Ive been trying to upgrade to latest Autofac/Multitenant/Dependency injection.
Release 8.0.0 states that there is a breaking change:
IServiceScopeFactory is now a singleton and child scopes are flat, not hierarchical.
Right now my Controllers fail when they try to resolve a dependency which is inside the "Parent lifetime scope", as the parent lifetime scope is just "root" now.
Previously the "Parent lifetime scope" was a "tenant lifetime" (as im using multitenant package) and then it worked.
I just cannot figure out how/where to apply the below "fix" in ASP.NET Core and have hierachical scopes as in previous versions.
I have copied the samples from here:
and it works as expected (scopes are flat and resolved from root (not tenant-scope))
Where do I put this code to control the created scopes etc. ?
// Based on an IServiceProvider...
IServiceProvider provider = CreateServiceProvider();
// You'll need to get an Autofac lifetime scope.
var autofacScope = provider.GetService<ILifetimeScope>();
// Use the Autofac constructs to create hierarchical lifetimes.
var unitOfWorkOutside = autofacScope.BeginLifetimeScope();
// And later have a sub-unit-of-work scope inside that...
var unitOfWorkInside = unitOfWorkOutside.BeginLifetimeScope();
// Now they're related so they'll share a hierarchy. If you dispose the outer scope...
// ...stuff in the inner scope will not resolve because you disposed its parent.
If you need a hierarchical lifetime scope now, you need to get the current request scope and manually create it. This means either resolving ILifetimeScope from an IServiceProvider or injecting ILifetimeScope into your controller and resolve things using service location.
Here's getting it from the service provider:
public class MyController
public IActionResult DoWork()
var requestScope = this.Context.RequestServices.GetService<ILifetimeScope>();
using var unitOfWorkScope = this._requestScope.BeginLifetimeScope();
var thing = unitOfWorkScope.Resolve<Thing>();
return thing.DoWork();
Here's injecting ILifetimeScope into the controller:
public class MyController
private ILifetimeScope _requestScope;
public MyController(ILifetimeScope requestScope)
this._requestScope = requestScope;
public IActionResult DoWork()
using var unitOfWorkScope = this._requestScope.BeginLifetimeScope();
var thing = unitOfWorkScope.Resolve<Thing>();
return thing.DoWork();
In both cases, the request lifetime scope should be a child of the tenant scope. The only way to make a child of that child is to use Autofac directly.
Thanks for the reply.
I actually think my problem is/was elsewhere, but trying to figure it out :)
Apparently my current code is outdated, i believe.
I can see the code has followed an other "guide" from you (from 2017):
Autofac.Multitenant in an aspnet core application does not seem to resolve tenant scoped dependencies correctly
This means that my current code does not use:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
.UseServiceProviderFactory(new AutofacMultitenantServiceProviderFactory(MultitenantContainerSetup.ConfigureMultitenantCont
but instead follow the guide from 2017 with the "RequestMiddleware" etc.
services.Insert(0, new ServiceDescriptor(typeof(IStartupFilter), typeof(RequestStartupFilter), ServiceLifetime.Transient));
When following the code from the samples:
Then the AutofacMultitenantServiceProviderFactory has code like:
containerBuilder.Register(componentContext =>
var scope = componentContext.Resolve<MultitenantContainer>().GetCurrentTenantScope();
var autofacChildLifetimeScopeServiceProviderFactory =
new AutofacChildLifetimeScopeServiceProviderFactory(scope);
var adapter =
autofacChildLifetimeScopeServiceProviderFactory.CreateBuilder(new ServiceCollection());
var serviceProvider =
var factory = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IServiceScopeFactory>();
return new MultitenantServiceScopeFactoryAdapter(factory);
Maybe its this code that solves the tenant-scope issue?
Because if I just upgrade my application to use the newest packages, then ParentLifetimeScope will always be "root", but if using the samples then ParentLifetimeScope is "tenantLifetime" and then my "PerTenant" registrations can be resolved from ParentLifetimeScope
Does any of this makes sense? :)
Obviously I want to re-write my current code to use the new .NET 6 samples, but I too want to understand what the difference is
MAUI has dependency injection setup similar to what ASP.NET Core has in the Startup.cs class. This one is set in MauiProgram.cs file by default.
My question is: How can I get a service instance in this file after services registration? I guess, one solution will be the following, but then I must edit this code also if the constrctors of these services change during time:
var keyValueStore = new PreferencesKeyValueStore();
var accountService = new AccountService(keyValueStore);
var profileService = new ProfileService(keyValueStore);
//Here now I can use accountService and profileService to do something
I can not find more elegant solution that will return the service instance for me from the DI container. Something like:
builder.Services.AddSingleton<IKeyValueStore, PreferencesKeyValueStore>();
builder.Services.AddSingleton<IAccountService, AccountService>;
builder.Services.AddSingleton<IProfileService, ProfileService>();
//Now I can't perform something like: var accountService = diContainer.GetInstance<IAccountService>(); or similar.
I don't know how to reach di container and ask it to provide me registered instance.
Actually, the documentation provided a simple way to do so.
Check it here
They recommended to use the Handler property of any object of type Element, there you can write the code :
// Considering you want to resolve a service from your custom interface IMyService
var service = this.Handler.MauiContext.Services.GetService<IMyService>();
// Then you can use the resolved service..
But there are some issues, personally it never worked for me, the Handler property may be null because of the lifecycle of the Element you are calling it on.
To avoid this issue, use a full line like:
var service = Application.Current.MainPage
// Then you can use the resolved service..
This works fine for me
Hope it helps you ..
We have the following code to configure the recieveEndpoint:
private Action<IServiceBusReceiveEndpointConfigurator> GetReceiveEndpointConfigurator(IEnumerable<Type> consumerTypes)
return c =>
c.EnableDeadLetteringOnMessageExpiration = true;
c.SubscribeMessageTopics = false;
c.MaxDeliveryCount = 3;
c.EnableDeadLetteringOnMessageExpiration = true;
c.UseRetry(Retry.Exponential(3, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)));
foreach (var consumerType in consumerTypes)
c.Consumer(consumerType, p => _componentContext.Resolve(p));
All of our consumers are autodiscovered through reflection once our application starts up. We have a DbContext that we want to use in many of our consumers. The problem we face is that the DbContext is disposed due to it being registered as InstancePerLifetimeScope. More details here:
AspNet Core Autofac disposing my DbContext even if its registered as SingleInstance
Two suggestions came from this post:
Register the DbContext as InstancePerDependency
Create a new Scope within the consumer to start a new LifetimeScope
The first suggestion wont work in our application as we have a UnitOfWork which triggers the SaveChangesAsync on the DbContext. The result would be that the Repository and the UnitOfWork will get two different instances of the DbContext and SaveChangesAsync will not persist our changes as the ChangeTracker has no changes in the UnitOfWork implementation, but these changes belongs to the instance in the Repository.
The second suggestion works perfectly. Within my Consumer I create a new LifetimeScope and resolves the components that I need:
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<RetailerCreatedEvent> context)
using (var scope = _serviceProvider.CreateScope())
var unitOfWork = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IUnitOfWork<MyDbContext>>();
It works, but it doesn't look that good.
Is there a way to start a new LifetimeScope before the Consumer triggers? Or should I rewrite my UnitOfWork-pattern to ensure that the same DbContext is being reused in the Repositories and the UnitOfWork?
Suggestions are much appreciated
You need to use the MassTransit.Autofac package to resolve your consumers, which will use the AutofacScopeProvider (part of the package) to create a lifetime scope and resolve your consumer.
The documentation shows the configuration, including how to automatically discover your consumers via scanning and add them to MassTransit.
Your consumers shouldn't have any container code in them using this package, they should just add DbContext as a constructor dependency and let Autofac do the work.
How to replicate this code with Autofac syntax?
public static class MenuConfig
public static void Initialize()
var _menuService = DependecyFactory.GetInstance<IMenuService>();
Parameters.Menu = _menuService.Menu();
Before calling this a "duplicate question" please note that I'm looking for an Autofac command. I CANNOT inject the interface anywhere and then call "Resolve". What I need to is perform an "InstancePerRequest" inline and uninjected so I don't have to do this:
var _service = new Service(new Dependency(new context()));
LightInject has a method that allows instantiation from an interface OUTSIDE of a constructor like this:
var _service = DependecyFactory.GetInstance<IService>();
What is the equivalent method for Autofac?
When calling containerBuilder.Build() you get back a container which implements IContainer and ILifetimeScope, whenever you get hold of one of these interfaces, you can resolve types from it:
If you want this container to be static, you could add the container as a static property to the Program or Startup class (depending if you're creating a Console or ASP.NET application).
Remember that the root container will be around for the entire duration of your application, so this can result in unwanted memory leaks when used incorrectly. Also see the warning in the documentation.
Still, it's perfectly possible to do the memory management yourself by resolving an Owned<> version from your interface:
using (var service = Program.Container.Resolve<Owned<IService>>())
Anyway, since you mention a static class in the comments, the best solution is to change that into a non-static class and register it as a singleton with Autofac. Then you can inject a Func<Owned<IService>> serviceFactory into that singleton and create/dispose an instance of the service wherever you need it.
using (var service = serviceFactory())
This is simply not possible with Autofac. All other solutions involving Autofac will require code refactoring which may potentially break software functionality. So unfortunately, the most elegant and least disruptive solution is this:
var _service = new Service(new Dependency(new context()));
Since this is an edge case addressing only one part of the software, this compromise is acceptable. It would be nice, however, if Autofac implemented this functionality in some future release.
I have an application that creates a lifetime scope at some point like so:
public class Main
public void Main()
using (ILifetimeScope scope = AutofacContainer.Container.BeginLifetimeScope())
Within SomeClass I have logic which then calls a lot of different classes and so on..
Then, about 10 methods down the call stack I need to use the main scope to do this:
public class ActivatorFactory : IActivatorFactory
public T Create<T>(Type instance)
using (ILifetimeScope scope = AutofacContainer.Container.BeginLifetimeScope())
return (T)scope.Resolve(instance);
The problem with that is that now I've created a new scope which is just used to resolve a runtime type. I want to be able to use the main scope to resolve this type. How can I do so without passing the main scope down to this factory class through 10 different methods/functions?
The only "hacky" solution I thought of is to just have a static property on my ActivatorFactory and set the scope in my Main class like so:
public class Main
public void Main()
using (ILifetimeScope scope = AutofacContainer.Container.BeginLifetimeScope())
ActivatorFactory.Scope = scope;
Is there a cleaner solution to use the main scope in another part of my application?
I had this need for a CancellationTokenSource instance per lifetime scope, where children are linked to their parent. If the the root scope's CancellationTokenSource, is canceled, all children lifetime scope's CancellationToken are canceled. To accomplish this, I created:
private sealed class ParentLifetimeScopeAccessor
private readonly ILifetimeScope _lifetimeScope;
public ParentLifetimeScopeAccessor(ILifetimeScope lifetimeScope)
_lifetimeScope = lifetimeScope;
_lifetimeScope.ChildLifetimeScopeBeginning += OnChildLifetimeScopeBeginning;
public ILifetimeScope ParentLifetimeScope { get; private set; }
private void OnChildLifetimeScopeBeginning(object sender, LifetimeScopeBeginningEventArgs e) =>
e.LifetimeScope.Resolve<ParentLifetimeScopeAccessor>().ParentLifetimeScope = _lifetimeScope;
With a registration, you can now access your parent's scope:
With the parent lifetime scope accessor, linked CancellationTokenSource instances can be created:
private static CancellationTokenSource CancellationTokenSourceFactory(IComponentContext context)
var scopeAccessor = context.Resolve<ParentLifetimeScopeAccessor>();
var parentScope = scopeAccessor.ParentLifetimeScope;
return null == parentScope
? new CancellationTokenSource()
: CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(parentScope.Resolve<CancellationTokenSource>().Token);
CancellationToken resolver:
private static CancellationToken CancellationTokenResolver(IComponentContext context) =>
Two registrations:
If you're not using ActivatorFactory for your app (and you shouldn't be if you're using inversion of control) then delete it and think about what you're trying to test.
Are you trying to test that you can generally just resolve things from Autofac? Autofac has a raft of unit tests as well as millions of successful users. No value in testing the framework.
Are you trying to test that you registered all the things you needed to register? There's not a lot of value in that, either, for a couple of reasons: first, you'll hit that at runtime pretty quickly and see it in those tests; second, in a large, decoupled system those tests get really stale really quickly. It's a maintenance hassle.
Are you trying to test that a specific object graph can be composed based on your registrations? I might buy this one. See below.
Let's say it's the last thing - you have a really complex and troublesome object graph you want to ensure you can create because people keep breaking it. I could see that.
Separate your registrations out into an Autofac module. Use the Autofac module to test.
public class MyRegistrations : Autofac.Module
protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
// and all your other registrations.
then in the unit test
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
var container = builder.Build();
var thing = container.Resolve<Thing>();
// Assert on the resolved thing.
You can use that same module to encapsulate your registrations in the app and then you'll actually be testing the complex registration but without a factory you're not using.
Warning: It is a slippery slope between testing some complex registration and testing all registrations. Like I said, you really don't want to test every registration you have. I've fallen down this slope. It's a maintenance nightmare. Add a registration to the module/app, add a test. Uh oh, we refactored, now the registrations are all different. Ugh. That's less testing about behavior than about characterization (not "what do I want it to do" but "what does it do now"). Pain. Suffering.
If you are using ActivatorFactory in your app for, say, service location instead of using some more standard thing like CommonServiceLocator that already does that for you and for which Autofac already directly integrates... then just test ActivatorFactory with a real container but with some arbitrary test registrations rather than the whole set from the real app. The functionality of ActivatorFactory doesn't have any bearing on what's registered inside it.
And, yeah, if you're using ActivatorFactory and need to keep it around, you'll have to hand it an ILifetimeScope at app startup. That's how service locators work. You'll see that all over in the Autofac docs when you look at how to integrate with apps like ASP.NET, WCF, and others.
I am trying to set up my AutoFac registration in such a way that this test passes:
public void Autofac_registration_test()
// Given
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
var container = builder.Build();
// When
var firstHub = container.Resolve<Hub>();
var secondHub = container.Resolve<Hub>();
// Then
i.e. I want to use the same Context object all the way down within a single Hub, but use a different one when a new Hub is created.
RegisterServices is currently just:
private void RegisterServices(ContainerBuilder builder)
builder.RegisterType<Context>(); // How should I scope this?
Which fails at firstHub.FooRepo.Context.Should().Be(firstHub.BarRepo.Context); because Context is transiently scoped.
But scoping context per lifetime also fails, this time at firstHub.FooRepo.Context.Should().NotBe(secondHub.FooRepo.Context);.
It feels like this is a reasonable thing to want to do, so am I missing anything obvious out-of-the-box here?
Or will I have to do something manual to track Hub creation?
(For context, this is for a SignalR app. Hubs are created per SignalR request, so this was an attempt to match the unit-of-work lifetime of an HTTP request in normal webby situations).
What #Steven said in his comment was correct, I needed a per-object-graph lifestyle.
Castle.Windsor supports this, so I swicthed to using that for my dependency injection instead of AutoFac. The registration now looks like:
container.Register(Component.For<Context>().LifestyleBoundTo<Hub>()); // Important bit
For more information, see: http://docs.castleproject.org/Windsor.LifeStyles.ashx?HL=scope#Bound_8