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C# (C-Sharp) is a programming language developed by Microsoft that runs on the .NET Framework.
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How can i scale a texture to the given size in pixel with SharpDX.Direct3D9?
NX monorepo in a dotnet Angular project
I am trying to make a script that moves my GameObject for sometime and then stops it for 2 seconds but it does not work
Balance between private static methods in extension or logic within separate class [closed]
Closeable Chip on Mudblazor fileupload
SKiasharp Setting Typeface with ttf file resulting in null
linq Average within a groupby
Memory problems parsing HTML from site
How to get rid of code duplication for Minimal API's
Unity Android build doesn´t run: Unable to find player assembly
Why is my manual call to PropertyChange ignored?
C# Regex Expression is needed
Swig and C#: cannot assign value to struct array member
How to have multiple render views for a single Blazor Component?
Is there a way to override the serialization error message?
the values field is required
C# Get complete Type returned by Action method (using Reflection or Roslyn) (not Type.ReturnType)
Xamarin.Forms front-end logs
Writing a datatable to Office 365 SharePoint in C#
ASP.NET Core OData Atompub formatter
Hololens 2 sometimes detects miracast devices
Web API List<T> returns xml but IEnumerable<T> returns json. Why?
The serializer in the HttpGet method does not work correctly
exact copy of files and folders
How do I implement a C# createTemplate() method in ASP.NET Core?
"Error CS7014 Attributes are not valid in this context." When I try to use DllImport in a C# Console App [duplicate]
Player not rolling using new unity input system [duplicate]
iText7 - how to get properties of a field date, format, export value, etc
How to prevent default in Blazor?
Will non-awaited async functions definitely attempt finish in ASP.NET Core Web API?
How not to allow running some parts of a script by different users at the exact moment of time?
Why will I get TimeSpan when a DateTime var minus another DateTime var in C#?
Blazor (Server) not updating image using StateHasChanged();
How to delete rows in SQLite database where rows older than 30 days using c# ? [closed]
Is there a way to ignore argument in delegate, for cleaner code in C#
Is there a way to make a pop up appear when a file in github changes name?
Find the shortest regex match c#?
ASP.NET Core 6 MVC / C#: change style color depending on ViewBag value
Building Project takes a long time in Unity
Does Dapper open a connection string even if its not used? [closed]
Android suppress ask permission for USB device
What are the strings passed into the logging filter?
EF Core union with value conversion
Create revision based on foreign key ef core
How to send email using Graph API from any or multiple office365 or outlook acccounts?
can We connect to multiple IP using socket.Connect() with UDP - C# [closed]
C# - I have a list of objects, and changing the property in one object changes the property in all of them
c# ServiceStack Redis Clients grown up suddenly and get max number of clients reached
An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request Connection refused MVC with API
How to remove suffix from a word in c#?
C# Serilog - ApplicationInsights - ASP.NET Core 6 - Own Exception logging with ILogger
Initialize an oracle table of records in EF core
AddHandlebarsScaffolding with Entity Framework
BMI & BMR calculator
Skip a word in a string along with special character
I get weird errors on unity in the create with unity course
Xml data file to Sql Database including data comparison and validation
How to read a text file in a folder that I included in the uwp desktop project?
Inject Typed HttpClient in a class with other parameters
How to store the password of my SQLite Cipher database? [duplicate]
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