EasyModbus modbusClient.WriteSingleCoil(2, true); - c#

I was able to establish a connection with the S7-1200. Reads positively all registers.
However, when trying to write to the Holding Registry [table below]
position offset 0.2 and using the command
modbusClient.WriteSingleCoil(2, true);
value to true changes to offset 5.0
Could someone please tell me what the error or error of my command is.


Devart ChangeConflictException but values still written to database

I have an intermittent Devart.Data.Linq.ChangeConflictException: Row not found or changed raising it's ugly head. The funny thing is, the change is still written to the database!
The stack trace says:
Devart.Data.Linq.ChangeConflictException: Row not found or changed.
at Devart.Data.Linq.Engine.b4.a(IObjectEntry[] A_0, ConflictMode A_1, a A_2)
at Devart.Data.Linq.Engine.b4.a(ConflictMode A_0)
at Devart.Data.Linq.DataContext.SubmitChanges(ConflictMode failureMode)
at Devart.Data.Linq.DataContext.SubmitChanges()
at Billing.Eway.EwayInternal.SuccessCustomerRenewal(String username, Bill bill, EwayTransaction transaction) in c:\Users\Ian\Source\Repos\billing-class-library\Billing\Billing\Eway\EwayInternal.cs:line 552
at Billing.Eway.Eway.BillAllUsers() in c:\Users\Ian\Source\Repos\billing-class-library\Billing\Billing\Eway\Eway.cs:line 138
And my code for Billing.Eway.EwayInternal.SuccessCustomerRenewal:
internal static void SuccessCustomerRenewal(string username, Bill bill, EwayTransaction transaction)
// Give them their points!
ApplyBillToCustomerAccount(username, bill, true);
BillingEmail.SendRenewalSuccessEmail(username, bill, transaction);
using (MsSqlDataClassesDataContext msSqlDb = new MsSqlDataClassesDataContext())
// TODO: Remove this logging
msSqlDb.Log = new StreamWriter(#"logs\db\" + Common.GetCurrentTimeStamp() + "-MsSQL.txt", true) { AutoFlush = true };
EwayCustomer ewayCustomer = msSqlDb.EwayCustomers.First(c => c.Username == username);
ewayCustomer.NextBillingDate = Common.GetPlanExpiry(bill.BillPlan);
using (MySqlDataContext mySqlDb = new MySqlDataContext())
// TODO: Remove this logging
mySqlDb.Log = new StreamWriter(#"logs\db\" + Common.GetCurrentTimeStamp() + "-MySQL.txt", true) { AutoFlush = true };
BillingMySqlContext.Customer grasCustomer = mySqlDb.Customers.First(c => c.Username == username);
// Extend their membership date out so that the plan doesn't expire because of a failed credit card charge.
grasCustomer.MembershipDate =
mySqlDb.SubmitChanges(); // <-- This is line 552
I know that the issue occurs on the mySqlDb.SubmitChanges() line, since that DB context is the one using Devart (Linq solution for MySQL databases): the other context uses pure MS Linq.
Not only is the change written to the MySql DB (inner using block), but it is also written to the MsSql DB (outer using block). But that's where the magical success ends.
If I could I would write a Minimal, Complete and Verifiable example, but strangely I'm unable to generate a Devart ChangeConflictException.
So, why does the change get saved to the database after a Devart.Data.Linq.ChangeConflictException? When I previously encountered System.Data.Linq.ChangeConflictException changes weren't saved.
Edit 1:
I've also now included the .PDB file and gotten line number confirmation of the exact source of the exception.
Edit 2:
I now understand why I can't generate a ChangeConflictException, so how is it happening here?
These are the attributes for MembershipDate:_
[Column(Name = #"Membership_Date", Storage = "_MembershipDate", CanBeNull = false, DbType = "DATETIME NOT NULL", UpdateCheck = UpdateCheck.Never)]
I know I can explicitly force my changes through to override any potential conflict, but that seems undesirable (I don't know what I would be overriding!). Similarly I could wrap the submit in a try block, and retry (re-reading each time) until success, but that seems clunky. How should I deal with this intermittent issue?
Edit 3:
It's not caused by multiple calls. This function is called in one place, by a single-instance app. It creates log entries every time it is run, and they are only getting created once. I have since moved the email call to the top of the method: the email only gets sent once, the exception occurs, and database changes are still made.
I believe it has something to do with the using blocks. Whilst stepping through the debugger on an unrelated issue, I entered the using block, but stopped execution before the SubmitChanges() call. And the changes were still written to the database. My understanding was that using blocks were to ensure resources were cleaned up (connections closed, etc), but it seems that the entire block is being executed. A new avenue to research...
But it still doesn't answer how a ChangeConflictException is even possible given Devart explicitly ignores them.
Edit 4:
So I wasn't going crazy, the database change did get submitted even after I ended execution in the middle of the using block, but it only works for websites.
Edit 5:
As per #Evk's suggestion I've included some DB logging (and updated the stacktrace and code snippet above). The incidence rate of this exception seems to have dropped, as it has only just happened since I implemented the logging. Here are the additional details:
Outer (MS SQL) logfile:
SELECT TOP (1) [t0].[id], [t0].[Username], [t0].[TokenId], [t0].[PlanId], [t0].[SignupDate], [t0].[NextBillingDate], [t0].[PaymentType], [t0].[RetryCount], [t0].[AccountStatus], [t0].[CancelDate]
FROM [dbo].[EwayCustomer] AS [t0]
WHERE [t0].[Username] = #p0
-- #p0: Input NVarChar (Size = 4000; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) [dyonis]
-- Context: SqlProvider(Sql2008) Model: AttributedMetaModel Build: 4.0.30319.18408a
(It just shows the SELECT call (.First()), none of the updates show).
Inner (MySQL) logfile:
SELECT t1.Customer_ID, t1.Username, t1.Account_Group, t1.Account_Password, t1.First_Name, t1.Last_Name, t1.Account_Type, t1.Points, t1.PromoPoints, t1.Phone, t1.Cell, t1.Email, t1.Address1, t1.Address2, t1.City, t1.State, t1.Country, t1.Postcode, t1.Membership_Group, t1.Suspend_On_Zero_Points, t1.Yahoo_ID, t1.MSN_ID, t1.Skype_ID, t1.Repurchase_Thresh, t1.Active, t1.Delete_Account, t1.Last_Activity, t1.Membership_Expires_After_x_Days, t1.Membership_Date, t1.auth_name, t1.created_by, t1.created_on, t1.AccountGroup_Points_Used, t1.AccountGroup_Points_Threashold, t1.LegacyPoints, t1.Can_Make_Reservation, t1.Gallery_Access, t1.Blog_Access, t1.Private_FTP, t1.Photometrica, t1.Promo_Code, t1.Promo_Expire_DTime, t1.Gift_FirstName, t1.Gift_LastName, t1.Gift_Email, t1.Gift_Phone, t1.Gift_Active, t1.NoMarketingEmail, t1.Can_Schedule, t1.Refered_By, t1.Q1_Hear_About_Us, t1.Q2_Exp_Level, t1.Q3_Intrests, t1.GIS_DTime_UTC, t1.Membership_Expire_Notice_Sent, t1.Promo_Expire_Notice_Sent, t1.isEncrypted, t1.PlanId
FROM grasbill.customers t1
WHERE t1.Username = :p0 LIMIT 1
-- p0: Input VarChar (Size = 6; DbType = AnsiString) [dyonis]
-- Context: Devart.Data.MySql.Linq.Provider.MySqlDataProvider Mapping: AttributeMappingSource Build: 4.4.519.0
UPDATE grasbill.customers SET Membership_Date = :p1 WHERE Customer_ID = :key1
-- p1: Input DateTime (Size = 0; DbType = DateTime) [8/3/2016 4:42:53 AM]
-- key1: Input Int (Size = 0; DbType = Int32) [7731]
-- Context: Devart.Data.MySql.Linq.Provider.MySqlDataProvider Mapping: AttributeMappingSource Build: 4.4.519.0
(Shows the SELECT and UPDATE calls)
So the log files don't really give any clue as to what's happening, but again the MS SQL database has been updated! The NextBillingDate field has been set correctly, as per this line:
ewayCustomer.NextBillingDate = Common.GetPlanExpiry(bill.BillPlan);
If it hadn't been updated, the user would have been billed again on the next timer tick (5 mins later), and I can see from logging that didn't happen.
One other interesting thing to note is the log file timestamps. As you can see from the code above I grab the current (UTC) time for the log filename. Here is the information shown by Windows File Explorer:
The MS SQL logfile was created at 04:42 (UTC) and last modified at 14:42 (UTC+10, Windows local-time), but the MySQL logfile was last modified at 15:23 (UTC+10), 41 minutes after it was created. Now I assume the logfile StreamWriter is closed as soon as it leaves scope. Is this delay an expected side effect of the exception? Did it take 41 minutes for the garbage collector to realise I no longer needed a reference to the StreamWriter? Or is something else going on?
Well 6 months later I finally got to the bottom of this problem. Not sure if it will ever help anyone else, but I'll detail it anyway.
There were 2 problems in play here, and 1 of them was idiocy (as they usually are), but one was legitimately something I did not know or expect.
Problem 1
The reason the changes were magically made to the database even though there was an exception was because the very first line of code in that function ApplyBillToCustomerAccount(username, bill, true); updates the database! <facepalm>
Problem 2
The (Devart) ChangeConflictException isn't only thrown if the data has changed, but also if you're not making any changes. MS SQL stores DateTimes with great precision, but MySQL (or the one I'm running at least) only stores down to seconds. And here's where the intermittency came in. If my database calls were quick enough, or just near the second boundary, they both got rounded to the same time. Devart saw no changes to be written, and threw a ChangeConflictException.
I recently made some optimisations to the database which resulted in far greater responsiveness, and massively increased incidence of this exception. That was one of the clues.
Also I tried changing the Found Rows parameter to true as instructed in the linked Devart post but found it did not help in my case. Or perhaps I did it wrong. Either way now that I've found the source of the issue I can eliminate the duplicate database updates.

Directory.Exists(#"\\SERVERIP\aFolder\bFolder"); always returns false

The following path always returns false:
// where SERVERIP is the server-IP which is being accessed using Impersonation
After debugging the code, it places double-slashes in the Debugger.
I have accessed the above file path without the # and double-quotes in WindowsExplorer.
What am I doing wrong?
[ The code will run on a network ]
The problem might be in the paths-[Source/Destinations] (both or one of it[source/destination] might be causing the problem) due to the default-paths used by Visual-Studio. So let me explain how to check wether the paths are correct/incorrect step by step.
Configuring ** SOURCE-PATH **:
Some times this path DRIVE:\ProgramFiles\IISExpress (or some other path depending on the installation location of IIS) gets concatenated with the SOURCE-PATH you give in the input To solve this problem, follow/verify these steps:
Ensure that the SOURCE-PATH or File you are using is in the Project-Folder
To Access the SOURCE-PATH or File. Always use this path/way:
// 1. SOURCE-PATH + fileName with Extension<br>
Server.MapPath("~\FolderInsideProjectFolder\", "fileName.extension");
Configuring ** DESTINATION-PATH (to a Mapped-NETWORK) **:
This path creates a problem if the path you entered has some words mispelled OR if you don't have access to the specified Server-IP[DestinationServerIP]. To solve this problem, follow/verify these steps:
Before Accessing the DESTINATION-PATH or File , ensure that the IP-Address you are referring to is Accessible to the Account under which your Application-code is running.To learn how to run Applications under an Account. See Impersonization
To Access the DESTINATION-PATH or File. Always use this path/way:
// 2. DESTINATION-PATH + fileName with Extension
#"\\SERVERIP\aFolder\bFolder" + "fileName.extension";
Remember that the SOURCE-PATH can be checked if it (exists/does not exist) by addressing its Fully-Qualified-Address and in that case, it will return true if it exists (The full-path that windows-explorer shows you in the Address Bar (Windows-Explorer) like DRIVE:/....../
EXTRA-INFORMATION: (as it was the basic INTENSION)
One line instruction to Copy the file from local-system → networked-mapped drive/path is:
Server.MapPath("~\FolderInsideProjectFolder\", "fileName.extension"),
#"\\SERVERIP\aFolder\bFolder" + "fileName.extension"
[, true ] // Optional if you want the file to be over-written or not
Please inform, if any thing still is not cleared (but after some nice searching ☋ ☛ )
Many a times I have seen file (or directory) access problems when the user (a human, system user such as IIS_IUSR or an application) lacks required privileges.
According to this question where the asker is facing similar problem, I believe that this may help you.
Let us know, if it helps.

How do I set encoding in an NpgsqlConnection

I have a PostgreSQL database, which uses character encoding WIN1252.
When querying the database, some records will produce an error when trying to read the data, because it is trying to convert it to UTF8. This happens on some foreign names containing certain non-Latin characters.
The error is:
ERROR: 22P05: character with byte sequence 0x81 in encoding "WIN1252" has no equivalent in encoding "UTF8"
It happens when I call Read() on the NpgsqlDataReader.
My connection is defined as:
new NpgsqlConnection("Server=;Port=5432;Database=xyz;User Id=****;Password=****;");
What can I do to read this data using C#?
I've managed to solve the problem. There is no way of setting the property in the connection string or any of the properties of the NpgsqlConnection or NpgsqlCommand.
However, I was able to set the value of client_encoding in a query. So directly after opening the connection I first executed the (non)query:
set client_encoding = 'WIN1252'
After that, any subsequent command on the same connection used the proper encoding and returned the results without complaints.
I tried to change the connection string but i had no luck with that.
The problem got solved by chaning the database settings file and reload it.
So i started pgadmin and executed
SHOW config_file;
which gave me
C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/14/data/postgresql.conf
in this file i changed the lc_messages from lang_language.1252 to UTF8.
After that i reloaded this config in pg admin by right click on the server name and press "Reload Configuration".
All settings are now set to UTF8 and it just worked fine.
lc_messages = 'UTF8' # locale for system error message
# strings
lc_monetary = 'UTF8' # locale for monetary formatting
lc_numeric = 'UTF8' # locale for number formatting
lc_time = 'UTF8' # locale for time formatting

C#/.Net launched process with exit code -2146234327

I have a C# 4 application which launches another one to execute some Python code. The Python code can be executed with no problems (checked on PythonWin).
In my app I see that the exit code is -2146234327. I've been Googling and couldn't figure out what does it mean.
Any ideas?
-2146234327 is HRESULT code, typically looked for in hex. See Interpreting HRESULTS returned from .NET/CLR: 0x8013XXXX:
HOST_E_EXITPROCESS_TIMEOUT 0x80131029 Process exited due to
Timeout escalation.
I’ve written a workaround based on the fact that this is a warning rather than an error.
I have included the following in the DOS Batch file that runs Analyse and Index Rebuild processes for ArcGIS
echo %myRC%
set Constant=-2146234327
echo %Constant%
if %myRC% EQU %Constant% set ERRORLEVEL=0
Line 1 sets a variable to the value returned from the call command e.g. call D:\Python27\ArcGIS10.2\python.exe D:\Analyze\Analyze.py >> D:\Analyze\Log\output.txt
Line 2 echoes the value returned
Line 3 sets a constant variable
Line 4 echoes this out
Line 5 compares the value returned from the CALL command against the constant and sets the ERRORLEVEL variable to zero if they match
Line 6 echoes out the return Code.
Found this information elsewhere that may shed a little more light on the issue:

Does .NET 3.5 SP1 SerialPort class append extra 0's on transmission?

Turns out the error was in the crypto processor code, that is fixed. But now running into what seems like it might be a handshaking issue.
On first transmission, we get a single byte back from the device with value 0xFF(don't know why, the engineer I'm working with isn't too experienced with RS-232 either). Then, things run as normal (just sending the device one byte at a time, and waiting for a matching echo). However, neither the device nor the .NET app can send more than a couple of bytes at a time before one of them locks up and refuses to send or receive.
At work I'm writing an app that interfaces over RS232 with a crypto processor inside a device to reprogram flash modules inside the device.
To just take things slow and make sure all our headers are right, we're writing one byte at a time with SerialPort.Write(). However, when we run the code on the crypto processor, it reads an extra NULL in between each byte. When I test the .NET code on my local machine with two serial ports and a crossover cable, I capture the output in HyperTerminal or Putty and there are no extra NULLs when I view the log in Notepad++.
However, to further complicate things, when we manually type messages byte-per-byte via HyperTerminal to the crypto processor, it reads the input as a single byte only, no extra NULLs (as compared to the .NET app). Anybody have any experience with .NET doing mysterious things when it writes to a SerialPort?
We're initializing a test chunk with this:
byte[] testBytes = new byte[] { (byte)'A', (byte)'B', (byte)'C', (byte)'D', (byte)'E', (byte)'F', (byte)'G', (byte)'H' };
byte[] byteArray = new byte[256];
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
testBytes.CopyTo(byteArray, i * 8);
And sending it with this:
public void StutterSend(byte[] data, long delayMs)
bool interactive = false;
if (delayMs < 0)
interactive = true;
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
serialPort.Write(data, i, 1);
if (interactive)
WriteLine("Sent byte " + (i + 1) + " of " + data.Length + ". Press any key to send moar.");
double timer = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.TotalMilliseconds;
do { } while ((DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.TotalMilliseconds - timer) < delayMs);
WriteLine("Done sending bytes.");
Our SerialPort is configured with all the matching parameters (stop bits, data bits, parity, baud rate, port name), and our handshake is set to None (it's just how our uart driver works).
Regarding your update, it sounds like your crypto processor has some more problems. Getting a 0xff back can be the result of an unexpected glitch of <= 1 bit time on the Tx line of the RS232 port. This is interpreted as a start bit by the PC. After the glitch, the Tx line returns to the mark state and now that the UART on the PC has a start bit, it interprets the "data" bits as all ones (the value for the mark state). The mark state is also the correct value for the stop bit(s) so your PC's UART has received a valid byte with a value of 0xff. Note that the glitch can be very fast relative to the RS232 data rate and still be interpreted as a start bit so have your engineer look at this line with an oscilloscope in normal mode/single sequence trigger to confirm this.
What is the Encoding property for the serialPort set to? The docs for SerialPort.Write( byte[], int, int) say that it runs its data through an Encoder object (which doesn't really make sense to me for a byte[]). It's supposed to default to ASCIIEncoding, but it seems like it might be set to something else. try explicitly setting it to ASCIIEncoding and see if that helps. I can't recall if this was an issue for me back when I did some serial port stuff in .NET to talk to an embedded board...
Note that even with ASCIIEncoding in use, you'll get some (probably unwanted) transformation of data - if you try to send something above value 127, the encoder will convert it to '?' since it's not a valid ASCII character. I can't recall off the top of my head how I got the serial port to simply leave my data alone - I'll have to dig around in some source code...
SerialPort sets the Parity property to Parity.None if you don't specify any. This means in case your receiver expects a Partity bit, it will never get one as long as you don't tell SerialPort explicitely to send along a Parity Bit with the transmitted data.
And the fact that it went well on HyperTerminal could be that HyperTerminal uses a Parity bit by default ( I don't know HyperTerminal well).
