How would I do some simple file encryption and decryption? - c#

I have a .NET application. I need to store a text value encrypted in a file, then retrieve the encrypted value somewhere else in the code, and decrypt it.
I don't need the strongest or most secure encryption method on earth, just something that will suffice to say - I have the value encrypted, and am able to decrypt it.
I've searched a lot on the net to try and use cryptography, but most of the examples I find, don't clearly define the concepts, and the worst part is they seem to be machine specific.
Essentially, can someone please send a link to an easy to use method of encryption that can encrypt string values to a file, and then retrieve these values.

StackOverflow's Extension library has two nice little extensions to encrypt and decrypt a string with RSA. I have used the topic here a few times myself but haven't tested it really, but it is a StackOverflow Extension library so I assume it is tested and stable.
public static string Encrypt(this string stringToEncrypt, string key)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stringToEncrypt))
throw new ArgumentException("An empty string value cannot be encrypted.");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
throw new ArgumentException("Cannot encrypt using an empty key. Please supply an encryption key.");
System.Security.Cryptography.CspParameters cspp = new System.Security.Cryptography.CspParameters();
cspp.KeyContainerName = key;
System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider(cspp);
rsa.PersistKeyInCsp = true;
byte[] bytes = rsa.Encrypt(System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringToEncrypt), true);
return BitConverter.ToString(bytes);
public static string Decrypt(this string stringToDecrypt, string key)
string result = null;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stringToDecrypt))
throw new ArgumentException("An empty string value cannot be encrypted.");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
throw new ArgumentException("Cannot decrypt using an empty key. Please supply a decryption key.");
System.Security.Cryptography.CspParameters cspp = new System.Security.Cryptography.CspParameters();
cspp.KeyContainerName = key;
System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider(cspp);
rsa.PersistKeyInCsp = true;
string[] decryptArray = stringToDecrypt.Split(new string[] { "-" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
byte[] decryptByteArray = Array.ConvertAll<string, byte>(decryptArray, (s => Convert.ToByte(byte.Parse(s, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber))));
byte[] bytes = rsa.Decrypt(decryptByteArray, true);
result = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);
// no need for further processing
return result;

If you're looking at doing symmetric encryption, then I'd consider the Enterprise Library Cryptography Application Block. David Hayden had a useful blog post about it, though its for Enterprise Library 2.0 (the current is 4.1), I think you will it is still useful.

In .NET you can use an instance of a SymmetricAlgorithm. Here on Stack Overflow there is a question that demonstrates how to encrypt and decrypt strings using a password. How you are going to handle the password is a different matter but I assume that you are not too concerned about that and simply want to "hide" some text from the prying eye.

Here is a blog post using the cryptography library that .NET comes with for a symmetric encryption/decryption.
A symmetric algorithm uses the same key to encrypt and decrypt, much as you use one key to lock and unlock your car door.
A public key algorithm would use one key to encrypt and another to decrypt, so, I can send you a file that is encrypted, and know that only you can decrypt it, as you have kept your key very secure and private.


RSA Encryption and Decryption with X509certificate2

So, what I need is next:
Create certifiactes for development, get one for the client and one for server
Retrieve password through API that is encoded from client and decode it on server
Now, I managed to create certifiactes following this link. The girl there gave step by step instructions on how to get self signed certifiactes, put them in store, etc... Now, the part I'm having problem with:
I've managed to encrypt my data using this code:
public static string Encrypt(string stringForEncription, string PathToPrivateKey)
X509Certificate2 myCertificate;
myCertificate = new X509Certificate2(PathToPrivateKey, "Test123");
catch (Exception e)
throw new CryptographicException("Unable to open key file.");
RSACryptoServiceProvider rsaObj;
if (myCertificate.HasPrivateKey)
rsaObj = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)myCertificate.PrivateKey;
throw new CryptographicException("Private key not contained within certificate.");
if (rsaObj == null)
return String.Empty;
byte[] decryptedBytes;
byte[] array = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringForEncription);
decryptedBytes = rsaObj.Encrypt(array, false);
//decryptedBytes = rsaObj.Encrypt(Convert.FromBase64String(Base64EncryptedData), false);
catch (Exception e)
throw new CryptographicException("Unable to encrypt data.");
// Check to make sure we decrpyted the string
if (decryptedBytes.Length == 0)
return String.Empty;
return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decryptedBytes);
For PathToPrivate key variable I am using the path to my client ClientCert.pfx. I don't know if I should use any other, but here is the snap of the folder with all the certificates that I made:
Now, for the decryption, I'm using next code:
public static string DecryptEncryptedData(string Base64EncryptedData, string PathToPrivateKey)
X509Certificate2 myCertificate;
myCertificate = new X509Certificate2(PathToPrivateKey, "Test123");
catch (Exception e)
throw new CryptographicException("Unable to open key file.");
RSACryptoServiceProvider rsaObj;
if (myCertificate.HasPrivateKey)
rsaObj = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)myCertificate.PrivateKey;
throw new CryptographicException("Private key not contained within certificate.");
if (rsaObj == null)
return String.Empty;
byte[] decryptedBytes;
decryptedBytes = rsaObj.Decrypt(Convert.FromBase64String(Base64EncryptedData), false);
catch (Exception e)
throw new CryptographicException("Unable to decrypt data.");
// Check to make sure we decrpyted the string
if (decryptedBytes.Length == 0)
return String.Empty;
return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decryptedBytes);
And whatever I try to do, it gives me exception:
{"The input is not a valid Base-64 string as it contains a non-base 64 character, more than two padding characters, or an illegal character among the padding characters. "}
Would really apreciate somebody helping me out.
The reason you are getting the error is the string you are trying to Convert.FromBase64String from a value that is not actually a base-64 string.
After encrypting your data, you should convert the byte array to a base-64 string.
Use Convert.ToBase64String for this.
return Convert.ToBase64String(decryptedBytes);
Then your decrypt line will work:
decryptedBytes =
rsaObj.Decrypt(Convert.FromBase64String(Base64EncryptedData), false);
This is not the exact answer which you might expected but I write here as it's too long as a comment.
I think the decryption itself has no problem at all (I've found the example blog of your code with php encryption) That's why I commented I was curious on the encryptedstring which is the target of decryption.
I also struggled in understanding Security for months and now I use symmetric(AES) and asymmetric(RSA) together. Understanding is really important and everybody takes time..
RSA is asymmetric and one-way which means the Encryption can be done only by public key and the Decryption can be done only by private key.
You're using private key in Encryption method and it seems just copied from Decryption.
The answer by Zesty is right only in terms of formatting. You're also needed to understand the formatting. We need Convert.ToBase64String and Convert.FromBase64String in Encryption and Decryption from byte to base64string and vice versa. However this base64string is not just plain like 'hello' but
'SABlAGwAbABvACAAVwBvAHIAbABkAA==' as you see here
And I kindly recommend to use complete solution(not half one like php encryption) like this blog so that Encryption and Decryption and all are in harmony.
And as last as I commented also, you're needed to think about how to prevent the black users if encryption is done from client side and you don't have only good users.
I hope my experience helps to understand Security which is of most importance.

symmetric decryption throwing error

I'm working on adding the ability to decrypt a file encrypted using GPG & Symmetric Encryption.
However whenever it tries to get the private key data this exceptions keeps getting hit:
Unable to cast object of type 'Org.BouncyCastle.Bcpg.OpenPgp.PgpPbeEncryptedData' to type 'Org.BouncyCastle.Bcpg.OpenPgp.PgpPublicKeyEncryptedData'.
everywhere I look this is how you do it:
Stream inputStream = IoHelper.GetStream(inputData);
PgpObjectFactory pgpFactory = new PgpObjectFactory(PgpUtilities.GetDecoderStream(inputStream));
PgpObject pgp = null;
if (pgpFactory != null)
pgp = pgpFactory.NextPgpObject();
PgpEncryptedDataList encryptedData = null;
if (pgp is PgpEncryptedDataList)
encryptedData = (PgpEncryptedDataList)pgp;
encryptedData = (PgpEncryptedDataList)pgpFactory.NextPgpObject();
Stream privateKeyStream = File.OpenRead(PrivateKeyOnlyPath);
// find secret key
PgpSecretKeyRingBundle pgpKeyRing = new PgpSecretKeyRingBundle(PgpUtilities.GetDecoderStream(privateKeyStream));
PgpPrivateKey privateKey = null;
foreach (PgpPublicKeyEncryptedData pked in encryptedData.GetEncryptedDataObjects())
privateKey = FindSecretKey(pgpKeyRing, pked.KeyId, Password.ToCharArray());
if (privateKey != null)
//pubKeyData = pked;
I'm referencing the code from here
I'm lost on why it's not working and not sure where to go next.
Hybrid Cryptosystems
The "normal" way of encryption in OpenPGP (which GnuPG implements) is hybrid encryption: public/private key cryptography for key management and encrypting a session key, and subsequently symmetric encryption using this session key of the actual data.
From what you write, it seems the public/private key cryptography step was omitted, and the session key instead generated using a passphrase, for example by using the command gpg --symmetric. You can determine how it was encrypted using pgpdump. Output for a symmetrically encrypted file looks like
Old: Symmetric-Key Encrypted Session Key Packet(tag 3)(13 bytes)
New version(4)
Sym alg - CAST5(sym 3)
Iterated and salted string-to-key(s2k 3):
Hash alg - SHA512(hash 10)
Salt - 3b be 1b 03 64 c3 bb 7e
Count - 102400(coded count 105)
New: Symmetrically Encrypted Data Packet(tag 9)(26 bytes)
Encrypted data [sym alg is specified in sym-key encrypted session key]
Especially consider the first line with the symmetric-key encrypted session key packet.
What to do
I'm sorry I do not really know C#, and neither have worked with Bouncy Castle yet, so I cannot provide a ready-to-run solution. Moreover, the C# documentation seems to be more or less inexistent.
I'd guess you'll have to make use of the PgpPbeEncryptedData class, which seems to take an input stream and a passphrase and provides the decrypted information as an output stream. There is an example for the Java Bouncy Castle package, which will probably be very similar and mostly boils down to
byte[] decryptedAgainByteArray = ByteArrayHandler.decrypt(encryptedAgain, PASS.toCharArray());

Using an RSA Public key to decrypt a string that was encrypted using an RSA private key

This is a duplicate of an unanswered question here: Using an RSA Public Key to decrypt a string that was encrypted using RSA Private Key
You can see the author found a solution using some code from here:
Using code from that link looks very promising. The only thing missing is the padding. I typically use PKCS1.5 padding which is the default for OpenSSL RSA.
I know the answer to this question is very close. I know the only thing holding back decryption is the pkcs1.5 padding on the encrypted openssl ciphertext.
I was surprised to see how little information is out there on this subject because there are many situations where you would need a server to encrypt something, sign something, etc, and have a client application verify, decrypt, etc with the public key.
I also extensively tried using the RSACryptoServiceProvider to verify hash's resulting from the encryption using OpenSSL. For example, I would do a private key encryption using a SHA256 hash of the plaintext, then try to do a RSACryptoServiceProvider verify on that signature, and it does not work. I think the way MS does this is non standard and there are perhaps special customization at work with that.
So, the alternative is this question, which is simply taking private key encrypted ciphertext and using C# to decrypt it, thus, verifying it's authenticity. Hashes can be incorporated to make a simple signature verification system for data objects signed by the server and verified on the client.
I've looked through the PKCS1 RFC's, OpenSSL rsa source code, and other projects, I cannot get a solid answer on how to account for PKCS1 padding when doing my RSA Decrypt. I cannot locate where in the OpenSSL source code they handle the PKCS1 padding, otherwise, I might have an answer by now.
Also, this is my first question, I know it's a duplicate of an unanswered question, so, what to do? I googled that too, and found nothing.
The other thing I don't understand is why my decrypt method doesn't work. Since padding is removed after decryption, my decrypted data should resemble plaintext, and it's not even close. So, I'm almost sure that pkcs1 padding means that other things are happening, specifically, to the ciphertext which means that the ciphertext must be preprocessed prior to decryption to remove padding elements.
Perhaps simply filtering the ciphertext to remove padding elements is the simplest solution here...
Here is my Decrypt method:
public static byte[] PublicDecryption(this RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa, byte[] cipherData)
if (cipherData == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("cipherData");
BigInteger numEncData = new BigInteger(cipherData);
RSAParameters rsaParams = rsa.ExportParameters(false);
BigInteger Exponent = GetBig(rsaParams.Exponent);
BigInteger Modulus = GetBig(rsaParams.Modulus);
BigInteger decData = BigInteger.ModPow(numEncData, Exponent, Modulus);
byte[] data = decData.ToByteArray();
byte[] result = new byte[data.Length - 1];
Array.Copy(data, result, result.Length);
result = RemovePadding(result);
return result;
private static byte[] RemovePadding(byte[] data)
byte[] results = new byte[data.Length - 4];
Array.Copy(data, results, results.Length);
return results;
The problem isn't with the padding. In fact, removing padding values from decrypted ciphertext is actually very simple. The problem was with the software at this location:
You can see the author found a solution using some code from here:
And with Microsoft's implementation of System.Numeric which simply cannot handle larger integers...
To fix the issue, I looked at previous releases of code on the codeproject site and ended up with this PublicDecrypt method.
public static byte[] PublicDecryption(this RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa, byte[] cipherData)
if (cipherData == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("cipherData");
BigInteger numEncData = new BigInteger(cipherData);
RSAParameters rsaParams = rsa.ExportParameters(false);
BigInteger Exponent = new BigInteger(rsaParams.Exponent);
BigInteger Modulus = new BigInteger(rsaParams.Modulus);
BigInteger decData2 = numEncData.modPow(Exponent, Modulus);
byte[] data = decData2.getBytes();
bool first = false;
List<byte> bl = new List<byte>();
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; ++i)
if (!first && data[i] == 0x00)
first = true;
else if (first)
if (data[i] == 0x00)
return bl.ToArray();
if (bl.Count > 0)
return bl.ToArray();
return new byte[0];
That will perfectly decrypt ciphertext created by openssl using the rsautl utility, or the Perl Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA private_encrypt method.
The other big change was dropping the Microsoft BitInteger library which simply didn't work. I ended up using the one mentioned in the Code Project article , and found here:
The key here is to set the maxintsize in the library to a value which is larger based on how big of a key size you are using. For 4096 bit, a value of 500 worked fine (approx length of the modulus).
Here is the calling method:
var encmsg3 = "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";
byte[] enc = Convert.FromBase64String(encmsg3);
var dec = rsa2.PublicDecryption(enc);
Debug.Print("PLAINTEXT: " + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(dec));
The only last thing someone would need to completely replicate this would be getting the private key into openssl format so that they could pass the private and public keys back and forth between openssl and C#.
I used, and created an RSA instance, and set all the variables using bignumbers. Here's the code for that:
RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
RSAParameters par = rsa.ExportParameters(true); // export the private key
using (OpenSSL.Crypto.RSA rsaos = new OpenSSL.Crypto.RSA())
using (BigNumber bnmod = BigNumber.FromArray(par.Modulus))
using (BigNumber bnexp = BigNumber.FromArray(par.Exponent))
using (BigNumber bnD = BigNumber.FromArray(par.D))
using (BigNumber bnP = BigNumber.FromArray(par.P))
using (BigNumber bnQ = BigNumber.FromArray(par.Q))
using (BigNumber bnDmodP = BigNumber.FromArray(par.DP))
using (BigNumber bnDmodQ = BigNumber.FromArray(par.DQ))
using (BigNumber bnInverse = BigNumber.FromArray(par.InverseQ))
rsaos.PublicExponent = bnexp;
rsaos.PublicModulus = bnmod;
rsaos.IQmodP = bnInverse;
rsaos.DmodP1 = bnDmodP;
rsaos.DmodQ1 = bnDmodQ;
rsaos.SecretPrimeFactorP = bnP;
rsaos.SecretPrimeFactorQ = bnQ;
rsaos.PrivateExponent = bnD;
string privatekey = rsaos.PrivateKeyAsPEM;
string publickey = rsaos.PublicKeyAsPEM
With that you can easily create an RSA key, export everything to OpenSSL, and encrypt/decrypt anything you want within reason. It is enough to handle private key encryption followed by public key decryption.
There is a problem in the line in the PublicDecryption function:
BigInteger numEncData = new BigInteger(cipherData);
it shall be:
BigInteger numEncData = GetBig(cipherData);
This line shall also be removed:
You may encounter some padding problem, but if you can get the data right, it shall be easy to correct that.

RSA in C# does not produce same encrypted string for specific keys?

I have a requirement, where I need to encrypt my connection string in one application and decrypt it in another. With this in mind, I save the public key and private keys in App.Config of the application respectively.
Now, shouldn't RSA should give me same encrypted string with same keys which I use?
I get different encrypted strings all the time, with same keys used.!! Please help me to clear the confusion. I am not understanding how I can solve this problem, that I get BAD Data exception if I use the saved encrypted string, as every time the encryption gives me different encrypted strings.
Here is my code:
private string connecString;
private RSACryptoServiceProvider rsaEncryptDecrypt;
public EncryptAndDecrypt(string connecString)
this.connecString = connecString;
this.rsaEncryptDecrypt = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(4096);
public string EncryptTheConnecString(string publicKeyValue)
byte[] encryptedData;
byte[] message = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(connecString);
encryptedData = rsaEncryptDecrypt.Encrypt(message, false);
return Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedData);
public string DecryptTheConnecString(string privateKeyValue, string encrystr)
byte[] decryptedData;
byte[] message = Convert.FromBase64String(encrystr);
decryptedData = rsaEncryptDecrypt.Decrypt(message, false);
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString((decryptedData));
Thank you in advance.
Update 1:
I used
UnicodeEncoding ByteConverter = new UnicodeEncoding();
ByteConverter.GetBytes("data to encrypt");
//Which is not Connection string but a small test str
Still I see that the encrypted data is changing everytime.
But the Bad Data error is no more seen. Yet I cannot use UTF16(UnicodeEncoding) over Encoding.UTF8 because it cannot encrypt the huge string like connection string and throws an exception:
CryptographicException: Key not valid for use in specified state.
Update 2:
I could solve the problem of bad data by using UTF8Encoding ByteConverter = new UTF8Encoding(); and then doing ByteConverter .GetString("HUGE STRING");
It can happen because of Random Padding.
In general the answer to your question is yes, it should always produce the same result if the same parameters are given.
The best way to tackle these issues is to stay as close to the best practice code as possible, currently you a using the crypto provider slightly different than the framework docs propose, see the following:
static public byte[] RSAEncrypt(byte[] DataToEncrypt, RSAParameters RSAKeyInfo, bool DoOAEPPadding)
byte[] encryptedData;
//Create a new instance of RSACryptoServiceProvider.
using (RSACryptoServiceProvider RSA = new RSACryptoServiceProvider())
//Import the RSA Key information. This only needs
//toinclude the public key information.
//Encrypt the passed byte array and specify OAEP padding.
//OAEP padding is only available on Microsoft Windows XP or
encryptedData = RSA.Encrypt(DataToEncrypt, DoOAEPPadding);
return encryptedData;
This is an excerpt from the official MSDN doc:
First try and adopt the best practice and then see if this issue still comes up.

C# Encrypt an XML File

I need two methods one to encrypt and one to decrypt an xml file with a key= "hello world",the key hello world should be used to encrypt and decrypt the xml file.These methods should work on all machines!!! Any encryption methods will do. XML File contents below:
Can some give me a sample?The issue is the msdn sample encyptions make a xml file encypted but when I decrypt on another machine it doesn't work.For example
I tried this sample:
How to: Encrypt XML Elements with Asymmetric Keys,
but here there is some kinda session and on another machine it says bad data phewf!
If you want the same key for encrypting and decrypting you should use a symmetric method (that's the definition, really). Here's the closest one to your sample (same source).
The posted sample isn't working because they aren't using the same keys. Not only on different machines: running the program on the same machine twice should not work either (didn't work for me), because they use different random keys every time.
try adding this code after creating your key:
key = new RijndaelManaged();
string password = "Password1234"; //password here
byte[] saltBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Salt"); // salt here (another string)
var p = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(password, saltBytes); //TODO: think about number of iterations (third parameter)
// sizes are devided by 8 because [ 1 byte = 8 bits ]
key.IV = p.GetBytes(key.BlockSize / 8);
key.Key = p.GetBytes(key.KeySize / 8);
Now the program is using the same key and initial vector, and Encrypt and Decrypt should work on all machines.
Also, consider renaming key to algorithm, otherwise this is very misleading. I'd say it's a bad, not-working-well example from MSDN.
NOTE: PasswordDeriveBytes.GetBytes() has been deprecated because of serious (security) issues within the PasswordDeriveBytes class. The code above has been rewritten to use the safer Rfc2898DeriveBytes class instead (PBKDF2 instead of PBKDF1). Code generated with the above using PasswordDeriveBytes may be compromised.
See also: Recommended # of iterations when using PKBDF2-SHA256?
First of all, if you want to use the same key for encrypting and decrypting, you should look at symmetric cryptography. Asymmetric cryptography is when the keys for encrypting and decrypting are different. Just so that you know - RSA is asymmetric, TripleDES and Rijndael are symmetric. There are others too, but .NET does not have default implementations for them.
I'd advise studying the System.Security.Cryptography namespace. And learning a bit about all that stuff. It has all you need to encrypt and decrypt files, as well as generate a password. In particular, you might be interested in these classes:
There are also examples for usage in MSDN for each of them. You can use these classes to encrypt any file, not just XML. If however you want to encrypt just a select few elements, you can take a look at System.Security.Cryptography.Xml namespace. I see you've already found one article about it. Keep following the links on that page and you will learn more about those classes.
Would be cooler if you used a private key to sign the <lic> element and added the result to the file (in a <hash> element perhaps). This would make it possibly for everyone to read the xml file in case your support needs to know the license number, or the date of expiry, but they can not change any values without the private key.
The public key needed to verify the signature would be common knowledge.
Signing your code will only protect it against changes, it will not keep any information in it hidden. Your original question mentions encryption, but I am not sure that it is a requirement to hide the data, or just protect it from modification.
Example code: (Never publish PrivateKey.key. ServerMethods are only needed when signing the xml file, ClientMethods are only needed when verifying the xml file.)
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
public static class Program {
public static void Main() {
if (!File.Exists("PublicKey.key")) {
// Assume first run, generate keys and sign document.
var input = new XmlDocument();
Debug.Assert(input.DocumentElement != null);
var licNode = input.DocumentElement["lic"];
Debug.Assert(licNode != null);
var licNodeXml = licNode.OuterXml;
var signedNode = input.CreateElement("signature");
signedNode.InnerText = ServerMethods.CalculateSignature(licNodeXml);
if (ClientMethods.IsValidLicense("output.xml")) {
} else {
public static class ServerMethods {
public static void GenerateKeyPair() {
var rsa = SharedInformation.CryptoProvider;
using (var keyWriter = File.CreateText("PublicKey.key"))
using (var keyWriter = File.CreateText("PrivateKey.key"))
public static string CalculateSignature(string data) {
var rsa = SharedInformation.CryptoProvider;
var dataBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data);
var signatureBytes = rsa.SignData(dataBytes, SharedInformation.HashAlgorithm);
return Convert.ToBase64String(signatureBytes);
public static class ClientMethods {
public static bool IsValid(string data, string signature) {
var rsa = SharedInformation.CryptoProvider;
var dataBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data);
var signatureBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(signature);
return rsa.VerifyData(dataBytes, SharedInformation.HashAlgorithm, signatureBytes);
public static bool IsValidLicense(string filename) {
var doc = new XmlDocument();
var licNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("/root/lic") as XmlElement;
var signatureNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("/root/signature") as XmlElement;
if (licNode == null || signatureNode == null) return false;
return IsValid(licNode.OuterXml, signatureNode.InnerText);
public static class SharedInformation {
public static int KeySize {
get { return 1024; }
public static string HashAlgorithm {
get { return "SHA512"; }
public static RSACryptoServiceProvider CryptoProvider {
get { return new RSACryptoServiceProvider(KeySize, new CspParameters()); }
this is how you digitally sign and verify XML documents Sign XML Documents
