Using COM port in C# and not getting all sent data - c#

Just to explain, I have a dev board that is, on command, shooting out 4 chars (Bytes). The terminal program (RealTerm) i'm using to debug this sees all 4 bytes. I've now moved on to writing the desktop software, and my program is only paying attention to 1 out of 4 bytes sent. TO clarify, i don't know which 1 of 4 bytes (first , last, middle two) but i can find out if its really necessary.
At first I thought the SerialPort.DataReceived event would fire for each byte that was received. This isn't true, I don't know what causes it to fire but its not the receiving of a singular Byte.
So I tried looping over SerialPort.BytesToRead, but this also only gets the first byte, even though it recognizes there are 3 bytes to read (why not 4??)
Its not essential for me to receive this data at the exact time it hits the port, but obviously I dot want to be loosing 3/4 of my data. However it wont always be 4 bytes, that's just what its doing now. I just want to get all bytes that are ready to be read.
Event Handler:
private void comPort_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
while (comPort.BytesToRead > 0)
RxString = comPort.ReadExisting();
RxByte = comPort.ReadByte();
byte[] myByte = new byte[6];
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
myByte[i] = 0000000;
comPort.Read(myByte, 0, comPort.BytesToRead);
for (int i=0;i<6;i++)
if (myByte[i] != null)
RxString = RxByte + "";
this.Invoke(new EventHandler(dealWithByte));
private void dealWithByte(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (byte item in thisBytes)
RxByte = Convert.ToInt16(item);
string binary = Convert.ToString(RxByte, 2).PadLeft(8, '0');

I am not a C# person but the code is pretty simple, pseudo code
numBytes As Int = SerialPort1.BytesToRead 'get # of bytes available
buf(numBytes - 1) As Byte 'allocate a buffer
br As Int = SerialPort1.Read(buf, 0, numBytes) 'read the bytes
If br <> numBytes {
Resize(buf, br) 'resize the buffer
at this point store the bytes into a list. This list can then be processed for messages.


Getting rid of excess blank buffer from tokbox audio bus

I have a requirement to programmatically read the buffer of tokbox audio bus. As per their documentation [here][1]
they are asking you to continually call ReadRenderData method with the amount of buffer you need to retrieve. Here is my code
private int SAMPLING_RATE = 48000;
IntPtr pointer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(SAMPLING_RATE);
int returnBytes = this.audioBus.ReadRenderData(pointer, SAMPLING_RATE / 2);
byte[] cbuff = new byte[returnBytes];
Marshal.Copy(pointer, cbuff, 0, returnBytes);
if (cbuff[n] == 0) count++;
} while (n < returnBytes);
if (count >= (returnBytes - 1))
The do-while loop above is only a try to remove the blank data which does not do the job.
The problem I am getting is, the audio buffer has a really high excess of blank buffer because ReadRenderData never returns zero buffer however it sends blank buffers.
Is there anything I am doing wrong above?

Arduino can't process serial fast enough

So my Arduino is taking almost 200ms processing a total of 128 bytes. The whole process without writing over the serial port is only taking 25ms.
Why is my Arduino bottlenecking so much?
setColor is simply setting the color of the ledstrip using the FastLED library.
void loop() {
if(Serial.available() == 4){
int led =;
int r =;
int g =;
int b =;
setColor(led, r, g, b);
if(Serial.available() > 0);
In a loop I am doing the following to write the data:
if (Port.isReady) {
strip.Send(new byte[] { id, c.R, c.G, c.B });
Port.isReady = false;
} else {
goto attempt;
public void Send(byte[] bytes) {
port.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
And I read the Arduino response using:
private const int DONE = 1;
public void SerialPortDataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) {
Console.WriteLine("- Serial port data received -");
Console.WriteLine("Nr. of bytes: {0}", port.BytesToRead);
if (port.ReadByte() == DONE) {
isReady = true;
Well it all depends on your baudrate. If your baudrate are 9600 you can receive 9600 bit per second, thats 1200 bytes.
So 128/1200 = 0.1066 = 107 ms spend on receiving 128 bytes.
Higher baudrates will give shorter readtime.
Well why is it then taking 200ms you then ask?
My guess is that it is because of the many calls to setColor()
You are calling that once for every 4 bytes so that is 32 times.
I don't know the execution time on that function, but if it's something like 2-3ms you'r hitting that 200ms fast.

C# Serial Port Buffer Looking for Specific Binary Patterns

I have spent a lot of team researching the proper ways to use the serial port in C# such that you don't have problems reading in data. I think I have a solution which is pretty close to functional, but I have some glitches every once in a while which I cannot seem to figure out.
My goal: Read formatted binary messages from the serial port, and pass them along to a processor.
The message format looks something like this:
Each "word" in the data is 16 bits (2-bytes). My basic approach is to start in a "read message header" state, where each time the serial data received event occurs, I read from the serial port, store the data in a buffer, and then check to see if I detect the message header. If I detect the message header, I move into a "read data" state, where I keep reading data into a data buffer until I have read bytes.
This seems to work pretty well, except occasionally I see "data glitches". Where I end up storing a message that looks something like this:
Basically, every so often I get a proper message header, message ID, message length, then the data starts (typically around 200 bytes), and right in the middle of that data I see another message header, message id, and message length, and presumably the start of another message data section. And I can't seem to figure out why.
Here is the code in the serial port data received event I am using:
public byte[] headerBuff = new byte[500];
public byte[] dataBuff = new byte[500];
public byte[] tempBuff = new byte[500];
public int bytesRead;
public int dataPos;
public int dataMsgLen;
public int dataBytesRead = 0;
public bool READ_HEADER = true;
ConcurrentQueue<byte[]> serialQ = new ConcurrentQueue<byte[]>();
//private void si_DataReceived(byte[] data)
private void si_DataReceived(object s, EventArgs e)
//If we're supposed to be reading the header, read some bytes and look
// For the header identification sequence (0xF989)
//Read some bytes, save how many we read
bytesRead = comport.Read(headerBuff, 0, comport.BytesToRead);
//Any time we call comport.REad, we automatically log those bytes to a file
using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(defDataDir, FileMode.Append)))
//Loop through the bytes we just read and look for sequence
for (int i = 0; i < (bytesRead-1); i++)
if (headerBuff[i] == 0xF9 && headerBuff[i + 1] == 0x89)
//We have identified a header
// Lets copy it into a new array
dataPos = bytesRead-i;
Array.Copy(headerBuff, i, dataBuff, 0, dataPos);
dataMsgLen = dataBuff[4];
//Now we can switch to message logging
Array.Clear(headerBuff, 0, headerBuff.Length); //clear the buffer for next time
break; // don't need to look for headers anymore
//If we are done reading the header, let's wait until we get
// enough bytes to store the data message
else if (!READ_HEADER)
// Read some bytes into temp array
var tempNumBytes = comport.Read(tempBuff, 0, comport.BytesToRead);
//ADD this into data buffer
Array.Copy(tempBuff, 0, dataBuff, dataPos + dataBytesRead, tempNumBytes);
//Increment our counter
dataBytesRead += tempNumBytes;
//Save to stream
using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(defDataDir, FileMode.Append)))
//Add to FIFO if we have read enough bytes
if (dataBytesRead >= (dataMsgLen * 2))
serialQ.Enqueue(dataBuff.Select(x => x).ToArray()); // Add to queue for processing
READ_HEADER = !READ_HEADER; // Go back to looking for headers
dataBytesRead = 0;
I appreciate any help, let me know if you need any clarifications.
Thank you in advance.
Thank you for your comments. Based on what I read, I re-wrote the serial data handler (see code below) and it seems to be working much better. I have had it running for about ten minutes now and I haven't seen this glitch at all.
//Declare some public variables for serial port reading
public byte[] headerBuff = new byte[500];
public byte[] dataBuff = new byte[500];
public byte[] tempBuff = new byte[500];
public int headerBytesRead = 0;
public int dataBytesRead = 0;
public const int HEADER_LENGTH = 10;
public int dataInd;
public int fullMsgLen;
public byte[] queuePop;
//Declare some states
public bool READ_HEADER = true;
//Where will we store the data log?
public string defDataDir;
//Declare a public queue as a FIFO for incoming serial data once the
// buffer is full
ConcurrentQueue<byte[]> serialQ = new ConcurrentQueue<byte[]>();
//private void si_DataReceived(byte[] data)
private void si_DataReceived(object s, EventArgs e)
//If we're supposed to read the headers, do that
//Read some bytes
var numBytesRead = comport.Read(tempBuff, 0, comport.BytesToRead);
//Any time we call comport.Read, we automatically log those bytes to a file
using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(defDataDir, FileMode.Append)))
//Add these bytes to a header array
Array.Copy(tempBuff, 0, headerBuff, headerBytesRead, numBytesRead);
//Increment headerBytesRead counter
headerBytesRead += numBytesRead;
//Loop through header and see if we have a header
//Loop through all the header bytes read so far
for(int i=0; i<headerBytesRead;i++)
//Look for the header start word. Note, 3rd bool statement
// here is to make sure we have enough bytes left to identify a header
// e.g. read 12 bytes, and bytes 11 and 12 are 0xF9 and 0x89, then we
// clearly don't have the rest of the header (since it is length 10)
if(headerBuff[i]==0xF9 && headerBuff[i+1]==0x89 && (headerBytesRead-i-1)>=9)
//We have identified a header, and have enough following characters to save it
//Copy the header into the data array
Array.Copy(headerBuff, i, dataBuff, 0, headerBytesRead - i);
dataInd = headerBytesRead - i;
//Save the message length
fullMsgLen = dataBuff[4]*2 + HEADER_LENGTH;
//Switch over to reading data
//Reset our header length counter
headerBytesRead = 0;
//Clear the header buffer for next time
Array.Clear(headerBuff, 0, headerBuff.Length);
break; // don't need to look for headers anymore
//Handle reading data into buffer here
else if (!READ_HEADER)
//We've just been told to start reading data bytes, and we know how many
var numBytesRead = comport.Read(tempBuff, 0, comport.BytesToRead);
//Any time we call comport.Read, we automatically log those bytes to a file
using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(defDataDir, FileMode.Append)))
//Add these bytes into the data array
Array.Copy(tempBuff, 0, dataBuff, dataInd+dataBytesRead, numBytesRead);
//Increment our data array counter
dataBytesRead += numBytesRead;
//Check to see if we have saved enough
if((dataInd+dataBytesRead) >= fullMsgLen)
//Copy the header+msg into the queue
//Copy the remaining bytes back into the header buffer
Array.Copy(dataBuff, fullMsgLen, headerBuff, 0, dataInd + dataBytesRead - fullMsgLen);
headerBytesRead = dataInd + dataBytesRead - fullMsgLen;
//Reset data bytes read countery
dataBytesRead = 0;
//Switch back to looking for headers

WaitFor() - How to wait for a specific buffer to arrive on Steam/SerialPort?

Requested Behaviour: I would like to hear proposed, generic solutions for suspending a calling thread until a specific buffer is received on a Stream/SerialPort. For the time being, I'm not concerned with timeouts etc, however I need something robust.
Attempted method:
Class myClass
private SerialPort _port; //Assume configured and connected.
public void WaitFor(byte[] buffer)
int bufferLength = buffer.Length;
byte[] comparisonBuffer = new byte[bufferLength];
if(_port.BytesToRead >= bufferLength)
_port.Read(comparisonBuffer, 0, bufferLength);
if (comparisonBuffer.SequenceEqual(buffer)) { return; }
I've had a reasonable amount of success with this however it just has a "hacky" feel to it. It has quite often caused me trouble. I believe it's due to the fact that I cannot guarantee that other data isn't received either before or after the expected packet, so naturally this method can end up reading off the stream out of sync. In such a case I would not want to loose the leading/trailing data but the method should release the thread.
I need to implement in a procedural nature so event driven methods won't really work for me. In the generic sense I want to be able to implement as;
Do thing;
Do other thing;
SerialPort.Read() already blocks until at least one byte has arrived. Therefore you don't need to (and shouldn't) use the BytesToRead the way you are - you've introduced a HORRIBLE busy-wait loop.
Instead, do something like this:
// Reads 'count' bytes from a serial port into the specified
// part of a buffer. This blocks until all the bytes have been read.
public void BlockingRead(SerialPort port, byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
while (count > 0)
// SerialPort.Read() blocks until at least one byte has been read, or SerialPort.ReadTimeout milliseconds
// have elapsed. If a timeout occurs a TimeoutException will be thrown.
// Because SerialPort.Read() blocks until some data is available this is not a busy loop,
// and we do NOT need to issue any calls to Thread.Sleep().
int bytesRead = port.Read(buffer, offset, count);
offset += bytesRead;
count -= bytesRead;
Here's how you would implement your original code in terms of BlockingRead():
public void WaitFor(SerialPort port, byte[] buffer)
byte[] comparisonBuffer = new byte[buffer.Length];
while (true)
BlockingRead(port, comparisonBuffer, 0, comparisonBuffer.Length);
if (comparisonBuffer.SequenceEqual(buffer))
Lets assume you wait for the byte pattern {1,1,1,2,2} and the serial port has buffered {1,1,1,1,2,2,5}.
Your code reads the first 5 bytes {1,1,1,1,2} which will not match the pattern. But after reading from the port the data you read has been removed from the buffer and contains only {2,5} and you will never get a match.
public void WaitFor( byte[ ] buffer )
if ( buffer.Length == 0 )
var q = new List<byte>( buffer.Length );
while ( true )
var current = _reader.ReadByte();
q.Add( (byte)current );
// sequence match so far
if ( q.Last == buffer[ q.Count - 1 ] )
// check for total match
if ( q.Count == buffer.Length )
// shift the data
while ( q.Any() && !q.SequenceEqual( buffer.Take( q.Count ) ) )
q.RemoveAt( 0 );
What do you think to this solution?
public override byte[] WaitFor(byte[] buffer, int timeout)
// List to stack stream into
List<byte> stack = new List<byte>();
// Index of first comparison byte
int index = 0;
// Index of last comparison byte
int upperBound = buffer.Length - 1;
// Timeout Manager
Stopwatch Sw = new Stopwatch();
while (Sw.Elapsed.Seconds <= timeout)
// Read off the last byte receievd and add to the stack
// If my stack contains enough bytes to compare to the buffer
if (stack.Count > upperBound)
// If my first comparison byte matches my first buffer byte
if (stack[index] == buffer[0])
// Extract the comparison block to array
byte[] compBuffer = stack.GetRange(index,upperBound +1).ToArray();
// If the comparison matches, break and return the redundent bytes should I wish to handle them.
if ((compBuffer.SequenceEqual(buffer) && (index-1 > 0))) { return stack.GetRange(0, index - 1).ToArray(); }
// If there were no redundent bytes, just return zero.
else if (compBuffer.SequenceEqual(buffer)) { return new byte[] { 0}; }
// Increments
index += 1;
upperBound += 1;
throw new TimeoutException("Timeout: Expected buffer was not received prior to timeout");

How to manage write and read in serialport when write depends on read data

I am trying to write data to serialport and then wait for the acknowledgement. After ack is received, I write the next set of data.
Please suggest a way of doing this. I tried the below code but before receiving the ack, the writing fires and completes execution.
When I run it in debug mode, it works fine, but when run without breakpoints, it doesnot run properly.
// some data for writing
byte[] data = "xxx";
byte[] data1 = "yyy";
byte[] data2 = "zzz";
// loop to write the above 5 times
int times = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
if (Flag == true)
Flag = false;
if (times <= 5)
serialPort.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
serialPort.Write(data1, 0, data1.Length);
serialPort.Write(data2, 0, data2.Length);
times = times + 1;
MessageBox.Show("Some problem in ack...");
Flag = true;
private void serialPort_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
//char[] buffer = new char[4];
//serialPort.Read(buffer, 0, 4);
Flag = true;
Are you trying to use Flag as the ack? The logic doesn't make sense. Don't you need to do something like
while (Flag == false)
; //wait for flag to become true after previous write
Flag = false;
You need a state machine pattern, or at least some way of storing state. By "State" I mean where you are in the process of reading/writing. State machines are a basic design pattern commonly used for communications (or any event driven programs), read up on them a bit: (I don't like the sample they chose here)
Somehow this has worked out,
byte[] data = "Your message to be sent on serial port";
serialPort.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
byte[] buffer = new byte[16];
int vintctr = 0;
while (vintctr < 16)
vintctr += serialPort.Read(buffer, 0, 16);
Debug this and you you can get the reply from the port.
