I need to parse a site and I know where to find the element I'm searching: it's a span with class="metadata_with_icon-tags-primary_tag".
My C# code:
var page = new HtmlWeb().Load(url).DocumentNode.Descendants("span").Where(d => d.Attributes.Contains("class") && d.Attributes["class"].Value.Contains("metadata_with_icon-tags-primary_tag"));
Item that I need:
To get your span with class="metadata_with_icon-tags-primary_tag":
HtmlNode node = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//span[#class='metadata_with_icon-tags-primary_tag']");
Try this
HtmlWeb website = new HtmlWeb();
var html = website.Load("https://genius.com/Eminem-space-bound-lyrics").DocumentNode.InnerHtml;
Regex rgx = new Regex(#"<script\b[^>]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/script>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
var matches = rgx.Matches(html);
var g = matches[14].Value;
Regex regex = new Regex(
Match match = regex.Match(g);
var json = match.Value;
im trying to get the following text 'getthis' by using the agility pack.
<h1 class="point">getthis< span class="level">Niveau 0</span> </h1>
I've tried:
var links = webBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("point");
foreach (HtmlElement link in links)
var varit = doc.DocumentNode
Console.WriteLine("WB2 TRUE ", varit.ToString());*
var varit = doc.DocumentNode
Console.WriteLine("WB2 TRUE ", varit.ToString());*
Why isn't my code working?
try this:
.Where(d => d.Attributes.Contains("class") && d.Attributes["class"].Value.Contains("point"))
this code:
string html = "<h1 class=\"point\">getthis< span class=\"level\">Niveau 0</span> </h1>";
HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
var str = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.Descendants("h1").Where(d => d.Attributes.Contains("class") && d.Attributes["class"].Value.Contains("point")).First().ChildNodes[0].InnerText;
returns: "getthis"
I've fixed this question after finding this out:
var a = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//h1").Skip(0).Take(1).Single();
I want to remove subdomain names from a URI.
I want to return 'baseurl.com' from the Uri "subdomain.sub2.baseurl.com".
Is there a way of doing this using URI class or is Regex the only solution?
Thank you.
This should get it done:
var tlds = new List<string>()
//the second- and third-level TLDs you expect go here, set to null if working with single-level TLDs only
Uri request = new Uri("http://subdomain.domain.co.uk");
string host = request.Host;
string hostWithoutPrefix = null;
if (tlds != null)
foreach (var tld in tlds)
Regex regex = new Regex($"(?<=\\.|)\\w+\\.{tld}$");
Match match = regex.Match(host);
if (match.Success)
hostWithoutPrefix = match.Groups[0].Value;
//second/third levels not provided or not found -- try single-level
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hostWithoutPrefix))
Regex regex = new Regex("(?<=\\.|)\\w+\\.\\w+$");
Match match = regex.Match(host);
if (match.Success)
hostWithoutPrefix = match.Groups[0].Value;
I need to get the location, address, and phone number from "http://anytimefitness.com/find-gym/list/AL" So far I have this...
HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
htmlDoc.OptionFixNestedTags = true;
var BlankNode =
htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("/div[#class='segmentwhite']/table[#style='width: 100%;']//tr[#class='']");
var GrayNode =
htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("/div[#class='segmentwhite']/table[#style='width: 100%;']//tr[#class='gray_bk']");
I have looked around stackoverflow for a while but none of the present post regarding htmlagilitypack has really helped. I have also have been using http://www.w3schools.com/xpath/xpath_syntax.asp
Since <div> you're after is not direct child of root node, you need to use // instead of /. Then you can combine XPath for BlankNode and GrayNode using or operator, for example :
var htmlweb = new HtmlWeb();
HtmlDocument htmlDoc = htmlweb.Load("http://anytimefitness.com/find-gym/list/AL");
htmlDoc.OptionFixNestedTags = true;
var AllNode =
htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[#class='segmentwhite']/table//tr[#class='' or #class='gray_bk']");
foreach (HtmlNode node in AllNode)
var location = node.SelectSingleNode("./td[2]").InnerText;
var address = node.SelectSingleNode("./td[3]").InnerText;
var phone = node.SelectSingleNode("./td[4]").InnerText;
//do something with above informations
Here's an example I tested in LinqPad.
string url = #"http://anytimefitness.com/find-gym/list/AL";
var client = new System.Net.WebClient();
var data = client.DownloadData(url);
var html = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);
var htmlDoc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
htmlDoc.OptionFixNestedTags = true;
var gyms = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//tbody/tr[#class='' or #class='gray_bk']");
foreach (var gym in gyms) {
var city = gym.SelectSingleNode("./td[2]").InnerText;
var address = gym.SelectSingleNode("./td[3]").InnerText;
var phone = gym.SelectSingleNode("./td[4]").InnerText;
Since the HtmlAgilityPack also supports Linq, you could also do something like:
string [] classes = {"", "gray_bk"};
var gyms = htmlDoc
.Where(t => classes.Contains(t.Attributes["class"].Value))
gyms.ForEach(gym => {
var city = gym.SelectSingleNode("./td[2]").InnerText;
var address = gym.SelectSingleNode("./td[3]").InnerText;
var phone = gym.SelectSingleNode("./td[4]").InnerText;
I am using webrequest to download a source from a page and then I need to use Regex to grab the string and store it in a string:
also need:
Both out of:
<td style="cursor:pointer;" class="" onclick="NewWindow('U_nQgAjU_tdUnfcA7lT5opoTLyLdslWDTpiNzcdkLoHlobS_HbujMw..', 'bpvsid=nvnN2JFJqJc.&dcz=1', 'bpvstage_edit', '1200', '800')" onmouseout="HideHover();"><img src="gfx/info.gif" alt="" tipwidth="450" ajaxtip="openajax.php?target=modules/bpv/bpvstage_hover_info.php&rid=&oid=&bpvsid=&bpvname=" /></td>
It keep giving me errors like not enough )'s?
Thanks in advance.
Current code, probably wrong in every way. Really new to this:
Regex rx = new Regex("(?<=class=\"\" onclick=\"NewWindow(').*(?=')");
longId = (rx.Match(textBox2.Text).Value);
textBox1.Text = longId;
var match = Regex.Match(s, #"onclick=""NewWindow\('([^']*)',\s*'([^']*)',.*");
if (match.Success)
string longId = match.Groups[1].Value;
string other = match.Groups[2].Value;
That will give you two groups with values:
The regex NewWindow\('([^']*)', '([^']*) will match what you require. The two strings required will be in Groups[1] and Groups[2].
var match = Regex.Match(textBox2.Text, "NewWindow\('([^']*)', '([^']*)");
var id1 = match.Groups[1].Value;
var id2 = match.Groups[2].Value;
Note that you could also use simply string functions instead of a regex:
var s = "<td style=\"cursor:pointer;\" class=\"\" onclick=\"NewWindow('U_nQgAjU_tdUnfcA7lT5opoTLyLdslWDTpiNzcdkLoHlobS_HbujMw..', 'bpvsid=nvnN2JFJqJc.&dcz=1', 'bpvstage_edit', '1200', '800')\" onmouseout=\"HideHover();\"><img src=\"gfx/info.gif\" alt=\"\" tipwidth=\"450\" ajaxtip=\"openajax.php?target=modules/bpv/bpvstage_hover_info.php&rid=&oid=&bpvsid=&bpvname=\" /></td>";
var tmp = s.Substring(s.IndexOf("NewWindow('")).Split('\'');
var value1 = tmp[1]; // U_nQgAjU_tdUnfcA7lT5opoTLyLdslWDTpiNzcdkLoHlobS_HbujMw..
var value2 = tmp[3]; // bpvsid=nvnN2JFJqJc.&dcz=1
I would use HtmlAgilityPack to parse HTML, then this non-regex approach works:
string html = // get your html ...
var doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
doc.LoadHtml(html); // doc.Load can also consume a response-stream directly
var result = Enumerable.Empty<string>();
var firstTD = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//td").FirstOrDefault();
if (firstTD != null)
if (firstTD.Attributes.Contains("onclick"))
string onclick = firstTD.Attributes["onclick"].Value;
int newWindowIndex = onclick.IndexOf("newWindow(", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if (newWindowIndex >= 0)
string functionBody = onclick.Substring(newWindowIndex + "newWindow(".Length);
string[] tokens = functionBody.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
result = tokens.Take(2).Select(s => s.Trim(' ', '\''));
in this code var TempTxt holds An Html Body Content
as string
how can i extract element <table> or <td> inner text/ html using lambada syntax ?
public string ExtractPageValue(IWebDriver DDriver, string url="")
url = #"http://www.boi.org.il/he/Markets/ExchangeRates/Pages/Default.aspx";
var service = InternetExplorerDriverService.CreateDefaultService(directory);
service.LogFile = directory + #"\seleniumlog.txt";
service.LoggingLevel = InternetExplorerDriverLogLevel.Trace;
var options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
options.IntroduceInstabilityByIgnoringProtectedModeSettings = true;
DDriver = new InternetExplorerDriver(service, options, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));
var TempTxt = DDriver.PageSource;
return "";//Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble( TempTxt.Split(' ')[10]),2).ToString();
If you are open to try HtmlAgilityPack
HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
var table = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//table/tr")
.Select(tr => tr.Elements("td").Select(td => td.InnerText).ToList())