How I can make this Distinct work:
var blockIdMap = (from panelEntry in panelEntries
select new {panelEntry.BlockNo, panelEntry.BlockID})
.ToDictionary(mc => mc.BlockNo , mc => mc.BlockID);
I need to have only unique entries of BlockNo with it's BlockId because I enter them to Dictionary and BlockNo should be unique.
I want just to take the first one.
var blockIdMap = panelEntries.GroupBy(pe => pe.BlockNo)
.ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.First())
In this case your linq query doesn't work beacuse .Distinct() method equals panelEntry.BlockNo and panelEntry.BlockID and not only panelEntry.BlockNo. So a solution could be use MoreLinq and the method .DistinctBy():
var blockIdMap = (from panelEntry in panelEntries
select new {panelEntry.BlockNo, panelEntry.BlockID})
.DistinctBy(mc => mc.BlockNo)
.ToDictionary(mc => mc.BlockNo , mc => mc.BlockID);
var entity = await _abcRepository.get(Id);
var X = entity.GroupBy(c => c.number).Where(grp => grp.Count() == 1).Take(10).ToList();
in images you see [0] and inside of it one more [0].
How can I get that model value.
X[0][0] is not working.
X.Value is not working.
I need to convert that dictionary to model.
Use .Select to normalize aggregation as per your wish.
var X = entity.GroupBy(c => c.number).Where(grp => grp.Count() == 1)
.Select(group => new { GroupKey = group.Key, Items = group.ToList() })
You could try something like this:
var entity = await _abcRepository.get(Id);
var results = entity.GroupBy(c => c.number)
.Where(grp => grp.Count() == 1)
.ToDictionary(grp => grp.Key, grp => grp.First());
Essentially, the lambda you pass in Where method certifies that the groups are created contains only one item. That being said, you can use the First on each group to fetch that one element.
I have a table "Book" with a many-to-many relationship to "Tag" and need a distinct Book-count pr. Tag. In SQL, the query looks like this:
count(DISTINCT b.BookId)
FROM _Tag t
JOIN Book.BookTag bt
ON t.Id = bt.TagId
JOIN Books b
ON b.BookId = bt.BookId
I have fetched the tags and included the Books navigation-property and from this I should be able to get distinct BookId's pr. tagname. I want to get the result in a tuple.
So far I have tried the following:
var tagTuples = from tag in tags
join book in tags.Select(t => t.Books) on tag.Books equals book
group new {tag, book} by tag.Name
into g
select new Tuple<string, string, int>("tags", g.Key, g.Select(x =>;
var tagTuples = tags.GroupBy(t => t.Name)
.Select(t2 => new Tuple<string, string, int>("tags", t2.Key, t2.Sum(t4 => t4.Books
.Select(b => b.BookId).Distinct().Count())))
.Where(t3 => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t3.Item2)).Take(15);
...and my latest version:
var tagTuples =
tags.Select(t => new {t.Name, BookId = t.Books.Select(b => b.BookId)})
.GroupBy(tb => tb.Name)
.Select(tb2 => new Tuple<string, string, int>("tags", tb2.Key, tb2.Sum(tb3 => tb3.BookId.Distinct().Count())));
Nevermind the small differences in the query's - I'm only interested in a solution to the problem described above.
Frustration! It takes me 2 minutes to write an SQL query that does this and I'm pretty sure there's a simple answer, but I lack EF routine.
Thankyou for your time. :)
using(var ctx = new EntitiesContext())
// GROUP By name
var bookCountByTag = ctx.Tags.GroupBy(t => t.Name)
.Select(t2 => new {
// SELECT the key (tag name)
// "GroupBy" has many result, so use SelectMany
Count = t2.SelectMany(t3 =>
This LINQ-to-SQL query works (testing in LINQpad):
var q5 = LOGs.Where(r => r.APP_NAME == "Toaster")
.GroupBy(pol => pol.CASE_NO)
.Select(grp => grp.First())
.OrderByDescending(l => l.WHEN);
However, that returns all columns for each row.
How can I refine the Select() part to specify certain columns?
I can do it in two steps by adding .ToList() to the query, then querying q5:
var q5a = q5.Select(r => new {CASE=r.CASE_NO, WHEN = r.WHEN});
Can I accomplish that in one statement instead of two?
Thanks --
why don't you filter after where?
var q5 = LOGs.Where(r => r.APP_NAME == "Toaster")
.Select(r=> new{r.CASE_NO, r.WHEN})
.GroupBy(pol => pol.CASE_NO)
.Select(grp => grp.First())
.OrderByDescending(l => l.WHEN);
remembar that new {CASE=r.CASE_NO, WHEN = r.WHEN} creates a new anonymous type because of differents property names, new {r.CASE_NO, r.WHEN} doesn't !
I can use the following to return the IDs (strings) that match following an intersect:
var ids = db.QuestionOption
.Select(a => a.ControlID)
.Intersect(cs.Select(b => b.ClientID))
How would I intersect with the IDs but fetch the entity, not just its matching ID?
First you can get the Ids:
var idList = cs.Select(b => b.ClientID);
Then you can use Contains like this:
var result = db.QuestionOption.Where(a => idList.Contains(a.ControlID)).ToList();
Or, you can use join:
from q in db.QuestionOption
join x in cs on q.ControlId equals x.ControlId
select q
You can do a where clause instead of intersect:
var objs = db.QuestionOption.Where(a => cs.Select(b => b.ClientId).ToList().Contains(a.ControlID)).ToList();
As a follow up to my last question here:
Filtering a list of HtmlElements based on a list of partial ids
I need to take this statement:
.Where(x => x.Id != null)
.Where(x => ids
.Any(id => x.Id.Contains(id))).ToList();
and join it with an array of strings called fields. Assuming the array and list will have the same amount of elements each and line up correctly. I tried using Zip() but thought I might need to use an additional linq statement to make it work.
Assuming that fieldList[0] and IdList[0] corresponding to each other, you can do the following:
var IdList = doc.All.Cast<HtmlElement>()
.Where(x => x.Id != null)
.Where(x => ids
.Any(id => x.Id.Contains(id))).ToList();
var resultList = fieldList
.Select( (item, index) => new { Field = item, Id = IdList[index] })
.ToDictionary(x => x.Id, x => x.Field);
You have mentioned it already, you can use Enumerable.Join:
var joined = from id in fields
join ele in elements on id equals ele.Id
select new { Element = ele, ID = id };
var dict = joined.ToDictionary(x => x.ID, x => x.Element);
I've presumed that you want to join them via ID. I've also presumed that the string[] contains only unique ID's. Otherwise you need to use Distinct.