I am stuck on problem with optimizing LINQ query On initial load my xhr request is almost 8MB large and it took a while to take those data from server. I have list of Auctions where I display only few columns(which you can see in UserAuctionListDTO).
I uploaded image where is shown how my DTOs are connected for better understanding. Collections in CurrentsToUserAccount got only Id and Name
Goal of my query is to select all auctions which are assigned to UserContact or Organization or Region or Department. Auctions are valid when it has at least one Price.
Here is my query. It might be a bit messy but it showed me the best result with size capacity of transfered data. Each Collection of Prices in UserAuctionListDTO got around 100-1000 records, in average its about 600.
protected override IQueryable<UserAuctionListDTO> GetQueryable()
return AllAuctionToUser
.Where(a => a.GarancyFromDate <= _dateTimeProvider.Now
&& a.GarancyToDate >= _dateTimeProvider.Now
&& !a.IsBlocked
&& a.IsVisibleOnFe
&& a.Prices.Any(price => price.PriceMJ > 0
&& (price.Current.UserContacts.Any(x =>
x.Id == Filter.UserContactId)
|| price.Current.Departments.Any(x =>
x.Id == Filter.DepartmentId)
|| price.Current.Organizations.Any(x =>
x.Id == Filter.OrganizationId)
|| price.Current.Regions.Any(x => x.Id == Filter.RegionId))))
.Select(auction => new UserAuctionListDTO
Id = auction.Id,
Code = auction.Code,
Name = auction.Name,
ProductCount = auction.Prices.Count,
AttachmentsCount = auction.Attachments.Count,
Category = new CategoryBaseDTO
Name = auction.Category.Name
GarancyFromDate = auction.GarancyFromDate,
GarancyToDate = auction.GarancyToDate,
Prices = auction.Prices
.Select(x => new PriceToUserAuctionDTO
Id = x.Id,
Current = new CurrentsToUserAccount
Id = x.Current.Id,
UserContacts = x.Current.UserContacts.Where(u => u.IsBlocked == false)
.Select(z => new UserContactBaseDTO
Id = Filter.UserContactId
Departments = x.Current.Departments.Where(u => u.IsBlocked == false)
.Select(z => new DepartmentBaseDTO
Id = Filter.DepartmentId
Regions = x.Current.Regions.Where(u => u.IsBlocked == false)
.Select(z => new RegionBaseDTO
Id = Filter.RegionId
Organizations = x.Current.Organizations.Where(u => u.IsBlocked == false)
.Select(z => new OrganizationBaseDTO
Id = Filter.OrganizationId
SpecificProductSuppliers = new SpecificProductSuplierToUserAccountDTO
Id = x.SpecificProductSuppliers.Id,
CatalogName = x.SpecificProductSuppliers.CatalogName,
SpecificProduct = new SpecificProductToUserAccountDTO
Id = x.SpecificProductSuppliers.SpecificProduct.Id,
Name = x.SpecificProductSuppliers.SpecificProduct.Name
}).OrderBy(x => x.Code);
Screenshot of how much data is transfered from server
I wonder if there is anything how I can improve it.
I have Linq which counts the goods, the problem is that the names that I pass, they do not work
ProductName, CompanyName, CustomerName,
Maybe there is a error in Linq?
It produces many anonymous methods that have these fields, but after ToList() everything does not work
public async Task<IEnumerable<SalesReportItem>> GetReportData(DateTime dateStart, DateTime dateEnd)
dateStart = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
var context = await _contextFactory.CreateDbContextAsync();
var queryable = context.SalesTransactionRecords.Join(
salesTransactionRecords => salesTransactionRecords.ProductId,
products => products.Id,
(salesTransactionRecords, products) =>
combinedEntry => combinedEntry.salesTransactionRecords.CompanyId,
company => company.Id,
(combinedEntry, company) => new
combinedEntryAgain => combinedEntryAgain.combinedEntry.salesTransactionRecords.CustomerId,
vendorCustomer => vendorCustomer.Id,
(combinedEntryAgain, vendorCustomer) => new
CompanyName = combinedEntryAgain.company.Name,
CustomerName = vendorCustomer.Name,
ProductId = combinedEntryAgain.combinedEntry.products.Id,
ProductName = combinedEntryAgain.combinedEntry.products.Name,
}).Where(x => x.Period >= dateStart && x.Period <= dateEnd)
.GroupBy(combinedEntryAgain => new
).Select(x => new SalesReportItem
ProductId = x.Key.ProductId,
Quantity = x.Sum(a => a.Quantity),
Amount = x.Sum(x => (x.MovementType == TableMovementType.Income ? x.Amount : -(x.Amount)))
var items = await queryable.ToListAsync();
return _mapper.Map<IEnumerable<SalesReportItem>>(items);
my mistake was that I did not specify the fields in the select, otherwise everything is buzzing, the upper code is working
Select(x => new SalesReportItem
ProductId = x.Key.ProductId,
ProductName = x.Key.ProductName,
CompanyName = x.Key.CompanyName,
CustomerName = x.Key.CustomerName,
Quantity = x.Sum(x => (x.MovementType == TableMovementType.Income ? x.Quantity : - x.Quantity)),
Amount = x.Sum(x => (x.MovementType == TableMovementType.Income? x.Amount: - x.Amount))
Thanks for the help
Hans Kesting
When I run the following Linq:
var selectedProduct = db.Products.FirstOrDefault(a => a.ProductNr == productNr)?.Id;
model.PackTypes = db.Zones
.Where(az => az.ProductId == selectedProduct && az.StoragePrio > 0)
.DistinctBy(p => p.PackType)
.OrderBy(x => x.PackType)
.Select(x => new DropdownItemViewModel<int>
Id = (int)x.PackType,
Name = x.PackType.Translate()
return true;
I get this error:
System.InvalidOperationException: 'Nullable object must have a value.' on this code Id = (int)x.PackType,
Now I know I must do a nullcheck so I have tried this:
if (x.PackType != null)
return new DropdownItemViewModel<int>
Id = (int)x.PackType,
Name = x.PackType.Translate()
return null;
Still doesn't work, by that I mean I still have problem with NullCheck.
This query more effective and should not have all mentioned errors:
var query =
from p in db.Products
where p.ProductNr == productNr
join az in db.Zones on p.Id equals az.ProductId
where az.StoragePrio > 0 && az.PackType != null
select new { az.PackType };
model.PackTypes = query
.OrderBy(x => x.PackType)
.Select(x => new DropdownItemViewModel<int>
Id = (int)x.PackType,
Name = x.PackType.Translate()
Instead of two database requests this query sends only one. Also all operations are done on the server side.
I need to send two fields with the same Id in Altair(GraphQl).
createGoodsOrder(goodsorder: {
deliveryDate: "2019-10-10"
goodsOrderItems: [
{ orderItemId: 54 quantity: 1 costPerUnit: 1 goodType: INGREDIENT }
{ orderItemId: 54 quantity: 2 costPerUnit: 2 goodType: INGREDIENT }
# { orderItemId: 58 quantity: 2 costPerUnit: 2 goodType: INGREDIENT }
When I execute mutation, model contains both fields with the same Id but when I make Fetch, it returns only the first one. If It is not the same, Fetch returns both fields. How can I get both fields with the same Id?
var orderIngredients = _repository.Fetch<Ingredient>(e => model.GoodsOrderItems.Any(g => g.OrderItemId == e.Id)).ToList();
var orderIngredients = _repository.Fetch<Ingredient>(
e => e.IngredientType.PlaceId == model.PlaceId
&& model.GoodsOrderItems.Any(g => g.OrderItemId == e.Id && g.GoodType == GoodsTypes.Ingredient))
.Select(e => new GoodsOrderIngredientCreateModel
IngredientId = e.Id,
Quantity = model.GoodsOrderItems.First(i => i.OrderItemId == e.Id).Quantity,
CostPerUnit = model.GoodsOrderItems.First(i => i.OrderItemId == e.Id).CostPerUnit,
TotalPrice = model.GoodsOrderItems.First(i => i.OrderItemId == e.Id).Quantity *
model.GoodsOrderItems.First(i => i.OrderItemId == e.Id).CostPerUnit,
GoodType = GoodsTypes.Ingredient
}).Select(v => new GoodsOrderIngredient
Id = v.Id,
IngredientId = v.IngredientId,
Quantity = v.Quantity,
CostPerUnit = v.CostPerUnit,
TotalPrice = v.TotalPrice
name: "createGoodsOrder",
arguments: new QueryArguments(
new QueryArgument<NonNullGraphType<GoodsOrderCreateInput>> { Name = nameof(GoodsOrder).ToLower() }
resolve: context =>
if (context.UserContext is GraphQLUserScopedContext userContext)
var goodsOrderService = userContext.ServiceScope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IVendorService>();
var model = context.GetArgument<GoodsOrderCreateModel>(nameof(GoodsOrder).ToLower());
model.PlaceId = userContext.User.PlaceId;
model.NetworkId = userContext.User.NetworkId;
var goodsOrder = goodsOrderService.CreateGoodsOrder(model);
return goodsOrder;
throw new ExecutionError(Constants.ErrorCodes.WrongUserContext);
new Dictionary<NetworkPermissions, PermissionLevels>
{ {NetworkPermissions.ERP_Cumulative, PermissionLevels.EditCreate} }));
I don't know c# but probably you don't need intermediate types
var orderIngredients = _repository.Fetch<Ingredient>(
e => e.IngredientType.PlaceId == model.PlaceId
&& model.GoodsOrderItems.Any(g => g.OrderItemId == e.Id && g.GoodType == GoodsTypes.Ingredient))
.Select(v => new GoodsOrderIngredient
Id = v.Id,
IngredientId = v.IngredientId,
Quantity = v.Quantity,
CostPerUnit = v.CostPerUnit,
TotalPrice = v.Quantity * v.CostPerUnit
PS. If GoodsOrderIngredientCreateModel (for create mutation?) contains TotalPrice then total calculations are already in DB ?
I have a table having TeamName and CurrentStatus fields. I am making a linq query to get for each team and for each status the count of records:
var teamStatusCounts = models.GroupBy(x => new { x.CurrentStatus, x.TeamName })
.Select(g => new { g.Key, Count = g.Count() });
The results of this query returns all the counts except where count is 0. I need to get the rows where there is no record for a specific team and a specific status (where count = 0).
You could have a separate collection for team name and statuses you are expecting and add the missing ones to the result set
//assuming allTeamNamesAndStatuses is a cross joing of all 'CurrentStatus' and 'TeamNames'
var teamStatusCounts = models.GroupBy(x => new { x.CurrentStatus, x.TeamName })
.Select(g => new { g.Key, Count = g.Count() })
var missingTeamsAndStatuses = allTeamNamesAndStatuses
b.Key.CurrentStatus == a.CurrentStatus
&& b.Key.TeamName == a.TeamName))
.Select(a=>new {
Key = new { a.CurrentStatus, a.TeamName },
Count = 0
I've created a fiddle demonstrating the answer as well
I would select the team names and status first:
var teams = models.Select(x => x.TeamName).Distinct().ToList();
var status = models.Select(x => x.CurrentStatus).Distinct().ToList();
You can skip this if you know the list entries already.
Then you can select for each team and each state the number of models:
var teamStatusCounts = teams.SelectMany(team => states.Select(state =>
TeamName = team,
CurrentStatus = state,
Count = models.Count(model =>
model.TeamName == team && model.CurrentStatus == state)
I migrate my old project to the new EF Core and found this problem
My old code:
private IQueryable<SeriesData> GetSeriesData(IQueryable<Series> query, long? userId = null)
DateTime date = DateTime.Today.AddMonths(1);
IQueryable<SeriesData> seriesDataQuery = query.Select(x => new SeriesData
Series = x,
Subscribed = userId.HasValue && x.Subscriptions.Any(y => y.UserId == userId),
CurrentSeasonNumber = x.Episodes.Where(z => z.ReleaseDate.HasValue && z.ReleaseDate < date).Max(y => y.SeasonNumber),
Channel = x.Channel,
Country = x.Channel.Country,
ReleaseGroups =
x.Episodes.SelectMany(z => z.Releases)
.Select(y => y.ReleaseGroup)
.Distinct() // 1
.OrderBy(y => y.Name) // 2
.Select(r => new ReleaseGroupData
ReleaseGroup = r,
Subscribed =
userId.HasValue &&
x.Subscriptions.Any(y => y.UserId == userId && y.ReleaseGroupId == r.Id)
return seriesDataQuery;
When i execute this query i get "InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains more than one element" exception
But if i swap line 1 and 2 everything works.