating but with my initial approach it take 15-18 minutes to import it. After converting to binary it takes less than 3 minutes which is okay. However, converting to binary takes a lot of time this time :)
So a reasonably quick way to read is with a buffered file stream. Without the float parsing, the reading takes 14 ish seconds on my machine.... 74 seconds ish with float parsing ( I just summed since I don't have unity to play with )
var sw = new Stopwatch();
double sum = 0;
var fs = new FileStream("demo.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
using (var bs = new BufferedStream(fs))
using (var r = new StreamReader(bs))
while (!r.EndOfStream)
var l = r.ReadLine();
var split = l.Split();
var x = float.Parse(split[0]);
var y = float.Parse(split[1]);
var z=float.Parse(split[2]);
sum += x + y + z;
Console.WriteLine(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000M);
out of interest I also changed the code to write the data out as a stream of floats ( in triplets)
read in with
var sw = new Stopwatch();
double sum = 0;
var fs = new FileStream("demo.bin", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
using (var bs = new BufferedStream(fs))
using (var r = new BinaryReader(bs))
for (int i = 0; i < 75000000; i++)
var x = r.ReadSingle();
var y = r.ReadSingle();
var z=r.ReadSingle();
sum += x + y + z;
Console.WriteLine(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000M);
takes ~ 9 seconds
just for completeness, I used the following code to generate demo files..
var random = new Random();
File.WriteAllText("demo.txt", "X Y Z colorvalues\r\n");
using (var fs = new FileStream("demo.bin", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None))
using (var bw = new BinaryWriter(fs))
using (var writer = File.AppendText("demo.txt"))
for (int i = 0; i < 75000000; i++)
var x = (float) random.NextDouble() * 200;
var y = (float) random.NextDouble() * 200;
var z = (float) random.NextDouble() * 200;
var c = Enumerable.Range(0, 4).Select(n => random.Next(0, 255)).ToArray();
writer.WriteLine($"{x} {y} {z} {c[0]} {c[1]} {c[2]} {c[3]}");
That might be silly question but why don't you scan & save directly into binary or .ply file? Or even scan & save into mesh or some voxelized-style mesh
You may also look up the approach used in this project, especially PlyImporter.cs
If reading is slow, then reading, writing to a different file format and then reading back from that file is going to be even slower. You are just adding more actions to something that is already slow... Maybe you should look at how to change the way you do the reading from the text file.
If you are not familiar with how serialization/deserialization is done in C#, using the built in libraries, you should start by reading this: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/concepts/serialization/
Here is a link to show how to implement binary serialization: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.runtime.serialization.formatters.binary.binaryformatter?view=netframework-4.7.2
However if you are not writing the initial file, you just need to write a custom deserializer (which is essentially what you have done - without implementing the relevant .NET patterns). Maybe try using a BufferedStream and see whether that help ie.:
using (FileStream fs = File.Open(fileName, ..... ))
using (BufferedStream bs = new BufferedStream(fs))
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(bs))
string s;
while ((s = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
//your code
Also it is worth having a look at this library which can help you with this task: FileHelpers - Look at this example: https://www.filehelpers.net/example/QuickStart/ReadFileDelimited/
I am using TensorflowSharp to run evaluations using a neural network on an Android phone. I am building the project with Unity.
I am using the tensorflowsharp unity plugin listed under the requirements here: https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ml-agents/blob/master/docs/Using-TensorFlow-Sharp-in-Unity.md.
Everything is working, however extracting the result is very slow.
The network I am running is an autoencoder and the output is an image with dimensions of 128x128x16 (yes there is a lot of output channels).
The evaluation is done in ~ 0.2 seconds which is acceptable. However when i need to extract the result data using results[0].GetValue() it is VERY slow.
This is my code where i run the neural network
var runner = session.GetRunner();
runner.AddInput(graph[INPUT_NAME][0], tensor).Fetch(graph[OUTPUT_NAME][0]);
var results = runner.Run();
float[,,,] heatmaps = results[0].GetValue() as float[,,,]; // <- this is SLOW
The problem:
The last line where i convert the result to floats is taking ~1.2 seconds.
Can it realy be true that reading the result data into a float array is taking more than 5 times as long as the actual evaluation of the network?
Is there another way to extract the result values?
So I have found a solution to this. I still do not know why the GetValue() call is so slow, but I found another way to retrieve the data.
I chose to manually read the raw tensor data available at results[0].Data
I created a small function to handle this as a drop in for GetValue, (Here just with the dimensions i am expecting hardcoded)
private float[,,,] TensorToFLoats(TFTensor tensor)
IntPtr resData = tensor.Data;
UIntPtr dataSize = tensor.TensorByteSize;
byte[] s_ImageBuffer = new byte[(int)dataSize];
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(resData, s_ImageBuffer, 0, (int)dataSize);
int floatsLength = s_ImageBuffer.Length / 4;
float[] floats = new float[floatsLength];
for (int n = 0; n < s_ImageBuffer.Length; n += 4)
floats[n / 4] = BitConverter.ToSingle(s_ImageBuffer, n);
float[,,,] result = new float[1, 128, 128, 16];
int i = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < 128; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < 128; x++)
for (int p = 0; p < 16; p++)
result[0, y, x, p] = floats[i++];
return result;
Given this i can replace the code in my question with the following
var runner = session.GetRunner();
runner.AddInput(graph[INPUT_NAME][0], tensor).Fetch(graph[OUTPUT_NAME][0]);
var results = runner.Run();
float[,,,] heatmaps = TensorToFLoats(results[0]);
This is insanely much faster. Where GetValue took ~1 second the TensorToFloats function i created got the same data in ~0.02 seconds
I'm working on an UI project which has to work with huge datasets (every second 35 new values) which will then be displayed in a graph. The user shall be able to change the view from 10 Minutes up to Month view. To archive this I wrote myself a helper function which truncate a lot of data to a 600 byte array which then should be displayed on a LiveView Chart.
I found out that at the beginning the software works very well and fast, but as longer the software runs (e.g. for a month) and the memory usage raises (to ca. 600 mb) the function get's a lot of slower (up to 8x).
So I made some tests to to find the source of this. Quite surprised I found out that there is something like a magic number where the function get's 2x slower , just by changing 71494 loops to 71495 from 19ms to 39ms runtime
I'm really confused. Even when you comment out the second for loop (where the arrays are geting truncated) it is a lot of slower.
Maybe this has something to do with the Garbage Collector? Or does C# compress memory automatically?
Using Visual Studio 2017 with newest updates.
The Code
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace TempoaryTest
class ProductNameStream
public struct FileValue
public DateTime Time;
public ushort[] Value;
public ushort[] Avg1;
public ushort[] Avg2;
public ushort[] DAvg;
public ushort AlarmDelta;
public ushort AlarmAverage;
public ushort AlarmSum;
public static class Program
private const int MAX_MEASURE_MODEL = 600;
private const int TEST = 71494;
//private const int TEST = 71495;//this one doubles the consuming time!
public static void Main(string[] bleg)
List<ProductNameStream.FileValue> fileValues = new List<ProductNameStream.FileValue>();
ProductNameStream.FileValue fil = new ProductNameStream.FileValue();
DateTime testTime = DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine("TEST: {0} {1:X}", TEST, TEST);
//Creating example List
for (int n = 0; n < TEST; n++)
fil = new ProductNameStream.FileValue
Time = testTime = testTime.AddSeconds(1),
Value = new ushort[8],
Avg1 = new ushort[8],
Avg2 = new ushort[8],
DAvg = new ushort[8]
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
fil.Value[i] = (ushort)(n + i);
fil.Avg1[i] = (ushort)(TEST - n - i);
fil.Avg2[i] = (ushort)(n / (i + 1));
fil.DAvg[i] = (ushort)(n * (i + 1));
fil.AlarmDelta = (ushort)DateTime.Now.Ticks;
fil.AlarmAverage = (ushort)(fil.AlarmDelta / 2);
fil.AlarmSum = (ushort)(n);
var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
/* May look like the same as MAX_MEASURE_MODEL but since we use int
* as counter we must be aware of the int round down.*/
int cnt = (fileValues.Count / (fileValues.Count / MAX_MEASURE_MODEL)) + 1;
ProductNameStream.FileValue[] newFileValues = new ProductNameStream.FileValue[cnt];
ProductNameStream.FileValue[] fileValuesArray = fileValues.ToArray();
//Truncate the big list to a 600 Array
for (int n = 0; n < fileValues.Count; n++)
if ((n % (fileValues.Count / MAX_MEASURE_MODEL)) == 0)
cnt = n / (fileValues.Count / MAX_MEASURE_MODEL);
newFileValues[cnt] = fileValuesArray[n];
newFileValues[cnt].Value = new ushort[8];
newFileValues[cnt].Avg1 = new ushort[8];
newFileValues[cnt].Avg2 = new ushort[8];
newFileValues[cnt].DAvg = new ushort[8];
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if (newFileValues[cnt].Value[i] < fileValuesArray[n].Value[i])
newFileValues[cnt].Value[i] = fileValuesArray[n].Value[i];
if (newFileValues[cnt].Avg1[i] < fileValuesArray[n].Avg1[i])
newFileValues[cnt].Avg1[i] = fileValuesArray[n].Avg1[i];
if (newFileValues[cnt].Avg2[i] < fileValuesArray[n].Avg2[i])
newFileValues[cnt].Avg2[i] = fileValuesArray[n].Avg2[i];
if (newFileValues[cnt].DAvg[i] < fileValuesArray[n].DAvg[i])
newFileValues[cnt].DAvg[i] = fileValuesArray[n].DAvg[i];
if (newFileValues[cnt].AlarmSum < fileValuesArray[n].AlarmSum)
newFileValues[cnt].AlarmSum = fileValuesArray[n].AlarmSum;
if (newFileValues[cnt].AlarmDelta < fileValuesArray[n].AlarmDelta)
newFileValues[cnt].AlarmDelta = fileValuesArray[n].AlarmDelta;
if (newFileValues[cnt].AlarmAverage < fileValuesArray[n].AlarmAverage)
newFileValues[cnt].AlarmAverage = fileValuesArray[n].AlarmAverage;
This is most likely being caused by the garbage collector, as you suggested.
I can offer two pieces of evidence to indicate that this is so:
If you put GC.Collect() just before you start the stopwatch, the difference in times goes away.
If you instead change the initialisation of the list to new List<ProductNameStream.FileValue>(TEST);, the difference in time also goes away.
(Initialising the list's capacity to the final size in its constructor prevents multiple reallocations of its internal array while items are being added to it, which will reduce pressure on the garbage collector.)
Therefore, I assert based on this evidence that it is indeed the garbage collector that is impacting your timings.
Incidentally, the threshold value was slightly different for me, and for at least one other person too (which isn't surprising if the timing differences are being caused by the garbage collector).
Your data structure is inefficient and is forcing you to do a lot of allocations during computation. Have a look of thisfixed size array inside a struct
. Also preallocate the list. Don't rely on the list to constantly adjust its size which also creates garbage.
I am attempting to use Lomont FFT in order to return complex numbers to build a spectrogram / spectral density chart using c#.
I am having trouble understanding how to return values from the class.
Here is the code I have put together thus far which appears to be working.
int read = 0;
Double[] data;
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
FileStream wave = new FileStream(args[0], FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
read = wave.Read(buffer, 0, 44);
read = wave.Read(buffer, 0, 1024);
data = new Double[read];
for (int i = 0; i < read; i+=2)
data[i] = BitConverter.ToInt16(buffer, i) / 32768.0;
LomontFFT LFFT = new LomontFFT();
LFFT.FFT(data, true);
What I am not clear on is, how to return/access the values from Lomont FFT implementation back into my application (console)?
Being pretty new to c# development, I'm thinking I am perhaps missing a fundamental aspect of understanding regarding how to retrieve processed values from the instance of the Lomont Class, or perhaps even calling it incorrectly.
Console.WriteLine(LFFT.A); // Returns 0
Console.WriteLine(LFFT.B); // Returns 1
I have been searching for a code snippet or explanation of how to do this, but so far have come up with nothing that I understand or explains this particular aspect of the issue I am facing. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
A subset of the results held in data array noted in the code above can be found below and based on my current understanding, appear to be valid:
What am I actually attempting to do? (perspective)
I am looking to load a wave file into a console application and return a spectrogram/spectral density chart/image as a jpg/png for further processing.
The wave files I am reading are mono in format
I Receive slightly different results depending on which FFT is used.
Using RealFFT
for (int i = 0; i < read; i+=2)
data[i] = BitConverter.ToInt16(buffer, i) / 32768.0;
LomontFFT LFFT = new LomontFFT();
LFFT.RealFFT(data, true);
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length / 2; i++)
Math.Sqrt(data[2 * i] * data[2 * i] + data[2 * i + 1] * data[2 * i + 1]));
Partial Result of RealFFT
Using FFT
for (int i = 0; i < read; i+=2)
data[i] = BitConverter.ToInt16(buffer, i) / 32768.0;
double[] bufferB = new double[2 * data.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
bufferB[2 * i] = data[i];
bufferB[2 * i + 1] = 0;
LomontFFT LFFT = new LomontFFT();
LFFT.FFT(bufferB, true);
for (int i = 0; i < bufferB.Length / 2; i++)
Math.Sqrt(bufferB[2 * i] * bufferB[2 * i] + bufferB[2 * i + 1] * bufferB[2 * i + 1]));
Partial Result of FFT:
Looking at the LomontFFT.FFT documentation:
Compute the forward or inverse Fourier Transform of data, with
data containing complex valued data as alternating real and
imaginary parts. The length must be a power of 2. The data is
modified in place.
This tells us a few things. First the function is expecting complex-valued data whereas your data is real. A quick fix for this is to create another buffer of twice the size and setting all the imaginary parts to 0:
double[] buffer = new double[2*data.Length];
for (int i=0; i<data.Length; i++)
buffer[2*i] = data[i];
buffer[2*i+1] = 0;
The documentation also tells us that the computation is done in place. That means that after the call to FFT returns, the input array is replaced with the computed result. You could thus print the spectrum with:
LomontFFT LFFT = new LomontFFT();
LFFT.FFT(buffer, true);
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length/2; i++)
Note since your input data is real valued you could also use LomontFFT.RealFFT. In that case, given a slightly different packing rule, you would obtain the FFT results using:
LomontFFT LFFT = new LomontFFT();
LFFT.RealFFT(data, true);
System.Console.WriteLine("{0}", Math.Abs(data[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < data.Length/2; i++)
System.Console.WriteLine("{0}", Math.Abs(data[1]);
This would give you the non-redundant lower half of the spectrum (Unlike LomontFFT.FFT which provides the entire spectrum). Also, numerical differences on the order of double precision (around 1e-16 times the spectrum peak value) with respect to LomontFFT.FFT can be expected.
var examples = new double[1000][][];
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
examples[i]= new double[2][]; //the Set
examples[i][0] = new double[] { x(i), y(i) }; //the Inputs
examples[i][1] = new double[] { Math.Sin(x(i) * y(i)), Math.Sin(x(i) / y(i)) }; //the Target
x(i) means x depend on i
And I need to collect the inputs like that examples[][0] = new double[1000][]
because It will consume more memory to create a new array like that
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
My first thought would be to reconsider the design decision that ended up with a [1000][2][2] array which you want to pull a flattened [1000][2] array out of by taking a specific center-array value...
As far as accessing it without re-allocating memory, you're not going to get it as an array without using more memory sorry, but what you could do is get an IEnumerable<double[]> which may suffice depending on your purposes by using yield (Which will make it evaluate each result individually as you enumerate over it).
public IEnumerable<double[]> GetResults()
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; x++)
yield return examples[i][0];
How useful that is will depend on how you plan to use the results, but you won't get a new array without using more memory.