I have number list like below and I should check a condition to get most suitable match.
List<int> numbers= new List<int>();
If I send a value to check it should check like below examples
Scenario 1:
If I send a value less than or equal 1000 to check, it should return 1000
Scenario 2:
If I send a value between 1001 - 3000 to check, it should return 3000
Scenario 3:
If I send a value between 3001 - 5500 to check, it should return 5500
Scenario 4:
If I send a value between 5501 - 7000 to check, it should return 7000
Scenario 5:
If I send a value above 7000 to check, it should return nothing.
Can I do this with Linq? or what is the most efficient way to do this?
Update: the numbers in maxCheckPoint is dynamic and it can be any values. So we cannot hard coded and check
You can do this with LINQ:
int input = 1000;
int? result = numbers
.OrderBy(n => n) // get the numbers in ascending order
.SkipWhile(n => n < input) // skip until the remaining set >= input
.Cast<int?>() // cast to nullable int
.FirstOrDefault(); // take the first or default entry (if no items remain, it will be null)
Well, it's too late and my solution is far away from perfect, but:
int number = 400; //imput number
int closest = numbers.Aggregate((x, y) => Math.Abs(x - number) < Math.Abs(y - number) ? x : y); // searching the closer one
int compare;
if (numbers.IndexOf(closest) != 0)
compare = Math.Max(closest, numbers[numbers.IndexOf(closest) + 1]); // if it's not 0th and last
{ compare = closest; // if closest with index 0}
}// check which closest number is bigger
compare = closest; // if closest is last
I'm working on this:
Write a function, persistence, that takes in a positive parameter num
and returns its multiplicative persistence, which is the number of
times you must multiply the digits in num until you reach a single
For example:
persistence(39) == 3 // because 3*9 = 27, 2*7 = 14, 1*4=4
// and 4 has only one digit
persistence(999) == 4 // because 9*9*9 = 729, 7*2*9 = 126,
// 1*2*6 = 12, and finally 1*2 = 2
persistence(4) == 0 // because 4 is already a one-digit number
This is what I tried:
public static int Persistence(long n)
List<long> listofints = new List<long>();
while (n > 0)
listofints.Add(n % 10);
n /= 10;
// list of a splited number
int[] arr = new int[listofints.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < listofints.Count; i++)
arr[i] = (int)listofints[i];
//list to array
int pro = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
pro *= arr[i];
// multiply each number
return pro;
I have a problem with understanding recursion - probably there is a place to use it. Can some1 give me advice not a solution, how to deal with that?
It looks like you've got the complete function to process one iteration. Now all you need to do is add the recursion. At the end of the function call Persistence again with the result of the first iteration as the parameter.
This will recursively call your function passing the result of each iteration as the parameter to the next iteration.
Finally, you need to add some code to determine when you should stop the recursion, so you only want to call Persistence(pro) if your condition is true. This way, when your condition becomes false you'll stop the recursion.
if (some stop condition is true)
Let me take a stab at explaining when you should consider using a recursive method.
Example of Factorial: Factorial of n is found by multiplying 1*2*3*4*..*n.
Suppose you want to find out what the factorial of a number is. For finding the answer, you can write a foreach loop that keeys multiplying a number with the next number and the next number until it reaches 0. Once you reach 0, you are done, you'll return your result.
Instead of using loops, you can use Recursion because the process at "each" step is the same. Multiply the first number with the result of the next, result of the next is found by multiplying that next number with the result of the next and so on.
5 * (result of rest)
4 * (result of rest )
3 * (result of rest)
1 (factorial of 0 is 1).---> Last Statement.
In this case, if we are doing recursion, we have a terminator of the sequence, the last statement where we know for a fact that factorial of 0 = 1. So, we can write this like,
FactorialOf(5) = return 5 * FactorialOf(4) = 120 (5 * 24)
FactorialOf(4) = return 4 * FactorialOf(3) = 24 (4 * 6)
FactorialOf(3) = return 3 * FactorialOf(2) = 6 (3 * 2)
FactorialOf(2) = return 2 * FactorialOf(1) = 2 (2 * 1)
FactorialOf(1) = return 1 * FactorialOf(0) = 1 (1 * 1)
FactorialOf(0) = Known -> 1.
So, it would make sense to use the same method over and over and once we get to our terminator, we stop and start going back up the tree. Each statement that called the FactorialOf would start returning numbers until it reaches all the way to the top. At the top, we will have our answer.
Your case of Persistence
It calls for recursive method as well as you are taking the result and doing the same process on it each time.
Persistence(39) (not single) = return 1 + Persistence(3 * 9 = 27) = 3
Persistence(27) (not single) = return 1 + Persistence(2 * 7 = 14) = 2
Persistence(14) (not single) = return 1 + Persistence(1 * 4 = 4) = 1
Persistence(4) (single digit) = Known -> 0 // Terminator.
At the end of the day, if you have same process performed after each calculation / processing with a termination, you can most likely find a way to use recursion for that process.
You definitely can invoke your multiplication call recursively.
You will need initial sate (0 multiplications) and keep calling your method until you reach your stop condition. Then you return the last iteration you've got up to as your result and pass it through all the way up:
int persistence(int input, int count = 0) {} // this is how I would define the method
// and this is how I see the control flowing
var result = persistence(input: 39, count: 0) {
//write a code that derives 27 out of 39
//then keep calling persistence() again, incrementing the iteration count with each invocation
return persistence(input: 27, count: 1) {
return persistence(input: 14, count: 2) {
return persistence(input: 4, count: 3) {
return 3
the above is obviously not a real code, but I'm hoping that illustrates the point well enough for you to explore it further
Designing a simple recursive solution usually involves two steps:
- Identify the trivial base case to which you can calculate the answer easily.
- Figure out how to turn a complex case to a simpler one, in a way that quickly approaches the base case.
In your problem:
- Any single-digit number has a simple solution, which is persistence = 1.
- Multiplying all digits of a number produces a smaller number, and we know that the persistence of the bigger number is greater than the persistence of the smaller number by exactly one.
That should bring you to your solution. All you need to do is understand the above and write that in C#. There are only a few modifications that you need to make in your existing code. I won't give you a ready solution as that kinda defeats the purpose of the exercise, doesn't it. If you encounter technical problems with codifying your solution into C#, you're welcome to ask another question.
public int PerRec(int n)
string numS = n.ToString();
if(numS.Length == 1)
return 0;
var number = numS.ToArray().Select(x => int.Parse(x.ToString())).Aggregate((a,b) => a*b);
return PerRec(number) + 1;
For every recursion, you should have a stop condition(a single digit in this case).
The idea here is taking your input and convert it to string to calculate that length. If it is 1 then you return 0
Then you need to do your transformation. Take all the digits from the string representation(in this case from the char array, parse all of them, after getting the IEnumerable<int>, multiply each digit to calculate the next parameter for your recursion call.
The final result is the new recursion call + 1 (which represents the previous transformation)
You can do this step in different ways:
var number = numS.ToArray().Select(x => int.Parse(x.ToString())).Aggregate((a,b) => a*b);
convert numS into an array of char calling ToArray()
iterate over the collection and convert each char into its integer representation and save it into an array or a list
iterate over the int list multiplying all the digits to have the next number for your recursion
Hope this helps
public static int Persistence(long n)
if (n < 10) // handle the trivial cases - stop condition
return 0;
long pro = 1; // int may not be big enough, use long instead
while (n > 0) // simplify the problem by one level
pro *= n % 10;
n /= 10;
return 1 + Persistence(pro); // 1 = one level solved, call the same function for the rest
It is the classic recursion usage. You handle the basic cases, simplify the problem by one level and then use the same function again - that is the recursion.
You can rewrite the recursion into loops if you wish, you always can.
I am trying to filter a list of int based on multiples of a specific number, but I am not sure how to do this. I have searched this forum and found nothing related, but apologies in advance if I'm wrong.
Here is my code:
int val = 28;
List<int> divisible = new List<int>();
for (int i = 1; i <= val; i++) {
foreach(var d in divisible)
if(val % d == 0)
// do something
// get rid of all multiples of the number that "val" is not divisible by
Basically, this code should create a divisible list from 1 to 28. If val is divisible by one of the numbers in the list, thats fine, but if it falls into else, I want to be able to filter out all multiples of that number out of the current list we are looping through.
The next number that wouldn't be divisible would be 3 in this example, so in the else get rid of 6, 9, 12, ... etc.
Your code is fine, but you're just missing the actual code to remove the item. But there is a caveat: You cannot modify a list when you are looping through it using foreach. There are a couple ways to handle that:
Depending on your requirements, maybe just don't add them in the first place. Move your val % d == 0 condition into the for loop that adds the values, and just don't add the values that are divisible by d.
Make a new list (List<int> toRemove) where you keep track of all the values you need to remove. After you're done the foreach loop, loop through your toRemove list and use divisible.Remove(value) to remove those.
Change your foreach to a for loop, which will allow you to use divisible.RemoveAt(i). But you will have to make sure you don't skip a value on the next iteration of the for loop (since removing a value changes the size of the list).
I agree with Gabriel. You cannot alter a underlying enumeration while traversing it with with foreach. The easiest thing to do would be to convert it to a for loop.
Also in the initial population of your list try using the newer way
var divisible = Enumerable.Range(1, val).ToList();
then do
for(int 0 = 1; i < val; i++)
if(val % d == 0)
// do something
This is my first question on this site. I am practicing on a problem on Hackerrank that asks to find numbers "Between two Sets". Given two arrays of integers, I must find the number(s) that fit the following two criteria:
1) The elements in the first array must all be factors of the number(s)
2) The number(s) must factor into all elements of the second array
I know that I need to find all common multiples of every element in the first array, but those multiples need to be less than or equal to the minimum value of the second array. I first sort the first array then find all the multiples of ONLY the largest number in the first array (again, up to a max of the second array's minimum) and store those multiples in a list. Then, I move on to the second largest element in the first array and test it against the array of existing multiples. All elements in the list of existing multiples that isn't also a multiple of the second largest element of the first array is removed. I then test the third largest value of the first array, all the way to the minimum value. The list of existing multiples should be getting trimmed as I iterate through the first array in descending order. I've written a solution which passes only 5 out of the 9 test cases on the site, see code below. My task was to edit the getTotalX function and I created the getCommonMultiples function myself as a helper. I did not create nor edit the main function. I am not sure why I am not passing the other 4 test cases as I can't see what any of the test cases are.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
class Solution {
* Complete the getTotalX function below.
static int getTotalX(int[] a, int[] b) {
//get minimum value of second array
int b_min = b.Min();
//create List to hold multiples
List<int> multiples = getCommonMultiples(a, b_min);
//create List to hold number of ints which are in solution
List<int> solutions = new List<int>();
foreach(int x in multiples)
foreach(int y in b)
if (y % x == 0 && !solutions.Contains(x))
return solutions.Count;
static List<int> getCommonMultiples(int[] array, int max)
//make sure array is sorted
int x = array.Length - 1; //x will be the last # in array -- the max
int y = 1;
//find all multiples of largest number first and store in a list
int z = array[x] * y;
List<int> commonMultiples = new List<int>();
while(z <= max)
z = array[x] * y;
//all multiples of largest number are now added to the list
//go through the smaller numbers in query array
//only keep elements in list if they are also multiples of smaller
int xx = array.Length - 2;
for(int a = array[xx]; xx >= 0; xx--)
foreach(int b in commonMultiples.ToList())
if (b % a != 0)
return commonMultiples;
static void Main(string[] args) {
TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(#System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OUTPUT_PATH"), true);
string[] nm = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');
int n = Convert.ToInt32(nm[0]);
int m = Convert.ToInt32(nm[1]);
int[] a = Array.ConvertAll(Console.ReadLine().Split(' '), aTemp => Convert.ToInt32(aTemp))
int[] b = Array.ConvertAll(Console.ReadLine().Split(' '), bTemp => Convert.ToInt32(bTemp))
int total = getTotalX(a, b);
Again, I can't see the test cases so I do not know what exactly the issue is. I went through the code line by line and can't find any OutOfBoundExceptions or things of that sort so it has to be a logic issue. Thanks for the help!
A typical sample involves 3 lines of input. The first line has 2 integers which gives the length of the first array and the second array, respectively. The second line will give the integers in the first array. The third line will give the integers in the second array. The output needs to be the total number of integers "in between" the two arrays. It will looks like this:
Sample Input
2 3
2 4
16 32 96
Sample Output
Explanation: 2 and 4 divide evenly into 4, 8, 12 and 16.
4, 8 and 16 divide evenly into 16, 32, 96.
4, 8 and 16 are the only three numbers for which each element of the first array is a factor and each is a factor of all elements of the second array.
I see two issues with the code you posted.
Firstly, as #Hans Kesting pointed out, a = array[xx] is not being updated each time in the for loop. Since the variable a is only used in one spot, I recommend just replacing that use with array[xx] and be done with it as follows:
for(int xx = array.Length - 2; xx >= 0; xx--)
foreach(int b in commonMultiples.ToList())
if (b % array[xx] != 0)
For your understanding of for loops: to properly increment a each time you'd write the for loop like this:
for(int xx = array.Length - 2, a = array[xx]; xx >= 0; xx--, a = array[xx])
The first part of the for loop (up until ;) is the initialization stage which is only called before the entering the loop the first time. The second part is the while condition that is checked before each time through loop (including the first) and if at any time it evaluates to false, the loop is broken (stopped). The third part is the increment stage that is called only after each successful loop.
Because of that in order to keep a up to date in the for loop head, it must appear twice.
Secondly, your solutions in getTotalX is additive, meaning that each multiple that works for each value in array b is added as a solution even if it doesn't fit the other values in b. To get it to work the way that you want, we have to use a Remove loop, rather than an Add loop.
List<int> multiples = getCommonMultiples(a, b_min);
//create List to hold number of ints which are in solution
List<int> solutions = multiples.ToList();
foreach(int x in multiples)
foreach(int y in b)
if (y % x != 0)
You could also use LINQ to perform an additive solution where it takes into account All members of b:
//create List to hold number of ints which are in solution
List<int> solutions = multiples.Where((x) => b.All((y) => y % x == 0)).ToList();
I have a function that takes in a list of numbers and will return how many even numbers and odd numbers there are in the list. However, I passed in a list of numbers but I'm getting 0 results.
Here is my function -
public static string HowManyEvenAndOdds(List<int> numbers)
int numOfOdds = 0;
int numOfEvens = 0;
int numOfBoth = 0;
foreach (int i in numbers) {
bool isEven = i % 2 == 0;
bool isOdd = i % 3 == 0;
numOfBoth = isEven && isOdd ? numOfBoth++ : numOfBoth;
numOfEvens = isEven ? numOfEvens++ : numOfEvens;
numOfOdds = isOdd ? numOfOdds++ : numOfOdds;
return string.Format("This list has {0} odd numbers,\n{1} even numbers,\nand {2} numbers that are even and odd.", numOfOdds, numOfEvens, numOfBoth);
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong here? I debugged through it but none of the lists are incrementing.
your are not calculating odd in the correct way
i%3 does not catch 5 which is also an odd number, try this instead
bool isEven = i % 2 == 0;
bool isOdd =!isEven;
I agree with Schachaf Gortler's answer as well as p.s.w.g's comment. Just do:
foreach (var number in numbers)
// A number is even if, and only if, it's evenly divisible by 2
if (number % 2 == 0)
// A number is odd if, and only if, it's NOT evenly divisible by 2
// Alternatively, a number is odd if it isn't even and vice versa
As p.s.w.g. mentioned, there's no such thing as a number that's both even and odd, so eliminate that completely.
Incidentally, numOfEvens++ retrieves the value and then increments it, which is why your code didn't work.
I think you should have a look at your test for isOdd
Use the Linq Count extension.
int numOfOdds = numbers.Count(x => x % 2 != 0);
int numOfEvens = numbers.Count(x => x % 2 == 0);
Of course you don't need to evaluate both expressions, as per the comment below.
Seemingly similar questions: "Finding closest number in an array" (in Java) and "find nearest match to array of doubles" (actually a geography problem).
I have a (sorted) array of doubles. Given an arbitrary number (which may or may not be an exact match for one of the array elements), how can I return the index of the number which is the closest match?
For example, using the following array:
Querying 2.5 would return with an index of 1, corresponding to the value of 2.4.
Bonus points for detecting values that lie completely outside of the range of the array elements. For example, using the array listed above, your code may decide that 4.6 is in, but 5.9 is out. If you want to try this part of the question, the specifics are in your hands.
Array.BinarySearch, which returns:
The index of the specified value in the specified array, if value is found. If value is not found and value is less than one or more elements in array, a negative number which is the bitwise complement of the index of the first element that is larger than value. If value is not found and value is greater than any of the elements in array, a negative number which is the bitwise complement of (the index of the last element plus 1).
Now that won't get you 100% of the way there, since you'll know the number is either less than or greater than the match, but it really only leaves you with two indices to check.
One way to do this using LINQ is like this:
public int GetClosestIndex( List<double> doublelist, double targetvalue )
return doublelist.IndexOf(doublelist.OrderBy(d => Math.Abs(d - targetvalue)).ElementAt(0));
It might have some performance issues, but If the list is not that long, it should not pose a problem. Also, if two elements are equally distant from the target value, it will return the first index of those.
Perhaps not the fastest solution, but certainly pleasant eye-candy:
double search;
double[] array;
var nearest = (
from value in array
orderby Math.Abs(value - search)
select value).First();
var index = array.IndexOf(nearest);
Note that this will absolutely be slower than a binary search algorithm, because it need to process each element in the array and sorting means building a hash table of those items.
Something like this:
double[] values = new double[]
double difference = double.PositiveInfinity;
int index = -1;
double input = 2.5;
for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
double currentDifference = Math.Abs(values[i] - input);
if (currentDifference < difference)
difference = currentDifference;
index = i;
// Stop searching when we've encountered a value larger
// than the inpt because the values array is sorted.
if (values[i] > input)
Console.WriteLine("Found index: {0} value {1}", index, values[index]);
List<int> results;
int target = 0;
int nearestValue = 0;
if (results.Any(ab => ab == target)) {
nearestValue= results.FirstOrDefault<int>(i => i == target);
} else {
int greaterThanTarget = 0;
int lessThanTarget = 0;
if (results.Any(ab => ab > target) {
greaterThanTarget = results.Where<int>(i => i > target).Min();
if (results.Any(ab => ab < target)) {
lessThanTarget = results.Where<int>(i => i < target).Max();
if (lessThanTarget == 0 ) {
nearestValue= greaterThanTarget;
} else if (greaterThanTarget == 0) {
nearestValue = lessThanTarget;
} else {
if (target - lessThanTarget < greaterThanTarget - target) {
nearestValue = lessThanTarget;
} else {
nearestValue = greaterThanTarget;