Difference between running Umbraco on MacOS vs. Windows(Parallels) [closed] - c#

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I'm a frontend developer with very limited experience of .NET/C#/Umbraco. I want to setup an environment on my Macbook Pro M1 (Ventura), preferably without a VM. I don't really understand if this is possible. The Umbraco website says "To run a local installation of Umbraco on a Mac you need to setup a Virtual Machine "vm" that runs Microsoft Windows", but then I came across these guides:
How to run .NETCore Umbraco CMS on a MacBook
Docker Express: Running a Local SQL Server on Your M1 Mac
I've managed to install the .NETCore SDK, Docker & Azure Data Studio + setup a test db, but I want to make sure I'm on the right track before I continue.
So my questions are;
Is it possible to get this up and running entirely on my Mac, or should I keep some parts in Parallels/Windows. I would be thankful if someone could explain why, and what the benefits are.
Other proffessional projects I'm working on are setup in a Windows environment, using IIS Manager. How would I get these projects up and running om my Mac? What would be the best substitute for IIS Manager?


Best way to store PC application data localy and sync with server database [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Please, i have a question.
What is optimal way to store some settings and application data like tables or products info of my application localy. That means, data of my program is store on computer where application running.
But, If I want to use or work on this app on other computer it is problem because there aren´t same settings and data. So, I want to work on this app locally on my computer without internet. But, i want to synchoronizing tables and data with other computer if i want to.
I want to develop my personal application on desktop computer. It is like economical applicaton where are lots of products and peoples tables. I choose VS2015 C#.
Thank you very much for any reply.
One way that’s very popular right now is to use SQLite, which leverages the power of sql while being easily contained within your local file system. It’s a popular option used in both desktop and mobile applications currently.
https://www.sqlite.org/index.html - Project site
https://system.data.sqlite.org/index.html/doc/trunk/www/downloads.wiki - ADO.net providers.
Another option is to simply serialize collections of objects and write them to a file. You can then use LINQ (Language Integrated Query), to manage and select the data within your application as desired. However, SQLite would be my first choice.
I would also suggest upgrading to visual studio 2019 unless there are limitations within your system that prevent it. VS2019 is more widely supported by the latest library’s and 3rd party solutions. Many of the newer versions of DotNet, like DotNet Core, will not be supported in VS2015 (Though .net core 2.0 is supported in the 2017 version).

Installer for .NET Core project [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have developed a .NET Core console app. This app is not only targeted for Windows, but also for Linux.
What installer can I use to install the app to Linux? Preferably, I want a setup solution that handles both Windows and Linux.
I want some kind of installer because the app is intended for an offline Linux computer.
Off course, I know how to install it on Windows.
This is quite a broad question, but here goes.
In principle, installing a console app would likely mean pushing files around and maybe setting some values in a config file - operations that are trivial to accomplish from Powershell.
Given Powershell is now cross-platform, and you have chosen .NET Core for your console app, it could be a good choice for you as you'd only have one installer script codebase to maintain.

C# winforms application what's next? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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So a friend has asked to develop a desktop application in order to ease his work, it's not too big or crazy just some simple crud operation and some search tasks here & there.
I have finished the application now it's time to deliver it.
I have never delivered an app before and never really found myself in that situation since I am a total beginner with absolutely no real world experience so am super new to this, but I can handle and deliver what I am asked to do.
Some information about the application:
Developped using C# ( winforms ) on top of .Net ( 4.5 )
SQL Server 2014
Entity Framework 6.
So how do I deliver this to his workstation, I have read in the last days these a lot ( release , deploy , publish ) kinda got confused because the explanations were too vague plus the english that was used was a little bit difficult for me since it's not my native language.
Please let me know what should I be aware of, and I would love to see like step by step how to do this, and how professionals do it.
Thanks in advance and have a nice day to each and every one of you.
For my solution (Windows Form application with a SQL Server Database using EntityFramework), I used ClickOnce to publish it.
How to: Publish a ClickOnce Application using the Publish Wizard
You have to be sure that all the assembly you use in your project (.dll) are installed on the computer like those containing entity framework. You can easily find them on Microsoft website.
If your database is a local database, you have to install sql server express LocalDB on the computer.
And then, you only have to double click on the generated file from clickOnce and it will launch an installer wizard. If it fail, it shows you the error in detail and you can easily fix it.
Finally, you have to validate the connection string in your configuration file to be sure that it is pointing to your database.

move asp.net web site from pc to server [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I finished my asp.net website ,I am using vs 2013 and sql data base I designed the web site on my pc and it is work on IIS 7 , now I want to move the web site to our server which include Sql server 2008 .for my database no problem I will move it .but now any thing required to move the web site to the server, I do not know if I need to install vs 2013 on the server??
*note:the web site include report viewer .
you do not need Visual studio for deployment but you need .NET Framework installed in the remote server. You need to have Internet Information Services installed and it is advisable to have web deployment tools. In large scale enterprise applications we do not use manual web deployment but it should be automated with MSBUILD. Have a look at [Deployment automation][1]. You can deploy your code to a remote server and have a look at Remote Deployment.

C# app install in phone [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm using MS Visual Studio 2013.
i wonder if somehow can install application on phone(to use application on phone when user want's?
i know with ms visual studio can connect to windows phone, but how can install application?
You can connect device to the machine.when successfully connected, the device will be listed in visual studio.
From visual studio,select the device instead of simulator.
just deploy the solution
this will install your app into the device.
You can distribute Windows apps (I think this is what you want), throw the windows store.
Other methods are to develop ORM software or enterprise software.
Have a look here for more detailed infos.
I assume you want to deploy your own application to a test device.
First you have to make sure that you have installed the correct WindowsPhone SDK (depending on your phone OS).
Get a developer licence. If you are trying to deploy your application Visual Studio will give you a hint how to get one.
Create a project for windows phone or a universal app, something you can put on your device.
Connect your device and press "Start" in Visual Studio, the application gets compiled, deployed and started automatically.
