when i use the code below to get list of groups
i get a long string represent the group name
CN=group.xy.admin.si,OU=Other,OU=Groups,OU=03,OU=UWP Customers,DC=WIN,DC=CORP,DC=com
But i just want to get the group name which is in this case group.xy.admin.si
public static List<string> GetGroups(DirectoryEntry de)
var memberGroups = de.Properties["memberOf"].Value;
var groups = new List<string>();
if (memberGroups != null)
if (memberGroups is string)
else if (memberGroups.GetType().IsArray)
var memberGroupsEnumerable = memberGroups as IEnumerable;
if (memberGroupsEnumerable != null)
foreach (var groupname in memberGroupsEnumerable)
return groups;
There are two options here:
use distinguishedName you got to retrieve group object from AD, use its 'name' attribute
use regex to extract group name
pseudo-code for regular expression:
string Pattern = #"^CN=(.*?)(?<!\\),.*";
string group = Regex.Replace(groupname.ToString(), Pattern, "$1");
Name can contain "," that is escaped by "\", so this regex should work fine even if you have groups named "Foo, Bar"
New to C#, and having trouble finding ways to compare data so far collected from conf file, and outputting it to either text or CSV.
I so far have the skeleton of data extraction code from said conf file, however as I'm new to C# and coding overall, I'm having trouble understanding how to reference that data or compare it.
So far have tried File.WriteAllLiness and defining a variable, but not sure which element to parse, or at which point in the code I should introduce it.
Nothing to hide really, so here's the full output so far:
namespace CompareVal
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var lines = File.ReadAllLines(#"D:\*\*\Cleanup\Script Project\Test-Raw-Conf.txt");
var ipAddresses = GetIPAddresses(lines);
var routes = GetRoutes(lines);
var ipRules = GetIPRules(lines);
Console.WriteLine ();
static Dictionary<string, string[]> GetIPAddresses(string[] lines)
var result = new Dictionary<string, string[]>();
foreach (var line in lines)
if (!line.StartsWith("add IPAddress"))
Match match;
if (line.Contains("Address=\""))
match = Regex.Match(line, "add IPAddress (.*?) Address=\"(.*?)\"");
match = Regex.Match(line, "add IPAddress (.*?) Address=(.*?)$");
var name = match.Groups[1].Value;
var value = match.Groups[2].Value;
var items = value.Replace(" ", "").Split(',');
result.Add(name, items);
return result;
static List<Route> GetRoutes(string[] lines)
var result = new List<Route>();
string currentRoutingTable = null;
foreach (var line in lines)
if (line.StartsWith("cc RoutingTable"))
currentRoutingTable = line.Split(' ')[2].Trim();
if (line == "cc .." && currentRoutingTable != null)
currentRoutingTable = null;
if (line.StartsWith(" add Route"))
var #interface = Regex.Match(line, "Interface=(.*?) ").Groups[1].Value;
var gateway = Regex.Match(line, "Gateway=(.*?) ").Groups[1].Value;
var network = Regex.Match(line, "Network=(.*?) ").Groups[1].Value;
result.Add(new Route
RoutingTable = currentRoutingTable,
Interface = #interface,
Gateway = gateway,
Network = network
return result;
static List<IPRule> GetIPRules(string[] lines)
var result = new List<IPRule>();
string currentIPRuleSet = null;
foreach (var line in lines)
if (line.StartsWith("cc IPRuleSet"))
currentIPRuleSet = line.Split(' ')[2].Trim();
if (line == "cc .." && currentIPRuleSet != null)
currentIPRuleSet = null;
if (line.StartsWith(" add IPRule"))
var rule = new IPRule
IPRuleSet = currentIPRuleSet,
SourceInterface = GetProperty(line, "SourceInterface"),
DestinationInterface = GetProperty(line, "DestinationInterface"),
if (line.Contains("SourceNetwork=\""))
rule.SourceNetwork = GetQuotedProperty(line, "SourceNetwork").Replace(" ", "").Split(',');
rule.SourceNetwork = GetProperty(line, "SourceNetwork").Replace(" ", "").Split(',');
if (line.Contains("DestinationNetwork=\""))
rule.DestinationNetwork = GetQuotedProperty(line, "DestinationNetwork").Replace(" ", "").Split(',');
rule.DestinationNetwork = GetProperty(line, "DestinationNetwork").Replace(" ", "").Split(',');
return result;
static string GetProperty(string input, string propertyName)
return Regex.Match(input, string.Format("{0}=(.*?) ", propertyName)).Groups[1].Value;
static string GetQuotedProperty(string input, string propertyName)
return Regex.Match(input, string.Format("{0}=\"(.*?)\" ", propertyName)).Groups[1].Value;
class Route
public string RoutingTable;
public string Interface;
public string Gateway;
public string Network;
class IPRule
public string IPRuleSet;
public string SourceInterface;
public string DestinationInterface;
public string[] SourceNetwork;
public string[] DestinationNetwork;
I'm hoping to compare values gathered by IPRule, Route and IPAddress classes, and have a method of outputting each associated value in a list. Each IPAddress is contains a unique string name, but can use any numerical IP address. The idea is to determine when the same IP has been used multiple times, regardless of IPAddress string name, and then compare this to routes, and flag when they are used in IPRules.
For reference, here are some samples of source data:
For IPAddresses, they can be formed in 1 of 2 ways - as a direct IP definition, or as a reference to another IPAddress object (or multi-reference):
add IPAddress Test Address=
IPAddress referencing multiple other IPAddresses:
add IPAddress TestGroup Address="Test1, Test2, Test3"
For routes:
add Route Interface=if5 Gateway=if5_gw Network=Test ProxyARPInterfaces=""
And for IPRules:
add IPRule SourceInterface=if5 DestinationInterface=if3 SourceNetwork=Test1 DestinationNetwork=Test2 Service=dns-all Action=Allow
The above definitions will always follow the same pattern, so the data extraction code has been constructed to expect prefixes to each element, and sort them into their own dictionary or list.
I'm trying to parse messages transmited over TCP for my own network protocol using regex without success.
My commands start with ! followed by COMMAND_NAME and a list of arguments in the format or ARGUMENT_NAME=ARGUMENT_VALUE enclosed in <>
for example:
my code :
public class CommandParser
private Dictionary<string, string> arguments = new Dictionary<string, string>();
public CommandParser(string input)
Match commandMatch = Regex.Match(input, #"\!([^)]*)\&");
if (commandMatch.Success)
CommandName = commandMatch.Groups[1].Value;
// Here we call Regex.Match.
MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(input,"(?<!\\S)<([a-z0-9]+)=(\'[a-z0-9]+\')>(?!\\S)",
foreach (Match argumentMatch in matches)
public string CommandName { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string, string> Arguments
get { return arguments; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public int ArgumentCount
get { return arguments.Count; }
To find the command name, finding the first word after the "!" should be enough:
To match the key/value pairs in groups, you could try something like:
An example of the above regex can be found here.
You do not need regex here and avoid them unless that's a last option left. You could do this with simple C# logic.
string input = "!LOGIN?<USERNAME='user'><PASSWORD='password'>";
string command = input.Substring(1, input.IndexOf('?') - 1);
Console.WriteLine($"command: {command}");
var parameters = input
.Replace($"!{command}?", string.Empty)
.Replace("<", "")
.Split(">".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
string[] kvpair;
foreach(var kv in parameters) {
kvpair = kv.Split('=');
Console.WriteLine($"pname: {kvpair[0]}, pvalue: {kvpair[1]}");
command: LOGIN
pname: USERNAME, pvalue: 'user'
pname: PASSWORD, pvalue: 'password'
I have a search bar that executes a lucene query on the "description" field, but it doesn't return results when with apostrophes. For example, I have a product where the description is Herter's® EZ-Load 200lb Feeder - 99018. When I search for "Herter", I get results, but I get no results if I search for "Herter's" or "Herters". This is my search code:
var query = Request.QueryString["q"];
var search = HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlDecode(query);
var rewardProductLookup = new RewardCatalogDataHelper();
RewardProductSearchCriteria criteria = new RewardProductSearchCriteria()
keywords = search,
pageSize = 1000,
sortDirection = "desc"
IEnumerable<SkinnyItem> foundProducts = rewardProductLookup.FindByKeywordQuery(criteria);
public IEnumerable<SkinnyItem> FindByKeywordQuery(RewardProductSearchCriteria query)
var luceneIndexDataContext = new LuceneDataContext("rewardproducts", _dbName);
string fieldToQuery = "rpdescription";
bool sortDirection = query.sortDirection.ToLower().Equals("desc");
MultiPhraseQuery multiPhraseQuery = new MultiPhraseQuery();
var keywords = query.keywords.ToLower().Split(',');
foreach (var keyword in keywords)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword))
var term = new Term(fieldToQuery, keyword);
var booleanQuery = new BooleanQuery();
booleanQuery.Add(multiPhraseQuery, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
luceneIndexDataContext.BooleanQuerySearch(booleanQuery, fieldToQuery, sortDirection)
.Where(i => i.Fields["eligibleforpurchase"] == "1");
The problem here is analysis. You haven't specified the analyzer being used in this case, so I'll assume it's StandardAnalyzer.
When analyzed, the term "Herter's" will be translated to "herter". However, no analyzer is being applied in your FindByKeywordQuery method, so looking for "herter" works, but "herter's" doesn't.
One solution would be to use the QueryParser, in stead of manually constructing a MultiPhraseQuery. The QueryParser will handle tokenizing, lowercasing, and such. Something like:
QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(VERSION, "text", new StandardAnalyzer(VERSION));
Query query = parser.Parse("\"" + query.keywords + "\"");
The single quote is the delimiter for text fields in a query.
Select * FROM Product where Description = 'foo'
You will need to escape or double any single quote your query. try this in the loop.
foreach (var keyword in keywords)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword))
var term = new Term(fieldToQuery, keyword);
term = term.Replace("'", "''");
You could also create an extension method
public static string SanitizeSQL(this string value)
return value.Replace("'", "''").Replace("\\", "\\\\");
in which case you could then you could do this in the loop
foreach (var keyword in keywords)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword))
var term = new Term(fieldToQuery, keyword.SanitizeSQL());
Hope this helps.
I have this piece of code
Category featured = new Category()
active = true,
Categories = new Category[0],
description = "",
identifier = "featured",
name = "Featured",
Products = new Product[0],
url = siteUrl,
then below this I have this code.
private IList<Category> FeatureSubCategories(HtmlNode std, Category category,Category featured)
List<Category> categories = new List<Category>();
if (category.name == "Featured")
var nodes = std.SelectNodes("//span[contains(#class,'widget')] [position() <= 4]"); //TODO
foreach (var node in nodes)
string name = SiteParserUtilities.ParserUtilities.CleanText(System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode(node.InnerText));
string url = node.Attributes["href"].Value;
string identifier = url.Split('/').Last().Replace(".html", "");
WriteQueue.write(string.Format(" Category [{0}].. {1} ", name, url));
IList<Category> sub = GetSubCategories(std);
Category c = new Category()
active = true,
Categories = sub.ToArray(),
description = "",
identifier = identifier,
name = name,
Products = new Product[0],
url = url,
return categories;
for some reason tho when I run the code the if statement if (category.name == "Featured") is never called and I am not sure why this is. To start to parse the xpath and store them links into an array. Thank you for any help which you can give.
It is best to check in debugger. Some times whites spaces cause the problem. It is simple mistake done by many programmers. When we get data from database, there may be some leading spaces. When we compare with some value (thinking that there is no leading space), it will not compare without trimming those spaces. For example
string s1 = "TEST";
string s2 = " TEST";
if (s1 == s2) {
Please use trim function to remove any white spaces and compare.
I retrieved a list of users from database, something like
List<User> users = <..list of users from db...>
Name, LastName, DateOfBirth //multidimensional array??
Now I want to store this list as a string and I want be able to reuse it i.e.
string strUsers = users.ToArray().ToString();
How to recreate a list of users from strUsers?
Is it possible?
Use the string.Join method, e.g.
var joined = string.Join(",", users.Select(u => u.Name));
This would give you a single string of user's names separated by ','.
Or for multiple columns:
var joined = string.Join(",",
users.Select(u => u.FirstName + " " + u.LastName ));
You can reverse the process using string.Split, e.g.
var split = joined.Split( new [] {','} );
If you have a lot of users and a lot of columns, it would be better to write your own custom converter class.
public static class UsersConverter
// Separates user properties.
private const char UserDataSeparator = ',';
// Separates users in the list.
private const char UsersSeparator = ';';
public static string ConvertListToString(IEnumerable<User> usersList)
var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
// Build the users string.
foreach (User user in usersList)
// Remove trailing separator.
stringBuilder.Remove(stringBuilder.Length - 1, 1);
return stringBuilder.ToString();
public static List<User> ParseStringToList(string usersString)
// Check that passed argument is not null.
if (usersString == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("usersString");
var result = new List<User>();
string[] userDatas = usersString.Split(UsersSeparator);
foreach (string[] userData in userDatas.Select(x => x.Split(UserDataSeparator)))
// Check that user data contains enough arguments.
if (userData.Length < 2) throw new ArgumentException("Users string contains invalid data.");
string name = userData[0];
int age;
// Try parsing age.
if (!int.TryParse(userData[1], out age))
throw new ArgumentException("Users string contains invalid data.");
// Add to result list.
result.Add(new User { Name = name, Age = age });
return result;
You will win performance wise using the StringBuilder to build up your users string. You could also easily expand the converter to take account different separators/additional logic etc.
If you need a more generic solution (to be able to use for any class), you could create a converter which uses reflection to iterate over all the public fields, get/set properties to see what can be extracted as string and later reverse the process to convert your string back to the list.
I think what you're looking for is something that lets you dump all users to a string and get the users back from the string, correct?
I suggest something like this:
Add a method that returns an XElement to the Users type:
public XElement GetXElement()
return new XElement("User", new XElement("Name", this.FirstName)) //and so on...
and then one that decodes the string into a user:
static User GetUserFromXElement(string xml)
XElement temp = XElement.Parse(xml);
User temp = new User();
foreach (XElement inner in temp.Elements())
switch inner.Name
case "Name":
temp.Name = inner.Value
And then do this:
public string UsersToElements (List<Users> toWrite)
Stringbuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(sb);
XElement root = new XElement("root");
XDocument temp = new XDocument(root);
foreach (User user in toWrite)
return sw.ToString();
and this:
public List<Users> ElementsToUsers (string xml)
List<Users> usrsList = new List<Users>();
XDocument temp = XDocument.Load(xml);
foreach (XElement e in XDocument.Root.Elements())
return usrsList;
JSON solution (using JSON.NET)
public JObject GetJObject()
return new JObject("user", new JProperty("name", this.FirstName)); //so on
static User GetUserFromJObject(string json)
JObject obj = JObject.Parse(json);
return new User() { FirstName = (string)obj["user"]["name"] }; //so on
public string UsersToElements (List<Users> users)
JObject root = new JObject(from usr in users select new JAttribute("user", usr.GetJObject());
return root.ToString();
public List<users> ElementsToUsers(string json)
List<Users> users = new List<Users>();
JObject temp = JObject.Parse(json);
foreach (JObject o in (JEnumerable<JObject>)temp.Children())
return users;
I have no idea if ths works :/ (well the XML I know it does, not so sure about the JSON)
Use this code
string combindedString = string.Join( ",", myList );
var Array = combindedString.Split( new [] {','} );