When i am trying to solve problem on codewars, get this error.
My code passes all the tests but not optimized . Do u have any advice ?
Problem : https://www.codewars.com/kata/525e5a1cb735154b320002c8/train/csharp
the problem is that you are using a brute-force solution! when you have an algorithmic/mathematics problem you should think of finding a pattern that can be represented by a formula. in this case, Triangular numbers are already a known problem and there is a solution to it, check out this (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangular_number) for more details
so the solution is simple:
public static int Triangular(int n)
// handle the edge case (out-of-range values)
if (n <= 0)
return 0;
// apply the triangular numbers formula:
return (n * (n + 1)) / 2;
This is pure math and does not need any strings.
Here is a single line to compute your triangular number which runs in 18ms:
using System;
public class Kata
public static int Triangular(int n)
return n * (n + 1) / 2;
This is the definition of a triangular number which maybe explains the code above:
The program needs to solve powers of 2 in a table showing n and 2n for n = 1 to 10. Here is my program:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Power
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine($"Number Power of 2");
for (long counter = 1; counter <= 10; ++counter)
Console.WriteLine($"{counter, 2} {Power(counter), 20}");
static long Power(long number, long exponentValue = 2)
long result = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= number; i++)
result *= exponentValue;
return result;
But it needs to be recursive. How can I make this function recursive?
This code will look like this:
static long Power(long number, long exponentValue = 2)
if (number < 1)
return 0; // or throw exception because this shouldn't happen
if (number == 1)
return exponentValue;
return exponentValue * Power(number - 1, exponentValue);
This one of those artificial problems meant to teach you about recursion, but doesn't do a good job because there are better non-recursive solutions (such as your current one). In fact, you usually want to convert a recursive solution TO a loop, to avoid possible stack-overflow errors!
In very general terms: To convert a loop to a recursive solution, you need to find a way of computing part of the solution, and then calling the method again to compute the remainder of the solution, until it is completely solved. There must also be a way to detect when no further recursion is needed.
In the case of computing a power, the answer will be:
Pow(X,N) => N * Pow(X,N-1)
Pow(X,1) => X (this will be the state that terminates the recursion).
So think about how this works for X = 2 and N = 3:
Pow(2,3) => 2 * Pow(2,2)
Pow(2,2) => 2 * Pow(2,1)
Pow(2,1) => 2 (the terminating condition)
Here you wind up with 2*2*2 = 8, which is indeed 2^3.
Note how the N value goes down by 1 each time until it reaches 1, at which point no more recursion is required.
Writing this in C# terms:
static long Power(long number, long exponentValue)
if (exponentValue == 1)
return number;
return number * Power(number, exponentValue - 1);
Note: I did not write any error handling in order to focus on the recursive part. Real code would check that exponentValue was >= 1 and so on.
Further note: The correct terminology for the power is "Exponent" so I have used that terminology. You have it the wrong way around, so I would urge you to correct that! An exponent is the number of times the number is multiplied by itself.
static long Power(long number, long exponentValue = 2)
if (number == 1)
return 1;
return Power(number - 1, exponentValue) * exponentValue;
I want to learn C# so I started to use hackerearth and solve problems from their website but I got into some kind of problem. So I have the following code
using System;
namespace ConsoleApp6
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
long N, i, answer = 1;
N = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
} while (N < 1 && N > 1000);
long[] A = new long[N];
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
A[i] = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
} while (A[i] < 1 && A[i] > 1000);
for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
answer = (answer * A[i]) % (1000000007);
When I compile it I get the correct answer and everything it's fine but when I submit it to hackerearth compiler it gives me the NZEC error. I thought I'm missing something since I just started C# some days ago so I wrote it again but in C++ and it gave me the maximum score on the website. I know that there might be some problems in my variable declarations since I didn't understand exactly how to read numbers and I hope you can help me solve this problem. Thank you!
Assuming you are stuck on the Find Product problem, as you've suspected, the input of the data is one line for N, and then one line for ALL N numbers that you need to multiply, separated by a space. You can parse the line of numbers quickly with LINQ (I would suggest you get stuck into LINQ as quickly as possible - this will get you away from the C++ imperative mindset).
How about:
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace ConsoleApp6
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var N = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); // Less than 2^31 integers to be read
var A = Console.ReadLine() // Read the line of space delimited numbers
.Split(' ') // Split out by the separator
.Select(n => Convert.ToInt64(n)) // Parse each number to long
.ToArray(); // Convert to a materialized array
Debug.Assert(A.Length == N, "Site lied to us about N numbers");
long answer = 1; // or var answer = 1L;
for(var i = 0; i < N; i++)
answer = (answer * A[i]) % (1000000007);
Some notes:
The do..while has no effect - they will always exit after one pass - this because a value cannot be < 1 and > 1000 simultaneously
Note that Convert.ToInt32 parses a 32 bit int. You've defined a long (which is ALWAYS 64 bit in C#, unlike C++), so this should be Convert.ToInt64
The problem does however constrain A[i] under 10 ^ 3, so A[] can be int[], although the product could be larger, so long or even System.Numerics.BigInteger can be used for the product.
NZEC is a site specific error - it means the app crashed with a non zero process ecit code. The site also prints the actual error and stack trace further down the page.
Since you say you want to learn C# (and not just convert C code to C#), you can also LINQify the final for loop which calculates the answer from the array using .Aggregate. Aggregate supports both a seeded overload (i.e. a left fold, as it allows the return type to differ), and an unseeded overload (i.e. reduce where the return type must be the same as the input enumerable). In your case, you don't actually need to seed the answer with 1L since it can be seeded with A[0] and the next multiplication will be with A[1] since any number multiplied by 1 will be number.
var answer = A.Aggregate((subtotal, next) => (subtotal * next) % (1000000007));
I was looking for an efficient approach for calculating ab (say a = 2 and b = 50). To start things up, I decided to take a look at the implementation of Math.Pow() function. But in .NET Reflector, all I found was this:
[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall), SecuritySafeCritical]
public static extern double Pow(double x, double y);
What are some of the resources wherein I can see as what's going on inside when I call Math.Pow() function?
That means that the method is actually implemented in the CLR, written in C++. The just-in-time compiler consults a table with internally implemented methods and compiles the call to the C++ function directly.
Having a look at the code requires the source code for the CLR. You can get that from the SSCLI20 distribution. It was written around the .NET 2.0 time frame, I've found the low-level implementations, like Math.Pow() to be still largely accurate for later versions of the CLR.
The lookup table is located in clr/src/vm/ecall.cpp. The section that's relevant to Math.Pow() looks like this:
FCIntrinsic("Sin", COMDouble::Sin, CORINFO_INTRINSIC_Sin)
FCIntrinsic("Cos", COMDouble::Cos, CORINFO_INTRINSIC_Cos)
FCIntrinsic("Sqrt", COMDouble::Sqrt, CORINFO_INTRINSIC_Sqrt)
FCIntrinsic("Round", COMDouble::Round, CORINFO_INTRINSIC_Round)
FCIntrinsicSig("Abs", &gsig_SM_Flt_RetFlt, COMDouble::AbsFlt, CORINFO_INTRINSIC_Abs)
FCIntrinsicSig("Abs", &gsig_SM_Dbl_RetDbl, COMDouble::AbsDbl, CORINFO_INTRINSIC_Abs)
FCFuncElement("Exp", COMDouble::Exp)
FCFuncElement("Pow", COMDouble::Pow)
// etc..
Searching for "COMDouble" takes you to clr/src/classlibnative/float/comfloat.cpp. I'll spare you the code, just have a look for yourself. It basically checks for corner cases, then calls the CRT's version of pow().
The only other implementation detail that's interesting is the FCIntrinsic macro in the table. That's a hint that the jitter may implement the function as an intrinsic. In other words, substitute the function call with a floating point machine code instruction. Which is not the case for Pow(), there is no FPU instruction for it. But certainly for the other simple operations. Notable is that this can make floating point math in C# substantially faster than the same code in C++, check this answer for the reason why.
By the way, the source code for the CRT is also available if you have the full version of Visual Studio vc/crt/src directory. You'll hit the wall on pow() though, Microsoft purchased that code from Intel. Doing a better job than the Intel engineers is unlikely. Although my high-school book's identity was twice as fast when I tried it:
public static double FasterPow(double x, double y) {
return Math.Exp(y * Math.Log(x));
But not a true substitute because it accumulates error from 3 floating point operations and doesn't deal with the weirdo domain problems that Pow() has. Like 0^0 and -Infinity raised to any power.
Hans Passant's answer is great, but I would like to add that if b is an integer, then a^b can be computed very efficiently with binary decomposition. Here's a modified version from Henry Warren's Hacker's Delight:
public static int iexp(int a, uint b) {
int y = 1;
while(true) {
if ((b & 1) != 0) y = a*y;
b = b >> 1;
if (b == 0) return y;
a *= a;
He notes that this operation is optimal (does the minimum number of arithmetic or logical operations) for all b < 15. Also there is no known solution to the general problem of finding an optimal sequence of factors to compute a^b for any b other than an extensive search. It's an NP-Hard problem. So basically that means that the binary decomposition is as good as it gets.
If freely available C version of pow is any indication, it does not look like anything you would expect. It would not be of much help to you to find the .NET version, because the problem that you are solving (i.e. the one with integers) is orders of magnitudes simpler, and can be solved in a few lines of C# code with the exponentiation by squaring algorithm.
Going through the answers, learned a lot about behind-the-scene calculations:
I've tried some workarounds on a coding platform which has an extensive test coverage cases, and found a very effective way doing it(Solution 3):
public double MyPow(double x, int n) {
double res = 1;
/* Solution 1: iterative : TLE(Time Limit Exceeded)
double res = 1;
var len = n > 0 ? n : -n;
for(var i = 0; i < len; ++i)
res *= x;
return n > 0 ? res : 1 / res;
/* Solution 2: recursive => stackoverflow exception
if(x == 0) return n > 0 ? 0 : 1 / x;
if(n == 1) return x;
return n > 0 ? x * MyPow(x, n - 1) : (1/x) * MyPow(1/x, -n);
//Solution 3:
if (n == 0) return 1;
var half = MyPow(x, n / 2);
if (n % 2 == 0)
return half * half;
else if (n > 0)
return half * half * x;
return half * half / x;
/* Solution 4: bitwise=> TLE(Time Limit Exceeded)
var b = n > 0 ? n : -n;
while(true) {
if ((b & 1) != 0)
res *= x;
b = b >> 1;
if (b == 0) break;
x *= x;
return n > 0 ? res : 1 / res;
Answer that is accepted on Leetcode:
public class Solution {
public double MyPow(double x, int n) {
if(n==0) return 1;
long abs = Math.Abs((long)n);
var result = pow(x, abs);
return n > 0 ? result : 1/result;
double pow(double x, long n){
if(n == 1) return x;
var result = pow(x, n/2);
result = result * result * (n%2 == 1? x : 1);
return result;
I'm trying to nail down some interview questions, so I stared with a simple one.
Design the factorial function.
This function is a leaf (no dependencies - easly testable), so I made it static inside the helper class.
public static class MathHelper
public static int Factorial(int n)
Debug.Assert(n >= 0);
if (n < 0)
throw new ArgumentException("n cannot be lower that 0");
Debug.Assert(n <= 12);
if (n > 12)
throw new OverflowException("Overflow occurs above 12 factorial");
int factorialOfN = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
factorialOfN *= i;
return factorialOfN;
public void Overflow()
int temp = FactorialHelper.MathHelper.Factorial(40);
public void ZeroTest()
int factorialOfZero = FactorialHelper.MathHelper.Factorial(0);
Assert.AreEqual(1, factorialOfZero);
public void FactorialOf5()
int factOf5 = FactorialHelper.MathHelper.Factorial(5);
public void NegativeTest()
int factOfMinus5 = FactorialHelper.MathHelper.Factorial(-5);
I have a few questions:
Is it correct? (I hope so ;) )
Does it throw right exceptions?
Should I use checked context or this trick ( n > 12 ) is ok?
Is it better to use uint istead of checking for negative values?
Future improving: Overload for long, decimal, BigInteger or maybe generic method?
Thank you
It looks right to me, but it would be inefficient with larger numbers. If you're allowing for big integers, the number will keep growing with each multiply, so you would see a tremendous (asymptotically better) increase in speed if you multiplied them hierarchically. For example:
bigint myFactorial(uint first, uint last)
if (first == last) return first;
uint mid = first + (last - first)/2;
return myFactorial(first,mid) * myFactorial(1+mid,last);
bigint factorial(uint n)
return myFactorial(2,n);
If you really want a fast factorial method, you also might consider something like this:
Factor the factorial with a modified Sieve of Eratosthenes
Compute the powers of each prime factor using a fast exponentiation algorithm (and fast multiplication and square algorithms)
Multiply all the powers of primes together hierarchically
Yes, it looks right
The exceptions seem OK to me, and also as an interviewer, I can't see myself being concerned there
Checked. Also, in an interview, you'd never know that 12 just happened to be the right number.
Uint. If you can enforce something with a signature instead of an exception, do it.
You should just make it long (or bigint) and be done with it (int is a silly choice of return types here)
Here are some follow-up questions I'd ask if I were your interviewer:
Why didn't you solve this recursively? Factorial is a naturally recursive problem.
Can you add memoization to this so that it does a faster job computing 12! if it's already done 11!?
Do you need the n==0 case here?
As an interviewer, I'd definitely have some curveballs like that to throw at you. In general, I like the approach of practicing with a whiteboard and a mock interviewer, because so much of it is being nimble and thinking on your feet.
In the for cycle you can start with for (int i = 2...). Multiplying by 1 is quite useless.
I would have throw a single ArgumentOutOfRangeException for both < 0 and > 12. The Debug.Assert will mask the exception when you are using your unit test (you would have to test it in Release mode).
I coded up a program in C# to find perfect numbers within a certain range as part of a programming challenge . However, I realized it is very slow when calculating perfect numbers upwards of 10000. Are there any methods of optimization that exist for finding perfect numbers? My code is as follows:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace ConsoleTest
class Program
public static List<int> FindDivisors(int inputNo)
List<int> Divisors = new List<int>();
for (int i = 1; i<inputNo; i++)
if (inputNo%i==0)
return Divisors;
public static void Main(string[] args)
const int limit = 100000;
List<int> PerfectNumbers = new List<int>();
List<int> Divisors=new List<int>();
for (int i=1; i<limit; i++)
Divisors = FindDivisors(i);
if (i==Divisors.Sum())
Console.Write("Output =");
for (int i=0; i<PerfectNumbers.Count; i++)
Console.Write(" {0} ",PerfectNumbers[i]);
Console.Write("\n\n\nPress any key to continue . . . ");
Use the formula
testPerfect = 2n-1(2n - 1)
to generate possiblities then check wether the number is in fact perfect.
try this for some bedtime reading
Do perfect numbers change? No. Look here. Surely, they should be calculated once and then stored.
In your case, the only results will be
The next one is 33550336. Outside your range.
Just the obvious one from me: you don't need to check every divisor. No point looking for divisors past inputNo/2. That cuts down half of the calculations, but this is not an order of magnitude faster.
One way to solve things like this involves building a huge array in memory of every number, and then crossing numbers out.
if your still looking for something to calculate perfect numbers.
this goes through the first ten thousand pretty quick, but the 33 million number is a little slower.
public class Perfect {
private static Perfect INSTANCE = new Perfect();
public static Perfect getInstance() {
return INSTANCE;
* the method that determines if a number is perfect;
* #param n
* #return
public boolean isPerfect(long n) {
long i = 0;
long value = 0;
value = (0 == n%i?value+i:value);
return n==value;
For anyone interested in a LINQ based approach, the following method worked quite well and efficiently for me in determining whether or not a caller supplied integer value is a perfect number.
bool IsPerfectNumber(int value)
var isPerfect = false;
int maxCheck = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Sqrt(value));
int[] possibleDivisors = Enumerable.Range(1, maxCheck).ToArray();
int[] properDivisors = possibleDivisors.Where(d => (value % d == 0)).Select(d => d).ToArray();
int divisorsSum = properDivisors.Sum();
if (IsPrime(divisorsSum))
int lastDivisor = properDivisors.Last();
isPerfect = (value == (lastDivisor * divisorsSum));
return isPerfect;
For simplicity and clarity, my implementation for IsPrime(), which is used within IsPerfectNumber(), is omitted.
To continue from Charles Gargent's answer there is a very quick way to check if a Mersenne Number a.k.a. 2^n - 1 is prime. It is called the Lucas-Lehmer test
The basic pseudocode though (taken from the Wikipedia page) is:
// Determine if Mp = 2p − 1 is prime for p > 2
var s = 4
var M = 2p − 1
repeat p − 2 times:
s = ((s × s) − 2) mod M
if s == 0 return PRIME else return COMPOSITE