Can a class implement an interface and an abstract method with the same name but has different return types? - c#

I have an interface and an abstract class, both have a method with the same name, and no arguments but different return types. The interface returns a System.Object, while the abstract class returns an instance of the derived class. Can I implement both in my derived class with a single implementation? Here are they:
public abstract class BaseAbstract
public abstract BaseAbstract Clone();
public interface ICloneable
object Clone();
public class Derived : BaseAbstract, ICloneable
I tried multiple approaches and the only solution I have is to have two different implementations, like so:
public class Derived : BaseAbstract, ICloneable
public override BaseAbstract Clone() => new Derived()
// Some cloning logic ....
object ICloneable.Clone() => this.Clone();
Is there a way to implement the method just once?
NOTE: BaseAbstract cannot be changed as it's legacy code and is practically untouchable. The interface also can't be changed as it is part of BCL

In general answer is NO.
with custom interface one can but as comments suggests not recommended.
public abstract class BaseAbstract
public abstract BaseAbstract Clone();
public interface ICloneable<T>
T Clone();
public class Derived : BaseAbstract, ICloneable<BaseAbstract>
public override BaseAbstract Clone()
return new Derived();
If it BCL interface, explicit interface implementation is only way (already in OP example).


How to have an abstract class require an interface to be implemented by descendant classes?

I want to make an abstract class that imposes a restriction that its child classes must implement an interface. I want to avoid having to implement the interface class in the abstract class. The code below won't do what I'd like. Does anyone have a suggestion of what I could do?
public interface IItem()
bool IsUsable();
public abstract class Item : IItem
MemberVar var;
public void DoSomething()
//Do something
public class Something : Item
public bool IsUsable()
return true;
Just make the method abstract in your abstract class :
public abstract class Item : IItem
public abstract bool IsUsable();
In the classes that inherit the Item class use the override keyword :
public override bool IsUsable()
// Do stuff
The overriding implementations stubs can be automatically added by VS by right-clicking on the parent abstract class and selecting Implement Abstract Class :
implement the interface in the base class with abstract methods and/or properties
Simply add abstract keyword to every method/properties that the interface requires to implement.
For instance, this is how the DoSomething() method should look:
public abstract void DoSomething();
This way the derived classes will have to implement the interface themselves.

Use derived type in base abstract class

Ok, I have a number of different classes deriving from a base class.
This base class is an abstract containing commom methods.
One of the methods is a Copy method, wich should be present in all derived classes, so, I've put it in the base class.
BUT, I want it to return the derived type not the base nor object.
The solution I got for that, is using a type paramter:
abstract class CopyableClass<T>
public abstract T Copy();
class DerivedClass : CopyableClass<DerivedClass>
public override DerivedClass Copy()
//do what is needed for copy and return a new DerivedClass
So, the main purpose here is to
Remove the type parameter in the base class and still make the method return the corresponding derived type.
One workaround.
The best thing I could do so far is one of the comments below, but it still uses a generic parameter
abstract class BaseClass
//base methods not related to deriving type
interface ICopyable<T>
T Copy();
class DerivedClass : BaseClass, ICopyable<DerivedClass>
public DerivedClass Copy()
//do what is needed for copy and return a new DerivedClass
You can't really. The base class can't possibly know all the future implementations. You'll have to resort to a generic abstract class (like you did) type or a generic Copy method.
public abstract class CopyableClass
public abstract T Copy<T>() where T : CopyableClass;
public class DerivedClass : CopyableClass
public override T Copy<T>()
if(typeof(T) != typeof(DerivedClass))
throw new ArgumentException();
// return your copy
Or, if you want to generalize the type check in your base class:
public abstract class CopyableClass
public T Copy<T>() where T : CopyableClass
if(GetType() != typeof(T))
throw new ArgumentException();
return (T) Copy();
protected abstract CopyableClass Copy();
public class DerivedClass : CopyableClass
protected override CopyableClass Copy()
return // Your copy;
Note that the second method puts alot of trust into the implementation of the derived class as it'll blindly cast the return value of the abstracted method. The compiler will let you return another type, implementing CopyableClass, in a derived type but it will be a runtime error. This is not a problem if you have the absolute control over all of the derived implementations (ie your abstract class also have an internal constructor).
This solution involves a middle class but I think its more inline with what the you are looking for. At least you get the possible benefit of isolating your copy code
public abstract class BaseClass
public abstract class CopyableClass<T> : BaseClass
where T: BaseClass, new()
public T Copy()
var copy = new T(); // Creating a new instance as proof of concept
return copy;
public class DerivedClass : CopyableClass<DerivedClass>
You actually want to implement copy in the base class and have it return T. This will make is so you call it with a type argument and it returns that type.
public static T Copy<T>() where T : CopyableClass
T retVal = new T();
// do whatever copying is required
return retVal;
To call it you do;
DerivedClass d = Copy<DerivedClass>();
Your code to actually do the copy might be a bit more work to make generic but it's worth the effort given you will have a single implementation of Copy() that works for any derived type. I don't know what logic belongs in the method so I've just stubbed things out. Also, I'd recommend checking out generics in general. They're often the best option for things like this. If your implementations need to be unique to the base class' keep the same method definition but make it abstract and then override it in the base classes.
This will allow you to case this base class to the derived type and return it.
public abstract class BaseClass<TDerived> : where TDerived: BaseClass<TDerived>
public TDerived DoSomethingCommon(string param)
var derivedType = (TElement)this;
//do something.
return derivedType;

Abstract Method That Returns an Instance of Derived Class

Is it possible to create an abstract method that must return an instance of the derived class? I can do this:
abstract class Base
public abstract Base GetObj();
class Derived : Base
public Derived() { }
public override Base GetObj()
return new Derived();
But I was wondering if there was a way to do it such that Derived::GetObj() is forced to return a Derived?
Using generics should make this possible:
abstract class Base<T>
where T : Base<T>
public abstract T GetObj();
class Derived : Base <Derived>
public Derived() { }
public override Derived GetObj()
return new Derived();
You could even simplify this even more (if all of the derived instances are created with default constructors):
abstract class Base<T>
where T : Base<T>, new()
public static T GetObj()
return new T();
class Derived : Base<Derived>
public Derived() { }
What you have is almost but not quite exactly an abstract factory. I will first say that you should leave it up to the implementers of the derived classes to get it right, or simply trust that they will.
Another answer has shown what is known as the curiously recurring template pattern. It is where you have a base class that tries to use the type system to enforce that derived types use itself at certain input or output positions.
public abstract class Foo<T> where T : Foo<T>
public class Bar : Foo<Bar>
This idea might work in other languages. It works in C# only so far as people use it correctly. With the above definition of Bar, now I can also have
public class Baz : Foo<Bar>
Which is perfectly legal. Bar is a Foo<Bar>, which is all that is required for Baz to use it. Nothing requires Baz to actually use Foo<Baz>.
The type system in C# simply cannot enforce what you would like enforced. Even with this pattern in place, you are still in the same position as before. You still have to trust the implementers of the derived classes to do it correctly.
For more on this topic, you might read this blog.

Implementing an abstract method which is itself an implementation of a generic interface method

I get compile errors with this overcomplicated class hierarchy. I wonder if it has anything to do with trying to do DeepCopy() with generics mixed in.
public interface IInterface<T>
IInterface<T> DeepCopy();
public abstract class AbstractClass<T> : IInterface<T>
public abstract IInterface<T> DeepCopy(); // Compiler requires me to declare this public
// Everything good at this point. There be monsters below
public class ConcreteClass: AbstractClass<SomeOtherClass>
ConcreteClass IInterface<SomeOtherClass>.DeepCopy()
return new ConcreteClass;
I get the following compiler errors:
'IInterface<...>.DeepCopy()': containing type does not implement interface 'IInterface<SomeOtherClass>'
Return bool
Change ConcreteClass IInterface<SomeOtherClass>.MyMethod()
to bool IInterface<SomeOtherClass>.MyMethod()
And then you can not use an explicit implementation of the interface, since that does not fulfill the contract of the abstract class you need to implement it like this.
public override IInterface<SomeOtherClass> DeepCopy()
return new ConcreteClass();
The errors are because the return type of DeepCopy() do not match the declaration in the interface.
Besides that you have a different problem. The abstract class already implements the method from the interface, but in the concrete class you do not implement the abstract method. Instead of the implementation you now have, you should have the following implementation:
public override IInterface<SomeOtherClass> DeepCopy()
This will implement the abstract method in the abstract class which automatically implements the method in the interface. The reason you need to implement the abstract method in the abstract class, is because that class needs to implement the interface. That is a requirement of a class.

Can a generic class be forced to have a type inherit from one of two interfaces?

I have a generic class, but I want my type to be forced to inherit from either one or the other interface. For example:
public class MyGeneric<T> where T : IInterface1, IInterface2 {}
The above will force T to inherti from both IInterface1 and IInterface2 but can I force T to inhert from IInterface1 OR IInterface2 (or both)?
Define a base interface -- it doesn't even have to have any members and let both Interface1 and Interface2 extend it. Then scope T to be of the base interface type. This only works if you want to have the generic derive from your interfaces, not any of the existing ones in the framework.
public interface BaseInterface
public interface Interface1 : BaseInterface
void SomeMethod();
public interface Interface2 : BaseInterface
void SomeOtherMethod();
public class MyGenericClass<T> where T : BaseInterface
var myClass1 = new MyGenericClass<Interface1>();
var myClass2 = new MyGenericClass<Interface2>();
No, you can't do this. It simply doesn't make sense.
The best you could do would be to create 2 empty subclasses of your generic class, and make the generic class abstract. Like this:
abstract class MyGenericClass<T>
public class MyClass1<T> : MyGenericClass<T>, IInterface1
{ }
public class MyClass2<T> : MyGenericClass<T>, IInterface2
{ }
